17 May 2015

The Kingdom Within

"The Kingdom of God is within you".

Many read these words with little understanding as to their deep meaning. They may pretend to understand, but invariably, they do not. This post will attempt to make it clear. First, an excerpt from The Coming New Man, by Jan van Rijckenborgh.


Now an idea, as a creative energy, remains connected with its manifestation. This is a primal law. Thus the Divine Idea is constantly active in all Its manifestations. But as soon as the manifested being, the creature, no longer behaves in accordance with this Idea, a conflict, a rift occurs, impending doom threatens. First the Idea becomes latent in the creature and lapses into inactivity. If the creature continues on the fatal path of the counter-nature and becomes more and more split up, then the initially still latent Divine Idea gradually becomes weaker and finally disappears from the creature's system altogether.

In this manner a state of absolute perdition can be established by natural scientific method and so, too, it is understandable why 'all those who know' jubilate when, in any creature, the latent Divine Idea is re-awakened and takes the lead in his life again. Only to such a person it can be said: 'Verily I say unto you, the Kingdom of God is within you'.

Possibly, this requires some explanation. 'The Kingdom of God', in the sense as applied here, is the Spirit-spark atom already mentioned. Whoever possesses this Spirit-spark atom, whoever still possesses it, has the Kingdom of God within him; that is to say that God's Idea of the Immovable Kingdom has sunken into a state of latency within him. And the only purpose of the Universal Brotherhood is to awaken this Divine, primal atom out of its latent condition. If this process of salvation is successful in a pupil, a great primordial power is released within him and he is able to tread the Path to the Immovable Kingdom.

From "God - Archetype - Man", The Coming New Man - Jan van Rijckenborgh


People are constantly asking, "Where is God"? When told that God is within them, an element of disbelief surfaces. How can the Divine, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient One be found within the sinful ('sin' means error, not 'evil'), selfish, weak and sorrowful me? We struggle to figure out why, if God is within us, He does not show Himself to us. Perhaps the following analogy will help.

Imagine that there exists a glittering diamond of tremendous beauty. Wherever it is exposed to light, the light is reflected. Its facets gleam and sparkle in the manner we have come to know. Now imagine that the diamond is placed in a pit and several feet of soil is shoveled over it. The diamond is buried under the weight of the soil. It cannot receive light, it cannot reflect light. It still possesses these capabilities, but they cannot manifest themselves because of the soil that stands between it and the light. It's power of reflection sinks into latency.

We carry such a diamond within our microcosm. It is what we call the Spirit-spark atom. This single, tiny atom is the only part of us that is Divine. It is the portion of God that each of us carries within. It persists from one incarnation to the next, which is why it is also sometimes called the Permanent Atom. Our Divine Diamond, our Spirit-spark atom, has been buried under our cloak of matter. The more selfish and self-focused we are, the more "soil" we pile upon our Divine atom. The only way to free it from its prison and allow it to once again interact with the Divine Light, is to remove all of the "soil" we have heaped upon it over many thousands of lives.

To do this, we must focus away from ourselves and cease to live as if we were the center of the universe. Unselfishness, selfless service-to-others and gaining insight into the Transfiguristic process are the tasks we must take up in order to reawaken the Divine Spirit-spark atom within us. That single atom contains the Divine Archetype, the lines-of-force representing the Divine Idea. It contains everything we need to become Children of God once again. Once the Rosebud is awakened, it will slowly bloom into a Rose, a Rose with seven petals. Its Light will seek and find the Divine Light, because it has a natural affinity with the Divine Light. Our lost connection with The All will then be re-established, liberation from matter will be assured.

So, seek not without for That Which Lies Within.

~ g

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