27 March 2016


The human-being is barely one step above the beasts of the forest. The only things that separate us from our brother-animals is that we have an in-dwelling mortal soul and the ability to reason (allegedly).

Everything else about us is of an animal nature, especially our instinct for self-preservation and our self-focused desires. Humans may clothe themselves in a façade of culture, yet behind closed doors or in the heat of some trial, it's a whole different story. On the outside, we pretend to be civilized, genteel, polite and courteous, but let someone cross us or do something that we don't like. Then watch the claws come out as we bare our teeth with a snarl. The aeonic forces that influence us by the second will routinely assert their control.

The fact that we are but beast-men can be deduced by reading any newspaper or walking amongst any large crowd. Despite all of our great inventions and so-called accomplishments, evolution has barely just begun for the majority of the human race. There are higher, greater levels of attainment than where we are today.

So, don't be content to just be a super-animal. Don't delude yourself into thinking that you are a finished product. Don't pat yourself on the back, content to think that you are at the top of the food chain. Man is not yet perfected. We are destined for a much Higher Purpose. Remember that. Don't stop here, keep going.

~ g

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, keep going we must. A little rhyme to help those along the way;-

'Some have too much and yet do crave
I have little and seek no more;
They are but poor though much more they have
And I am rich with little store.
They poor, I rich, they beg, I give;
They lack, I have; they pine, I live.'

Seek and ye shall find.....

love .....~m.