24 March 2016

White As Snow


If you release the power which lies sunken in the Primordial Atom by surrendering yourself in inner silence and calm; if, in this way, the 'fragrance of the Rose' can find expression, then the New Soul, which is of God, will be able to achieve whatever it wills. If, regardless of his current state-of-being, the personality-being places himself entirely under the wings of the New Soul, then from power, activity and eternity the only true human form will arise.

That is why humanity needs to understand these things. And that is why we are talking about them now. For, as the Bible laments, 'My people, my brothers and sisters of the Soul, are lost for lack of knowledge'. And that is why the Brotherhood of the Rosycross reveals the science of Liberation, the knowledge of Salvation. But if you absorb this knowledge intellectually, and hold onto it as a mere intellectual concept, taking the nature-born self as your starting-point, it will go wrong; then you will never reach your goal. That is why people must be given the understanding necessary to enable them to cooperate with the process, consciously and in the right way.

Now you might say: 'I already knew about that; it is like this, and it is like that, and I must do this, and I must do that...', but you must do nothing! Only surrender, in inner stillness, to the God within you. Do, please, understand it: within your microcosm burns the Light, the central heart; and it is to that you must turn.

The central heart must grow, but you must perish. And since you must perish, you will need to understand the process. That is the reason why the knowledge is given to you. Not to cram your head with it, so that you can say 'now I know it all', but to enable you to walk the Path of Liberation.

Though nature-born man may have transgressed and sinned most grievously against the elementary laws of life, provided he surrenders and entrusts himself to the only-begotten Son within him, to the immortal Soul (the Divine Spirit-spark atom), this immortal Soul will be able to break through even the most fatal, self-invoked doom; this is the only forgiveness of sins. That is why we read in the Bible, for instance, with respect to the penitent adulteress who had turned to the True Soul: 'Let him among you who is without sin cast the first stone'.

That is why we never raise any objection to any pupil whoever, regardless of what misdeeds he or she may have done in the past; provided that those concerned entrust themselves to the soul, genuinely and positively, and give proof of it in their way of life. Then, in the modern Spiritual School, too, the words will be spoken: 'Let him among you who is without sin cast the first stone'.

Pupilship must be shone in a concrete way, and carried out demonstrably. The doctrine of guilt and the forgiveness of sins and grace is a classical hermetic teaching. It fills us with joy to be able to tell you this and to be able to prove it with the aid of the gospel of the Arch-Gnosis, which is so many thousands of years old. This great and glorious consolation comes to us in this passage from the thirteenth book with the assurance that the True Soul is higher and more powerful than any fate. This consolation is also given to us in the more familiar words from the Bible:

'Though your sins be as red as scarlet, they will become as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they will become white like wool'.

From "The Only-Begotten Son Of God" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. 4 - Jan van Rijckenborgh


The issue of balancing karma that is many thousands of years old has been discussed previously. This passage brings to light once again a great blessing that results from walking the Path. The accumulated karma and the sins of the predecessors in our microcosm can be forgiven in this life, thereby preparing one for the process of transfiguration. This can happen only if one learns the requirements of the Path and endeavors to walk it truthfully and with humility. One must also heed the admonition: 'Go, And Sin No More' . Those who are play-acting will be found out. Those who yearn for the New Life-Field, will have their robes washed.

The Plan of the Logos is for man to succeed in obtaining Liberation. That is why we are offered this free pass, this "Get Out Of Jail Free" card. The New Soul, which is of God, can do the impossible, precisely because it is of God.

~ g

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