31 March 2016

That Which Is Caesar's

Found these on the Web... ~ g

The Modern Rosycross And Its Attitude To The Surrounding World, Vol. I

The Modern Rosycross And Its Attitude To The Surrounding World, Vol. II


27 March 2016

He Is Risen (Re-Post)

The following is re-posted in remembrance of The Resurrection that must take place within all of us ~ g


Let us pose the obvious question, the one logical problem:

'How can the fallen human-being become a god again? How can the prodigal son Thotmes return home?'

This problem and its solution is given in every Universal Philosophy: we are humans who are to become gods. The Great Messengers of humanity were gods who became human in order to show humans how to become gods.

If this problem stands clearly before you, you will know it was born 'in conflict', and that the road to it was toil and trouble. Like Prince Thotmes, you have to excavate your Sphinx, which will pose a great problem to you personally. If you neglect your Work for one moment, you will sink back into the bottomless depths of this nature. Then you will feel at one with this world, and you will become accustomed to it again. You must understand that for the defeated soul the question: 'How does the fallen human become a god again?' will develop enough motivation to be able to go the Path as a pilgrim to seek an answer the that question.

Hence we can say: Whoever has seen the Sphinx will enter the Pyramid.

The Pyramid is a temple of resurrection and not of worship. It is a temple not for symbolic acts but for instruction. It is a sepulchre. People can create a lot of mystification about it, but as the Pyramid is hewn in stone its essential language cannot be destroyed.

In our opinion everyone who has seen the Sphinx from within and everyone to whom the Sphinx has spoken, like Prince Thotmes, will be able to understand the stone language of the Pyramid. We say that the Sphinx makes the Call and that the Pyramid points out the Path.

From "The Mystery of the Sphinx and the Pyramid" - The Living Word - Catharose de Petri


The ancients speak to us in symbols. Once you have the gnostic Key in hand, it is like reading an open book.

The Great Pyramid is a four-sided triangle, with a square base. Around the base one can draw a perfect circle. Triangle, Square, Circle.

These shapes have symbolic meaning:

Circle = the Eternal Spirit
Triangle = the Threefold Soul
Square = the fourfold Body

Thus the Pyramid itself represents the reunification of Spirit, Soul and Body, which is the ultimate aim of the transfiguristic Path of Return.

The interior of the Pyramid is constructed in such a way as to outline the steps of this Path using specific measurements, angles, different types of stone and sacred numerology (gematria). The exalted beings who constructed the Great Pyramid did so using a silent, common language that could speak to all human-beings, no matter what the time period. Of course, those human-beings would have to have the gnostic Key in hand.

During the time of the ancients, there were very, very few who were motivated to walk the Path of Return. Around the ancient world, those who showed that they were sincere about doing so were brought to secret places of initiation. This was the purpose of the Mayan and Aztec temples in the West. This was the purpose of the extensive system of caves in the Sabarthes region of southern France. This was the purpose of the Great Pyramid.

The Pyramid is not a tomb, as present-day bumbling archaeology chooses to define it. No physical human-being was ever buried there. It was a tomb for the I-being. It was where a true pupil was taken to complete the endura. It was where the old human-being died as to this nature and the New Man rose in its place.

That is why the "tomb" in the King's Chamber is empty. In silence, it expresses what was written regarding the Christed One on the day of His resurrection as a Divine Human Being:

"Why do you look for the Living among the dead? He is not here, He is risen". Luke 24:5-6

~ g


The human-being is barely one step above the beasts of the forest. The only things that separate us from our brother-animals is that we have an in-dwelling mortal soul and the ability to reason (allegedly).

Everything else about us is of an animal nature, especially our instinct for self-preservation and our self-focused desires. Humans may clothe themselves in a façade of culture, yet behind closed doors or in the heat of some trial, it's a whole different story. On the outside, we pretend to be civilized, genteel, polite and courteous, but let someone cross us or do something that we don't like. Then watch the claws come out as we bare our teeth with a snarl. The aeonic forces that influence us by the second will routinely assert their control.

The fact that we are but beast-men can be deduced by reading any newspaper or walking amongst any large crowd. Despite all of our great inventions and so-called accomplishments, evolution has barely just begun for the majority of the human race. There are higher, greater levels of attainment than where we are today.

So, don't be content to just be a super-animal. Don't delude yourself into thinking that you are a finished product. Don't pat yourself on the back, content to think that you are at the top of the food chain. Man is not yet perfected. We are destined for a much Higher Purpose. Remember that. Don't stop here, keep going.

~ g

26 March 2016

Re: Blog Additions

A Search feature and an Email Feed feature have been added to this blog at the bottom of the left-hand side of the page.

~ g

24 March 2016

White As Snow


If you release the power which lies sunken in the Primordial Atom by surrendering yourself in inner silence and calm; if, in this way, the 'fragrance of the Rose' can find expression, then the New Soul, which is of God, will be able to achieve whatever it wills. If, regardless of his current state-of-being, the personality-being places himself entirely under the wings of the New Soul, then from power, activity and eternity the only true human form will arise.

That is why humanity needs to understand these things. And that is why we are talking about them now. For, as the Bible laments, 'My people, my brothers and sisters of the Soul, are lost for lack of knowledge'. And that is why the Brotherhood of the Rosycross reveals the science of Liberation, the knowledge of Salvation. But if you absorb this knowledge intellectually, and hold onto it as a mere intellectual concept, taking the nature-born self as your starting-point, it will go wrong; then you will never reach your goal. That is why people must be given the understanding necessary to enable them to cooperate with the process, consciously and in the right way.

Now you might say: 'I already knew about that; it is like this, and it is like that, and I must do this, and I must do that...', but you must do nothing! Only surrender, in inner stillness, to the God within you. Do, please, understand it: within your microcosm burns the Light, the central heart; and it is to that you must turn.

The central heart must grow, but you must perish. And since you must perish, you will need to understand the process. That is the reason why the knowledge is given to you. Not to cram your head with it, so that you can say 'now I know it all', but to enable you to walk the Path of Liberation.

Though nature-born man may have transgressed and sinned most grievously against the elementary laws of life, provided he surrenders and entrusts himself to the only-begotten Son within him, to the immortal Soul (the Divine Spirit-spark atom), this immortal Soul will be able to break through even the most fatal, self-invoked doom; this is the only forgiveness of sins. That is why we read in the Bible, for instance, with respect to the penitent adulteress who had turned to the True Soul: 'Let him among you who is without sin cast the first stone'.

That is why we never raise any objection to any pupil whoever, regardless of what misdeeds he or she may have done in the past; provided that those concerned entrust themselves to the soul, genuinely and positively, and give proof of it in their way of life. Then, in the modern Spiritual School, too, the words will be spoken: 'Let him among you who is without sin cast the first stone'.

Pupilship must be shone in a concrete way, and carried out demonstrably. The doctrine of guilt and the forgiveness of sins and grace is a classical hermetic teaching. It fills us with joy to be able to tell you this and to be able to prove it with the aid of the gospel of the Arch-Gnosis, which is so many thousands of years old. This great and glorious consolation comes to us in this passage from the thirteenth book with the assurance that the True Soul is higher and more powerful than any fate. This consolation is also given to us in the more familiar words from the Bible:

'Though your sins be as red as scarlet, they will become as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they will become white like wool'.

From "The Only-Begotten Son Of God" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. 4 - Jan van Rijckenborgh


The issue of balancing karma that is many thousands of years old has been discussed previously. This passage brings to light once again a great blessing that results from walking the Path. The accumulated karma and the sins of the predecessors in our microcosm can be forgiven in this life, thereby preparing one for the process of transfiguration. This can happen only if one learns the requirements of the Path and endeavors to walk it truthfully and with humility. One must also heed the admonition: 'Go, And Sin No More' . Those who are play-acting will be found out. Those who yearn for the New Life-Field, will have their robes washed.

The Plan of the Logos is for man to succeed in obtaining Liberation. That is why we are offered this free pass, this "Get Out Of Jail Free" card. The New Soul, which is of God, can do the impossible, precisely because it is of God.

~ g

19 March 2016

Eight Days Of Easter (Begins March 20th)

This is re-posted as a reminder. Originally posted on March 8th, 2016.

As was done for Christmas, the following is being passed on to any who may wish to receive these emails during the Easter season ~ g



Experience the spiritual meaning of Easter and the special symbolism of the Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection of The Christ through daily inspirations based on ‘The Gospel of the Holy Twelve’ by Jasper Gideon Ouseley.

These inspirations will be send by email over the Easter period, beginning on March 20th and ending on March 27th.

The Spiritual Easter online program consists of 16 daily narratives and reflections sent to you via one email each day, from which you can read or listen to the program:
 3/20 morning: The Passage
 3/20 evening: The Last Entry Into Jerusalem (chapter 67)
 3/21 morning: Going Through The Gate
3/21 evening: The Christ Within The Soul (chapter 69)
 3/22 morning: The Mystery Of Birth And Death
 3/22 evening: The Cleansing Of The Temple (chapter 71)
 3/23 morning: Purifying The Inner Temple
 3/23 evening: The Last Paschal Supper And Washing Of The Feet (chapters 75 + 76)
 3/24 morning: Surrender To Your Inner Master
 3/24 evening: The Garden of Gethsemane And The Betrayal Of Judas (chapters 77 + 78)
 3/25 morning: Showing New Inner Strength
3/25 evening: The Roman Trial, The Crucifixion And The Burial (chapters 81 + 82 + 83)
 3/26 morning: The Crucial Victory Over Yourself
 3/26 evening: The Resurrection And The Appearance To Emmaus (chapters 84 + 85)
 3/27 morning: Liberation Of The Inner Man
 3/27 evening: Jesus Appears In The Temple And To The Twelve (chapters 86 + 87)
Register for daily inspiration in the week before Easter at:


This free online program is available as both text and audio.


~ g

The Global Malaise


Have you not noticed that many people complain of ill health? This is also true of pupils of the School. The main complaint is tiredness. One has the impression that many experience these difficulties because of long periods of stress without sufficient rest. The diet of many pupils, too, is far from ideal.

This is a symptom of our times. In this respect, we feel that pupils of the School are no different from other people Outside the School, too -- all over the world, in fact -- this general deterioration can be observed. The state we have entered into now was predicted several years ago in the modern Spiritual School. Pupils were warned about it again and again.

Why were they warned? What can one do about it? As nature-born human-beings aren't we all threatened by the same dangers?

No, you were warned repeatedly because there is something you can do about it! But one of the difficulties of these times is that people do not listen well and understand so poorly. Moreover, people forget very quickly. Everything we are telling you today, you could well have forgotten entirely by tomorrow, not intentionally, not because you are primitive, but because what you hear, you repress!

The atmosphere in which we live has changed. The Great Game is being played! You observe how world events are affected by the Great Game, how they correspond to the unmasking*. But do you observe how the Great Game has already begun with respect to you?

A general sickening, weakening of all mankind has begun. We announced this well beforehand so that you would not be victimized by it. All these complaints show that all are being swept along in the mighty current of destruction. Coughing and sneezing, anemic and laden with all kinds of symptoms, we are carried along by the current, unable to resist. Uneasiness and despondency prevail wherever you look. People are asking themselves: "Where is all this going to lead? What is going on?"

From "The Delusory Goodness of Evil - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol III - Jan van Rijckenborgh


17 March 2016


As promised in a comment posted on 3/17/2016.

Dialectics (definition)

Our present-day life-field where everything reveals itself in pairs of opposites that are inseparably linked: day and night, light and dark, joy and sorrow, youth and old age, good and evil, life and death; they inevitably generate and follow each other.

Through this fundamental law everything in this field of existence is subject to continuous change and disintegration, to rising, shining and fading. Through this law, this field of existence is a place of finiteness, pain, sorrow, demolition, illness and death.

On the other hand, from a higher point-of-view, dialectical law is a law of Divine grace, which prevents man's final crystallization (and thereby his inescapable downfall), through a continuous demolition and renewal, offering him, time and time again, a new possibility of manifestation.

In this way man repeatedly receives an opportunity to recognize the Purpose of his existence and, through Transfiguration (rebirth out of Water and Spirit) to walk the Path of Return.  

Glossary definition of Dialectics, The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. III, Jan van Rijckenborgh

~ g

10 March 2016

On Building The New Soul

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.”

Following a spiritual path requires change. Following a path implies going somewhere, somewhere else where presumably things are different, even better.
We often find ourselves lamenting the state of our lives, the state of society, the state of the world. Certainly there is much to lament. But does it help anyone, out there or especially ourselves, to moan about it? We can, after all, only change ourselves. And change within ourselves does change the world around us, in the way we look at it, in the way we affect it, in the way we let it be without trying to control people or situations.
When we truly long for the new life, for a life for the Soul, then the best help is to focus on that, on the New Soul, and not lament the rest of it, not lament what our ego has to leave behind. We will have to leave it all behind eventually anyway, and now we are given the conscious opportunity to begin that process, which is what is meant by ‘dying while living.’ Why not be free now? That is liberation, that is not being tied down by -- well, anything. We can each list our own particular weights, the baggage that we carry around with us. But if we want to build a New Soul, then Socrates advises us to let this baggage go rather than to focus on it or bemoan it.
As members and pupils of a gnostic spiritual school, we have material available that is meant for the Soul, that can help free the Soul from our baggage. We have books, we have online programs, we have meetings and conferences and time in the Temple, and we have a developing Soul that can recognize what is good for it. When we provide the soul-nourishing food in our focus and in our thoughts, then we provide it peace and we too are quiet and restful. It is a state we come to recognize and appreciate, a different state than chasing after the ephemeral prizes of the material world. Even in the midst of worry or turmoil, we can recognize the still quiet center of the heart and choose to serve it rather than our ego, even while the ego is striving to achieve some outward satisfaction.
It is unlikely that we will always succeed in pulling our focus from our ego to our Soul, but we do learn the consequences each time that we make a choice. Gradually we learn to anticipate when we are making a conscious choice for the ego or for the Soul. The more we concentrate on this, in our thoughts, in our longing, then the more we can build the New.

LRC Contact Letter - Change - February 2016

~ g

08 March 2016

Eight Days Of Easter

As was done for Christmas, the following is being passed on to any who may wish to receive these emails during the Easter season ~ g



Experience the spiritual meaning of Easter and the special symbolism of the Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection of The Christ through daily inspirations based on ‘The Gospel of the Holy Twelve’ by Jasper Gideon Ouseley.

These inspirations will be send by email over the Easter period, beginning on March 20th and ending on March 27th.

The Spiritual Easter online program consists of 16 daily narratives and reflections sent to you via one email each day, from which you can read or listen to the program:
 3/20 morning: The Passage
 3/20 evening: The Last Entry Into Jerusalem (chapter 67)
 3/21 morning: Going Through The Gate
3/21 evening: The Christ Within The Soul (chapter 69)
 3/22 morning: The Mystery Of Birth And Death
 3/22 evening: The Cleansing Of The Temple (chapter 71)
 3/23 morning: Purifying The Inner Temple
 3/23 evening: The Last Paschal Supper And Washing Of The Feet (chapters 75 + 76)
 3/24 morning: Surrender To Your Inner Master
 3/24 evening: The Garden of Gethsemane And The Betrayal Of Judas (chapters 77 + 78)
 3/25 morning: Showing New Inner Strength
3/25 evening: The Roman Trial, The Crucifixion And The Burial (chapters 81 + 82 + 83)
 3/26 morning: The Crucial Victory Over Yourself
 3/26 evening: The Resurrection And The Appearance To Emmaus (chapters 84 + 85)
 3/27 morning: Liberation Of The Inner Man
 3/27 evening: Jesus Appears In The Temple And To The Twelve (chapters 86 + 87)
Register for daily inspiration in the week before Easter at:


This free online program is available as both text and audio.


~ g



This nature-order has become materialized owing to a number of incidents in the process of human genesis.  Hermes calls this process of materialization and all its results a process of evil, a process of un-divine genesis, for materialization is crystallization;  a process that ends in petrifaction and therefore leads to total stagnation. The time will come when a crystallized, petrified earth can no longer serve as a life-field for embryonic, nature-born beings, for entities who are still in the process of development. That is why earth's history has always been one of rising and declining, where things crystallize increasingly and are constantly broken up, so that the earth can again become a field of development.

As soon as the crystallizing human-being, perishing in evil, genuinely turns to The Good, to the Divine Order, to the Gnosis, his decline will be converted into an ascent. The crystallizations and their results will then be transformed in a process of total transfiguration. And then, he transforms evil into The Good.

From "Earth, The Womb Of The World" The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis Vol. III - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Matter is Spirit, crystallized. Spirit is Matter, etherealized.

~ g

06 March 2016

'Happiness' Is Not The Point

Most believe that 'happiness' is the ultimate goal to be obtained during earth-life. It is the prize. A constant and unceasing state of harmonious, self-pleasing 'happiness' is supposed to be the sign of a well-spent life. This mindset, coupled with the fact that man, if lucky, can expect to live to an average of 72 years, drives human-beings to expend an enormous amount of energy in a fruitless pursuit of 'happiness'.

Thus, racing to beat the clock-of-death, every setback drives man to panic. Why aren't things working out for me? Why can't I get the things that I want? I just want to be 'happy'. Why can't I be 'happy'??

Here's your answer, Poor Unknowing Soul: You will never be 'happy' in this life because earth-life is not designed to bestow permanent 'happiness' upon anyone. We live in a dialectical reality, a duality, where everything has its opposite and everything eventually turns into its opposite. If one manages to obtain a semblance of 'happiness', he or she can be certain that it will not last. Eventually, that 'happiness' will turn into its opposite. Things cannot be otherwise.

This dialectical nature-order is temporal. Everything about it screams temporary. The only constant to be found is change. In keeping with that fundamental law, the events in our lives swing back and forth between two poles, like a pendulum in perpetual motion.

So then, what is the point? Why was this nature-order designed to prevent an eternal state of 'happiness'? Well, let's think about it. If man could find a way to obtain permanent 'happiness' here on earth, he would cease to progress. He would not seek for anything better because he would be completely content with what he has. Man would crystallize into a state that would truly doom his microcosm to the Outer Darkness.

This is why death comes to humanity. It comes to break up that which is in danger of crystallizing. It comes to afford the microcosm a fresh opportunity to create yet another new personality that will not foolishly seek for 'happiness' on the horizontal plane of dialectics, but will seek the Gnosis, the Keys to Freedom and a return to the eternal bliss that can only be found in the Divine Kingdom.

~ g

05 March 2016


It is a most difficult task to tear one's self away from the only 'reality' one has ever known, but tear away one must, if one is to ever obtain an opportunity to return to man's Divine Home. 

When you fall asleep at night, your dreams become real. For those few hours, that is your 'reality', and you are consumed by it.

This life is no different. We are asleep; asleep and mesmerized by a most fantastic dream. We are also paralyzed and unable to move. Our eyelids refuse to open. And so, we slumber on, not knowing of the worlds that await our seeing, if we would only open our eyes.

~ g