14 May 2020

The Divine Plan of Salvation

In the last few posts, we reviewed some of the shenanigans and deceptions that may take place during this ending cycle. Now we will summarize God's Plan for humanity, the Divine Plan for the salvation of mankind that will be executed before this cycle comes to a close.


In your deepest essence, you are a spark of God's own Fire. The Inner Man, the True Child of God lives within the center of your microcosm. Roughly speaking, your microcosm is the "container" that stores all of your karma, memories, powers and attributes. Your mental, astral, etheric and physical bodies are generated within this spherical "container" and vivified for each incarnation. Within the center of your microcosm is your Divine Spark, the singular atom that links you with the Father. The Divine Atom at the center of the microcosm is aligned with the location of the human heart. For that reason, it is referred to as "the Rose of the Heart".

Note: When "God" is mentioned in this post, we are not referring to the Old Testament "god" who took delight in intimidation, animal sacrifice and murder. The Old Testament "god" was an archon (pronounced ark-on), a race-god that demanded blind obedience and servility from its subjects.

The "Father" of the New Testament refers to the True God, the Unknowable, Ineffable, Ever-existent Source of All That Is.


From the virgin Sparks that issued from the Divine Source, our human life-wave came into being, long ages ago. Original Mankind was born. Because these virgin Sparks had been issued directly from the Divine Source, they retained a permanent link with the Divine as well as access to all of Its powers and attributes. Without going into detail, we can say that an electromagnetic energy field accumulated around each Divine Spark, forming what we call a microcosm, which is spherical in shape. These microcosms were able to generate personalities of a glorified nature without the need for sexual reproduction. The generated personalities were androgynous, having an equal distribution of positive and negative polarities ("...male and female He created them"). They were also endowed with free-will and cosmic consciousness. What they did not possess was self-consciousness, the knowledge of themselves as individual, separate entities.

Original Mankind was destined to serve the Creator as co-creators. This we did voluntarily, exercising  our free-will in support of the Divine. We worked to develop and maintain the creatures and life-forms of the Seventh Cosmic Domain, our physical universe. The Seventh Cosmic Domain was a "Garden of the Gods" where we, as co-creators, could work in a medium that was changeable, malleable, temporal, mortal. Our original Home, the Sixth Cosmic Domain, was/is part of a static universe, a Divine realm of absolutes. Unchangeable, eternal, where immortality reigns.

Everything was fine as long as we - Original Mankind - did not involve ourselves in our creations. Due to laws of Attraction and Cohesion inherent in this dualistic nature-order, the Seventh Cosmic Domain exercises a tremendous electromagnetic pull. There was a danger that if Original Mankind focused their consciousness in this lower-vibrating realm, they would risk achieving a resonance with those lower vibrations, ultimately trapping their consciousness in that frequency range.

At a given point, a portion of our life-wave did intensify the focus of its collective consciousness on the form side of Creation, the Seventh Cosmic Domain. As we increased our focus on this lower-vibrating realm, we slowly lost our connection with the Divine realm, which vibrates at a much higher frequency. Once we lost contact with our Higher Mind, we gradually sank deeper and deeper into the trappings of the material world until we eventually forgot all about our Divine origins. We came to believe that the physical realm was our reality and that the physical body was the sum total of who we were.

As we collectively involved ourselves more and more into the material realm, we also began to individualize. We lost our androgynous nature when the separation of the sexes took place. We no longer recognized that we were a unity, a unified live-wave. Instead, each of us began to see ourselves as an "I" or "I-being", a separated consciousness with an obligation to protect and defend our separated self at all costs against those we perceived to be "others". It is this notion of individuality, what gnostics call the "Great Heresy of Separation", that has contributed so much to the suffering of the world for millions of years.

The "fall" that has been referred to in so many ancient mythologies was a fall in consciousness that left us unable to perceive a Higher state of existence.


God never forsakes the works of His hands.

From the moment that a segment of our life-wave "fell" from our Divine Home into the physical realm, a Plan was already in motion to rescue our microcosms from this limbo state that we call "life". The Plan would enable us to return to the Divine Kingdom once we were able to recognize our True Nature and raise our overall vibration to a frequency that harmonized with the frequency of the Divine Realm, the Sixth Cosmic Domain. To assist natural mankind in obtaining this goal of Transformation, the portion of our life-wave that did not "fall" was enlisted to provide us with their aid and inspiration.

Periodically, according to cyclical cosmic and inter-cosmic laws, Divine entities incarnate here on earth. They go by many names: avatars, Bodhisattvas, "Sent Ones", etc. These Helpers of Humanity temporarily forsake their Divine existence and drop their overall vibration to a level that enables them to interact with humanity. Once on earth, they work to spread the Universal Teachings about Mankind's origin, task and destiny.

The core of the Teachings are always the same:

- that there is a Divine Spark that sleeps within the center of the human life-system
- that awakening this Spark is the key to transforming the human-being back into a Divine Being
- that the key to re-establishing a link with our Divine consciousness lies in self-surrender
- that Self-surrender requires that we no longer selfishly focus upon our own selfish needs
- that Man must execute a complete and fundamental reversal, a new attitude of life based on Service to our fellow human-beings

Unfortunately, time and again it has happened that once these exalted teachers left the earth, the simple teachings that they had imparted to mankind were gradually twisted to serve the whims of selfish men. Human-beings would make a "god" out of the departed teacher. They would create physical structures, statues and paintings to commemorate and create a focus for the new "god". They would install meaningless rituals for others to follow. Worst of all, human-beings calling themselves "the priestly class" would place themselves in the position of "mediator" between God and man. They would lie to the people and tell them that the only way to God was through them. This was and is a lie because the Divine Spark that sleeps within your heart is nearer than hands and feet!! That is mankind's direct link to God. We just need to do what is necessary to re-activate it.


There are cosmic and inter-cosmic radiations that describe orbits, circuits, spirals, incoming and outgoing impulses. The Christ radiation - the anointing Kristos -  is one of these cosmic impulses. This impulse does not originate in our physical universe. It is a radiation not-of-this-world that emanates from the Sixth Cosmic Domain. This Divine radiation periodically inserts itself into our Seventh Cosmic Domain in order to assist in the Transformation of human-beings.

The Christ-impulse came to humanity two thousand years ago and linked up with a very special human personality who was able to attract and assimilate those very high vibrations. This special human-being then lived His life in such a way as to set a living example of what humanity must do in order to succeed in the Transformation.

He then allowed Himself to be brutally murdered because it was the only way that He could prove that death cannot hold those who succeed in completing the Transformation. You know the rest of the story. On the third day, the grave was found empty. Witnesses abounded who could testify to seeing him again - alive. These events were so powerful that they are remembered to this day. Unfortunately, down through the centuries "the priestly class" has twisted this Living Example so far out of context that it sounds like a fairy-tale to some and utter rubbish to the rest, which is exactly what the priestly-classes want. They want you to doubt Truth and rely on them for confirmation and "salvation".

Well, we have now reached the end of another major world cycle. We have actually reached the mid-point of human development for this Globe period, the nadir of materialism, the end-point of man's involution into matter.  As a collective, we are now poised for the upswing. We are preparing to begin our evolution back to the Divine Kingdom. To assist us in this "graduation" the Christ impulse has again returned to earth but this time not in the person of one special human-being. It has returned as an inter-cosmic radiation that can be accessed by all those who open themselves to it. These radiations are extending the Grace of an Age to humanity because those who are able to properly assimilate this renewing energy from the Sixth Cosmic Domain will receive all of the help that they need to raise their vibration and complete the Transformation.

It is said that we are now in the Age of Aquarius. The symbol of Aquarius is that of a man pouring a pitcher of water. It is important to note that the water is a symbol for the Living Water of the Christine radiations. It is also important to note that the Water-Bearer is not pouring this blessing into separate cups, (i.e., one for this person, none for that person, etc.). No, he is pouring this Living Water over all of humanity.

Of course, the work of Transformation will have to be done by each individual candidate. As it has been said:

"God will work with you. He will not work for you."

At some point there will be tribulations, natural upheavals and cataclysms. But permanent harm will not be spread over the earth until all those who have succeeded in raising their overall vibration have been counted. Once a critical mass has been reached, like a giant fishing net, the Christ impulse will withdraw, taking with it all those who qualify for "graduation" to a Higher existence, a Higher frequency, a Higher state-of-consciousness. We won't go into how this activity will actually manifest itself at this time. Perhaps in a future post. A hint can be provided:

"Match the frequency of the reality that you want and you cannot help but get that reality."


There are forces that are in direct opposition to this Divine Plan of Salvation. We have identified some of these forces and reviewed their plans in a couple of posts preceding this one. Be advised that we are not to pay any undue attention to their machinations. The Dark has their plan, they have their work to do. We who yearn to be reborn as Children of Light have our own tasks to attend to.

Fortunately, throughout the ages whenever a cycle is ending and a harvest approaches, groups are established on earth that have the ability to concentrate and consolidate the incoming Christine radiations. These groups are able to tap into this Living Light-power and step it down for use by ordinary human-beings, depending upon an individual's ability to receive it. This has historically been the task of all bona fide mystery schools, both ancient and modern. The School of the Golden Rosycross is one such modern-day mystery school that has fulfilled its duty to build a present-day "Ark". This Ark is a Living Body, a vacuum of Divine ethers that has been maintained by the School for the sole purpose of providing humanity with a vibrational bridge to the Divine realms. Those who can avail themselves of this Divine storehouse will find the assistance necessary to complete the Path of Return.

Only you can make the decision to walk this Path back to the True Reality. Only you can resolve to effect the fundamental reversal and turn away from the material illusion. Only you can stand aside and allow the Divine Rose that sleeps within your heart to blossom in response to the Silent Call. The Divine Plan is in motion. All is in readiness. The wedding hall has been prepared, the bridegroom awaits.

All that is missing...is you.

~ g


Paul B said...

Thanks Brother Gee

Anonymous said...

Thanks ~g.