23 February 2014

Inner GPS In Our Lives


Nowadays most of us rely on a GPS when driving in an unknown area. We willingly follow the instructions the voice is giving us. Without this navigation system we would easily get lost. Could we compare this familiar navigations system with the Gnosis, which also gives us guidance and direction in our lives?

In the course of our lives we often ask ourselves in what direction we should go. What is the right decision? Often we are not even sure what our true destination is. Life takes us on paths that are difficult to predict, to crossroads where it is hard to decide in which direction to continue.

We long for guidance, but are at the same time so absorbed with our difficulties that we are not always aware that help is there.

The Gnosis is always there, is always speaking to us—if only we would listen. Often we (our personalities) assume that the direction we are taking is the right one. But have we followed our inner voice, the voice of the Gnosis?

We become more and more entangled in detours. We pursue a different direction, always in the hope that it will be the right way. However, our ego does not know the right way.

The Gnosis wants to guide us. We only have to be open for it. We have the choice to turn on our inner GPS, to listen to it and to follow ‘the instructions.’ The Spiritual School supports us in this process of ‘learning to listen’ to the guiding voice of our inner GPS.

Like a GPS that recalculates the route to our destination when we take a wrong turn, so the Gnosis is always there to guide us on our next step in our current life situation. It does not matter how deeply entangled we become in the net of our dialectical lives, still the Gnosis will always ‘recalculate’ and guide us, starting from the point in life where we find ourselves. All that we have to do is to hold on to our deep inner yearning for the true aim of our life.

And think of the calm and neutral voice of a GPS. It is unaffected by our wrong turns, it does not get impatient. It is the same with the Gnosis. Her calling voice is always there, having already patiently waited for us during many incarnations, until finally we start recognizing it and begin to follow its guidance.

It is our choice to turn on our inner GPS and to let it guide us through our lives by the directions of the Gnosis.

Will we take more detours—or will we begin to listen and follow the road to our true destination?

From a Rosicrucian prayer:

May we now- O, Gnosis- set our foot upon the Path
May we dedicate our lives to the Purpose for which they were given us.
O that we all might understand the Mystery of Liberation.
He who has received the Seed of the Spirit can begin to walk the Path.
He who carries the Seed-of-Light within him possesses a treasure that cannot be taken from him.

Your friends from the Lectorium Rosicrucianum.

From Lectorium Rosicrucianum - CONTACT LETTER - February 2014



16 February 2014

One Short Lifetime

72 years.

That is the average earthly life-span of a human-being. This may appear to be too short in duration, but it is the quota that man has allotted to himself. There was a time when man lived hundreds of years in physical incarnation. The Biblical references to 900-year lifespans are true. As man digressed spiritually and morally, he distanced himself from the Divine Plan. Whenever we diverge from God's Plan, deterioration and negative dematerialization is the result. Man's life-span was shortened accordingly. Only the Divine Teachers, the priest-kings of that time, maintained the extended life-span, because they "walked with God".

There are no Divine Teachers in physical form on Earth today. The overall planetary vibration is presently far too low to accomodate entities of a divine nature. Humanity has descended so far that we are only allowed a short dip into matter before we must be pulled back into the reflection-sphere. Think back to a few hundred years ago. The life-span was even shorter. People were lucky to reach 40, 45 years of age. 72 was probably the average then as well, but the conditions that man lived under during those times were much more physically harsh and demanding than today. Not to mention the incessant wars and their resulting fatalities. Then, as now, man spent 99% of his time figuring out how to survive and make the best out of physical life and perhaps 1% on the higher spiritual life. That 1% usually did not manifest itself until death drew near. This also remains true today.

So here we are, born with the clock ticking.

72 years.

What can we possibly accomplish in such a short amount of time? Some pursue riches, fame and glory, in order to "leave their mark" on the world. Others feel that they are too small to change the world, so they focus upon the next best thing, which is to make themselves as comfortable as possible. They pursue personal comforts and entertainments. Then there is a class of human-beings who, out of ignorance, fear and confusion, choose to elbow their way through life, taking from others, hurting others, causing harm and destruction wherever they go. Through violence, they attempt to extinguish the fires that burn within. Sadly, they succeed only in fanning the flames.

All of these groups will someday reach the limit of their mortality. As death approaches, they will review their lives. Whether their overall experience has been "successful" or "unsuccessful", nagging questions will still persist:

"Is that all there is to Life?"  "What was the point?" "What's going to happen to me when I die"?

These are questions that should have been asked decades prior. Most wait until the end to give them any consideration. By then, it is too late. They will transition in a confused state, back to a reflection-sphere whose ways they have forgotten and where they will most likely be taken advantage of to some extent.

Thankfully, there are those who, as a result of countless incarnations of striving towards the Light are born into the physical world prepared to ask those questions early on in life and are armed with the tools to search for the answers. These seekers recognize the futility of physical life on a deep, unspoken level. They are able to hear the Still, Small Voice within them, the faint stirrings of the Divine Spark.

These ones will be assisted in their search for That Which They Do Not Know. Gradually, step-by-step, they will find themselves guided to situations that will provide them with an opportunity to broaden their insight into the true nature of their existence. Once they have obtained the proper insight, the true Purpose of their Life will be revealed to them. They will become aware of the One Goal of Humanity: Liberation.

We are here to liberate our immortal microcosms from this mortal existence. To do this, we must see ourselves as servants and not as masters. We are here in service to our microcosmic Spirit-nucleus, the Other One that sleeps within us, the Very Ancient One who has waited an eternity for a personality to come into existence that could free Him.

If we can locate the true Path of Return and follow it diligently, with faith, steadfastness and determination, we will begin the transfiguristic process required to free the Other One. The credo states that "He must increase, while I must decrease". What John uttered is gnostic truth. We must live to bring forth the Other One, which means that our personal concerns, desires, hopes and dreams must be put away - forever. We live to serve the Other. If we follow this Path to its ultimate conclusion, we will not perish, but will share in the multi-dimensional, eternal glory of the One we have helped to Resurrect.

This process needs only to have been started in this life in order to avoid having to meet the reflection-sphere fate of those mentioned above. Those who begin walking the Path of Return in earnest humility while in the physical will not transition to the ordinary reflection-sphere upon death, but will be taken to Shamballa, a region of safety, a vacuum of pure ethers which will enable the Candidate to continue walking the Path of Liberation without interference while maintaining the use of the etheric double, or vital body. He or she will "go no more out". A new incarnation will not be required, unless it is a voluntary choice made in the service of mankind.

So continue your Walk in faith and confidence. Yes, at times you will falter. Yes, there will be setbacks. It is not easy to shake off the aeons of this nature - we are made of the same astral material as the aeons that exert so much control over us; they are, after all, man's own creations - but it can be done! The personality known as Jesus stands as a shining example of that Victory. Accept failure as a part of the Journey. Do not quit! Do not deem yourself unworthy! When you fall, get back up and keep Walking! Don't look back. It is this moment that counts, not the moment that has passed. Every moment we are transmuting the vibration-state of our microcosm. It is a cumulative effort. One failure cannot be cause to stop trying. Every failure should urge us on to the next success. Every success will make the next failure harder to come by.

If we can stay on this Road, there will be no lingering questions at the moment of transition. We will face so-called "death" in peace, knowing that we are but crossing over to Shamballa, where we will join with all those who have gone before us, those who have "died in Christ" (to "die in Christ" means to die with the Divine Spark awakened, consciously walking the Path of Return). We will truly be heading home, well on our way to freeing the Other One within us and fulfilling the Divine Plan of the Logos for the Salvation of Lost Humanity.

72 years.

One short lifetime. Amazing things can take place in those 72 years for those who find The Way, The Truth and The Life.

~ g

08 February 2014

Flying Saucers

Originally posted on 24 February 2012.


Well, we have to tell you that various planetary mankinds possess the theoretical and practical knowledge to make and build such instruments and vessels. They already had this knowledge when The Wrath in the dualistic universe was kindled. The stories of flying saucers throughout all ages and all that has come to our knowledge about them during the last years prove this fully. We lack the necessary technical scientific knowledge to give you a satisfactory explanation of the precise structure of the propelling device. We can give you, at best, an image of it as a layman sees it.

As you know, electricity is a phenomenon that accompanies every magnetic current. Where there is a magnetic force, there is also electricity. That is why a giant electrical capacity that can never be exhausted is always present in the entire universe. Scientists of the earth have demonstrated over the centuries, with very poor instruments, that us should be possible to pick up this atmospheric or cosmic electricity. Tremendous atmospheric electrical discharges are known to have a disrupting effect on various instruments.

Anyhow, the space travelers possess the knowledge and devices to pick up cosmic electricity wherever they may be and to concentrate it in relatively small spaces. Assisted in this way, they create an electromagnetic field in and around their vessel. By making this field positive or negative at will, and in this way attuning it to their own planetary north and south polar currents, they can leave their planet, or they can travel towards it. The speed of their vessels depends on the increasing or decreasing of the electromagnetic field in question. When you also assume that they are subsequently able to attune their device to any other given planetary field, you can imagine that space travel is as simple for these entities as cycling is for us.

For the technically-minded person, many problems remain, of course, still unsolved. We certainly cannot give an adequate answer to every question, because we do not approach these problems from the technical point of view. We can, however, state with certainty that an entity knowing how to apply the electromagnetic current will thereby be able to solve many such problems. All this, and we emphasize this point, belongs entirely to the practice of life-waves in the dualistic realm of the nature of death.

All atomic vandalism -- and all experimentation with atomic science is vandalism -- communicates itself immediately to, and manifests itself in the magnetic earth currents. Thus, cooperation in the solar system is disturbed. The solar system, as we saw, is one magnetic system. When earth's mankind, driven by blind instincts, affects the foundation of the inter-cosmic system by causing heavy atomic bombardments or experiments with incomprehensibly high energies (for this is what it amounts to), the disorganization will communicate itself to all planets. Numerous chain-reactions will result in the suicide and the murder of all the inhabitants of the solar system.

Of course there are still many other causes of disorganization of the earth's magnetic field and consequently of the solar system, because every unholy condition of humanity brings with it such a consequence. Yet, where technology and the madness of science serve the unholiness, there the dangers are of highly alarming proportions. Although in all ages there has been talk of interplanetary visits by means of space ships, in our time such visits are the order of the day. Yes, we are convinced that at this moment not a second passes without large numbers of such vessels being present in our atmosphere. The question can now be asked: what are those vessels and their crews doing in our life-field? Only looking? Only investigating? Filling us with dread by their presence? Do they threaten us with mass attacks?

In answer to these questions one could say: they do not have to look, because they know better than we do what is going on. Neither do they have to investigate, for they know from the past what to expect when earth's mankind is once again on the point of reaching the peak of its civilization. Neither can they fill man of the masses with dread, for such a man submits to and unconditionally follows his "authorities". The "authorities" deny the phenomena and the press and the radio usually follow suit. Besides, the space ships stay as far as possible from the inhabited areas in order to attract the least possible attention. Moreover, there is no question of attacks, for any destruction for instance, of the large quantities of various atom bombs already available would result in an immense disaster in the entire solar system.

No, the continuous presence of space ships in our atmosphere, all of which do not originate from other planets, has a totally different explanation. The fact is that they are continually repairing the damage inflicted upon the earth's magnetic field by the shocks and ravages of mankind. Starting from the earth's magnetic poles, where they land incessantly, groups of spaceships are continually restoring and adjusting, to purify and regulate the vibration of the inflowing and radiating currents, "to rectify" shocked magnetic fields and to feed them in order to safeguard the inter-cosmic household to the best of their ability.

Thus, the space ships do very beneficial work.Without their help, our world and the entire solar system would have long since had to end this Day of Manifestation. However, this work has, in the main, a purely self-protecting purpose, for all these entities are not able definitely to extinguish or destroy the unholiness caused by earth's mankind. Mankind itself must wipe out its karma. Therefore, the said cleansing of the earth's magnetic atmosphere has to do with a concentration of all this unholiness.This concentration has reached such proportions that it is almost visible while it is becoming ever larger and denser.


From "There Is No Empty Space" - J van Rijckenborgh


05 February 2014

The Very Ancient One - Conclusion


The Universal Doctrine says that the Original Substance, both in this world and the one above it, is sevenfold and that every situation and principle is divided by degrees into seven gradations of density and of nature. And so it goes on, until there is a, for us, unknown number of spaces within the Original Seven which in turn are to be considered a unity. This unity, seen as a whole, reveals the entire universe. everything is contained within it. The Divine Breath flows within this unity of substance.

However, mankind identifies its experience of space and order, its dualistic life reality with the one absolute Divine Purpose. We know that the substance from which mankind lives is totally different from the other substances. That is why the inhabitants of the earth who only experience their own material manifestation or substance and who therefore look through the other substances with unseeing eyes, think that the Universe is just an empty space. Yet there is not a millimeter, not an atom of empty space. An entity of another space in the All-Revelation transferred into our order of time-and-space would not be able to express himself in our order and would not be able to live in it. If such an entity in "his" space was living an eternal life, then he, being imprisoned in ours would come to know death as a life sensation. Yet, as an eternal being, he would not experience death in our sense. His end would therefore be like the outer darkness.

It appears from all accounts given by the Universal Doctrine and the Holy Language that a very large, unknown number of entities from  a higher, more absolute field of manifestation did indeed sink down into our own, and afterwards were unable to express themselves because of the totally different nature of the dualistic field of manifestation. Thus they were irretrievably lost. Once they were Children of the Light; now they became children of the darkness. All this can be explained perfectly from a natural scientific point-of-view. Natural potentials always have limits. We, as lung-breathing beings, cannot breath in water or live in a vacuum. If our state-of-nature is fundamentally violated, we cannot maintain ourselves. It is the same in the multitude of spaces in the All-Revelation. It is utterly impossible to transfer a creature from its own natural space into another space which is not in agreement with its nature. One revelation is not compatible with another.

Now it may be known to you from the philosophy of the Rosycross that the dualistic space in the All-Revelation was never intended to be a life-space for human entities. The dualistic space had, and in fact has, a totally different purpose. However, when in the ancient past many entities were submerged in this dualistic space, this chaos of contrasts, and without help would have been irretrievably lost, it pleased the Logos to bring to development a Revelation of Salvation for them. A Revelation of Salvation, of healing, is of course always temporary, subject to time; it is not meant to last. Therefore all our microcosms are subject to this Revelation of Salvation. This accounts for our presence in our microcosms, the presence of the time-space entity. We, living so vitally in this nature-order, are being called to pass through the Rose-gate and vitalize the imprisoned, submerged, frozen pre-man, the "Very Ancient One"; to drive him, as forerunners, across the border of this nature-space; in this way enabling the Submerged One in our microcosm to return to his Fatherland.

The Revelation of Salvation for the "Very Ancient One" is at the same time a message of salvation for us. To us, beings of time, subject to nature, born for and dedicated to death, is promised eternity in the Fatherland of the Very Ancient Ones if we dedicate ourselves to the task for which we were created. Totally absorbed in our Companion, being one with him, we shall leave the spaces of time and enter the space of Eternal Life. When we, as true servants are willing to fulfill our tasks to the microcosmic House of Service, then the Great Miracle will occur, the temporary will be swallowed up by the Eternal. By non-being according to nature, by non-action according to the "I" of nature, we are all elected, through the Rose-gate, to be the Children of God. In order to be able to go this highly joyful way we only have to break through all the delusions inherent in time-and-space. At the point of separation, at the borders of time, we have to take leave of the forces of time-and-space. These forces, driven by their nature, try to maintain us in the nature of their earth.

From "The Very Ancient One and the Legend of Hoel Daht" - There Is No Empty Space - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Those heavenly beings who fell from grace? That's us, many, many millions of years ago. As microcosms, we've been stuck here since then, our glorious Origins forgotten. Blissfully ignorant of our Past and our Purpose, we send one personality after another to wallow in the muck of earth-life, happily embracing the perpetually swinging Pairs of Opposites, repeatedly nailing ourselves to the cross of matter.

We are unable to remember where we came from. We cannot see or experience anything of the Sixth Cosmic Domain, our Original home, even though it is nearer to us than hands and feet. A terrible state-of-affairs.

"My people are lost for lack of Knowledge".

There is only one way out. Time and again, a rope of salvation is let down from Above. It has been lowered once more for all of mankind during the end of this major world-cycle. Is anyone trying to grasp that rope? Does anyone even know that a rope has been lowered? For those who see the rope, do they know what it's for? Will they grab hold or turn away, yet again?

The Call resounds. The Ark has been prepared and is now set for departure. Who among us is ready to put away their earthly toys and return Home?

~ g

03 February 2014

The Very Ancient One


The course of our lives is played out in space. We speak of an order of time-and-space, a space in which everything is subjected to a phenomenon we call "time". Hereby we express that everything which is has a beginning and an end, shows an ascent and a  descent, in brief, is dualistic. The ascent we call birth, the descent, death. At the point where death becomes complete and the microcosm is totally emptied, birth sets in again. everything that is to come has already been. Everything that is, is doomed to depart.

This dualistic order, hence an order of time-and-space in which death is an irrefutable companion of all and everything contains very great secrets. It is necessary to unveil some of these mysteries in order to vivify our insight into the necessity of Transfiguration. If we succeed in this we shall be able to understand many incomprehensible processes which occur in our lives, to understand their purposes and so to decide either to cooperate fully in such processes or withdraw from them entirely. When we speak and think about the processes of life and death we in fact limit ourselves almost exclusively to the various forms of life we know and which we come into contact directly. We know that the Rosycross teaches that everything we refer to as our personality is subject to death. That is to say, all the vehicles of our personality and the consciousness dwelling therein -- the consciousness we call our "I" -- cannot maintain themselves in the order of time-and-space with both its spheres (material-sphere and reflection-sphere). They are totally eliminated, dissolved. What is left is the emptied microcosm which, after being emptied, provides itself with a new inhabitant, this being made possible by the earthly maintaining process (~ g: reproduction). But did you know that another process of death also occurs in every microcosm?

We, nature-born beings of the order of time-and-space are in the process of dying while living. This process of dying usually occurs within a period of at the most a hundred years. All this is known to us. But in this order of time-and-space there is still another process of dying that can take millions of years, namely that of One who is imprisoned with us in the same microcosm. After we have closed our eyes forever in this material-sphere, glimmering on for a short while in the reflection-sphere, The Other One in our microcosm will perhaps be in the process of dying for an interminable time.

Until now we have called The Other One "the Rose" and we know that this Rose is a point of contact of the Gnostic Radiation, a contact between two Worlds. But a great mystery lies behind the symbol of the Rose; a dungeon, a sepulchral temple in our microcosm in which the "Very Ancient One" lies enchained, the Ever-Dying One who bears the afflictions and experiences of all the mortal companions who were very near to him in the order of time-and-space. However, in this order great forces are at work to bring about the quickest possible death of the "Very Ancient One" who is hidden behind the door of the golden Rose, for then only the eternal scar of memory would be left in the microcosm and the order of time-and-space would no longer be endangered. Conversely, great forces are also at work to supply the Bread of Life to the "Very Ancient One" in his dungeon, to keep him alive and so prolong his miserable existence, in the hope of releasing him before he dies and then to rescue him from all dangers.

To sum up: in every microcosm two entities are to be found, the self and The Other, the "Very Ancient One". The self, totally subjected to the nature of duality, beginning in time and ending in time and The Other One, imprisoned in, though not of, this nature. The Other One originates from a very different state of life, but has sunk down into ours due to a prehistoric incident. He does not truly live, but is as if frozen in the order of time-and-space, unconscious, immersed in a trance of death. Almost imperceptibly slowly his life is squeezed to death in the cold of the world. If that process of death were to be fulfilled, it would be far more terrible than ours. When an entity pre-destined to be eternal is submerged in a field-of-death, a situation similar to that of suicide develops for that entity; a situation from which there is no escape and which is designated in the Holy Language as "the outer darkness".

An extremely confused and complicated situation therefore exists in our immediate microcosmic life-field. Two lives, both mortal, are lived in it, one of which is like a slow-motion film. It is possible to explain fully how this dramatic and peculiar situation came about and indeed one can see evidence of it in every-day life. For this reason we ought to think of one of the inscriptions to be found in the sepulchral temple of Brother Christian Rosycross:

"There is no empty space".

End Part One

From "The Very Ancient One and the Legend of Hoel Daht" - There Is No Empty Space - Jan van Rijckenborgh


We are not here in service to ourselves. Our mission, our duty, is service to "The Other One" that lies as if asleep within us. The "image with the dead eyes", the "Ancient of Days" as it has been referred to by some.

It is our task to do what is necessary to re-ignite the Divine-Spark, attract the great Gnostic forces, the Christine radiations, and provide the Bread of Life, the Holy Foods that will enable a Rebirth for the Very Ancient One made possible by the Transfiguration of our vehicles.

If you take anything away from this humble blog, let it be that you will understand and accept that there is a Great Purpose and Vocation to your life that you are being made aware of. With this insight in hand, you must make the decision to either accept this Great Vocation or die.

~ g