27 February 2012

The Promise

"One thing should here, O mortals, be established by us, that God hath decreed to the world before her end, which presently thereupon shall ensue, an influx of truth, light, and grandeur, such as He commanded should accompany Adam from Paradise, and sweeten the misery of man: Wherefore there shall cease all falsehood, darkness, and bondage"

~ Confessio Fraternitatis R.C. (1615)

24 February 2012

Flying Saucers


Well, we have to tell you that various  planetary mankinds possess the theoretical and practical knowledge to make and build such instruments and vessels. They already had this knowledge when The Wrath in the dualistic universe was kindled. The stories of flying saucers throughout all ages and all that has come to our knowledge about them during the last years prove this fully. We lack the necessary technical scientific knowledge to give you a satisfactory explanation of the precise structure of the propelling device. We can give you, at best, an image of it as a layman sees it.

As you know, electricity is a phenomenon that accompanies every magnetic current. Where there is a magnetic force, there is also electricity. That is why a giant electrical capacity that can never be exhausted is always present in the entire universe. Scientists of the earth have demonstrated over the centuries, with very poor instruments, that us should be possible to pick up this atmospheric or cosmic electricity. Tremendous atmospheric electrical discharges are known to have a disrupting effect on various instruments.

Anyhow, the space travelers possess the knowledge and devices to pick up cosmic electricity wherever they may be  and to concentrate it in relatively small spaces. Assisted in this way, they create an electromagnetic field in and around their vessel. By making this field positive or negative at will, and in this way attuning it to their own planetary north and south polar currents, they can leave their planet, or they can travel towards it. The speed of their vessels depends on the increasing  or decreasing of the electromagnetic field in question. When you also assume that they are subsequently able to attune their device to any other given planetary field, you can imagine that space travel is as simple for these entities as cycling is for us.

For the technically-minded person, many problems remain, of course, still unsolved. We certainly cannot give an adequate answer to every question, because we do not approach these problems from the technical point of view. We can, however, state with certainty that an entity knowing how to apply the electromagnetic current will thereby be able to solve many such problems. All this, and we emphasize this point, belongs entirely to the practice of life-waves in the dualistic realm of the nature of death.

All atomic vandalism  -- and all experimentation with atomic science is vandalism -- communicates itself immediately to, and manifests itself in the magnetic earth currents. Thus, cooperation in the solar system is disturbed. The solar system, as we saw, is one magnetic system. When earth's mankind, driven by blind instincts, affects the foundation of the inter-cosmic system by causing heavy atomic bombardments or experiments with incomprehensibly high energies (for this is what it amounts to), the disorganization will communicate itself to all planets. Numerous chain-reactions will result in the suicide and the murder of all the inhabitants of the solar system.

Of course there are still many other causes of disorganization of the earth's magnetic field and consequently of the solar system, because every unholy condition of humanity brings with it such a consequence. Yet, where technology and the madness of science serve the unholiness, there the dangers are of highly alarming proportions. Although in all ages there has been talk of interplanetary visits by means of space ships, in our time such visits are the order of the day. Yes, we are convinced that at this moment not a second passes without large numbers of such vessels being present in our atmosphere. The question can now be asked: what are those vessels and their crews doing in our life-field? Only looking? Only investigating? Filling us with dread by their presence? Do they threaten us with mass attacks?

In answer to these questions one could say: they do not have to look, because they know better than we do what is going on. Neither do they have to investigate, for they know from the past what to expect when earth's mankind is once again on the point of reaching the peak of its civilization. Neither can they fill man of the masses with dread, for such a man submits to and unconditionally follows his "authorities". The "authorities" deny the phenomena and the press and the radio usually follow suit. Besides, the space ships stay as far as possible from the inhabited areas in order to attract the least possible attention. Moreover, there is no question of attacks, for any destruction for instance, of the large quantities of various atom bombs already available would result in an immense disaster in the entire solar system. 

No, the continuous presence of space ships in our atmosphere, all of which do not originate from other planets, has a totally different explanation. The fact is that they are continually repairing the damage inflicted upon the earth's magnetic field by the shocks and ravages of mankind. Starting from the earth's magnetic poles, where they land incessantly, groups of spaceships are continually restoring and adjusting, to purify and regulate the vibration of the inflowing and radiating currents, "to rectify" shocked magnetic fields and to feed them in order to safeguard the inter-cosmic household to the best of their ability.

Thus, the space ships do very beneficial work.Without their help, our world and the entire solar system would have long since had to end this Day of Manifestation. However, this work has, in the main, a purely self-protecting purpose, for all these entities are not able definitely to extinguish or destroy the unholiness caused by earth's mankind. Mankind itself must wipe out its karma.  Therefore, the said cleansing of the earth's magnetic atmosphere has to do with a concentration of all this unholiness.This concentration has reached such proportions that it is almost visible while it is becoming ever larger and denser.


From "There Is No Empty Space" - J van Rjickenborgh

A bit of a change-of-pace. Yes, so-called flying saucers" are real, and as mentioned above, not all of them come from "outer space". The North Pole is officially a "no-fly" zone and almost every major nation has a base at the South Pole...and they're not there because the fishin's good.

However, we are advised to not focus too much on the "extra-terrestrial" phenomena, as these will only distract us from our purpose. The goal is make the Harvest, either the Lesser Harvest or the Greater Harvest. That is where our focus should lie. That is what we must aspire to.

~ g

19 February 2012

Unmasking - Soul-Mankind

Soul-Man, Soul-Mankind


In the Bible we find a description of the Coming Again of Christ, but unfortunately, people do not interpret that Coming Again in the same way. Some understand what is said about it in the Holy Language strictly and literally' others understand it in a merely symbolical sense. But it is a relatively very small group who are able to behold it in the true sense.

This true sense of the Holy Language of all times has different aspects. Perhaps you know of the real liberation of mankind! So, this way is not occult, nor is it mystic. We do not seek or wish contact with, nor a life on the other side.

In the first place, we try to obtain a real, living state of soul; we try to obtain the birth of a new soul. And that new soul having been born, a soul-body is built on the basis of that soul-nucleus; a personality of the soul which the bible also indicates as the Golden Wedding Garment.

The soul-man who knows how to build such a wedding-garment, such a personality of the soul, gets into communication with the Original Life, with the True Humanity, with the Divinity of the Beginning, with the True Spirit. Such a man goes from eternity to eternity, a way which has nothing whatever to do with 'the other side', with the reflection-sphere; and, at a given moment, neither with the material-sphere of duality, so that, at a certain moment, he can put the entire old personality aside, in order to go forward in the Golden Wedding Garment, in the personality of the soul.

However, long before the absoluteness of that soul-body has come true, the growing soul-man has already met the Great Soul-Man the Holy Language speaks of, the Soul-Prince, one of the prototypes of soul-mankind: the Christ. When the awakened soul-man comes to behold the soul-mankind bodily, then Christ has come again for him.

Now, do get a clear picture of all this! The Gnosis always makes itself known to dualistic mankind. Why? In order to show the dualistic, fallen man the way to soul-mankind, the way to the soul-world. You have been born to find that way, to understand that way and to go that way. That is the one purpose of your life!

The Gnosis meets us in order to show us the way to the soul-world. Without that way, the human existence is of no use whatever.

This makes it clear that, if mankind does not wish to go that way and wants to establish an earthly kingdom (be it on this side of the veil, or in the land beyond the veil), something is going to happen with mankind.

May we repeat it: Mankind comes into being in this dualistic world in order to find the way back to the soul-mankind! In case it does not wish to go that way, the goal is missed and mankind is broken off. That is the cause of death! But if man finds the way to the soul-world, he conquers death completely. He who wins the soul, conquers death and may say after Paul: 'Death, where is thy sting, hell where is thy victory?'.
But when man does not go the way to soul-mankind, then -- thanks to God -- the material body is disintegrated. Then it is caught by death. Why? In order to give the microcosm a chance to admit another personality into the system, so that this personality may avail itself of the possibility to re-find the way back to the House of the Father. When we do not find the way to the Domain of the Soul in the direct sense, then death may rightly be called a blessing, an intervention for the purpose of mankind's salvation.

Therefore, you can now understand that -- in case mankind, self-willed, tries to maintain itself, seeking after a continued life and, when this proves to be impossible, clings to the land beyond the veil -- enormous tensions accumulate; tensions caused by the infringement of the most elementary laws of nature; tensions which will cause the world to explode at a given moment.

We repeat: when one tries to realize an earthly kingdom on this or the other side, then something is going to happen to mankind. Then, mankind's life is speeding to the end; then life, as it goes, is demolished by the irresistible workings of the fundamental laws of nature, in both the spheres of dualistic existence.

On the one hand, the real meaning of the Coming Again of Christ is: the finding of the Soul-Prince on the path of soul-humanity; on the other hand -- when in a certain period a large group of people are really standing on that path -- it means the development of a formidable calamity-status for the other part of mankind. A crisis comes about, an enormous explosion of the tensions which the Holy Language calls 'The Judgement': the Judgement of God.

Under the spell of this threatening calamity and the lack of light-ether connected with it, the reflection-sphere hierarchy is staging the 'Great Play' against which The Shadow of the Coming Events gives such a serious warning to everybody who is willing to listen.

But, at the same time, the disaster is undeniable: as a discharge of the existing and still increasing unnatural tensions.

We shall try to explain what we must understand the disaster and its consequences to be, and also investigate whether, in our present days, we can already see something of the catastrophe. For, it is necessary that we should be fully informed, in order that we may be able to behave, as knowing people, in the correct manner with regard to the Great Aim of our life and shall not go astray by a wrong insight which so often is the cause of totally wrong and absolutely fatal reactions.


From "Armageddon" - Part II of Unmasking - J van Rjickenborgh

18 February 2012

Unmasking - The Parasites

Light-Spirits - the Parasites of the Reflection-Sphere


When a man falls asleep, his personality is cleaved. The subtle part of his personality steps out, as people call it; in fact, things happen in quite the same way as during the condition of death. However, we must remark here that, when the personality is splitting upon the approach of the condition of sleep, the human consciousness is also splitting.

When a man sleeps and the material body lies stretched on the bed, the etheric double  floats some inches above the material body, whereas the other subtle parts of the personality can, if he so wishes, move more or less to and from the material body. This cleavage of the personality having taken effect, the human consciousness is cleaving also, as we have said. Therefore, the normal human sleeping-consciousness differs from the waking-consciousness. For, part of the waking-consciousness remains with the material body during the sleep. This part of the waking-consciousness then is in a more or less dreamless, unconscious condition.

Now, many people supposed that it would be possible to transfer the total consciousness to the subtle part of the personality during the condition of sleep. The reasoning was as follows: 'When we, on falling asleep, cause to 'step out' that which, during the waking-consciousness, we call our total consciousness, then the "I", when awakening, can bring back the complete result of the investigation in the hereafter and etch it on the brains.'.

In order to be able to do this, the whole material body must be trained for the purpose. To this end, a training of the brains will be necessary, especially a change in the cells of the brains. The entire central nervous system is to be subjected to a series of adjustments for, normally, the brains do transfer the pictures of the nightly life, which we call dreams, but generally it is not possible to make head or tail of them, as everybody knows: they are confused, senseless and extremely veiled.

Well, the whole of this training of all the vehicles of the personality, for the purpose of transferring the total consciousness to the subtle personality, lies at the basis of the science and the practices of occultism. But a man who subjects himself to these practices thereby brings himself in a very great danger, namely the danger of heavy crystallization of the personality; a crystallization which is much more intense than what is possible in a normal human life. As we have explained already, he firstly tries to make this body live much longer than normally would be possible, by influencing the organic processes in various ways.

The occultist literally strives after a prolongation of the dualistic state-of-life. He trains the entire personality, the subtle as well as the more dense part. Thus, his personality's factor of crystallization changes completely and it is absolutely contradictory to the dualistic, natural law.

This, in short, is the manner in which a part of mankind, unlawfully and contra-naturally, have created for themselves a life in the reflection-sphere, in the land beyond the veil. Of course, this unlawful, contra-natural half-life tries to maintain itself in the reflection-sphere. Just as people on the material side of our nature try to maintain themselves by all means, they try to maintain themselves on the other side of the veil also. These people believe themselves to be alive, to have reached their aim; they think they are citizens of heaven, but in reality, they are anomalies in the dualistic nature. For this reason, they are, and at the same time create, a deadly danger for that part of humanity who are still living on this side because, in order to be able to prolong their lives on the other side and to secure their existence there, they are obliged to constantly feed themselves with light-ether.

Now you will understand, especially after having read the above treatise, what a brotherhood of the reflection-sphere really is. It is a collection of entities who unlawfully maintain themselves in the reflection-sphere and who are extremely dangerous for the world and mankind in view of the unnaturalness of the forced prolongation of their existence and its consequent practices.

Now you will also understand what the hierarchy of the reflection-sphere brotherhoods is. It is a combine of such brotherhoods whose only basis is: need of self-maintenance. For, generally, there is a great animosity or rejection among the various groups. But when need be, they join and form one combine of interests. In our days, the danger threatens them that they will not be able to continue maintaining their lives in the reflection-sphere because of a growing lack of light-ether. That is the reason they are developing The Great Play, the play of the coming again of the Christ, in order to urge humanity into an increase of light-ether production for these hordes of parasites.

In The Shadow of the Coming Events (detailed in this series of posts), we indicated the whole of this play in its various aspects and, furthermore, outlined how it will begin and how its course will be.


End Part II

From "Armageddon" - Part II of Unmasking - J van Rijckenborgh

After the death of the physical body, the etheric, astral and mental bodies survive for awhile in the reflection-sphere (what man considers to be 'heaven'). As the microcosm ascends withdraws from the physical plane, it sheds each vehicle, one at a time. The etheric is left to decay with the physical body while the soul withdraws to the astral plane. Here, it is purged of earthly desires and the astral body is discarded. the soul then moves on to the lower mental plane, where the same is done for the mental body. This leaves the causal body, which resides on the higher mental plane.

That is the normal process of "death" for the personality, which normally takes hundreds of earth years to complete. However, as stated above, throughout the ages, there have been humans who, during their incarnation, have learned how to delay this process of dissolution, in order to obtain for themselves a sort of "immortality" in the reflection-sphere. They hang on to their vehicles, stubbornly refusing to allow their personality to dissolve. Leeching light-ethers from humans who are in the physical body is the only way they can maintain themselves in this fashion.

These entities will do anything to maintain their existence. They know that the end of this cycle is near, and that because of the degeneracy of mankind that accompanies such ending-cycles, there is precious little light-ether to be found on earth (as opposed to, say, the Middle Ages, when the churches were packed).

Remember, what has been before, will be again. These things are known because they have been recorded from times past. This knowledge has been made available to us now in keeping with the ancient promise that, before the end of this major world-cycle "all that is hidden, will be revealed".

~ g

17 February 2012


The Reflection-sphere


In "The Shadow of the Coming Events" we informed you of the action, which is in preparation by the hierarchy of the brotherhoods in the reflection-sphere; an action which, here and there, has already become apparent.

A subject of utmost importance has, however, been left out of consideration in the said treatise, because we wanted to postpone the discussion about that element until the very last moment. This moment has now come; further silence could probably be fatal. In order that you may gain a clear picture of the subject under discussion, it will be necessary to more or less introduce this.

First of all, we should like to draw your attention to that part of our field of life which we call the reflection-sphere.

When a man dies, it is his material body which dies; but the personality, besides the material body, consists of still other parts - namely, the ether-body (the etheric double), the astral vehicle, and finally, the light-shaped synthesis, a body which has no form as yet and which is indicated as the mental faculty.

When the material body dies, a small part of the etheric body also dies with it (one can behold an ether-vehicle in four aspects, four conditions of ether-density - chemical, life, light and reflecting ethers. Two of the most dense aspects die and immediately decay, together with the material body).

The other parts of the ether-vehicle, as well as the astral body and the mental faculty, continue their existence on the other side of the veil for some time.

Naturally, the personality is heavily damaged by the outfall of the material body, but also the more subtle parts of the personality are doomed to death. They dissolve more slowly or rapidly varying between two and thirty years. Finally, only the microcosm is left which, after this total emptying of the personality, again seeks re-vivification.

Now, after the death of the material body, the whole of this process takes place in the reflection-sphere, in those more subtle territories of our planet to which the more subtle vehicles of our personality belong. Many people think (and they have thought so time after time through all periods of mankind's course) that this reflection-sphere, this land beyond the veil, is the one great purpose of human existence, the great goal God puts before humanity. Moreover, people thought that life in the material-sphere was only 'one-time'; that in the land beyond the veil are heaven and hell, and that life on earth (in the material sphere) is decisive for an eternal abode in the hereafter.

For this reason the greater part of humanity, all through their material existence, is busy preparing for that land beyond the veil in order that they may gain the heaven-spheres  instead of hell, and that they may eternally remain in that summerland in a life of glory.

In this way, the entire natural religious part of humanity keep their minds fixed on the reflection-sphere. But many people wanted certainty with regard to that hereafter, that future eternal life. They wished to ascertain its truth, its reality or its possible mystification. They would not wait till they possibly might arrive there after death; they wanted exact knowledge already in this life.

They, therefore, tried to acquire that certainty and they did it in the following manner: they tried to make themselves completely conscious during their nightly sleep; they wished to transfer the consciousness they had during the day to the condition of nightly sleep, in order that they might be able to observe with absolutenss -- so that they might positively know on the basis of their own consciousness.


End Part I

From "Armageddon" - Part II of Unmasking - J van Rjickenborgh

12 February 2012


This word is often used to describe the environment that humanity experiences in. This post attempts to offer a deeper insight.

Rising, Shining, Fading

The nature of the True, Divine Kingdom is immovable, immutable, unchanging, ever-lasting.

The nature of the earth is temporal, ever-changing, finite, not lasting.

We buy a new car, eventually it rusts and crumbles.

We place food in the refrigerator, and despite this effort to preserve it, eventually the food will rot.

We "fall in love" and although the flame burns fiercely hot in the beginning, this too, eventually wanes to a steady burn or fizzles out altogether.

No matter what it is, no matter how long it takes, if it is of the earth, it will return to the earth. This is the pattern: Rising, Shining, Fading.

The Pairs Of Opposites

Secondly, duality manifests itself by the fact that every attribute in this fallen universe has its polar opposite. All attributes have a positive and a negative pole, which can be observed by their qualities: positive-negative, up-down, in-out, good-bad, pleasure-pain, etc. This means that attributes are relative...they can be identified only in relation to something else. If there were no 'bad', how would we know 'good'? How can one describe the concept of 'in', if one does not know what 'out' means? 'Pleasure' could not be identified if we were not able to compare it with its polar opposite -- 'pain'. Indeed, the Pairs of Opposites are an essential quality of the dualistic realms.

The Divine Kingdom, which is separate and outside of this emergency order, does not entertain duality with its pairs of opposites. There are only Eternal Absolutes. There is no Rising, Shining and Fading. There is no decay, no lessening. There is only an eternal progression from power to power, from glory to glory.

'The Smallest Part Of...'

The Pairs of Opposites do not oppose one another. However they do maintain one another. As mentioned above, one cannot exist without the other. They are two sides of the same coin. This is why the Universal Doctrine reveals that "good is the smallest part of evil; evil is the smallest part of good". That's what is behind the yin and yang symbol. Here is where man, due to ignorance of this law, perpetuates 'evil' in the world when he strives to do 'good'.

No matter how altruistic, good-hearted or well-meaning an action or thought may be, somewhere in the earthly realm are those who are completely and vehemently opposed to that altruistic, good-hearted well-meaning thought or action. We can take the constant religious wars throughout man's history as an example. The result of this will always be that when one tries to do so-called "good" in this dualistic world, an equal amount of so-called "bad" will be generated, not only by others who oppose the "good", but within the aura of the man himself!

The only way to avoid this "correcting" effect, is to perform all actions without attachment to the results, or to whom it may benefit. Learn to do what is right because it is right, not because "it makes me feel good" or "it helps the world", etc.

Do you realize that there were those who disapproved of the work of Mother Theresa? To these ones, helping the poor and disenfranchised is the height of foolishness. They refer to such people as "useless eaters", and conspire over ways to eliminate this segment of humanity, via surreptitious, but deadly effective means. Thus, even the ultimate examples of dualistic, earthly good will only encourage extreme responses from its opposite pole, dualistic evil.

Even the so-called "heaven"-world of mankind, the "great beyond", is only temporary in its nature. The reflection-sphere is simply the other side of "life" in duality. It is a period of "not-life" for the microcosm; a withdrawal, for a time, from physical, sensory existence that ultimately ends in the inevitable return to material existence. Re-incarnation is simply a Wheel that revolves endlessly - until, of course, one finally makes the decision to learn how to get off of it.

Temporal Beyond The Veil

So, an  "eternal Heaven" does not exist in duality. The churches and myriad religions are either lying or confused when they inform their followers that a permanent, "Great Reward" awaits them in heaven. No! All religious followers, when they die, will simply transition to the reflection-sphere and, depending on what they've been brain-washed to believe, will be led to a huge magnificent cathedral, or mosque, or temple, or meeting hall, bedecked in beautiful marble, granite and jewels of indescribable beauty. They will hear the strains of lovely music, smell glorious fragrances and think to themselves: "I've made it to Heaven!". Then, they will climb the golden stairs to their personal Great House of Worship, enter the massive doorway, and see sights and wonders within.

Then the great doors will close, and it's "Gotcha!".

These souls will be 'captured' by one of the Great Aeons which rule the dualistic spheres. Here they will stay for a few hundred years, becoming a part of the Aeon, helping these unholy creations to siphon and leech light-energy from humans still in incarnation. When the time comes around for a return to incarnation, it is guaranteed that they will be forced to incarnate in the home of a catholic, christian, muslim, jewish couple, etc. This guarantees more light-energy for these Aeons of the reflection-sphere, and the cycle of vampirism continues.

These are the characteristics of the duality in which we are trapped. The deck is completely stacked against humanity, which makes it difficult for us to find our way Home. Until man learns to see what's truly behind the screen that we view as 'reality', it will be impossible to work up the desire required to do what is needful to leave this order.

Change. Impermanence. Temporality. It is how things must be in this emergency order of existence. If nature-born man, in his present degenerate state, were allowed to live forever in this material realm, could you imagine the damage that could be caused to humanity, the earth and the solar system? If man were able to permanently attain all that his lower-self desires, he would never want to leave this miserable earth. This is the core reason behind the temporal, changeable nature of things. It is designed to break the human will, to mire us in one disappointment after another until we finally decide that we are tired of The Show, and want to go Home.

That's duality.

~ g

07 February 2012

Living Two Lives - Conclusion

Virtue, Moderation
The New Way of Life


'As far as the seeds of God are concerned, they are few in number, but great and fair and good. They are called Virtue, Moderation and Piety'.

What should we understand by virtue? Virtue, in a hermetic sense, is a consistent behavior in harmony with and on the basis of the powers of the new soul which are being manifested in you. Are you sensitive to the soul? Do you understand, do you experience when the light of the Gnosis is transmitting to you? Well then, a consistently practiced way of life, in harmony with what you thus experience, feel, and understand, is virtue in the hermetic sense.  You must begin to believe in that mode of behavior which is thus reveled to your inner vision. You must open yourself to that way of life with your innermost yearning. You must long for it, as the Beatitudes say: 'Blessed are those who yearn, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven'.

Are you already familiar with that mighty, all-consuming desire to begin to live in harmony with what is projected into your soul? When you truly begin to practice this virtue, there will arise within you a powerful binding with the astral power of The Beginning, with the astral Fire-power into which the Logos has etched the Idea underlying human creation.

The important thing now is that you believe from within in the Light-power that has touched you, that you have faith that you will be able to enter the New Life-Field. If you desire, yearn, and believe in this way, if you have faith in your own soul, in the possibilities within you, in the love of God, in the divine impulse to True Birth, then you will be driven to different thoughts.  Then order will be established in your thought-life. Then you will think other thoughts, because you are yearning for the New Kingdom.

When a person desires something, his thoughts are always drawn in the direction of what is desired. So if one orientates oneself, full of yearning, towards the New State-of-Life, other thoughts are attracted in accordance with that yearning. And the moment your new mentality purifies you in this way, the astral bonds with all the demons of destruction are broken. To the extent that they are your personal demons, they are dissolved entirely. And to the extent that you participate in collectively created and maintained demons (g: the aeons and archons, the rulers) you will be utterly freed from them. So reflect, in this light, on the hermetic Virtue, on the New Way of Life.

What does Hermes mean by moderation? He means that you must dissociate your self from duality, carefully and consistently. Moreover, he means that you must no longer allow yourself to be victimized by duality. Hermetic moderation means 'being in the world, but not of the world'.

The opposite of moderation is immoderation. To be immoderate in the sense of the Gnosis means to throw oneself full into ordinary life. To be moderate means to take a responsible course, taking into account all conditions, all situations, so that any obstacles to the progress of the new soul-forces are removed as far as possible from the personality-system.

The New Way of Life presents one with many facets. Think, for instance, of the erotic element, which is so powerful in the average person, the sexual urge to which he is subjected. In present-day mankind, at least, the sex-urge is connected with the most terrible demons of the astral field.

This proves anew, then, that the end is nigh. Therefore you who possess a living Soul-power: do make use of the possibilities that have been realized within you! The Virtue that Hermes recommends and the Moderation of which he speaks are extremely necessary. If you enter into these things, divine salvation and the Perfect Knowledge of God will come to you. That is the True Birth of man; that is Liberation

If, on the basis of the Soul-power that now exists within you, on the basis of the Light-power of the Christ, you choose the New Way of Life and cast aside everything that holds you back, in unconditional Yearning and Faith, you will win the prize of the True Soul-man: Absolute Liberation.

One could of course go on speaking for a very long time about these things, in much more detail than we have done.However, we will not do so. If you have understood us, the issue is whether you will try, with us, to apply the formula we have given? If not, your pupilship will not make any sense at all. However, if you are willing to take, with us, the decision to walk this Path, steadfastly and consistently, you will one day discover, as a pious human being, that the dualistic, embryonic field has been rendered evil, and kept that way, by delusion and ignorance. But he who annihilates the delusion within himself will see and experience everything in great purity. In this way, in keeping with Hermes' words, he will turn all the evil into The Good, the Original.

A group of people who have been raised up as to Soul and Spirit, will be able to perform the most grand and magnificent things in a world such as ours.


Excerpted from 'The Formula of the Path to Life" -- The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis And Its Call In The Eternal Present Vol. 3 by Jan van Rjickenborgh

Living Two Lives



Paul (in Romans 7) speaks the words: 'Thus I find this law in me: when I want to do good, evil is present with me. Who will free me from the body of this death? Thanks be to God, Christ our Lord,' the pure, divine astral light. And then, in Romans 7, verse 26 there follows the accurate conclusion that he serves the law of God with his mind (which means to say, his soul) but that with his flesh (which means to say the nature-born personality), he serves the law of sin.

If we analyze this conclusion, we realize that many are in the same situation. As far as the mind, the soul is concerned, most of us are engaged in awakening in the Gnosis. By virtue of their soul-state, some people are being led into the life of the Children of God, into the life of glorification, and one can say of virtually all pupils of the young Gnosis that the life of the soul is a real joy to them.

So a mighty development of the soul aspect is underway. Pupils have an unmistakable, intense inner need to participate in the spiritual work and most spare no effort to do so. With their minds they are serving God's law. However, many remain in a state of miserable dividedness. With their minds, they serve the law of God as far as it is possible for them to do so, but with the personality, they are often driven by their earthly demons. With their personalities, they remain firmly attached to their type, to the character which has typified them since their youth. Thus, they are not yet free of their earthly personality, which is so much subject to the law of sin. As far as the soul is concerned, they are engaged in becoming newly-born, but as regards their personality, they are still entirely driven by their earthly demons.

Where lies the solution to this problem? Paul answers this question too, in Romans 8, a beautiful chapter in which he says, 'There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus; who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. For they that are after the flesh, mind the things of the flesh, but they that are after the spirit, mind the things of the spirit'.

The full extent of the difficulty is explained in these words. You know a life of the needs of the awakening soul, in which you are completely satisfied. Quite apart from that is the life of every day, your life at home and in your position in society, and the intimate life behind the curtains of your own room, far, very far away from the Gnosis; completely one with your own type, your own character and the motive power of your earthly demons; the life, governed by the astral currents of the nature of death. Thus -- and there is no denying this --you live two lives.

This threatens to lead to your downfall. Although you may love the Gnosis ever so much, the divided state we have described will increase your misery hour-by-hour. For mind you, the astral influences of the nature of death are constantly increasing  in strength so that, if you do not intervene radically in your own life, you will be lost, even though you are soul-born.

How should you intervene? What is the formula?  Apart from living the life of the soul, you should no longer live according to the flesh, and you should apply yourself to this very consciously, scientifically and decidely. That is the only solution, however young or old you may be. The younger you are when you begin, the better, because if you lack resilience, if you can no longer summon up the necessary vitality in you nature-born state, it will be an almost impossible task.

'If you remain living according to the flesh, you will die'. Understand well what Paul means by this: in that case, you will remain imprisoned in the embryonic field and you will perish in the Cosmic Night. All the valuable soul-karma that has accumulated in your microcosm will then be destroyed. And in time, perhaps in a few hundred thousand years, you will be able to begin again. We say 'you', but we mean, 'your microcosm'.

'If you remain living according to the flesh, you will die. But if, through the spirit, you mortify the deeds of the body, you will live' as a True human being in God's great, joyful world.

Can one do that? Generally speaking, there is no answer to this question. We say, yes, you are able to do so, We have tried to make it clear that you possess the ability, and you can trace within yourself the extent to which this is so. But whatever your conclusion, you do possess an awakening new Soul-life. And in Romans 8, verse 11, Paul says: 'If the spirit of Christ dwells within you, He will also give life to your mortal body;'  your body will be taken up in this mighty process of Regeneration. So, as a person who is engaged in unfolding the soul, you are able to complete this work because this Power already dwells within you.

End Part I


Excerpted from 'The Formula of the Path to Life" -- The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis And Its Call In The Eternal Present Vol. 3 by Jan van Rjickenborgh

05 February 2012

The Other One (Conclusion)


The Universal Doctrine says that the original substance, both in this world and in the one above it, is sevenfold and that every situation is divided by degrees into seven gradations of density and nature. And so it goes on, until there is, for us, unknown number of spaces within the original seven which, in turn, are to be considered a unity. This unity, seen as a whole, reveals the entire universe. Everything is contained within it. The divine breath flows within this unity of substance.

However, mankind identifies its experience of space and order, its dualistic life reality with the One Absolute Divine Purpose. We know that the substance from which our mankind lives is totally different from the other substances. That is why the inhabitants of the earth who only experience their own material manifestation or substance and who therefore look through the other substances with unseeing eyes, think that the universe is just an empty space. Yet, there is not a millimeter, not an atom of empty space. An entity of another space in the All-Revelation transferred  into our order of time and space would not be able to express himself in our order and would not be able to live in it. If such an entity in "his" space was living an eternal life, then he, being imprisoned in ours would come to know death as a life sensation. Yet, as an eternal being, he would not experience death in our sense. His end would therefore be like the outer darkness.

It appears from all the accounts given by the Universal Doctrine and the Holy Language that a very large, unknown number of entities from a higher, more absolute field of manifestation did indeed sink down into our own, and afterwards were unable to express themselves because of the totally different nature of the dualistic manifestation. Thus they were irretrievably lost. Once they were Children of the Light, now they became children of the darkness. All this can be explained perfectly from a natural, scientific point-of-view. Natural potentials always have limits. We, as lung-breathing beings, cannot breathe in water or live in a vacuum. If our state-of-nature is fundamentally violated, we cannot maintain ourselves. It is the same in a multitude of spaces in the All-Revelation. It is utterly impossible to transfer a creature from its own natural space into another space which is not in agreement with its nature. One revelation is not compatible with another.

Now, it may be known to you from the philosophy of the Rosycross that the dualistic space in the All-Revelation was never intended to be a life-space for human entities. The dualistic space had, and in fact has, a totally different purpose. However, when in the ancient past many entities were submerged in this dualistic space, this chaos of contrasts, and without help would have been irretrievably lost, it pleased the Logos to bring to development a Revelation of Salvation for them. A revelation of Salvation, of healing, is of course always temporary, subject to time; it is not meant to last. Therefore, all our microcosms are subject to this Revelation of Salvation. This accounts for our presence in our microcosms, the presence of the time-space entity (the personality). We, living so vitally in this nature-order are being called to pass through the Rose-Gate and vitalize the imprisoned, submerged, frozen pre-man, the "very ancient one", to drive him, as forerunners, across the borders of this nature-space; in this way enabling the submerged one in our microcosm to return to his fatherland.

The Revelation of Salvation for the "very ancient one" is at the same time a message of salvation for us. To us, beings of time, subject to nature, born for and dedicated to death, is promised eternity in the Fatherland of the very ancient ones if we dedicate ourselves to the task for which we were created. Totally absorbed in our companion, being one with him, we shall leave the spaces of time and enter the spaces of eternal life. When we, as true servants, are willing to fulfill our tasks in the microcosmic house of service, then the Great Miracle will occur, the temporary will be swallowed up by the eternal. By non-being according to nature, by non-action according to the I-of-nature, we are all elected, through the Rose-Gate, to be the Children of God. In order to be able to go this highly joyful way we only have to break through all the delusion inherent in time and space. At the point of separation, at the borders of time, we have to take leave of the forces of time and space.


Excerpted from Chapter VII "The Very Ancient One and the Legend of Hoel Dhat" -- There Is No Empty Space by Jan van Rjickenborgh (1958)

04 February 2012

The Other One


The course of our lives is played out in space. We speak of an order of time and space, a space in which everything is subjected to a phenomenon we call  "time". Hereby we express that everything which has a beginning and an end, shows an ascent and a descent, in brief, is dualistic. The ascent we call birth, the descent, death.  At the point where death has become complete and the microcosm is totally emptied, birth sets in again. Everything that is to come has already been. Everything that is, is doomed to depart.

This dualistic order, hence an order of time and space in which death is an irrefutable companion of all and everything, contains very great secrets. It is necessary to unveil some of these mysteries in order to vivify our insight into the necessity of transfiguration. If we succeed in this, we shall be to understand many incomprehensible processes which occur in our lives, to understand their purposes and so to decide either to cooperate fully in such processes or to withdraw from them entirely. When we speak and think about the processes of life and death we in fact limit ourselves almost exclusively to the various forms of life we know and with which we come into contact directly.

We know that the Rosycross teaches that everything we refer to as our personality is subject to death. That is to say, all the vehicles of our personality and the consciousness dwelling therein -- the consciousness we call our "I" -- cannot maintain themselves in the order of time and space, with both its spheres (material-sphere and reflection-sphere). They are totally eliminated, dissolved. What is left of the emptied microcosm which, after being emptied, provides itself with a new inhabitant, this being made possible by the earthly maintaining process. But did you know that another process of death also occurs in every microcosm?

We, nature-born beings of the order of time and space, are in the process of dying while living. This process of dying usually occurs within a period of, at the most, a hundred years. All this is known to us. But in this order of time and space there is still another process of dying which can take millions of years, namely, that of the one who is imprisoned with us in the same microcosm. After we have closed our eyes forever  in this material sphere, glimmering on for a short while in the reflection-sphere (man's so-called 'heaven world') the other one in our microcosm will perhaps be in the process of dying for an interminable time.

Until now we have called the other one "the Rose" and we know that this Rose is a point of contact of the gnostic radiation, a contact between two worlds. But a great mystery lies hidden behind the symbol of the Rose; a dungeon, a sepulchral temple in our microcosm in which the "very ancient one" lies enchained, the ever-dying one who bears the afflictions and experiences of all the mortal companions who were very near to him in the order of time and space. However, in this order, great forces are at work to bring about the quickest possible death of the "very ancient one" who is hidden behind the door of the golden Rose, for then only the eternal scar of memory would be left in the microcosm and the order of time and space would no longer be endangered. Great forces are also at work to supply the bread of life to the "very ancient one" in his dungeon, to keep him alive and so prolong his miserable existence, in the hope of releasing him before he dies and then to rescue him from all dangers.

To sum up: in every microcosm two entities are to be found, the self and the other, the "very ancient one". The self, totally subjected to the nature of duality, beginning in time and ending in time and the other one, imprisoned in, though not of this nature. The other one originates from a very different state of life, but has sunk down to ours due to a prehistoric incident. He does not truly live, but is as if frozen in the order of time and space, unconscious, immersed in a trance of death. Almost imperceptibly slowly, his life is squeezed to death in the cold of the world. If that process of death were to be fulfilled, it would be far more terrible than ours. When an entity predestined to be eternal is submerged in a field of death, a situation similar to that of suicide develops for that entity; a situation from which there is no escape and which is designated in the Holy Language as "the outer darkness".

An extremely confused and complicated situation therefore exists in our immediate microcosmic life-field. Two lives, both mortal, are lived in it, one of which is like a slow-motion film. It is possible to explain fully how this dramatic and peculiar situation came about and, indeed, one can see evidence of it in every-day life. For this reason we ought to think of one of the inscriptions found in the sepulchral temple of Brother Christian Rosycross:

"There is no empty space".


End Part I

Excerpted from  Chapter VII "The Very Ancient One and the Legend of Hoel Dhat" -- There Is No Empty Space by Jan van Rjickenborgh (1958)

If what was quoted above came from a science-fiction novel or movie, it would accepted as impossible to believe, but cleverly entertaining. Well, this is not science-fiction, it is as plain and as real as the Truth can be. It may be hard for some to believe because we have never been exposed to this Truth, which has been purposely and deliberately hidden from present humanity. However, the "mysteries" of the ancient past are now being revealed for consideration by man, during this crucial "period of choice" just before Harvest. Humanity must have an opportunity to know exactly what is at stake in our living, the important responsibility that each one of us has incarnated under and the Great Work we must accomplish in order for our incarnation to be considered a success.

~ g

03 February 2012


There are two major requirements for those who wish to begin walking The Path.

1. Self-surrender
2. Service-to-others

This post is about self-surrender. On face value, the words seem to imply a "giving up" of all that one is, or some sort of capitulation to one's conqueror. Self-surrender is about none of those things.

Self-surrender means that one has to cease allowing the I-being of the nature-born personality to control every aspect of one's life. No longer should thoughts such as "I want...", "I hate...", "I love...", "I fear...", "I, I, I...." be allowed to careen through our minds. What the "I" wants is not what the soul requires. The average man's soul is very sick, and an intervention is required in order to save the entire organism.

The intervention will be supplied by the touch of the Christine radiations. When this gnostic Light-power from a cosmic plane of existence outside of ours touches the spirit-spark atom of a heart that is open to and able to receive its vibration, a raging battle immediately begins within the microcosm of the nature-born man. It is as if a foreign army has invaded. At once, a battle will begin to rage between the New Soul that is trying to be born and the old, diseased, dualistic soul that is desperately trying to maintain its position as our master.

While this battle rages, the "I", the personality, cannot, must not interfere. We cannot say, "I will now fight against what holds me back", or "I will win this battle for soul-rebirth". No! The "I" can do nothing! The "I" is what has brought man to his current state of wretchedness and depravity! The "I" of nature can do nothing but get in the way. It is thoroughly bound to duality and does not have the slightest idea of how to wage the War of Armageddon that has begun within the microcosm of the man. It is best for the "I" to stand aside, to not interfere. Let the Christ do the work within you, it is written.

That is true self-surrender. When one makes the decision to no longer allow the animal-man to control the direction of the microcosm. Once we allow the Touch of the Gnosis to fill our heart chambers, we are to stand aside and observe as the divine force wields its two-edged sword through the undivine soul. If one stays in tune with these new Aquarian vibrations, while also adopting a new attitude towards life, in time one will begin to notice changes in thought, feeling and actions. The old ways of living will start to lose their allure. That will be the signal that the old dualistic self is beginning to lose its grip on the soul. There will be the proof that The Battle of Rebirth is being won.

~ g

02 February 2012

Piety And The Path


Being a pious and devout person in the gnostic sense differs entirely from being a 'religious' person. A religious person recognizes and accepts a deity in the same way as a citizen recognizes and accepts a government. He shows a certain reverence for, and a proper gratitude to his god; he performs his religious duties, but otherwise, he remains in bondage, completely of the earth. He celebrates the great days of the Christian year; he knows his church festivals, his religious anniversaries; he remembers Jesus the Lord in His dying and resurrection. However, it will never occur to him that he has to follow Him in His dying and that he can, even must, participate in His resurrection.

It is precisely in this respect that real gnostic pupilship stands or falls. The hermetic philosophy tries to make it clear that by devotion, by the courage of piety, it is you yourself who hold your salvation, your sanctification in your own hands. He who realizes and experiences this will give his speechless thanks to the Divine Architect. The original principle of self-freemasonry is that everyone is capable of placing the imperishable building of his own salvation on the one foundation stone. You should understand that, no matter what the circumstances may be, it is given to every human being to walk The Path of Return. Everyone, without exception, can do so. However, the problem is that theoretical knowledge of this possibility is not at all liberating. You must put theory into practice. You must bring to life the possibilities granted to you through the courage of piety.

And having said this, let us stop pouring out our troubles to one another and saying that it is so difficult and so complicated. If only you can summon up the necessary courage, your certainty will be matched by your experience. The gratitude, which results from experiencing the Living Truth, will cause the devotion of the candidate to increase still further. It then becomes even more positive, more dynamic and more irresistible.

People sometimes say to us: "Alas, who am I? What can I do? I am only a..." and then follows one or another commonplace. If you talk like that, you will remain as you have always been. You have possessed all the possibilities for your liberation from your very birth. Listen now to what the hermetic philosophy reveals:

"Never, my son, will the soul, even if it is in the body, be able to slip down into its opposite, if it has reduced the weight of its debts (karma) so as to grasp what is really Good and True. For if the soul comes to know its Pymander (link to the Spirit)...it will be filled with immeasureable love; it will forget all evil and can be no longer separated from what is Good". If the soul has turned back to its origin and has been resurrected in it, it cannot do otherwise than love, because love is the essence of the Living soul-state.In this way, the aim of true piety is reached.

The aim of piety is to be resurrected in the nature of death (earth 'life'), without being part of it any longer, through soul-birth and its results. This means to celebrate the real Easter event, a personal, everlasting Easter festival; to be in the world, but no longer of the world.

When used in this sense, the expression "in the world but no longer of the world" really acquires a profound meaning. It not only implies vegetarianism, abstinence from nicotine, alcohol and so on; it does not have an exclusively religious meaning. It explains that, if only you make use of the possibilities, you can already be perfectly free although you still live in the nature of death. All this stems from piety.

If you have fulfilled the aim of true piety in this way, "if you return to this state and live in the right manner and die in blessedness, your soul will certainly know whither it should wing its flight. This, my son, is the only way to Truth, which was also walked by those who went before us". All who in the course of world history have gone this way have, without exception "received the Good". All of you, without exception, possess the possibilities to practice true piety. The results of this effort are eternally certain: all who have followed the Way have obtained the Good. They have forgotten all evil and can no longer forsake the good. This can come about in one lifetime, during your life! This is the eternity which can prove itself in your time.

Therefore, you must dispense with all mystical talk; merely repeating the holy language is of precious little importance. Use every second to practice piety. You will then experience that eternity can prove itself in time.

From The Imitation of Christ - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis And Its Call In The Eternal Present - J. van Rjickenborgh


Anything you've ever really wanted in your life, you devoted all of your attention to it. You ate, slept and dreamt it until it either became a reality for you, or you got tired of doing the work that it took to obtain your objective.

Attaining the One Goal of soul-rebirth and liberation from the nature of death is no different. Talk won't do it. One must walk the Path, with one-pointed focus, fierce devotion and true piety.

The rewards that await those who are successful in accomplishing this Great Work are beyond man's ability to describe or imagine. Just know that obtaining "the Good End" is only the beginning.

Eternity calls us. Immortality beckons.

~ g