28 June 2015


This is a follow-up to a prior post "Vibration and Transfiguration", 5 December 2013.

“Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” - D. Anka


The new astral field of the Spiritual School is a concentration-field of astral substance, in which vibrations are maintained, of which the lowest limit exceeds 800 trillion hertz per second, whereas the shortest wavelength is about 375 nanometers. If you reduce the wavelengths and increase the frequency you can form an idea as to the Cosmic Domains that surpass the Sixth. At a given moment, time also ceases to exist in these domains and a new situation develops which can be approached by the idea Eternity.

Still, this astral field of the Living Body shows activities through which it apparently endangers itself from time to time. You will understand this by thinking of a flame which, for some reason or another, burns lower and shows periodically a reduction in light. A gnostic astral field intentionally brings about a reduced vibration, that is, a reduced wavelength of its radiation, according to certain laws of periodicity, because of which the boundaries of the Seventh Cosmic Domain will eagerly make use of the removal of those barriers in order to enter the Sixth Cosmic Domain.

In this way a situation arises as outlined in The Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross. If we compare the new vibration-field with an initiation temple which, of course, it is, then, as a result of the reduced vibration, a number of unauthorized persons also enter the Sanctuary. They are inclined to force themselves to the front. Then "the weighing of the candidates" takes place; to put it another way, the vibrations of the temple-field are brought back to their previous intensity. The vibration-level rises again and whoever cannot bear this Light-force is proved "too light' and must leave the Sanctuary.

All these fluctuations in the vibrations of the New Astral Field are to enable those who are worthy of it to enter the holy halls of Renovation. This is why the Bible reveals the fact that the Lord of Life comes to meet the pilgrim. Do not think of a venerable figure who meets a poor, tired pilgrim on his way but of a reduction of Light-vibration which will envelop the person concerned and draw him up into the New Life Field.

When we speak of the astral field of the Living Body of the young Gnosis, we mean that for everyone who is sincerely seeking Liberation, once again a place is prepared that is adapted to us and our epoch. Once again a consoling, helping Radiation emanates from the immaterial temple of the Gnosis. It enables you to exist in two worlds when you possess the New Soul. You exist by virtue of your natural birth in the Seventh Cosmic Domain and by virtue of your new Soul birth, at least during sleep, in the initiation temple of Christian Rosycross, the astral field of the Living Body of the Gnosis.

You can compare all this with inhalation and exhalation. From the new, gnostic initiation temple an astral radiation, a sanctifying power-giving impulse is sent out daily. Whoever reacts positively and co-operates with it in faithful, daily ministration is, as soon as he falls asleep, carried along by the inhalation into the gnostic astral temple. He experiences the blessing of Awakening, laden with Pure Force, to progress on the Path. In this way the link between the Soul and the gnostic astral field becomes ever more powerful, until it approaches the unbreakable and continues during the day-life of the candidate. Being non-resident in the Seventh Cosmic Domain he has become, at the same time, resident in the Sixth. He has now gone beyond the borders of death. Whatever can happen to him now?

The death of the material vehicle is no longer an emptying of the microcosm but only a liberation from the natural, whereas The Essential remains imperishable. That is why the death of nature no longer brings separation in these circumstances. The sadness and emptiness that accompany dualistic death disappear.

From "The Reality of Liberation" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. 1 - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Between the Sixth Cosmic Doman (the Divine Kingdom) and the Seventh Cosmic Domain (the Physical World) there is a realm that bridges the gap in vibration between the two. This "bridge" is temporary and only appears in our cosmos at certain specific periods of times. The current age is such a time.

Operating within this gap are those of the Universal Gnostic Chain whose job it is to "ferry travelers across the river Styx," as it were. It is "the place prepared" that the Christ spoke of to His disciples. It is a Field of Life where the tremendously high vibrations of the Sixth Cosmic Domain are "stepped down" to a level that a person in the lower Seventh Cosmic Domain can match...if or when he or she is successful in reaching a high enough level of vibration.

The region acts in a manner similar to an airlock, which allows transition between two different pressure environments or atmospheres. As mentioned above, this "bridge" is only in place for a set period of time. When it withdraws from the border of the Seventh Domain and returns to the Sixth, it will carry along all those Seekers who have managed to maintain or match the special "stepped-down" vibration. This is how the transfer is effected. And now you have the true interpretation of the symbolism behind the story of Noah's "Ark".

Please note this is not a physical phenomena. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. This is a Soul event, or, to be more specific, a New Soul event. We must work in the here and now to raise our soul-vibration to that special minimum level of Divinity. To do that we must diminish our attachment and attraction to the things of this world and aim our hearts in the direction of the Divine Kingdom, the Sixth Cosmic Domain.

~ g

26 June 2015

Den Of Thieves


In the Gnosis the heart is called 'the Sanctuary of Love'. But because of all kinds of karmic influences, which have been active since the moment of our birth and which inevitably define our way of life throughout the years, the heart of natural man is no longer a Sanctuary of Love. There is not one particle of real Love to be found in his heart; it is a den of criminals, a pit of pestilence.

When in ancient times the heart was called 'the Sanctuary of Love', it referred to a heart that was prepared for a Life-force, a possibility of life that can rightly bear the name of Love. Everything that is lower than the high standard of Love is a state of desire, of I-centrality. At first, the yearning for salvation is also a demand for the self. The 'I' is in a tight corner and now it seeks a way out. 'I' seek 'my' salvation. The Gnosis, in its imperishable Love, touches us in an endeavor to help us, because we are such desperately poor wretches.

The Love that is worthy of the name is not to be found in the essence of dialectics. It is of a higher order; it belongs to the New True Life. It is Spirit, it is God. This is the test: what will be present in your heart sanctuary in the future -- desire or Love? 'Direct your heart upon the Light and know It'.

When the Light makes its abode in the heart sanctuary, your desire-nature must disappear. Then egocentricity, that urge of the 'I' must be completely extinguished.

We must realize that the heart sanctuary is the basis for the Spirit; the Spirit will have to live there and, consequently, the heart sanctuary will have to be completely prepared in all its aspects for this high state. 'Life is where the heart is' says Pymander.

When the heart is prepared for its duty, we will see in the Spirit-Soul the beautiful, Original human figure, the archetype of our human existence, the Original Principle from before the Beginning-Without-End.

Dialectical man has made a cavern of desire out of his heart; do see this very clearly. Within him roars the fire of the passions of the 'I', while in fact the heart is destined to offer a habitation to the Spirit, to the God in us, who is potentially present in the Divine proto-atom. Do you understand how intensely ill we are? How extraordinarily deep we have sunk? The heart sanctuary, the Temple for the God in us, has become a den of criminals.

From "Pymander and Hermes" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol II - Jan van Rijckenborgh


The entire process of transfiguration begins with the heart. The yearning, the first touch of the Gnosis, the opening of the Rosebud, the channeling of the purified blood-state. Yet man, in his sorrowful ignorance, abuses this oh-so-important organ by forcing it to host impure desires and coarse lower emotions. Is it any wonder that so many humans die of heart failure?

What was meant to be a pure temple, a sanctuary for the Spirit has been overrun by 'thieves'. Perhaps now you can understand the true meaning behind the story that had Jesus throwing the money-changers out of the temple (Matt. 21:12-13). They had desecrated the Father' House. We do exactly the same thing when we do not use the heart for its intended purpose.

When you purify your thinking, you purify the heart. All sincere pupils should be constantly at work performing this necessary activity.

Get busy. Clean house.

~ g

24 June 2015

Yearning For Salvation


Man has four vehicles: the material body, its etheric double, the desire body and the thinking faculty. The etheric body builds and maintains the material body; the desire body defines the inclinations, the type, the character, the ability of the man -- in short, his essential nature.

The desire body surrounds and penetrates us from every angle and the astral fluids enter our material system by means of the liver. So the liver is more especially the focus of the desire body, as it has developed since birth. The head and the heart of natural man are slaves of the desire body. Your feelings and your thinking as a person of this nature are regulated by your pelvic sanctuary. Consequently, you live out of your pelvic sanctuary, through your spleen-liver system, bound to matter, desiring and focused upon everything that is of ordinary nature. All astral radiations enter the liver in accordance with the activities of your desire nature.

When, after endless roaming on the dreary Road of Experience, a human-being reaches a dead-end in nature-bound life, it can happen that he begins to desire renewal, to yearn for a liberating solution; that in such a man something like a yearning for salvation develops, an urge to seize one or another approach to salvation -- to realize it within himself, that he might climb up out of the pit of mortification. This state of searching for renewal, this increasingly conscious state of yearning for salvation is the highest form of desire of which nature-born man is capable. You cannot reach higher.  This is the highest state, the limit of dialectical astral radiation. When we stand at this border, the Gnosis touches us; not in the liver, but in the heart.

The first touch of the Gnosis always takes place in the heart sanctuary; however, that occurs only in answer to one's yearning for salvation. Therefore it is out of the question that anyone who would approach the Temples of the gnostic Spiritual School simply experimentally or out of curiosity would benefit in any way. It is beneficial to be in a gnostic focus only when the heart has opened somewhat for the Gnosis, yet only as a result of that highest state of desire, the yearning for salvation.

From "Pymander and Hermes" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol II - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Like attracts like. The heart is the seat of desire. What we desire we attract to us. That is a natural response to a natural law.

In order to attract the radiations of the Gnosis, we must yearn for the New Life with everything that is within us. We must obtain the highest state of desire mentioned in the excerpt above, the desire to put down the things of this world and return to whence we came. If we can do this honestly and in deep humility, the law will fulfill itself and we will attract into our heart the astral radiations of another realm, the 6th cosmic domain, which will awaken the Divine Atom from its eons-long sleep.

This power will not force itself upon you. It must be asked for, sought after, desired with everything that is within you. Your actions must support that desire. It is truly a yearning like no other.

~ g

21 June 2015


Dedicated to those on The Path ~ g

"Recognize failure -- if it is there -- but then, with a face lifted to the Light and a smile upon your lips, turn your back upon such failure and go with steadfastness forward".

"The only regret that is justifiable is based on failure to learn the lesson of failure".

"Failures, where they may be found, need not persist, for the Group Love  can offset them all; personality weaknesses, mistakes and faults are overlooked and forgotten in the urgency of human need; they do not even penetrate into the Ashram. I would ask you to remember this, and with humility in your hearts, persistence in your efforts, and love to all men, pass on your way".

"You will note that the Brotherhood is not preoccupied with your mistakes or failures. These are inevitable and relatively unimportant, because a disciple at your point of development is ever aware of them, and can be trusted to take the needed steps towards adjustment".

"You did fail, my brother. But why stay overwhelmed by failure for year after year and remain with your eyes concentrated on the Lower Self that failed? All have failed and will again along some line. But the failure is scarce recognized; the effort is made to recognize what caused the failure".

"One thought only will I give you to repeat whenever you are discouraged, tired or weak:
At the center of all Love I stand, and naught can touch me here, and from that center I shall go forth to Love and Serve."

From the chapter on "Failure" - Serving Humanity  - Alice Bailey

As we endeavor to walk The Path of Return in self-surrender and in a new attitude of life, Failure is inevitable. Do not get down on yourself or treat yourself harshly. Seek always to uncover the root cause of the failure, then put it behind you and continue working to overcome the weakness that led to the failure.

It is not the failure that will define your pupilship; it is how you utilize the lesson presented by that failure which will make all the difference.

all love,

~ g

13 June 2015

Keeper of the Temple


We who have put ourselves into the service of the great Divine Plan of development, must seek, find and go our own Path. In a state-of-the-world that has become totally foreign to us and with an open eye for the dangers threatening and misleading us, we are going to speak to you about the great plan of development, this Plan of God, which lies at the foundation of our existence.

The whole personality with everything belonging to it and included in it, in a word, our microcosm, is in fact a dual being. One being has been manifested: the nature-born, mortal being. The Other Being has not been manifested yet.

You must understand this well! Many organs of the Unborn are present in your nature-born being, i.e., in a dense material state. And this is an absolute prerequisite for accomplishing the Great Work, because a person must realize this Work from below-upwards. To this end he needs physical organs in order to perform non-physical work.

This is a delicate situation, for if the organs concerned were to be applied exclusively to material purposes, everything would go awry and the development of your being as meant in God's Plan would be stopped completely and your Calling would be obstructed. From the above it will have become clear that such abuse would cause processes of degeneration. This is what the Bible means by saying 'To be in the world, but not of the world'.

The heart belongs to the organs mentioned, at least a certain part of the heart sanctuary. In addition the head sanctuary is included, of which especially the mind, the pituitary gland, the pineal gland and the cerebral cortex should be mentioned. Also other secondary organs should be mentioned, like the other endocrine glands and the cerebellum.

All these organs have a dual purpose: in the fallen world, but at the same time in the Other Nature-Order that has already been referred to as the Supernature, the Divine Kingdom. Supernature, the Other Nature-Order, will be manifested by a correct use of the organs mentioned. Then these organs attract very subtle substances of an as yet unknown atomic structure that enter into different latent centers of your being and make their intentions known there.

In this way a New Being begins to grow and develop within you with the help of the old being. And gradually, the New Being is revealed and makes Itself felt, although in a totally different way from what you are used to in your nature-born life. It is so totally different that it cannot be compared to anything.

This development wholly corresponds to the one described in the Bible. For instance, think of the First Letter to the Corinthians:

'Each man's work will become manifest; for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. If the work which any man has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. If any man's work is burned up, he will suffer loss. Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?'

In the days the above words were written down, the Truth was still known, namely that both life and death exist in our microcosm. Death not in the sense of useless and superfluous, but as finite: the finite that is used to build the Infinite.

A striking example of what we mean to tell you can be found in our rational thinking. Rational thinking is a finite faculty, but it can be considered and used as the final goal of everything. It is called the 'I am', the spirit, the soul and it is burdened with as many speculations, assumptions, unwanted extras as possible and with everything called 'knowledge'.

As soon as this pernicious development has crossed a certain border, a degeneration of the cerebral cortex, among other things, can be observed and the person concerned becomes unsuitable for the ordained human development. As a result, the Great Work that must be performed in the temple can no longer be fulfilled. The storms become ever fiercer and damage becomes manifest. Therefore, reflect on the warning meant for all:

If anyone destroys God's temple
God will destroy him.
For God's temple is holy
And that temple you are!

From "Supernature" The Liberating Path Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose De Petri


The physical body has a purpose. That purpose has nothing to do with seeing how much alcohol it can consume, discovering what effects narcotics will have upon it, or abusing the sex function until critical vital energy has been completely wasted.

As stated in the above excerpt, the physical body was designed in accordance with a Plan, its organs intended to serve a dual function. We know only of the physical work that these organs perform, yet next to nothing about what they were actually designed to do or their role in the process of transfiguration. Be mindful that it is extremely important that the body be maintained in as pure a state as possible, if we are to improve our chances of climbing the Golden Stair to Freedom.

~ g

07 June 2015

Living Two Lives


So a mighty development of the soul-aspect is underway in our School. Pupils have an unmistakable, intense inner need to participate in the spiritual work and most spare no effort to do so. All this is wonderful and we feel deeply grateful, because it proves that virtually all stand in the awakening Life of the Soul. With their minds they are serving God's law. However, many remain in a state of miserable dividedness. With their minds, they serve the law of God as far as it is possible for them to do so, but with the personality they are often driven by their earthly demons. With their personalities, they remain firmly attached to their type, to the character which has typified them since their youth. Thus, they are not yet free of their earthly personality, which is so much subject to the law of sin. As far as the Soul is concerned, they are engaged in becoming Newly-Born, but as regards the personality, they are still entirely driven by earthly desires.

Where lies the solution to this problem? Paul answers this question too, in Romans 8, a beautiful chapter in which he says "There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ; who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh mind the things of the flesh, but they that are after the Spirit, mind the things of the Spirit".

The full extent of the difficulty is explained in these words. You know a life of the needs of the awakening Soul, in which you are completely satisfied. Quite apart from that is the life of every day, your life at home and in your position in society, and the intimate life behind the curtains of your own room, far, very far away from the Gnosis; completely one with your own type, your own character and the motive power of your earthly demons; the life, governed by the astral currents of the nature-of-death. Thus -- and there is no denying it -- you live two lives.

This threatens to lead to your downfall. Although you may love the Spiritual School ever so much, although you may never miss a single conference, the divided state we have described will increase your misery hour-by-hour. For mind you, the astral influences of the nature-of-death are constantly increasing in strength so that, if you do not intervene radically in your own life, you will be lost, even though you are Soul-born.

How should you intervene? What is the formula? Apart from living the life of the Soul, you should no longer live according to the flesh, and you should apply yourself to this very consciously, scientifically and decidedly. That is the only solution, however young or old you may be. The younger you are when you begin, the better, because if you lack resilience, if you can no longer summon up the necessary vitality in your nature-born state, it will be an almost impossible task.

"If you remain living according to the flesh, you will die".

Understand well what Paul means by this: in that case you will remain imprisoned in the embryonic field and you will perish in the Cosmic Night. All the valuable Soul-karma that has accumulated in your microcosm will be destroyed. And in time, perhaps in a few hundred thousand years, you will be able to begin again. We say 'you', but we mean 'your microcosm'.

"If you remain living according to the flesh, you will die. But if, through the Spirit, you mortify the deeds of the body, you will Live", as a True Human-Being in God's great, joyful World.

From "The Formula of the Path of Life" The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis Vol. III - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Until your way of life is entirely in harmony with the requirements of The Path, you will be susceptible to this conflict. You must maintain a constant vigil over your thoughts, feelings and actions. Occasions will arise when you will not be able to stop yourself in time before acting against the Gnosis. But with steadfastness, devotion to The Goal and perseverance, eventually you will be able to consistently choose the Right Thought, the Right Feeling and the Right Action for any circumstance. It will become a part of you. When that happens, you will have successfully adopted a New Attitude of Life, the 'old you' will have disintegrated into nothingness. Your feet will be firmly planted on the Road to Liberation.

~ g

Life-Spark vs. Spirit-Spark (Re-post)

Originally posted July 10, 2012 ~ g


In order to effect Transfiguration, the great transformation of matter, the human entity must have in its possession a Spirit-spark atom. This spirit-nucleus, referred to as the 'Rose of the Heart' or 'the Jewel in the Lotus' is a remnant of the Original divine heritage of our microcosm. It is the only part of the human entity that is divine.

The spirit-spark atom is located in the mathematical center of the microcosm, which corresponds physically to the upper right ventricle of the human heart. This single atom is "the God in you". In the vast number of human entities, this atom lies dormant, asleep. It is a smoldering ember of divinity, unable to express itself due to lack of divine nourishment.

A small segment of humanity has been able to awaken this spirit-spark atom. Some have preceded us on The Path in the centuries that lie behind us. Some are endeavoring to walk The Path here and now, in the current age. All of this is possible because these entities are in possession of a spirit-spark atom. Through insight, yearning and a new attitude of life, they were able to attain, or will someday be successful in completing, The Great Aim, the One Goal of Humanity - Transfiguration.

There is also a third category of human entities, ones who do not possess this spark at all. We call these beings "life-spark" entities because there is nothing of the Spirit burning in the center of their microcosms. Here is a definition, given by Jan van Rijckenborgh:

"Life-spark entities: Nature-born entities lacking the rose of the heart, the spirit-spark atom. These persons are totally oriented towards existence in the material-sphere of the earth. They feel completely at home in it and lack any inner life. They are, in fact, not people, but solely natural phenomena, absolutely insusceptible to spiritual contact.

A way of life, deviating from God, inevitably generates life-spark entities. which come and go without leaving behind any positive effects. Present-day mankind consists of many hundreds of millions of this kind of 'simulated' human being."

If you contemplate this for a bit, you may be able to come up with some examples of this type of human. The realms of the rich and famous are bulging with these types. So-called 'stars' and 'celebrities' as well as the criminal element among mankind. Last, but certainly not least, the the leadership of the churches and the statehouses are filled to capacity with these 'empty', spiritually-bereft humanoids.

Contemplate the reality of the foregoing a bit further and you may begin to obtain a glimmer of understanding as to why the world is in the condition that it is. The so-called 'leaders' of humanity, along with it's 'movers-and-shakers' are all bent on material wealth, material success and personal aggrandizement. And so you have immoral and perverted entertainments, eternal war, dishonest business and financial practices, class and racial separations, deceptive religions designed to lead human entities further away from the Truth, and from Liberation.

Some classic examples of current life-spark entities: the Queen of England, Henry Kissinger, Bushes 1 and 2, the Pope, the heads of major Hollywood studios and publishers of 'respected' newspapers, famous movie, television and music industry artists...all dead. Dead inside. Like robotoids.  They're easy to spot. They are the ones who pursue their 'dreams' of material wealth, power, fame and influence at all costs. They are totally and completely wrapped up in, dedicated to making the best of, and desirous of getting the most out of this material-sphere life. To sum it up, the physical rulers, controllers and influencers of the earth are chosen from among these types of entities. They, in turn, are controlled by the archons and the aeons. They govern our planet in all of its various aspects, un-opposed by the rest of humanity, due to our ignorance regarding their true nature. And so, we have the world that we have.

You may silently wonder if you are a life-spark entity. A clear indication that this is probably not the case is that life-spark entities don't ask questions like that. In truth, they don't even care. They don't read blogs like this and they don't waste their time thinking about a Higher Life, or the possibility of one.

Therefore, it's pretty safe to assume that you possess a Spirit-spark atom, a mandatory requirement for commencing The Great Work. This hidden Jewel is the part of God that Adamitic humanity retained before falling from Paradise. Our microcosms still possess the One Thing Necessary to help us to Return.

Let us now work hard to fan this burning ember into a Mighty Flame so that we may begin our journey Home.

~ g

06 June 2015

Hollow Earth, Open Mind


This post was originally meant to be a response in the Comments section of The Scales Shall Be Balanced, The Debt Will Be Paid but grew too long to fit within the character limit set for comments. The decision was made to post it here.

~ g 

The theory of the Earth being hollow has been advanced and supported by great (and open-minded) thinkers for many centuries. It is not a "new" theory. Edmond Halley in 1692 put forth the idea of Earth consisting of a hollow shell with a crust about 500 miles thick. Like everything else that threatens to enlighten humanity about ourselves and our True Purpose, these theories are suppressed, ridiculed or mostly ignored.

The fact that this "theory" reamins on the fringes of mainstream scientific discussion is proof that there is something about this can of worms that your controllers do not even want to open up for discussion (see "Where Is The Love" for a post regarding one such massive deception).

This writer is not a mainstream scientist. Thank heavens for that because most scientists simply parrot everything they have been taught, and tailor their investigations to fit within the confines of their restrictive and erroneous teachings. All else is discarded. Scientists are among the most pathologically close-minded and rigid thinkers in the world. As our "authorities" they pass this rigid dogma onto humanity, thus closing the minds of millions as well. That is how it was planned.

Though we may not be earth-scientists with a bunch of meaningless and useless letters following our names, we are blessed with plenty of Intuition. Most humans can tell when something is being hidden from them and when they have been sold a bill of goods.

As 'm stated, this writer does not indulge in fancy or wistfulness. An effort is made to avoid advancing speculative information at all costs, as it is not the intent of this blog to mislead anyone at anytime. In addition, when it comes to speculation about matters on the horizontal plane that have been hidden from us for so long, although it is good to be aware of these things, such knowledge will ultimately not lead anyone to Liberation.

That being said, if something 'odd' is mentioned here, you can be sure that a significant amount of prior research went into the matter way before this blog ever came into existence. Many years were spent by this writer seeking on the horizontal plane prior to taking 'pen in hand' as it were...much was uncovered. There are things that will never be posted here because they would just not be believed. It would serve no good purpose. Occasionally, such unmaskings may end up being discussed in this blog. Hollow earth is one such example.

Think of all the so-called "science exploration" shows presented to humanity. Not one has ever been presented that discusses this theory. Not one! That is because your controllers do not want to expose this suppressed but compelling "theory" to free minds the world over. Hundreds of millions will then begin to conduct their own investigations, brilliant minds will be scattered among them. In no time at all the genie will be out of the bottle and your controllers will be unable to prevent a total unmasking of a fact they have worked diligently to hide for so long.

Therefore, your mass-communications media, which is completely controlled by the vassals of the aeons of this world, will never allow free discussion of this topic or any other that threatens the vice-grip they have around the minds of collective humanity. It will remain on the fringes of academic and scientific thought, which leaves it up to you to investigate and unmask on your own, with mind wide open.

The following is quoted from a comment posted in the link provided at the end of this post.


This Awareness indicates even though you have been taught that the earth has a molten core, with a cool surface, that it is possible to logically conceive of an earth that as a spinning ball of molten lava, began to cool on the outer crust, and that as it spun in space, because the outer crust was cool, it perhaps stretched to create breaks in the surface which then led to more cooling, and while these breaks in the surface were occurring from the centrifugal force of the spinning earth, in the center of the earth there was an expansion of space of this molten lava, which created a hollow cavern in the center that followed the surface outward as it spun against the outer shell that had cooled, plastering the inner lava up against the outer shell that becomes solid as it cools, thus creating a HOLLOW EARTH over millions or billions of years.

This essentially has been the subject of a number of books, and legends and stories down through history, and it is actual. In general, all planets have a hollow core, some having a larger opening and core than others and some planets have subterranean caverns permeating the area beneath the surface. It is not possible for this to be proven at this time, but there has been considerable evidence from entities who have traveled beyond the poles to find themselves entering into a world of green vegetation.

What is really necessary is the general understanding and recognition that there are many things on earth that will always remain as a mystery and that entities need to keep their minds open and not assume that just because the government has not told you so, it must be so. Likewise, there are those who think if it isn’t in the Bible, it can’t be so, or if it IS in the Bible, it has to be so. Entities who look to authority for answers may be fooled by authorities who do not really know or do not care to give proper answers.

It doesn’t matter whether you can be absolutely certain of all of the things you explore. What matters is that you have information that you can ponder and consider in filling in the blanks of your reality. With this approach you may consider the possibility of a HOLLOW EARTH. You do not have to tell others you believe in a HOLLOW EARTH. You can simply put it in as a possibility in the puzzle that you are exploring in regard to total reality.


There are no publicly available images of the North Pole.

all love,

~ g

P.S.: Although a quick Google search on "Hollow Earth Theory" will return a significant number of hits, the link below (which this writer had not visited prior to today) does a good job of presenting the evidence: https://thetruthbehindthescenes.wordpress.com/the-hollow-earth-theory/

Images can be reviewed here: Google Search Hollow Earth Theory - Images


03 June 2015

Letting Go Of Delusion


Thus the True Seeker of the Path of Liberation perceives in what a horrid world-order he lives, and how, merely through the functions of his being, he is an accessory to the general world-tragedy. He is convinced that he exists and participates with his whole microcosm in an un-divine world-order. Therefore, his whole heart thirsts for God, for an absolute divine reality, by which he knows himself to be called. Thus the pupil becomes more and more conscious of his wretched dialectical reality.

Whoever does not yet possess this self- and world-perceiving consciousness, will continue to try and obtain fulfillment of his wishes on the horizontal line. He will continue his strivings for earthly pleasures and pursue what is known as: 'the best gifts of the earth'. He will exult in supposed 'possessions' and feel deeply hurt when they vanish like a mirage. This pursuit and disappointment will come and go many times, they will keep the person extremely busy for many years, perhaps for many lives, until, due to persisting painful experiences, the reality of the true insight into nature finally dawns on his consciousness.

Then the Seeker experiences the truth of the words of Proverbs: 'All is vanity and vexation of spirit'. Everything here is deception, a phantom, absolute delusion. Moreover, all this brings and constitutes immeasurable pain and indescribable tragedy. Therefore, he stops all his strivings on the horizontal line, as well as regards thinking, feeling, wanting and acting, and lifts his eyes to the hills, from whence his Help comes.

As long as you still seek for life realization in this nature, as long as you pursue civil, social, political or humanistic aspiration in this nature-order, you do not as yet share this point-of-view. You cannot be forced to this point-of-view, nor can you elevate yourself to it by decision. You must grow towards it, mature towards it by experience.

From "The Delusion of Dialectics" The Coming New Man - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Man is like the child who is kidnapped at birth and made to live a horrid life of toil and strife. Each day brings a crust of bread for breakfast and a bowl of gruel for dinner. Mistreated and abused from infancy through childhood, sorrow is all that he knows.

Then one day someone bursts through the door, knocks out the kidnapper and reaches a hand towards the child, saying, "Come with me. You're free!". But the child screams in fear. He throws sharp objects at his rescuer. He flees to the darkest corner of the room and hides himself there. He does not want to be rescued. Why?

Because the life he is living is the only life he knows.

When this writer first encountered the Doctrine of Liberation and the Path of Return, there was simultaneously both an attraction and some trepidation. Not fear, but a hesitancy. Deep within, there was a reluctance to leave this world behind, even though it had offered mostly kicks and pricks throughout the years.

How was this hesitation overcome? This writer kept exploring the philosophy of the Universal Doctrine, kept reading the available literature detailing everything that a candidate needed to know to begin walking the Path, persisted in unmasking the rulers of this nature-order and their games. In short, this writer gained valuable insight. Remembrance was stirred.

Finally, there came a time when the doubts receded, then completely disappeared. Confidence and a grateful joy took its place. It was at that moment that this writer made the decision to surrender the self, adopt a new attitude of life and walk the Path of the True Way, the path leading back to the Divine Reality.

Once one knows where one is going, one is no longer afraid to leave all behind.

"What the Caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a Butterfly".

~ g

01 June 2015

The Scales Shall Be Balanced, The Debt Will Be Paid

A short story that illustrates the interwoven nature of karma, destiny and rebirth ~ g

When the left wing of the chemical plant in M. blew up, Margaret was sitting at her desk. It felt like an earthquake. She saw the huge flames erupting like a volcano, engulfing the cisterns and everything around. There was immediate panic. People were screaming and running about in mayhem. Then a new loud detonation concussed the entire area. Margaret was thrown into the air. Sharp pain sliced through her body...

She saw a tunnel and she made her way through it. As she advanced the light at the end grew stronger and brighter. At last she was in the open. It was bright. Millions of little twinkling lights glittered in the air. There were lovely colors, flowing colors, many of which she had never seen before. She felt light as a feather. As she looked around she saw thousands of people floating in the air like herself. She knew them. They all worked in the plant.

Below saw the plant, consumed by raging gigantic flames. Thick smoke billowed into the sky.

“What happened?” asked a secretary in horror, passing by in the air.

“I am not sure, ”Margaret replied. “It looks like an accident.” As she viewed the scene, panic grabbed at her heart.

She saw fire engines approaching from all sides. People were running about in every direction. Chaos reigned.

Margaret remembered her children with a constricting chill. She flew as fast as she could to the school where she had left them that morning. They were sitting calmly, doing their lessons, unaware of the disaster that had just occurred. Soon the bell rang and they ran out into the school yard. She followed and called them, but they paid her no attention. They were busy with their friends. She hovers over them for a while.

“My husband!” she thought suddenly, and rushed toward his workplace. She saw him driving his car in the nearby street, heading towards the plant. She passed through the windshield, sat on the front seat, and began talking to him:

“Its okay dear. You won’t find me there. I am here—sitting next to you.”

But his face remained worried, pale, and nervous. He was listening to the radio that was giving non-stop reports on the inferno. “It looks like there are no survivors...estimated number of deaths about 5000...” The voice of the announcer bordered on hysteria. The announcer’s voice was broken. Overcome by emotion he unable to continue.Then her husband broke into tears.

“So that is what happened,” Margaret thinks. “I am dead...”

By evening the President had appeared on TV and declared the event an act of sabotage perpetrated by a separatist group known as the “Movement for Liberation,” comprised of the Fenkushy people, which had been responsible for many other terrorist attacks, though none approached this magnitude.

Calls for war were heard from many respectable citizens. “We have to revenge the death of those innocent people,” urged the Secretary of State with strong conviction....

Despite her state of near panic, Margaret was fascinated by her ability to fly, to defy gravity. It was a new sensation. And she found she could be anywhere almost instantly simply by thinking herself there. Her colleagues also flew around. Some exchanged words, but most of them were distraught and disoriented.

“Why don’t they hear us?...Can’t they see us?”

After a while a procession of fair Beings on what appeared to be ethereal chariots appeared from on high. Everything around them shone in strong light. In front of the first chariot stood a youth with a trumpet who began to play a solemn fanfare. The chariots encircled the distracted people from the plant. The Being from the first chariot, embellished with golden ornaments, rose to address them:

“Brothers and Sisters, welcome to the Beyond. We have come to take you to our Ceremonial Field. Please, follow us.”

His chariot took the lead, the people from the plant following. Some gathered in groups, holding hands, afraid of what they couldn’t understand. The most adventurous were in the front rank. Some of them attempted to converse with the leaders. The procession passed through the clouds and rose further and further. Everywhere there was a lovely play of glittering lights and colors flowing in myriad directions.

After a while they came to a great vistas of gardens planted with thousands of beautiful, vividly-colored flowers. Their many scents were delightful and invigorating. Strangely, they had faces, kind and smiling. Stranger yet, all the flowers could talk.

“Welcome, dear brothers”...“Welcome”... “Welcome, ” was heard from all directions.

When all the people had arrived, they were seated on comfortable and ornate chairs with arm, head and foot supports. The chairs were in a clearing facing a huge stage. An upright gigantic Book with a golden glittering cover occupied most of the stage. Its upper margin was lost in the sky. Margaret heard whispering: The Records of Nature...

Again the boy who sounded the fanfare appeared and played a ceremonial passage.

Then the leader of the procession came to the front. He was an old man with a wise face. His robe seemed to be woven with living light, adding to the brightness of his person. He solemnly declared:

“Let the reading begin.”

The Book opens slowly to the accompaniment of deeply affecting music. An enormous panoramic screen appears before the gathered people. The wispy glistening clouds of Time descend from everywhere. The people are transported on a fast journey through Time, back through the centuries. Among the roiling clouds the contours of a fortress gradually begin to appear—nebulous at first, then more and more clearly. Its stone walls are strong and high. There are guards on every post. The interior contains a city with prospering features. There are beautiful houses, estates, and government buildings. There are four grand gates on each side of the city. It is a warm summer night and most of the people are asleep. Only a few are wandering in the streets. They are wearing light clothes and robes. The sky is clear and the stars are twinkling, though their light is beginning to fade. The year is 978.

The city is under siege. Around the fortress there is a huge camp of enemy soldiers—about 5000.Most of them are sleeping around fires that have been reduced to glowing embers.

Somehow Margaret identifies herself with one of the soldiers. He is awake, thinking about the coming battle. A huge blanket covers his friend and him. He is not afraid. He has been through so many battles.

“That’s me!”—her colleague from the plant, sitting on her right, exclaims.

“There I am!”—Margaret hears from the left.

“That’s me!”...“That’s me!” in chorus people shout from everywhere. Soon everybody from the plant recognizes his former self among the soldiers.

Suddenly a signal is given. The soldiers awake and soon they are ready for the forthcoming attack. In the receding dark the first faint signs of the breaking light are visible on the eastern horizon.
Traitors are opening the gate on the North side of the fortress. What happens next is hard to bear. Brutal killing, horror, screams of terrified people fill the entire area. Pools of blood, bodies of soldiers, maimed and mutilated women and children everywhere.

Margaret sees herself killing people... So do her viewing companions. A few hours later when the fortress is taken, there is silence—only terrified cats and dogs are running around, until they too are killed.

The soldiers gathering in the center begin a frenzied celebration....

The clouds slowly gather over the scene and engulf the ruins of the fortress, the victims, and the conquerors. When they disappear, the Giant Book also is nowhere to be seen.

Grave silence falls on the people of the plant. Now they know that they are not innocent. They understand why they died in the inferno. All of them were involved in the killing centuries ago, all of them are now together in death. For a brief moment they saw the faces of the people of the “Movement for Liberation.” They were the same people who were in the fortress, who were killed by the soldiers, by Margaret and her associates in their earlier life. The situation is now reversed—but in another era, in another land. The victims had become the executioners.

No one is able to say a word. No one can look in the face of the others. They stand accused. They are dumbfounded. They all sit in silence, for hours, brooding over the event, all to themselves.

—Marcia Malinova-Anthony

It has been said that "The wheels of Karma may grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine". If a person goes through life thinking that his actions, the causes that he puts in motion, 'do not matter', that person is dead wrong. Everything you do today will return to you tomorrow, no matter how many lives it may take for that "tomorrow" to come.

Please, live consciously.

~ g