30 October 2020

The Struggle Is Real

Liberation from this nature-order means disconnecting our consciousness from its bondage to powerful illusions. Although we work to free our consciousness from these illusions, the struggle itself is very, very real.

As we proceed with our determined efforts to walk the Path of Return to a Good End, we will find that there are obstacles and hindrances sprinkled liberally before us, like boulders. Some of these obstacles are small boulders that lie in our way. We can just kick them aside or pick them up and throw them as far away from us as strength will allow. 

Other boulders are medium-sized and a bit too heavy to lift and throw. These we can carefully step around to avoid, so as not to be tripped.

Then there are boulders that are as tall as an adult human being and wider than an automobile. They are so wide in fact, that we cannot get around them. They stand squarely in the middle of the Path, threatening us with their sheer weight and immovability. We find ourselves unable to proceed any further on the Path. What are we to do? What can we do?

It is here that we must rely upon our understanding of the Path. The Path to Liberation is not something that we can walk alone. If things were that easy, we would have succeeded in liberating ourselves hundreds of incarnations ago. We, as personalities, will not be able to do anything about these boulders. You see, the "boulders" represent our past karma, our old habits, our deep-rooted egocentric desires. These are things that are firmly anchored within the I-being itself and are therefore difficult for the I-being to remove. "We are reminded that "the I cannot liberate the I".

And so, we must wait on the help that has been promised to all sincere candidates, the help that is always at our disposal. Always with us is the inexhaustible strength of the power-field of the Universal Gnosis, the Chain of Brotherhoods, and our fellow travelers on the Path. We must recognize our helplessness in the face of such huge obstacles and know that the Power of the Rose will bring to us a solution to all such obstacles on the Path. One day we will look up, wipe away our tears of bitter defeat, and realize that the huge boulder has been removed. We will then pass safely and continue upon our Journey.

Such is the Path of the True Way. Such is the liberating Path of Return.

~ g


25 September 2020


Stumbled upon this today while looking for something else. Because there are no coincidences and due to the exigencies of the times that we are now experiencing, this post is being re-published. The original post date was June 26, 2012. 


"Esotericists down the long corridors of mankind's history have always been aware that negative and self-centered thinking and emotion are responsible for all disease; it is ever Thought and Feeling which are the essential cause of physical-plane effects, for Action always follows these.

To give an example of the positive advantages of an informed awareness: mainstream science has not ascertained why killer-viruses are fatal to some but not all. The reason is clear, however, to anyone who possesses elementary occult knowledge. Everything in the universe consists of energy at varying frequencies of vibration. Viruses arise due to the low and deleterious vibrations of our own negative thinking and emotion; viruses thrive at low vibratory rates. Those with an altogether higher vibration of consciousness who are positively-oriented toward selflessness and love are generally immune from the so-called killer-diseases, and without the need for harmful inoculations!

'Miracle cures' have been repeatedly recorded throughout history, and all such remedies were made possible by raising the patient's vibratory rate of consciousness so that healing forces could flow unimpeded from within the ailing person themselves. This has been the case whether the cure was labeled faith-healing, white magic, 'God's blessing' or whatever else; the true reasons are always the same, and it is ever the frequency of one's consciousness that is the key to success.

The easiest and quickest way to raise the vibration of consciousness - and certainly the safest for most people - is to make contact with the Divine in oneself, and this may be done by focusing out of and away from the personal self  and upon some higher and worthy purpose. In fact, if in aligning with universal law mankind were to adopt and maintain such an inclusive and expanded focus, perfect healing on all levels would eventually ensue in the world, and in most cases without the need for intermediaries like doctors or drugs etc. For the majority of the planetary population this is a vitally needed education today, and it is this lesson which the impending inner and outer upheavals prior to the birth of the New World will endeavor to impart to all who attempt to continue living within the shadows of selfishness and fear."

From "Causes and Effects - The Birth Of A New World" - The New Call


"Man, Know Thyself".

Over the centuries, humanity has been led to believe that we are helpless and weak, with no God-given powers or abilities. It has been drilled into our heads that all threats to humanity come from without and that all remedies for the ills of humanity must be applied from without. These lies have been  methodically supported and advanced over many millennia in order to shape our consciousness in such a way as to deceive us into believing that we are indeed helpless creatures.

BE ADVISED: Illness and dis-ease manifest from the inside, out...not the other way around.  Medical science continues to diagnose and treat symptoms without giving much consideration to root cause.

Your Thinking, Willing and Feeling are responsible for creating your state-of-consciousness. An overall high rate of vibration is your shield against dis-ease. As stated above, viruses, bacteria, etc. that may be potentially harmful to human beings cannot thrive or survive in a high frequency environment.

"Physician, Heal Thyself".

~ g


08 August 2020

Master the Illusion

Illusion (noun)

1. something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.
2. the state or condition of being deceived; misapprehension.
3. an instance of being deceived.

This post is a response to recent questions from Claude. It is being posted here for the benefit of all.

If you sincerely recognize that you are experiencing in an Illusion then you already have the Keys to Freedom in your hands. Recognizing that one is stuck in an Illusion should immediately raise the question: "If this is an illusion, then where is the Reality?".

Divine messengers of all ages have always brought the same message to humankind: In order to find the Reality, we must look within. Specifically, we must awaken the Spark of the Divine that sleeps within our Heart sanctuary. It is this Divine Spark that has an affinity with the True Reality that we seek. We must fan this Spark from an ember into a Flame.

The world as we experience it is "real", as far as it goes. Just as a dream seems"real" to us until we wake up. This dualistic nature-order is designed to stimulate our five senses, which then report the results to our consciousness. Conversely, the thoughts, feelings and actions of humanity stimulate the surrounding environment. Our consciousness then registers the responses. This is the world of "being". "Being" is a big part of the Illusion. "Not-being" is the state-of-consciousness that can free us from the Illusion. 

The core of the Illusion lies in the fact that human-beings have come to believe that we are separate from one another. Although externally we appear to be separate entities, in our deepest essence we are not. The sense of separation is something that has developed over many millions of years as the human life-wave slowly individualized itself on its involutionary journey into Matter. As a life-wave, we have now reached the end of our individualization process. It is time to gather up our myriad experiences, attributes, powers, etc. and pool them together for the sake of a unified humanity.

You mentioned that "This world is an illusion but a mental one. How can I free myself  from this world when I am still a part of the illusion?"  Well, recognizing the illusory nature of our existence is one of the first steps. It is, in fact, a major step. Next must come the understanding that the human-being is perfectly equipped and fully able to transcend this False Reality. How so?

Human-beings are twofold. We are simultaneously both mortal and immortal. The mortal part we are quite familiar with. The immortal part of us, the eternal Divine Spark, lives in the center of our microcosm, a region that corresponds to the location of the physical human heart. Only a small percentage of humanity are aware of the existence of this Immortal Seed. Our consciousness is so focused upon this temporary, mortal, False Reality that it is has become very difficult for us to locate and forge a link with the immortal part of our being. We must obtain the proper insight that will enable us to reactivate this Divine link.

An immediate step that can be taken  towards freedom from the Illusion is for one to adopt an attitude of detachment from the things of the world. Stop reacting to all of the stimuli that are thrown at you via your senses, the mass media and by other human-beings. It is our automatic knee-jerk reactions to everything that duality throws at us that keeps us on this merry-go-round, hanging on for dear life. 

  • Thoughts and feelings of fear, anger, sadness, envy, criticism, vanity, etc must be deleted from our mental and emotional life. 
  • The sense that we are the center of the world and all others are our enemy must be done away with. 
  • The desire to survive and protect ourselves (self-maintenance) at the expense of others must cease.
  • The recognition that humanity, as a life-wave is a brotherhood, must not only be completely understood and accepted, we must also live our lives in a manner that reflects this truth.
  • In every moment, we should ask ourselves: who am I serving in this moment? Myself, or humanity? Me, or the person in front of me, behind me, beside me?
These are the first steps. These are the new habits of thought and feeling that must be adopted by us and thoroughly lived if we wish to successfully walk the Path of Return, the Path of the True Way. A total change in our current way of living is an absolute requirement. It is this fundamental reversal that will stir the sleeping ember that is our Divine Spark and enable a new Fire to light our consciousness. 

Yes, we are a part of the Illusion and we do help to maintain it. In detaching ourselves from the Illusion we are able to move towards Freedom. Although we must continue to navigate this illusion and function within it, we can learn to do so without becoming attached to it. The attachments are what bind us to this False Reality and keep us locked up in a Prison of Consciousness. So, learn to be in the world, but not of the world. 

Insight hands you the Keys. Yearning leads you to the door of Freedom. Fundamental reversal and the surrender of the selfish self puts the Key in the lock. A New Attitude of Life turns the Key and opens the doors of our consciousness to the True Reality that we left behind long ages ago.

It can be done. We are all capable of accomplishing this. It is literally what we were born to do.

Rise Above the Illusion.

~ g

25 July 2020


This post is in response to questions recently posed by Claude.

My friend, you asked if i ever have any doubts? No, i do not have a shred of doubt in God's Plan or in the ultimate success of that Plan. Dei Gloria Intacta (The Glory of God is Unassailable). The Divine Plan is so well-designed that even when things look like they are going completely wrong, they are actually going according to plan. This world will be purified and reborn, as will all those who raise their vibration high enough to share in that purification process. The time-frame is not what we should be concerned about. Our task is to work tirelessly to bring about the necessary purification within ourselves.

When we are engaged in pleasant circumstances, we want the good times to continue for as long as possible.  Conversely, when we are caught up in unpleasant circumstances, it seems as if the misery will never end. These are natural reactions for the human-being. The best advice that can be given regarding the times that are now upon us is that we should adopt an attitude of Neutrality, Objectivity and Detachment from world affairs and personal interactions. If one can attain such a state of Detachment ("in the world but not of the world"), the rolling flood of negative world events will cease to have an effect upon us. We will begin to recognize that everything is happening exactly according to Plan.

Humanity has reached the end of a major world-cycle. This is not the first time that we have reached such a milestone. The so-called myths and legends of countless ancient civilizations all attest to periodic global conflagrations by Flood or Fire. Over time, these separate stories have been grouped together as a single story of a single Cataclysm. Such is not the case. Planetary cleansings take place on a periodic basis, like clockwork. Humanity has grown to fear such a cyclic cleansing as the "end" of the world. This is not entirely true.

These cyclic cleansings are actually twofold in nature: they represent both an Ending and a Beginning. Think of it this way: you have a house that is cluttered with trash and litter. The walls are caked in grime. The toilet is backed up and there are vermin everywhere. The house needs to be thoroughly cleaned inside and out, from top to bottom. During the process of cleaning the house, the mess will get a little worse before it gets better. As the trash is slowly removed from the house, the mice and other vermin will begin to scatter because their environment, their habitat, is being disturbed. The sight of these critters scrambling about can be disturbing. Just as the smells of mold, dust and rotting things can also be unsettling. One looks about the house and wonders "Will this mess ever be cleaned up?"

Yes, it will. This is how a cleansing must proceed. Things will always get a little worse before they get better. And so it is with our world today. What we are witnessing is the reaction of the Dark elements of this nature-order to the steady influx of Light. Like roaches in the night, they scatter when one hits the light switch. In desperation, the Dark is trying to thwart the Perfect Plan by heaping atrocity after atrocity upon humankind. This acceleration of negativity is actually a sign. It is proof that the Plan is nearing a climax. The Dark elements of this nature-order are throwing all that they have against this tide of Purification with only mixed results. Many people are awakening due to what they see taking place around the world. Thus, we see that these desperate, negative activities are actually serving to help a portion of sleeping humanity awaken from an ages-long slumber.

We are in the time of The Great Separation. As stated in the Holy Language, we are now separating the "sheep" from the "goats".  The "house" is being emptied of its "trash and vermin". Additionally, all of humanity is being given a final opportunity to choose which side they wish to be on when the curtain finally comes down on this Age: Darkness or Light. Many have already chosen Light and may now be growing a bit impatient as they wait for the promised transition of the Earth and humanity. In the meantime, the Darkness rages about us and it appears as if the "sheep" have been abandoned. We have not been abandoned. We have made our choice and must now wait for our straggling brothers and sisters to catch up. Patience is key here. Once a critical mass of accumulated Light is reached upon the planet, the Transition will begin.

In racing, there is the concept of a Start-Finish line. The same checkered line used to begin a race can also be used to end a race. In a similar vein, we are experiencing a time of Ending-Beginning, where the "End" is not just the end of an old dispensation but simultaneously the beginning of a new one.

All must take heart and navigate these times with Cheerfulness and Joy for all is going exactly according to Plan. Remember that in order to bake a cake, you have to break a few eggs.

"Rejoice and exult and add Joy to your Joy, for the Times are completed...Rejoice then, and exult, for ye are blessed before all fallen men of the earth".

~ g

02 June 2020

7.5 Billion-of-a-Kind

Take a look at the two skeletons depicted above. Can you tell what race these skeletons belonged to when they were coated with flesh? 

How about religion or nationality? 

  • Which one was rich and powerful in life and which one was poor and destitute?
  • Who was "good" and who was "bad"?
  • Who had blue eyes and whose eyes were brown?
  • The smart one? the stupid one?
Do you see where we are going with this?

Man's focus on our many perceived "differences" completely ignores the point that is being crudely illustrated by this post. We are of the same stock, not just in physical construction but in our underlying spiritual origins as well. We are a single human life-wave that is currently engaged in a foolish and tragic struggle against itself, lost in the illusion of Separateness.

~ g

No Worries

Stop worrying about death or how you will die. It will happen at its appointed time and there is not much that you will be able to do about it.

Please understand that the circumstances of our birth are planned long before we are even born. This includes who our parents will be, where we will be born, the time of birth, the position of the stars and planets at the time of our birth, which celestial body will be on the Ascendant at the moment of birth, what racial/national/religious identities we will take on in this life, etc. All of this is carefully planned in advance in order to set the life template for the personality about to be born. With this life template in place, the human-being sets out on his / her journey to find The One Truth.

Just as our Entrance into this world is meticulously planned, so too, is our Exit. The circumstances, means and time of death are put in place well in advance of the incarnation.

The so-called "accident" is not exempt from this planning. Because we are not aware of the Karmic back-story for any particular victim, we are led to believe that accidents are random tragedies. But what if the victim had been the cause responsible for a similar accident to another person in some past life? The Debt must be paid. The Lesson must be learned.

You've heard stories about soldiers who are spared while their entire company or platoon is devastated by enemy fire. Why does that happen? Because it is not that soldier's "time". This example can be applied to all of us.

So we should not waste any angst over how and when our incarnation will end. Instead, we must focus our attention on how we live. Because when we finally do "cross over" the first thing we will realize is that we are not "dead" at all, but very much alive.

And then we will have to answer for how we lived while in the physical body.

~ g

26 May 2020

Avoiding the "Second Death"

As indicated in the prior post, we, as specific and individual personalities, will cease to exist once we transition to the reflection-sphere and pass through a process of gradual dissolution. We will first drop the physical body, then the more subtle etheric, astral and mental bodies in turn. What remains from the life previously lived by the personality is:
  1. any new karma developed during the previous incarnation
  2. any powers, abilities or attributes developed during the previous incarnation
  3. a permanent record of all events that took place in the life just lived, every single second.
These life artifacts are stored in the lipika of the microcosm. The lipika is the terrestrial "higher self" and persists from one incarnation to the next. It is a continuous recorder.

At this point, the spherical microcosm has been emptied. The microcosm will then begin to make preparations to generate a new personality for the upcoming incarnation. This new personality will not be the "you" that walked the earth in the previous incarnation.
  1. The new personality will carry the karmic burden of "you" and all other personalities that preceded it in the microcosm. 
  2. The new personality will have a portion of the powers, abilities and attributes developed by previous personalities that were generated by the microcosm. 
  3. Except in extraordinary cases, the new personality will have no recollection of the events that took place in the lives previously lived.
When a person undergoes past-life regression, the person is usually able to gain access to the records of one or more of their past lives. The person will recognize himself or herself in action as a soldier, a priestess, a servant, etc. even though those entities will look nothing like the person does at present. That's because those personalities were all different, as indicated above. The person is accessing the records of the lipika, the terrestrial higher self, and is recognizing himself/herself in those prior personalities via that temporary linkage.

So, we find that it is the microcosm that is immortal. The human personality is mortal, temporary. It is the microcosm that must be rescued from this lower physical realm and it uses each new human personality as an agent to do so (see blogpost "Transplant" from October 2015).

Life after life, the microcosm creates new personalities composed of different combinations of karma, powers, attributes, etc., in an effort to generate a personalty that will be able to fight through the slog and mush of physical life and recognize the True Purpose of its existence. 

And what is that Purpose? To liberate the microcosm! To free the immortal microcosm from its ages-long imprisonment in the region of mortality! The task of every human personality is to answer the Call of the Divine Spark, a Call so subtle that it cannot be heard over the cacophony of earth-life. We must silence ourselves in order to "hear" this Silent Call. This is not simply a physical silence. By "silence", we mean establishing a daily attitude of Neutrality, Objectivity and a certain Indifference to all things earthly. 

When we cease to fully invest ourselves in the things of the world, the Divine part of us will begin to "speak". Faintly at first, then louder and louder. Gradually and harmoniously, the Rose of the Heart will begin to bloom. It will re-establish its link with the Divine Kingdom and those Divine energies will begin to flow in the microcosm. First, by way of the heart sanctuary, then the head sanctuary and finally the pelvic sanctuary. These three sanctuaries of the human personality will be purified by the Divine Bread of Life. That purification of the personality will extend to the entire microcosm. This process of transmutation and transformation will ultimately lead to a complete Transfiguration of the microcosm along with its current personality.

In the previous post we mentioned the "Second Death", which refers to the loss of all subtle bodies after-death and the total dissolution of the personality. When the goal of Transfiguration has been reached, the microcosm will no longer have to generate new personalities to incarnate on earth. The candidate who is able to complete this process of transformation, or even begin the process, will be the last personality developed by the microcosm. As stated in the Holy Language 
"He who overcomes I will make a pillar in the House of my Father, and he shall go out no more." Rev 3:12

This is the manner in which the Second Death can be avoided.

Awaken your Divine Spark, the Rose of the Heart, that which links you to the Divine Kingdom.

Renounce the world, and all the Matter therein.

Find the Path of Return, enter through the Narrow Gate.

Fulfill the Destiny that you were created to achieve.

Liberate your Microcosm and you will liberate yourself.

If we fail to execute and complete this Duty, our incarnation will have been in vain, no matter what measure of success, fame or riches we may have acquired during the life lived.

~ g

17 May 2020

Nobody "Dies"

Death is the ever-present specter that we all know is a part of this experience but are reluctant to contemplate, examine or try to understand. So, we push this inevitable event into a dusty corner of an abandoned basement in our mind and try not to visit that corner of the basement, ever.

This unreasonable fear of Death creates many difficulties for the human-being. For one thing, knowing that our lives are finite, that our lives have an expiration date, has an effect on the mental state of the human-being and the choices that he or she makes during the physical life. 

One person may take a fatalistic approach to life and throw all cares to the wind. "Eat, Drink and be Merry, for tomorrow, we die!" is how the saying goes.

Another person may fear this idea of Death so much that s/he will dedicate his/her life to religiosity and "churchianity", hoping that some phony posing as a mediator between man and God can "save" his/her soul.

Still another person may engage in occult practices so as to "escape" death by using the knowledge gained during physical life to unlawfully extend the after-death soul-life. In this way, these ones attempt to obtain a measure of immortality, even though they are well aware that this sham immortality comes at the direct expense of physical human-beings on earth.

All of these coping strategies are ultimately futile, because Death is part-and-parcel of what physical "Life" is all about. The Seventh Cosmic Domain, our physical universe, is a temporary nature-order. Everything constantly changes. Nothing is permanent, nothing is lasting. This law of impermanence applies to all physical forms and creatures, including Man.

Please take notice of the fact that "you" as a personality are a one-shot deal. "You" are mortal. It is your microcosm that is immortal. Upon the death of your present personality, the Life that vitalized the physical body is withdrawn. The individual chemical elements that compose the physical body no longer have the vital body to hold them together and so they begin to disorganize. These elements are slowly returned to the earth. Man calls this process decay.

To the physical eye, that's it. The body is lifeless and decaying, so the person is considered "dead". But that is not the case. The death of the physical body is only the first stage of a lengthy process of dissolution. The "deceased" human personality still has possession of his/her more subtle vehicles: the higher half of the etheric body plus the full astral and mental bodies). Each of these bodies must individually undergo a process of "letting go" in order for the deceased to advance through the so-called heaven-worlds. This process plays out in stages after-death.


While the deceased is in possession of the remains of the Etheric Body, he/she will still be attracted to the physical world. As long as deceased personalities do not let go of their attraction to the physical world, they will hang around the earth-plane. In brief, this is what explains the phenomena of so-called ghosts, spooks, shades, apparitions, poltergeists, earthbound spirits, etc. The process of losing this attraction to the physical world can take many years of our earth-time. Gradually, the deceased will lose interest in the physical world. He/she will drop the remains of the Etheric Body and obey the Call that attracts him/her to the next level of the hereafter: the Astral Plane.


The Astral Plane is sometimes referred to as the Desire World. That is because this plane is the realm of feelings and emotions. Here, the deceased has an opportunity to purge himself/herself of all earthly desires (food, drink, sex, violence, excitement, etc.). Before the deceased can move on to the next higher plane, the Mental Plane, he/she must successfully let go of all emotional attachments to the physical world. When this has been accomplished, the deceased drops the emotional body, the Astral body, leaving him/her with only the Mental Body, which accompanies him/her to the Mental Plane.

Note: these first two stages are where "churchianity" got the idea of "purgatory". Yes, there is a purging that is necessary before the deceased can move on to a higher existence after-death. That has been described for you in the foregoing passages. However, "churchianity" has twisted it all out of proportion in order to instill fear in the masses. There is no pain associated with this process except for the unrequited longing that the deceased imposes upon himself/herself when stubbornly refusing to let go of desires for physical plane phenomena that can no longer be experienced due to the lack of a physical body. For example, a deceased smoker can want "just one last cigarette" as much as he/she wants, they are not going to be able to experience that sensation again. They may try in different ways to get close to experiencing that sensation but the effort eventually proves to be more trouble than it is worth. After a shorter or longer period of earth-time, they lose interest and move on.


The deceased personality remains on the Mental Plane for the longest period of time in the post-mortem state. It is said that here is where abstract ideas and archetypes are contemplated. The deceased is able to work with mental matter and can use that matter to form any sort of construction that he/she wants. Here is where one sees sound and hears colors. Also, if there are any attributes that the personality wishes to improve upon prior to the next incarnation, here is where that work is done. Whether it is musicianship, athletic ability, public speaking, some invention or another, all things can be examined from the "inside-out" as it were, while on the Mental Plane. Attributes and abilities can be improved upon or perfected in this region.

This is also the region of the so-called heaven-worlds that is referred to as "The Summerland". The post-mortem existence in this region is reportedly quite pleasant and peaceful. However, at some point the personality must drop the Mental Body and leave this region as well.


So, what happens to the deceased personality once it has been divested of its three remaining subtle vehicles?  Well, the after-death experiences are stored in the lipika of the microcosm, adding to the collective experience obtained by all previous personalities that have been generated by the microcosm. The Mental Body dissolves and the deceased personality ceases to exist. This is referred to in the Holy Language as "the Second Death". The death of the physical human-being is "the First Death".

The following bears repeating: "you", as a personality, are a one-shot deal. "You" are mortal. It is your microcosm that is immortal. You, as a temporary personality, incarnate on earth via childbirth. You live the life-span allotted to you and transition out of physical life in the prescribed manner. You then pass through the after-death experience in the so-called "heaven-worlds" as we have just described. Ultimately, the remains of the mortal personality dissolve and the personality is no more.

The microcosm then prepares to generate a fresh personality for the next incarnation. This new personality will not be you, Mr. Smith or Ms. Smith. It will be a brand-new personality totally unrelated to who "you" were in the previous life. It may even be of the opposite sex. The only thing that this new personality will share with the previous personality will be the accumulated microcosmic karma as well as some of the attributes and abilities stored up in the lipika of the microcosm. The "you" that was will be erased, completely dissolved. The entire process takes about 1,000 earth-years, on average.


So, that's it? We're here and then we're gone? But what about reincarnation? What about the promise of eternal life? Well, a new personality does incarnate but, as mentioned above, that personality is not "you". It is the microcosm that persists from incarnation to incarnation. The human personality is a tool, a perfectly designed instrument that is tasked to fulfill a specific purpose while in physical incarnation: the Liberation of the microcosm.

We should also note that the promise of "eternal life" in the so-called heaven-worlds is a fallacy. The world's religions have intentionally misled mankind in that regard. There is no "eternal reward" for the ordinary human-being after-death.

This post is not meant to frighten or disturb you. It's purpose is to educate you. Fear of anything is the result of ignorance, of not-knowing. Once you know, fear dissipates like smoke in the wind.

The story does not end here. The next post will describe how we can avoid "the Second Death" and how we can become the final personality in our microcosm while obtaining a full share in its immortality.

~ g

16 May 2020

In Plain Sight

This is an FYI post.

The Dead Zone was an American-Canadian television series that ran from 2002 - 2007. The show centered around a man who had the gift of precognition. The following three-minute clip should be of interest to you. Pay attention to the references used.

The Dead Zone (2003) - Season 2, Episode 14 - "Plague"


This is an example of how "predictive programming" is used by your controllers to broadcast future events years ahead of their actual occurrence. The best way to hide a secret is always to hide it in plain sight.

Not sure how long this clip will remain on on this particular video platform before it is taken down, so take a peek while you can.

~ g

14 May 2020

The Divine Plan of Salvation

In the last few posts, we reviewed some of the shenanigans and deceptions that may take place during this ending cycle. Now we will summarize God's Plan for humanity, the Divine Plan for the salvation of mankind that will be executed before this cycle comes to a close.


In your deepest essence, you are a spark of God's own Fire. The Inner Man, the True Child of God lives within the center of your microcosm. Roughly speaking, your microcosm is the "container" that stores all of your karma, memories, powers and attributes. Your mental, astral, etheric and physical bodies are generated within this spherical "container" and vivified for each incarnation. Within the center of your microcosm is your Divine Spark, the singular atom that links you with the Father. The Divine Atom at the center of the microcosm is aligned with the location of the human heart. For that reason, it is referred to as "the Rose of the Heart".

Note: When "God" is mentioned in this post, we are not referring to the Old Testament "god" who took delight in intimidation, animal sacrifice and murder. The Old Testament "god" was an archon (pronounced ark-on), a race-god that demanded blind obedience and servility from its subjects.

The "Father" of the New Testament refers to the True God, the Unknowable, Ineffable, Ever-existent Source of All That Is.


From the virgin Sparks that issued from the Divine Source, our human life-wave came into being, long ages ago. Original Mankind was born. Because these virgin Sparks had been issued directly from the Divine Source, they retained a permanent link with the Divine as well as access to all of Its powers and attributes. Without going into detail, we can say that an electromagnetic energy field accumulated around each Divine Spark, forming what we call a microcosm, which is spherical in shape. These microcosms were able to generate personalities of a glorified nature without the need for sexual reproduction. The generated personalities were androgynous, having an equal distribution of positive and negative polarities ("...male and female He created them"). They were also endowed with free-will and cosmic consciousness. What they did not possess was self-consciousness, the knowledge of themselves as individual, separate entities.

Original Mankind was destined to serve the Creator as co-creators. This we did voluntarily, exercising  our free-will in support of the Divine. We worked to develop and maintain the creatures and life-forms of the Seventh Cosmic Domain, our physical universe. The Seventh Cosmic Domain was a "Garden of the Gods" where we, as co-creators, could work in a medium that was changeable, malleable, temporal, mortal. Our original Home, the Sixth Cosmic Domain, was/is part of a static universe, a Divine realm of absolutes. Unchangeable, eternal, where immortality reigns.

Everything was fine as long as we - Original Mankind - did not involve ourselves in our creations. Due to laws of Attraction and Cohesion inherent in this dualistic nature-order, the Seventh Cosmic Domain exercises a tremendous electromagnetic pull. There was a danger that if Original Mankind focused their consciousness in this lower-vibrating realm, they would risk achieving a resonance with those lower vibrations, ultimately trapping their consciousness in that frequency range.

At a given point, a portion of our life-wave did intensify the focus of its collective consciousness on the form side of Creation, the Seventh Cosmic Domain. As we increased our focus on this lower-vibrating realm, we slowly lost our connection with the Divine realm, which vibrates at a much higher frequency. Once we lost contact with our Higher Mind, we gradually sank deeper and deeper into the trappings of the material world until we eventually forgot all about our Divine origins. We came to believe that the physical realm was our reality and that the physical body was the sum total of who we were.

As we collectively involved ourselves more and more into the material realm, we also began to individualize. We lost our androgynous nature when the separation of the sexes took place. We no longer recognized that we were a unity, a unified live-wave. Instead, each of us began to see ourselves as an "I" or "I-being", a separated consciousness with an obligation to protect and defend our separated self at all costs against those we perceived to be "others". It is this notion of individuality, what gnostics call the "Great Heresy of Separation", that has contributed so much to the suffering of the world for millions of years.

The "fall" that has been referred to in so many ancient mythologies was a fall in consciousness that left us unable to perceive a Higher state of existence.


God never forsakes the works of His hands.

From the moment that a segment of our life-wave "fell" from our Divine Home into the physical realm, a Plan was already in motion to rescue our microcosms from this limbo state that we call "life". The Plan would enable us to return to the Divine Kingdom once we were able to recognize our True Nature and raise our overall vibration to a frequency that harmonized with the frequency of the Divine Realm, the Sixth Cosmic Domain. To assist natural mankind in obtaining this goal of Transformation, the portion of our life-wave that did not "fall" was enlisted to provide us with their aid and inspiration.

Periodically, according to cyclical cosmic and inter-cosmic laws, Divine entities incarnate here on earth. They go by many names: avatars, Bodhisattvas, "Sent Ones", etc. These Helpers of Humanity temporarily forsake their Divine existence and drop their overall vibration to a level that enables them to interact with humanity. Once on earth, they work to spread the Universal Teachings about Mankind's origin, task and destiny.

The core of the Teachings are always the same:

- that there is a Divine Spark that sleeps within the center of the human life-system
- that awakening this Spark is the key to transforming the human-being back into a Divine Being
- that the key to re-establishing a link with our Divine consciousness lies in self-surrender
- that Self-surrender requires that we no longer selfishly focus upon our own selfish needs
- that Man must execute a complete and fundamental reversal, a new attitude of life based on Service to our fellow human-beings

Unfortunately, time and again it has happened that once these exalted teachers left the earth, the simple teachings that they had imparted to mankind were gradually twisted to serve the whims of selfish men. Human-beings would make a "god" out of the departed teacher. They would create physical structures, statues and paintings to commemorate and create a focus for the new "god". They would install meaningless rituals for others to follow. Worst of all, human-beings calling themselves "the priestly class" would place themselves in the position of "mediator" between God and man. They would lie to the people and tell them that the only way to God was through them. This was and is a lie because the Divine Spark that sleeps within your heart is nearer than hands and feet!! That is mankind's direct link to God. We just need to do what is necessary to re-activate it.


There are cosmic and inter-cosmic radiations that describe orbits, circuits, spirals, incoming and outgoing impulses. The Christ radiation - the anointing Kristos -  is one of these cosmic impulses. This impulse does not originate in our physical universe. It is a radiation not-of-this-world that emanates from the Sixth Cosmic Domain. This Divine radiation periodically inserts itself into our Seventh Cosmic Domain in order to assist in the Transformation of human-beings.

The Christ-impulse came to humanity two thousand years ago and linked up with a very special human personality who was able to attract and assimilate those very high vibrations. This special human-being then lived His life in such a way as to set a living example of what humanity must do in order to succeed in the Transformation.

He then allowed Himself to be brutally murdered because it was the only way that He could prove that death cannot hold those who succeed in completing the Transformation. You know the rest of the story. On the third day, the grave was found empty. Witnesses abounded who could testify to seeing him again - alive. These events were so powerful that they are remembered to this day. Unfortunately, down through the centuries "the priestly class" has twisted this Living Example so far out of context that it sounds like a fairy-tale to some and utter rubbish to the rest, which is exactly what the priestly-classes want. They want you to doubt Truth and rely on them for confirmation and "salvation".

Well, we have now reached the end of another major world cycle. We have actually reached the mid-point of human development for this Globe period, the nadir of materialism, the end-point of man's involution into matter.  As a collective, we are now poised for the upswing. We are preparing to begin our evolution back to the Divine Kingdom. To assist us in this "graduation" the Christ impulse has again returned to earth but this time not in the person of one special human-being. It has returned as an inter-cosmic radiation that can be accessed by all those who open themselves to it. These radiations are extending the Grace of an Age to humanity because those who are able to properly assimilate this renewing energy from the Sixth Cosmic Domain will receive all of the help that they need to raise their vibration and complete the Transformation.

It is said that we are now in the Age of Aquarius. The symbol of Aquarius is that of a man pouring a pitcher of water. It is important to note that the water is a symbol for the Living Water of the Christine radiations. It is also important to note that the Water-Bearer is not pouring this blessing into separate cups, (i.e., one for this person, none for that person, etc.). No, he is pouring this Living Water over all of humanity.

Of course, the work of Transformation will have to be done by each individual candidate. As it has been said:

"God will work with you. He will not work for you."

At some point there will be tribulations, natural upheavals and cataclysms. But permanent harm will not be spread over the earth until all those who have succeeded in raising their overall vibration have been counted. Once a critical mass has been reached, like a giant fishing net, the Christ impulse will withdraw, taking with it all those who qualify for "graduation" to a Higher existence, a Higher frequency, a Higher state-of-consciousness. We won't go into how this activity will actually manifest itself at this time. Perhaps in a future post. A hint can be provided:

"Match the frequency of the reality that you want and you cannot help but get that reality."


There are forces that are in direct opposition to this Divine Plan of Salvation. We have identified some of these forces and reviewed their plans in a couple of posts preceding this one. Be advised that we are not to pay any undue attention to their machinations. The Dark has their plan, they have their work to do. We who yearn to be reborn as Children of Light have our own tasks to attend to.

Fortunately, throughout the ages whenever a cycle is ending and a harvest approaches, groups are established on earth that have the ability to concentrate and consolidate the incoming Christine radiations. These groups are able to tap into this Living Light-power and step it down for use by ordinary human-beings, depending upon an individual's ability to receive it. This has historically been the task of all bona fide mystery schools, both ancient and modern. The School of the Golden Rosycross is one such modern-day mystery school that has fulfilled its duty to build a present-day "Ark". This Ark is a Living Body, a vacuum of Divine ethers that has been maintained by the School for the sole purpose of providing humanity with a vibrational bridge to the Divine realms. Those who can avail themselves of this Divine storehouse will find the assistance necessary to complete the Path of Return.

Only you can make the decision to walk this Path back to the True Reality. Only you can resolve to effect the fundamental reversal and turn away from the material illusion. Only you can stand aside and allow the Divine Rose that sleeps within your heart to blossom in response to the Silent Call. The Divine Plan is in motion. All is in readiness. The wedding hall has been prepared, the bridegroom awaits.

All that is missing...is you.

~ g

10 April 2020

"The Visitors"

There is another possible component to the Great Deception that one should be aware of. This involves a so-called "alien" visitation or "invasion".


At a given point in time, there will or may be a peaceful landing of off-planet entities.

These entities will indicate that they are returning to the planet to offer their assistance to mankind. They may allege that they created the human race even though they will not look human. Humanity, which is always looking to be led and always ready to give away its own freedoms in return for some imagined from of security, will largely fall for this charade.

The following is being shared from "Bringers of the Dawn":

“Humans are going to need to be tricked before they can become aware. Many of you may find that you will be very frustrated. You will see things that others will not see; you will see a mass mania occurring upon this planet, and you will not be able to live with it. You will see masses of people walk toward a false god that is foolishness.

Remember the movie "V" that was shown on television a few years ago (1984)? That movie gives you some idea of the cunning and conniving of certain entities who will come from space; some people will indeed worship them and think they are absolutely powerful masters. We are saying that these scenarios are going to prove true. There is a pending merging of human consciousness and the extraterrestrial presence upon this planet. It is being marketed to you at a rapid rate.

Many of you who have studied and used your own discernment will be shocked and appalled at the foolishness and ideological worship that the rest of the human race will express toward certain beings from space who pass themselves off as your creators even though they do not have bodies that look like yours. They will be able to do many things and will share many technologies. They will perhaps cure certain diseases that they helped create in the first place by teaching germ warfare to your planetary scientists.

You will become disgusted with society because you will not fit with the new gods, and you will retreat. Do you understand that the new gods may be lizards? You think that's a little funny? Hold onto your seats, because you have no idea what is coming. If we told you everything that was coming, you would have scattered a long time ago.”

These "visitors" will arrive at a critical point in human history, when humanity is backed into a corner, or at its wit's end over some dire situation. They will "come in peace" and offer to "fix" everything. In exchange, humanity will eagerly turn over leadership of the world to them. These entities will have the same ulterior motives as the Dark forces and Light-Spirits of the reflection-sphere: the need to nourish and sustain themselves with the astral emanations of human-beings.


A set of "aliens" mount an invasion of the Earth which the planet is unprepared/under-prepared for. Earth will struggle to repel the invaders until a second set of "aliens" come to the rescue. The "savior" aliens will be lauded as heroes and welcomed with open arms as our "brothers". Again, they may not have a human appearance.

The twist will be that the "savior" aliens and the invading aliens will be working together to deceive humanity.

Once the "savior" aliens have been welcomed among us, then the events in Scenario-1 can begin to unfold.


Our controllers have spent years preparing humanity for this through movies and television programs ("program" is a word that defines itself). Think "Independence Day", War of the Worlds", "V", etc. You are hereby advised to think very carefully if humanity is ever confronted with these "visitors". In fact, any global scenario that is presented from here on out should be regarded with a side-eye.

Our controllers are working very hard to keep humanity off-balance, confused and in fear. When human-beings are in a state of fear, it is much easier to convince us to hand over control of our lives to a "savior" of some type.

Again, you are free to be skeptical of the foregoing, that is fine. Continue to use your own discernment in all things. You are asked only to remember this information. Mentally file it away for
possible future reference.

The success of these plans depend largely upon humanity's ignorance, unpreparedness and stubborn refusal to fathom or accept the idea that such events could even be possible.

All Love,

~ g

09 April 2020

Re: Ascended Masters

Question asked: What about ascended masters? How can you tell the difference between ascended masters, like Jesus and Buddha, and light spirits. 

This is a good question and one that needs to be answered so that a subtle form of spiritual deception can be exposed.

First off: the so-called "ascended masters" that work through channelers and mediums to relay messages to humanity are Light-Spirits. Remember, light-spirits are deceased "good" human-beings who have transitioned to the heaven-worlds of this nature-order where they work from behind-the-scenes to inspire humanity to perform "good" works.

A little background about the after-death experience. When a person dies, the only thing that changes is that the physical body is dropped. The remaining vehicles (etheric, astral and mental bodies) are still viable and the deceased withdraws with these vehicles into the heaven-worlds, what we call the reflection-sphere. Nothing about the deceased changes. The deceased person is the same as he or she was two minutes before passing. His/her thoughts. beliefs, likes, dislikes, desires, etc. all remain the same.

If a deceased person had certain interests during life, those interests persist after-death. What's more, being present in the reflection-sphere provides the deceased with access to information that is not available to the human-being while on earth. Occult wisdom and secrets from the deepest antiquity, magical workings, etc., can all be accessed there. The deceased person can continue educating himself/herself on whatever subject desired and actually gain new insights. Their deep desire to do "good" still burns within them so they look for a way to share their newfound knowledge with humanity.

Fortunately for the light-spirits, there are humans on earth who work to contact the so-called dead. Because like attracts like, the human medium is easily able to connect with a light-spirit when both entities vibrate to the same frequency (i.e., share the same interests). The human contact will enter a trance state and establish a connection with the light-spirit. The light-spirit is then able to speak through the human entity.

Light-spirits are also able to communicate mental images directly to the mind of a human go-between. The human-being will interpret these thought-forms or thought-pictures to the best of its ability and then relay the ideas of the light-spirits to others. Both methods require that the human "channels", so-called, are clear and without taint of personal prejudice or fear. If the channel is not knowledgeable or pure, the message that is being transmitted can be distorted.

Light-spirits can pretend to be anyone they wish to be. Because they have access to historical information that incarnate humans do not have, they can easily portray "ascended masters", "space brothers", Alexander the Great, Abraham Lincoln, ancient Egyptian priests/priestesses and yes, even Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and the like. Anyone can be anyone in the after-death experience. The knowledge-base is there and can be tapped into by anyone who so desires to do so. Astral matter is very pliable and it is child's play  for the deceased to take on the physical features of a famous personage.

Now, because the light-spirits believe that they are working for the "good" of humanity from beyond the veil, they do not feel as if they are deceiving humans. They feel that the ends justify the means. Another thing to note is that although the light-spirits are just pretending to be ascended masters, that does not mean that the information they provide has no value. It is possible to obtain very good information from a light-spirit if the entity is knowledgeable enough, has a pure intent and can find a human channel that is also pure. Still, no one gets "smarter" just because they have passed on. Light-spirits are prone to make errors, just as physical human-beings do. Therefore, any transmission from them has to be taken with a grain of salt, not as gospel. The human-being who receives such information must still use keen discernment in order to properly evaluate what a light-spirit disguised as an "ascended master" or some other historical personality is relaying to him/her.

As for Jesus the Christ, Buddha, etc., these entities who formerly walked the earth now inhabit a Divine realm that lies far beyond the reflection-sphere. Having served their exalted purposes on this earth, they have withdrawn from the earth-spheres (material-sphere and reflection-sphere). They are unable to contact the human-being by either conventional or occult means because they vibrate at a frequency that is far above that of 99.999% of humanity. These entities will not be returning to earth in the flesh. If any entity represents himself  to you as Jesus, Sananda, Emmanuel, Yeshua, Archangel Michael, Gabriel, or whoever, you can be sure that entity is a light-spirit.

Again, there are no "ascended masters". There are only deceased human-beings masquerading as such from beyond the veil, trying their best to do "good" for physical humanity.

You have now been exposed to more spiritual wickedness in high places, although with the best of intentions. As we know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, so beware.

~ g

06 April 2020

The Desperation of the Light-Spirits

Before we get into God's Plan - the Divine Plan of Salvation for humanity - we have to recognize another aspect of the end-times deceptions that will be foisted upon humanity.

The previous post outlined the dilemma of the Dark forces that shadow humanity as astral parasites, siphoning off the energy that is radiated by us via our thoughts and emotions and using that energy to sustain themselves in the astral sphere of the invisible worlds..

However, the Dark forces are not the only hidden astral entities that are living off of the energy of the physical human-being. Meet the Light-Spirits. These are deceased human-beings who have learned to extend their post-incarnation existence in the after-life, same as the Dark forces. The difference between the two groups is that the Light-Spirits worked for "good" while they were on Earth. After death, they work from the inner planes to inspire humanity to do "good".

For example, if the leader of a spiritual group passes on to the so-called heaven worlds, a vibrational link still exists between the deceased leader and his group (like attracts like, even between the material-sphere and the reflection-sphere). The vibrational link will be strengthened and vivified in proportion to the level of interaction between the group and the deceased leader. If the group is focused on those things that the deceased leader taught or if the group invokes the memory of the deceased leader, an energy exchange takes place. Conversely, if the deceased leader projects a vibration of inspiration to the group, the group will react and intensify their focus on the teachings of the deceased leader, thereby sending more energy back up the chain. Keeping this reciprocal process alive enables the deceased leader to remain "alive" on the other side of the Veil.

In this way, the deceased leader is able to maintain his form in the invisible worlds. Without this reciprocating energy exchange, the remaining subtle vehicles of the deceased leader would eventually dissolve (the etheric, astral and mental bodies). That is the lawful course of decay for the personality after-death and is what both the Dark forces and the Light-Spirits are trying to avoid.

Well, the higher vibrations that the Light-Spirits require to nourish their astral bodies have been dwindling since humanity started turning away from the churches. Without access to the high vibrations emanated by earnest prayer, feelings of devotion, spiritual contemplation, etc., the Light-Spirits are weakening. In order to reverse this slow process of dissolution, they have to come up with a plan to evoke these devotional energies from a large portion of humanity.

Their plan is to present humanity with a global scenario that will be so massive, so awe-inspiring, that it will drive mankind to its knees in fear and wonder. In this frantic state, humans will stream back into the churches, praying for their mortal souls and for forgiveness of all their wayward deeds. The plan is to stage the Return of the Christ. Via the use of a mix of technics and magic, visual and audio phenomena will appear in the skies over every city and town worldwide, even in the deepest jungle. All will see it, no one will be left out. The plan must be so complete as to leave no room for doubt. The churches will fill to overflowing. There will not be room enough to accommodate all of the frightened masses. Another Banquet of Fear will be served up in the astral world, only this time, it will be the Light-Spirits who feast.

Both the Dark forces and the Light-Spirits face the same threat of annihilation, due to the purifying Christine energies that are penetrating and permeating the planet at this time of the end. Although they are naturally opposed to one another, they will unite as a coalition when it comes to facing a common threat to their mutual survival.

The only people who will not fall for this Great Deception will be those who, like you, have been provided with advance notice of this spiritual wickedness in high places. For this reason it is hoped that this warning will be received in time.

Even if you do not believe  word of what you have just read, you are strongly advised to remember it.

All Love,

~ g

29 March 2020

The Banquet of Fear

Will try to keep this simple so that everyone can approach an understanding of the situation.

There is an Invisible War being waged upon humanity. One facet of this Invisible War has been supervised and prosecuted for many hundreds of thousands of years by Dark forces. These Dark forces cannot be perceived by the human-being because our five natural senses are normally unable to "see" into the lower astral and etheric planes, which is where these entities reside/hide.

These Dark forces do not eat and drink food as we know it to nourish and sustain themselves, the way that human-beings do in the physical world. They do not have the necessary physical organs and, quite frankly, don't care to have them. They feed off of the energies radiated by human-beings when we have a feeling or an emotion.

This collective astral vibration of Fear was once quite plentiful here on Earth, as humanity moved further away from our link with Divine Source and cast ourselves before idols and superstitions. Trace all of mankind's ancient history and you will find the keynote of Fear running through every epoch. In ancient times, the majority of towns were built behind a huge wall that encircled the entire village. What was the purpose of the wall? To keep out what they feared. Before the Christ appeared, the people feared their many "gods". After the Christ departed, they feared the false Church that sprang up three centuries after His ascension. Then it was fear of other nations, other races, different political ideologies, nuclear war, etc.

Now it is the Fear of a purposely-mutated cold virus.

Yes, this virus was purposely manufactured and weaponized against humanity. Why? Because, as humanity is enmeshed in a critical period of our evolution where the vibration of Love is sweeping the planet, the "food supply" (our lower-vibrating emotions) that these Dark forces depend upon for sustenance has dwindled down to a critically low level. The temporary storehouse of lower astral energy that was created with the staging of  the 9/11 fear event has just about run out. These entities are literally starving. Thus, it is time for them to re-stock their pantry.

Due to this emergency state-of-affairs affecting the Dark forces, this current plan was given the green light. By prior, advance conditioning, humanity has gradually been prepped to respond to this event in a certain way, in a fearful way. This is the reason behind the proliferation of pandemic movies and zombie movies in the years leading up to this one. They were programming Fear into you, embedding into your psyche a predisposition to respond fearfully to anything that even resembled a global pandemic, or "panic-demic", as it probably should be called.

Notice how the elderly and the unhealthy are being targeted by this virus, almost selectively so. That is not an accident. These Dark forces do not wish to eradicate humanity. Humankind is an exceedingly valuable commodity to them. They NEED our energy to survive. Our survival is their survival. But the elderly and the unhealthy are expendable. Many times, nothing frightens our senior citizens because they've practically seen it all and are not easily fooled. Most no longer fear death. It is those who are young and healthy and in their natural prime who are prone to fear death, as they feel that they have not yet "lived".

Notice how quickly the virus spread across the globe. Air travel cannot account for the speed of transmission. That's what they want you to believe. Make no mistake, this virus was carefully seeded in different countries. One or two infected persons or objects sprinkled here and there and presto! you have an outbreak.

Notice how a rigid "quarantine" was the immediately recommended solution-of-choice? This flies in the face of a proper response to a new virus. There is a prominent epidemiologist, a Dr. Knut Wittkowski, who maintains that "social distancing" and quarantine will only prolong the virus by preventing the natural development of "herd immunity". He states:

"All respiratory epidemics end when 80% of the population have become immune. Then, if a new person gets infected, the person doesn't find anybody else to infect." 

Dr. Wittkowski holds that senior citizens and the unhealthy should be isolated. Everyone else (children included) should be allowed to resume their lives. They may experience a mild case of the virus, similar to a cold but will develop a natural immunity. Instead of allowing nature to take its course, we are cowering inside our homes, in Fear.

Remember that Light offers true information with no strings attached. Darkness withholds or falsifies information, with deception and control as its objectives. It is your job to use your God-given powers of discernment to sort that which is True from that which is False. Not the "authorities", not the  "officials". You must not give that responsibility away to others. Think for yourselves.

There is a Banquet of Fear now taking place in the astral realms. Dark entities are greedily gorging themselves on the Fear that has been generated in humankind due to this so-called "outbreak".You have not been invited to this banquet because you are on the menu.

The number one thing that human-beings must do at this time is: Do Not Give In To Anxiety, Worry And Fear! These and other low-vibrating emotions serve only to feed and sustain those who wish to enslave us. These lower emotions also serve to lower your vibration, the aura that radiates from your hands, feet and head. That aura is your true immune system!! A healthy aura will repel all external, low-vibrating organisms, without exception. So, remain Cheerful, Positive, Optimistic and Confident! Eat properly, get plenty of rest, keep the physical body meticulously clean. Do not allow others to infect your positive mental and emotional state.

This is only the beginning. The planet is rapidly moving towards the manifestation of certain events that will be designed to bedazzle you with glamour. Literally, Shock and Awe. Humanity will be struck dumb with uncertainty mixed with wonder. When the Time comes, remember to keep your head when all others are losing theirs. Remember that there is a complex plan in the works to deceive humanity on a global scale. Do not fall victim to the program that they have prepared for mankind, The Great Play. Remember that Impersonation, Falsification, Flattery, Deception and Spectacular Presentation are the tools of the trade used by the Dark forces to mesmerize, manipulate and control humanity.

End of transmission.

~ g

04 February 2020

The Inward Journey

A new Inward Journey series begins on Sunday, February 9th. The theme is "Mysteries of Birth, Life and Death".

This 9-week series will be presented via video conference hosted on Zoom. You don't have to appear on camera or give your name to participate. The presentations will not be recorded.

Highly recommended for those seeking Insight while on the Path.

You can find out more here:


~ g