26 May 2020

Avoiding the "Second Death"

As indicated in the prior post, we, as specific and individual personalities, will cease to exist once we transition to the reflection-sphere and pass through a process of gradual dissolution. We will first drop the physical body, then the more subtle etheric, astral and mental bodies in turn. What remains from the life previously lived by the personality is:
  1. any new karma developed during the previous incarnation
  2. any powers, abilities or attributes developed during the previous incarnation
  3. a permanent record of all events that took place in the life just lived, every single second.
These life artifacts are stored in the lipika of the microcosm. The lipika is the terrestrial "higher self" and persists from one incarnation to the next. It is a continuous recorder.

At this point, the spherical microcosm has been emptied. The microcosm will then begin to make preparations to generate a new personality for the upcoming incarnation. This new personality will not be the "you" that walked the earth in the previous incarnation.
  1. The new personality will carry the karmic burden of "you" and all other personalities that preceded it in the microcosm. 
  2. The new personality will have a portion of the powers, abilities and attributes developed by previous personalities that were generated by the microcosm. 
  3. Except in extraordinary cases, the new personality will have no recollection of the events that took place in the lives previously lived.
When a person undergoes past-life regression, the person is usually able to gain access to the records of one or more of their past lives. The person will recognize himself or herself in action as a soldier, a priestess, a servant, etc. even though those entities will look nothing like the person does at present. That's because those personalities were all different, as indicated above. The person is accessing the records of the lipika, the terrestrial higher self, and is recognizing himself/herself in those prior personalities via that temporary linkage.

So, we find that it is the microcosm that is immortal. The human personality is mortal, temporary. It is the microcosm that must be rescued from this lower physical realm and it uses each new human personality as an agent to do so (see blogpost "Transplant" from October 2015).

Life after life, the microcosm creates new personalities composed of different combinations of karma, powers, attributes, etc., in an effort to generate a personalty that will be able to fight through the slog and mush of physical life and recognize the True Purpose of its existence. 

And what is that Purpose? To liberate the microcosm! To free the immortal microcosm from its ages-long imprisonment in the region of mortality! The task of every human personality is to answer the Call of the Divine Spark, a Call so subtle that it cannot be heard over the cacophony of earth-life. We must silence ourselves in order to "hear" this Silent Call. This is not simply a physical silence. By "silence", we mean establishing a daily attitude of Neutrality, Objectivity and a certain Indifference to all things earthly. 

When we cease to fully invest ourselves in the things of the world, the Divine part of us will begin to "speak". Faintly at first, then louder and louder. Gradually and harmoniously, the Rose of the Heart will begin to bloom. It will re-establish its link with the Divine Kingdom and those Divine energies will begin to flow in the microcosm. First, by way of the heart sanctuary, then the head sanctuary and finally the pelvic sanctuary. These three sanctuaries of the human personality will be purified by the Divine Bread of Life. That purification of the personality will extend to the entire microcosm. This process of transmutation and transformation will ultimately lead to a complete Transfiguration of the microcosm along with its current personality.

In the previous post we mentioned the "Second Death", which refers to the loss of all subtle bodies after-death and the total dissolution of the personality. When the goal of Transfiguration has been reached, the microcosm will no longer have to generate new personalities to incarnate on earth. The candidate who is able to complete this process of transformation, or even begin the process, will be the last personality developed by the microcosm. As stated in the Holy Language 
"He who overcomes I will make a pillar in the House of my Father, and he shall go out no more." Rev 3:12

This is the manner in which the Second Death can be avoided.

Awaken your Divine Spark, the Rose of the Heart, that which links you to the Divine Kingdom.

Renounce the world, and all the Matter therein.

Find the Path of Return, enter through the Narrow Gate.

Fulfill the Destiny that you were created to achieve.

Liberate your Microcosm and you will liberate yourself.

If we fail to execute and complete this Duty, our incarnation will have been in vain, no matter what measure of success, fame or riches we may have acquired during the life lived.

~ g


Pamela said...

Hello. I recently had a dream of two pillars. In the dream, I understood what the two pillars meant, but upon awakening, found I couldn't put into words what the dream was about, but that somehow, the meaning was within me. What are your thoughts about this?

I'm currently reading "The Universal Gnosis". I wasn't reading it at the time of this dream, but I did start reading it again recently. Sometimes I'm able to grasp what the words are saying, but at other times, the meanings elude me.

Thank you for your wonderful posts.

BrotherGee said...

Hello, Pamela.

Please accept my apologies for the delay in response.

(1) Dreams are a very personal thing. Anyone who says that they can interpret the dreams of another is a charlatan. A fish in my dream could mean something to me but mean something entirely different to someone else. Therefore, as you stated, you must look within for the meaning. Only you are completely familiar with your life, your desires, your habits, your thoughts, etc. Dreams are composed of fragments of thoughts and ideas that are retained by the brain. These fragments are assembled by our consciousness during sleep in order to bring an abstract concept into our waking consciousness (if we can remember the dream upon waking). But it is also quite possible that some dreams are just a disorganized collection of random thought fragments that the brain is simply trying to throw off as we sleep. The dream could have absolutely no meaning at all.

We are advised to not place too much emphasis on trying to interpret our dreams. Interpretation is an inexact science for the reasons stated above. Instead, we should just acknowledge the dream and not place any undue importance upon them. If there is a hidden meaning to a dream, the meaning will be revealed to us in due time.

(2) As for "The Universal Gnosis" do not worry if you are unable to grasp the book intellectually at times. Instead, consider what you are reading with your Heart, instead of your Head. If you can successfully read with the Heart then the meaning will become ever more apparent to you.

If questions develop for you while reading "The Universal Gnosis" feel free to write me at brothergee2012@yahoo.com. I will try to help.


~ g