27 November 2015


The Divine Radiations from the Sixth Cosmic Domain are of a much higher vibration than anything here on the physical plane, the Seventh Cosmic Domain. Ordinarily, the Sixth does not, cannot, mix with the Seventh. Only during special periods of time, times of harvest at the end of major world cycles, do these Divine Radiations become more readily available to humanity.
A sort of "step-down" occurs, where the frequency of the lowest vibrations of the Divine Kingdom drops to a level that just about matches the very highest vibrations of our physical realm. This gives those who have prepared themselves the ability to form a link with the Divine Kingdom. At some definite point, the Divine Radiations will then withdraw, taking with it all those Souls who were able to avail themselves of its Mercy.
As Above, So Below. The action is similar to that of a water spout, which, as its vortex descends towards the surface of the sea, attracts water upwards until both meet. If we wish to take advantage of the Grace of an Age, we must work to raise the vibration of our auric being to the highest level possible for a nature-born human. If we can do that, the Divine Plan of the Logos will do the rest. 
~ g

17 November 2015

Seek Without Rest

"Let not him who Seeks...cease until he finds. And when he finds, he shall be astonished; Astonished, he shall reach the Kingdom, and having reached the Kingdom, he shall rest".

15 November 2015

The Universe From Nothing

Cosmologist Stephen Hawking and others maintain that the Universe created itself from nothing.

This idea, birthed by the ratiocination of flawed human minds, highlights the atheistic, ego-driven belief system that permeates "modern science". It throws a spotlight on the fact that scientists are some of the stupidest human-beings alive, with celebrated fools like Hawking leading the way.

Modern scientists consistently err when it comes to matters of cosmology because:

1. They refuse to acknowledge the existence of the One God, The Source, First Cause, The Prime Mover
2. They exalt themselves as the perfection of perfections
3. They cannot accept that there could possibly be something greater than man

This is what happens when man bases his complex theorizing solely on what he can observe with his physical eyes, or imagine with his physical brain. This is what happens when man, in haughty pride, distances himself from The All, from the One True God.

 All Things must come from Some Thing. Some Thing cannot come from No Thing. Some Thing must already exist within Something Greater, which gives birth to it. That Something Greater is The All, the Infinitely Existing Consciousness that has always existed and will always exist.

Many human minds cannot even come close to apprehending the concept of an Infinitely Existing Consciousness. Thinking shuts down when they ask themselves the question: "How can Some Thing have always existed??"  This is the one question that physical man cannot answer. That's okay. What happened before the Beginning is Unknowable. Accept it and move on from there.

These scientists also maintain that the "Laws of Physics" are responsible for the creation of the Universe. Again, stupidity. How can you have a Law without a Law-Giver?

It would be better for the scientific community to sometimes just say that they don't know, rather than conjure up ridiculous theories that conspicuously ignore the existence of an Infinitely Existing Consciousness. But their job is to pretend to know, to place themselves as your "authorities" and then give you stones for bread.

Live not as those who live in the vanity of their mind. They are darkened in their understanding, excluded from the Life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart; - Ephesians 4:17-18

~ g

14 November 2015

Like Fish



For this reason, then, we do not sleep nor do we forget the nets that are spread out in hiding, lying in wait for us to catch. For if we are caught in a single net, it will suck us down into its mouth, while the water flows over us, striking our face. And we will be taken down into the dragnet, and we will not be able to come up from it because the waters are high over us, flowing from above downwards, submerging our heart down in the filthy mud. And we will not be able to escape from them. For man-eaters will seize us and swallow us, rejoicing like a fisherman casting a hook into the water. For he casts many kinds of food. He smells it and pursues its odor. But when he eats it, the hook hidden within the food seizes him and brings him up by force out of the deep waters. No man is able, then, to catch that fish down in the deep waters, except for the trap that the fisherman sets. By the ruse of food he brought the fish up on the hook.

In this very way we exist in this world, like fish. The Adversary spies on us, lying in wait for us like a fisherman, wishing to seize us, rejoicing that he might swallow us. For he placed many foods before our eyes, things which belong to this world. He wishes to make us desire one of them and to taste only a little, so that he may seize us with his hidden poison and bring us out of Freedom and take us into slavery. For whenever he catches us with a single food, it is indeed necessary for us to desire the rest. Finally, then, such things become the Food of Death.

Now these are the foods with which the Adversary lies in wait for us: First he injects a pain into your heart until you have a heartache on account of a small thing in this life, and he seizes you with his poisons. And afterwards he injects the desire of a tunic so that you will pride yourself in it, and love of money, pride, vanity, envy that rivals another envy, beauty of body, fraudulence. The greatest of all these are ignorance and ease.

Now all such things the Adversary prepares beautifully and spreads out before the body, wishing to make the mind of the Soul incline her toward one of them and overwhelm her, like a hook, drawing her by force into ignorance, deceiving her until she conceives evil, and bears fruits of matter, and conducts herself in uncleanness, pursuing many desires, covetousness, while fleshly pleasures draw her into ignorance.

But the Soul -- she who has tasted these things -- realized that sweet passions are transitory. She had learned about evil: she went away from them and entered into a new conduct. Afterwards, she despises this life, because it is transitory. And she looks for those Foods that will take her into Life, and leaves behind her those deceitful foods. And she learns about her Light, as she goes about stripping off this world, while her True Garment clothes her within, and her Bridal clothing is placed upon her in Beauty of Mind, not in pride of flesh. And she learns about her depth and runs into her fold, while her Shepherd stands at the door. In return for all the shame and scorn, then, that she received in this world, she receives ten thousand times the Grace and Glory.

From "Authoritative Teaching" - The Nag Hammadi Library (Codex VI, Tractate 3) - translated by George W. McRae


Fairly self-explanatory for those on the Path with ears to hear.

~ g

13 November 2015

Piety In Action


What should we do to achieve a correct balance with the primordial gnostic law and receive the key to liberating Life? Hermes says that we, who live in a world of physical phenomena, should try to penetrate to what's behind them. Then we will understand. Then you will understand your fellow man and be able to help them. You must try to obtain knowledge of how it happened that man fell and degenerated to this present state of life and behavior. Once you possess this wisdom, which is not intellectual knowledge but first-hand inner wisdom, as a property that streams throughout your whole being and which you cannot ignore, you will love your neighbor -- that is, mankind as a whole -- and you will also understand the nobility of your deeper self.

To come to this wisdom you will have to lead, as Hermes put it, a God-serving life, you will have to become pious. "He who is truly pious will love wisdom beyond all measure, for without love of wisdom it is impossible to reach the highest piety".

So we have to ask ourselves what piety means as a way to arrive at wisdom, as a method of raising us to the Arch-Gnosis.

The answer might appear to be simple and you could say: "I know what piety is, I know perfectly well what it means". But do you really know what a God-serving and pious life is?

When we speak of a pious life, we often think too much of what is considered to be a religious life. Throughout the centuries many mystics have buried us under various statements concerning piety. Such virtue is considered to be connected with the life of religious people who fulfill their religious duties faithfully and conscientiously.

There are millions of such people and there always have been. But, where then is the Truth, the liberating Truth which must necessarily be the result of a pious life?

He who clings to a certain religious form of expression or associates with a habitual pupilship will unavoidably crystallize. Because of this crystallization it will become increasingly difficult for the Light to approach such a pupil. Therefore, this kind of pupilship, as it is sometimes understood, involves an enormous danger.

As soon as the foundation stone has been laid, building must begin. The building must rise into space. Something will have to be realized which did not previously exist, and when it is realized it must be used. Consequently, religiosity and devoutness are entirely different from piety. We are told that the key to becoming a True Man lies in piety, that is, in the courage to persevere in the face of impediments, against all opposition, to persevere in spite of what people may say and in spite of the situations and difficulties that may be gathering around you.

If you cannot summon up this courage, if you do not possess this perseverance, if you do not desire to break through, you will never attain wisdom, never arrive at love for mankind in the sense of the primordial law of the Gnosis. To "love God above all" means to persevere in spite of everything, even if it sometimes does not suit you with respect to your everyday life. The wisdom that is of God will come to you if you show this courage of conviction constantly. Then you will have passed the gate. If you really dare to entrust yourself to the mighty Light-field of the Gnosis, in perfect sincerity, and push all the difficulties aside without accepting them, without acknowledging them, you will have passed the gate.

Being a pious and devout person in the gnostic sense differs entirely from being a religious person. A religious person recognizes and accepts a deity in the same way as a citizen recognizes and accepts a government. He shows a certain reverence for and a proper gratitude to his god; he performs his religious duties but otherwise he remains in bondage, completely of the earth. He celebrates the great days of the Christian year; he knows the church festivals, his religious anniversaries; he remembers Jesus the Lord in His dying and resurrection. However, it will never occur to hmi that he has to follow Him in His dying and that he can, even must, participate in His resurrection.

It is precisely in this respect that real gnostic pupilship stands or falls. The hermetic philosophy tries to make it clear that by devotion, by the courage of piety, it is you yourself who hold your salvation, your sanctification in your own hands. He who realizes and experiences this will give his speechless thanks to the Divine Architect. The original principle of self-freemasonry is that everyone is capable of placing the imperishable building of his own salvation on the one foundation stone. You should understand that, no matter what the circumstances may be, it is given to every human-being to walk the Path of Return. Everyone, without exception can do so. However, the problem is that theoretical knowledge of this possibility is not at all liberating. You must put theory into practice. You must bring to life the possibilities granted to you through the courage of piety.

The aim of piety is to be resurrected in the nature-of-death., without being part of it any longer, through soul-birth and its results. This means to celebrate the real Easter event, a personal, everlasting Easter festival; to be in the world but no longer of the world.

From Chapters IX and X - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. II - Jan van Ricjkenborgh


It is not enough for us to stand in one place after obtaining gnostic insight into man's plight and the Path of Return. We must endeavor to learn what is expected of us, required of us and then undertake to live those requirements, every minute, every hour, every day. A complete and total reversal of the personality vehicles is what must take place in order for the power of the Rose to grow and develop.

Many reach this point in their journey and stop in their tracks, thinking to themselves "I now know it all. I have found The Great Secret! My quest is over. Here I will rest". No! The opening of the Rosebud, although it represent a glorious new chapter in the life of the Candidate so fortunate, is but a beginning. The insight and knowledge gained must be put to use; the Light received must be shed for others. It is from here that we proceed from power to power and from glory to glory.

Never stop working towards the Good End. The Path of Return is not a place of rest. It is a way of action. If one remembers this and above all truly practices piety in action, the rewards will flow effortlessly, to be shared with all those who are still in darkness.

~ g

05 November 2015

The Woman In The Red Dress

There is a scene in the movie The Matrix where Neo (the Seeker, the Candidate on the Path) is being briefed as to the nature of the Matrix. In the movie, the Matrix represents duality, the physical domain, the nature-of-death, the aeon-world.

As Neo moves along in a crowd of humans hurrying to and fro in that anxiously pointless way that sleeping humans have, he notices an attractive woman in a red dress. He is immediately distracted and begins to stare at the woman, who has locked eyes with him in an alluring manner. His guide, who has been instructing Neo regarding the inner workings of the Matrix, speaks:

"Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?"

Embarrassed, Neo does not answer.

His guide says "Look again".

When Neo returns his gaze to the woman in the red dress, he is surprised to see that she is no longer there. Her place has been taken by an "Agent" (the "Agents" represent the archons, or rulers of this nature-order). The Agent has an automatic pistol in his hand and has taken dead aim at Neo. Before the Agent can pull the trigger, the scene is frozen. Fortunately for Neo, it turns out that the entire scenario was a simulation designed to provide a teaching moment. He learns that the aim of the training program was to teach him one important lesson:

"If you are not one of us, you are one of them."

The Woman In The Red Dress, as well as everything else in the highly allegorical film The Matrix, is a symbolic representation of something deeper. As the Matrix itself represents the world of the rulers and Neo (as in "New" man) represents the Candidate on the Path, the Woman In The Red Dress represents the alluring glamour of the physical world that traps and ensnares so many candidates on the Path. These distractions can be anything ranging from the obvious (sex, narcotics, desire for wealth, power and fame) to such seemingly innocuous things as religion, family ties, professional pursuits, desire for safety, comfort and security.

These things and many more are the aim and one goal of so many sleeping human beings. With the direction of their life so rigidly focused on the Woman In The Red Dress, they are unable to see through the façade and thus unable to break free of the Matrix. The Woman In The Red Dress is their reality. It is everything they feel will be needed in order for them to obtain 'happiness' in this world. And so, open-mouthed, they stop and stare at her sham-beauty not realizing that she is but a disguise for the archons and aeons of this nature-order. They cannot see that there is a gun pointed at them loaded with a bullet that is marked with their name.

The Woman In The Red Dress is also a distraction for those who have awakened and are trying to walk the Gnostic Path of Return. We acknowledge that it is extremely difficult for the candidate to disengage from the physical attractions of this world. After all, prior to locating the Path, this nature-order was all that the candidate knew. It was his or her reality in which he or she was totally immersed. So it takes a bit of time to begin to see what is beneath all of that glamour. Let it be known that beneath every physical treat is a trick. Beneath the trappings of this world are the workings of the archons and aeons of this nature. Their job, their only occupation, is to keep the candidate transfixed, hypnotized and paralyzed by the Lie that is the physical world.

Therefore, Candidate on the Path, do not fall victim to the gaze of the Woman In The Red Dress. She is a trick, an illusion. She is an agent of the aeons of this nature-order and an enemy of the Gnosis who means you nothing but harm. No matter what the situation, always look beneath what is being presented to you in the physical realm. By remaining vigilant in this regard, you will be able to unmask the agents who are plotting your demise before they can pull the trigger.

~ g