20 August 2017


The following is posted in response to a question posed by reader JM.

Astronomical events are not a main focus of this writer. That said, what follows will attempt to bring some perspective to what is scheduled to take place on 21 August 2017.

One should always return to the past if one wishes to search for a sliver of truth. Eclipses are not a new phenomenon, although you wouldn't be able to tell that by the excessive hype that is taking place in the United States at this time. Man was once quite familiar with them and their effects. By most accounts, these effects were not characterized in a positive light. Eclipses were considered to be evil and were also believed to be an omen or foretelling of future negative events.

As with most things involving ancient races and civilizations, the "authorities" of current mankind dismiss this long-held knowledge as superstition and myth. They want you to believe that, for the most part, those who went before us were ignorant savages who had no understanding and were afraid of their own shadows. Our so-called "authorities" maintain that in order for the ancients to manage their cluelessness and fear, they invented stories about evil portents and dark omens.

Consider the fact that everything that we are taught, from grade school to grad school, has been carefully compiled by the agents of the aeons of this nature to deceive and mislead mankind into accepting the false premise that civilization began a mere few thousand years ago. All evidence to the contrary is suppressed, debunked, or assiduously ignored. They do not want you to even remotely entertain the possibility that higher and more advanced civilizations than the one we currently experience in have preceded us, and had expansive knowledge about things that current humanity can only guess at. Please do not fall for their game. Be advised that earthly education is of little value to all earthlings. It shuts you off from the Truth of things and serves only to breed more robotic minions ready to "take their place in society" and keep the machine going for the archons that control the earth-spheres.

Pardon the digression. We shall now get to the point of this post.

The Sun is the Source of Life in this solar system. Without the Sun vigilantly radiating its life-sustaining energies to all corners of this solar system, the different kingdoms of life on all of the planets, visible and invisible, would not exist. The Sun, which is the physical representation of the Logos of this solar system, is indispensable in regards to life in this solar system. It does not take anything from humanity. It is a Giver of Life only. That is one of its main duties and it fulfills that duty every second without interruption. The Sun cannot "take a holiday". It cannot say, "Man, am I ever tired of this Life-Giving stuff. I think I'll take a few months off". One can only imagine the effect that such a decision would have on all of the kingdoms of life on this planet, and others. Not only would physical death of all created things ensue, but the inner worlds would also be severely disturbed and/or damaged.

A total solar eclipse has the effect of interfering with the functioning of the Sun for a short period of time. During this short period of time, the moon acts as a barrier between the Sun and the earth, as it were. The Sun's Life-Giving rays are temporarily obstructed from reaching certain portions of the earth. Let's face it, nothing good can happen when the Sun is prevented from doing its Duty. What follows is darkness.

What is embedded in this darkness? First, remember that as the Source of all Life, the Sun is the provider of vitality to all created things. When it is obstructed in such a way, there is an interruption in the process of vital forces reaching the earth. This results in a weakening of man's subtle bodies (etheric, astral, mental) leaving him susceptible to lower-vibrating energies and entities. Man becomes like a soldier on the battlefield who puts down his shield and removes his armor. For a time, he is vulnerable and defenseless to a degree.

As we know, there are negative entities of all types hiding in the reflection-sphere who are constantly working to influence mankind in one way or another. Most of these attempts are selfish in nature and are a great detriment to humanity. An event such as a partial or total solar eclipse serves to temporarily "open a door" for nefarious energies and influences to wash over mankind without being mitigated by the power of the Sun's radiations.

Where there is no Light, Darkness rules.

The effects of a partial or total eclipse are long-lasting. The negative subtle energies distributed as a result of the event slowly radiate in all directions until the subtle spheres of the earth have been polluted by them, to a greater or lesser extent. These effects can linger for many months.

It is said that just before, during and after an eclipse, an individual may experience lethargy, tiredness, sickness etc. at a physical level. At the psychological level, there may be excess emotional and negative thoughts.

An aspect not discussed is the fact that the Sun has etheric, astral, mental bodies, as does man. These subtle bodies are also eclipsed on these finer, more attenuated planes of existence, and the result probably cannot be classified as "good".

It is interesting to note how the advance discussions regarding the 21 August 2017 eclipse have worked to push millions into a frenzy, of sorts. People are foolishly flocking to towns and cities that lie in the path of the eclipse, spending exorbitant sums for over-priced lodging and food. People are pitching tents and setting up lawn chairs on the side of highways, days in advance, just to get a glimpse of this event. Unknowingly, all are placing themselves in direct contact with celestial forces that they cannot possibly understand because their "authorities" have never bothered to help them understand.

For the candidate on the Path, all that can be said is: take little notice of what is about to occur. Do not get caught up in the hype. We have bigger fish to fry. Remain neutral, objective, unattached to any outcomes related to this event. Continue to monitor your thinking, willing and feeling. Our focus lies elsewhere. We are engaged in the task of purifying the microcosm and liberating the Other One from its long-standing imprisonment. Nothing should be allowed to obstruct or interfere with the Great Work that we are striving to accomplish.

~ g

18 August 2017

Don't Wait

"MARY continued again and said unto the Saviour: "My Lord, if the faith and the mysteries have revealed themselves, now, therefore, if souls come into the world in many circuits and are neglectful of receiving the mysteries, hoping that, if they come into the world at any other circuit they will receive them, will they not be in danger of not succeeding in receiving the mysteries?"

The Saviour answered and said unto His disciples: "Herald unto the whole world and say unto men: "Strive thereafter that you may receive the mysteries of the Light in this time of affliction and enter the  Light-kingdom. Join not one day to another, or one circuit to another, hoping that you may succeed in receiving the mysteries if you come into the world in another circuit.

"And these know not when the number of Perfect Souls will be at hand, for if the number of Perfect Souls shall be at hand, I will now shut the gates of the Light, and no one from this hour onwards will enter in, nor will anyone hereafter go forth, for the number of Perfect Souls is completed and the mystery of the First Mystery is completed, for the sake of which the universe hath arisen, -- that is, I am that Mystery.

"At that time then the Faith will reveal itself still more and the mysteries in those days. And many souls will come by means of the circuits of the changes of the body, and coming back into the world are some of those in this present time who have hearkened unto Me, how I taught, who at the completion of the number of Perfect Souls will find the mysteries of the Light and receive them and come to the gates of the Light and find that the number of Perfect Souls is complete, which is the completion of the First Mystery and the gnosis of the universe. And they will find that I have shut the gates of the Light and that it is impossible that anyone should enter therein or that any one should go forth from that hour.

"Those souls then will knock at the gates of the Light, saying: "Lord, open unto us! And I will answer unto them: I know you not, who are you? And they will say unto me: We have received of the mysteries and fulfilled the whole teaching and you have taught us on the High Ways. And I will answer and say unto them: I know you not, who you are, you who are doers of iniquity and of evil even up to now. Wherefore, go into the Outer Darkness, where there is howling and grinding of teeth.

"For this cause then, herald unto the whole world and say unto all men: 'Strive thereafter, to renounce the world and the whole matter therein, that you may receive the Mysteries of the Light before the number of Perfect Souls is completed, in order that they may not make you stop before the gates of Light and lead you away into the Outer Darkness.'

From "The Books of the Saviour" - Chapter 125 - Pistis Sophia

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If you are considering walking the Path of Return, or have begun to do so in fits and starts, heed the foregoing passage preserved in this ancient document for the benefit of all mankind. Do not hesitate, do not put off your decision. As stated here previously, even a sincere start, an honest and humble effort to make a fundamental reversal, surrender the self, adopt a new attitude of life, purify the microcosm and walk the Path of Return can assure the candidate of his or her place in Shamballa, which is the realm of pure Divine ethers preserved as a unbreakable vacuum within the confines of the earth-spheres. This astral-etheric region serves as a receiving-station for those who have begun the Great Work on earth.  It is here that they will pronounce the "Consummatum Est!" It is finished!

There are many entities waiting in this region right now, candidates of all races and of all ages from both recent times and the distant past who left the earth-sphere in the midst of walking the Path and were subsequently taken up into this Divine Waystation. There they endeavor to complete the Great Transformation without the hindrances of earth-life. Help beyond measure is provided. Those who have not yet achieved Liberation now await the time when "the number of Perfect Souls" will be reached.

The "number of Perfect Souls" is a reference to the critical mass of purified microcosms required to transform the Earth and her humanities. No one knows what this number is. We only know that we are moving closer to it. We can liken it to filling up a bucket with water. As the bucket fills, there is a chance that it will overflow if we do not stop at a certain point. As the bucket is filled to the brim, we observe that there is a tipping-point reached, a crown of water that sits precariously on top. We have reached the point where one more drop will cause the bucket to overflow and begin to spill.

We cannot put off our decision to walk the Path for another day, or for the next life. There is no guarantee that we will receive the same opportunities in a future life, or even tomorrow, as the end of tomorrow could find us dead and transitioning back to the reflection-sphere without having taken the First Step towards Liberation.

For those who are doubtful, unsure, half-hearted or play-acting, pay heed to the Silent Voice that has been calling to you from within. There is a reason that you, in this lifetime, were brought to this microcosmic "tipping-point". You do not have forever to make a decision. A decision must be made, and faith in the decision must be true. Tomorrow is not promised to you. Opportunities in future incarnations are not promised to you. You are here, this is now, and you...must...choose.

~ g

08 August 2017

The One True Idea Of God

The One True God is everywhere and can be known by man, to some degree. The One True God can be found in all trees, in all plants, in all rocks, in all soil, in all beasts, in all creatures, in all planets, stars, galaxies and universes. Most importantly, God lives within the microcosm of all those who carry a Divine Spark, be it asleep or awake.

The nature of God will be made known to us when we finally acknowledge that God is present in all things manifested and not manifested, animate and inanimate, and is waiting patiently for us to recognize and acknowledge that Presence.

It is Creator's Plan to be known by that which has been created.

The following from the ancient wisdom of the Corpus Hermeticum:

HERMES: "I will also explain to you in detail, O, Tat, the meaning of the following, so that your eyes may be opened to the mysteries of God, who is sublime beyond all name. Understand by inner vision, how He who seems to many invisible, will become for you, what is most manifest.

He would not really be if He were not invisible, for all that is visible has been brought into being, has once been made manifest.

However, what cannot be perceived exists in all Eternity; It has no need to manifest Itself. It is Eternal and makes all other things manifest.

It makes all things manifest without Itself being manifested; It brings forth without Itself being brought forth; It does not show Itself in any perceptible form, but gives perceptible form to all things.

Only what has been created has a perceptible appearance. Indeed, birth or genesis is nothing else than entering the range of what is Visible.

Consequently, the One-Without-Birth is both without perceptible appearance and invisible; but as He gives form to all things, He becomes visible through and in everything, and especially in those to whom He wishes to manifest Himself."

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You are encouraged to contemplate, reflect upon and to move towards complete understanding of the foregoing.

~ g

07 August 2017

A Dip Into Matter

The above diagram is taken from the Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, authored by Max Heindel. It provides a description of the average human life-cycle, from birth into the physical, to death in the physical, to the journey through the astral, mental and causal regions of the reflection-sphere and back to physical birth.

You'll note that man spends the smallest amount of time in physical incarnation. That is because if man were to live more than 72 years, say, two hundred three hundred years, think of the damage that could be done by selfish humans with that much time on their hands. When man has sufficiently matured spiritually, only then will the life-span be increased. For now, only a short dip into Matter is allowed for each incarnation at this point in time.

~ g