31 May 2015


The Unknowable, Ineffable All creates but It also delegates the task of Creation to its creatures (see God, Inc.)

Logos: A Logos is the center of a system of creation. Its will is in harmony with The All and it faithfully carries out the Divine Plan of Evolution. There are Planetary, Solar, Galactic and Universal Logoi. There are probably ones that extend beyond those descriptions. A Solar Logos may have one or more planets subject to It. Most of the stars that one can see in the night sky are Solar Logoi. This means that they have at least one planet with sentient life orbiting it. That life may not be visible to the physical eye because that life may be manifesting in a different realm, or density, of matter (i.e., etheric, astral, etc.).

Cosmocreaters: These are beings who have the knowledge and ability to create life-forms. The ancient language refers to these beings as Elohim. These beings work in service of the Logos and create according to the requirements of the Divine Plan of Evolution. A sample of their work can be examined in a symbolic and summarized form in The Book of Genesis, where each of the Seven 'Days' actually encompasses many billions of years.

The following verses are excerpted from Genesis to illustrate two things:

1. how cunning is the work of those who secretly conspired to mutilate the Holy Language
2. how the defilement is so subtle as to go virtually unnoticed

In Genesis, Chapter 1, God creates the heavens, the earth, all creatures, then Man. Not the human image-bearer of today, but the true Original Divine Man.

"Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness - Gen 1:26".

The use of the plurals "us" and "our" is proof that, although in modern Bibles the singular spelling of 'God' is used in this verse, the original plural meaning still remains from the Hebrew translation, which used the word 'Elohim' instead. "In our image and likeness" indicates that the Divine Elohim created beings that were also Divine in nature.

The very next verse reads: "So God created man in his own image, male and female he created them Gen 1:27" Here, the translators return to the use of the 'God' in the singular but that is not what is important. What's important is the segment that states, "male and female he created them". This statement has been taken to mean that The All created men and women as separate beings. This is not the true case. It means that Original Man was created to include both polarities, male (positive) and female (negative). The result was a hermaphroditic, self-creating Divine being, one that did not require sexual intercourse with a mate of opposite polarity to re-generate. Again, clever sentence construction and the lack of true teachers to interpret the Holy Language has resulted in very serious errors in understanding.

Now for the final major deception embedded in the Book of Genesis. This writer refers to it as "the Second Creation" because in Genesis, Chapter 2, after the Elohim had completed the Seven 'Days' of Creation in Chapter 1, some other 'God' comes along and creates another heaven-earth along with a natural, aeonic race of men:

"And the Lord God formed Adam out of the soil of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being Gen 2:7".


Wait a minute. We just saw that the Elohim, in service of the Divine Plan of Evolution, had already created the hermaphroditic, self-creating, Divine, Original Man. Now we are presented with the exploits of a "Lord God". Please note: the creative entity in Genesis Chapter 2 is not the same as the entity in Genesis Chapter 1.

So, who is this "Lord God" and what did he create? Genesis Chapter 2 chronicles the creation of an un-divine human being, earthly man. A being created not in the pure, Divine image of the Elohim but from the clay of the earth and the "breath of life" (the vital prana obtained from the Sun and retained in the etheric double). This "Lord God" appears to be some other Cosmocreator (often referred to as "the demiurge") and this chapter records the creation of the physical human being as well as the separation of the sexes.

Biblical references aside, it must be made clear that the physical universe, the 7th Cosmic Domain, was intended to be a laboratory of sorts, a field of creation where Higher Beings, in service of the Divine Plan of Evolution, would work to create assorted life-forms in relative freedom and autonomy. These higher beings, these Cosmocreators, were to work with the substance of the material world while at the same time keeping themselves separate and apart from it. Think of it as standing over a large pool of water where you are allowed to put your hands in up to the elbow and build whatever you want under the water, but are forbidden to enter the pool itself.

Unfortunately, something happened during this process of Divine creation. Some of the Cosmocreators voluntarily entered the 'pool' in order to become one with their creations. Because of the strong magnetic pull of duality they were subsequently unable to extricate themselves and became trapped. This is what has been referred to since ancient times as 'the Fall of Man'. It is Original Man that is referred to here. A second group of their brothers, in an act of supreme mercy, followed shortly thereafter in order to do what was necessary to rescue them. This effort is referred to as the Divine Plan of Salvation of which the Universal Doctrines of Transfiguration and the Path of Return are significant components.

In closing, one should recognize that there are entities in this universe capable of creating human life-forms. This is a Divine responsibility entrusted to those who are linked with The All although there are entities who have managed to appropriate some of this knowledge in order to misuse it for their own selfish purposes.

~ g

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