30 January 2015

Where Is The Love?

The following post is a response to a recent comment that was too large to fit in the Comments section.

Q: "It's been 70 years since the liberation of Auschwitz. Over 1 million souls lost their lives there. Is there any meaning to what happened there or can we just put it down to karma? I can see no love there. Your thoughts please.

A: First, we will objectively speak to the role of racial karma in what was reported to have occurred in Europe during the Second World War. If one reads the Old Testament carefully, one will be struck by the number of times the so-called "chosen ones" invaded other territories and, instructed by their "god", brutally and with great gusto slaughtered every man, woman and child in sight. Conquest and murder were their calling card. Those karmic chickens did finally come home to roost during the years leading up to and beyond WWII.

As for locating love in the midst of atrocity, those who wish to walk the Path of Return, who wish to become Children of God once more, do not get stuck on looking for love in the difficult situations that confront them. These ones understand, on a higher level than most, that mankind is very, very ill. And just as many of us who, having a family member that commits a crime, would continue to love that family member but disprove of the deed, so we who attempt to walk the Path of the True Way offer our love despite the circumstances. To do otherwise is to go against the will of the Father.

Those who cannot let go of the need to love selectively indicate by this resistance that they are simply not yet ready for the challenge of taking on a New Attitude of Life, which is a pre-requisite for success on The Path. There is no shame in this. Each one progresses at their own pace.

Finally, we will speak to the meaning of what happened in Europe during the Second World War. When this writer first began seeking many years ago, the aim was to get to the bottom of who controlled this world and why. One of the things discovered was that there is a huge deception being initiated at levels far above that of the common man. We see only the effects of such actions, never the causes. The event you refer to is one such deception.

Conveniently, it is now forbidden to controvert the official story. Canada is one of the countries that puts people in jail for questioning the veracity of this event. The world over, any intelligent scientific debate is discouraged, derided or vigorously prosecuted. To obtain an intelligent analysis of the truth behind this event, one may wish to read "Did Six Million Really Die?" by Richard Sherman. Via meticulous research using documents that were available during that time (including Jewish newspapers and the Jewish Encyclopedia), the author puts forth that

- Hitler’s “final solution” was to ship all Jews under German control to Madagascar. Negotiations were held with the British to this end, who nixed the idea.
- Census and emigration records indicate that the majority of Jews in the pre-war German sphere of influence had emigrated to other countries long before hostilities began.
- These same population records also indicated that there were more Jews extant in the world after the war than there were before the war.
- All of the concentration camps that were purported to have been involved in the extermination of human beings via gas were on the Russian side of the Iron Curtain, where, after the war was over, access was restricted or not allowed at all.

One may also wish to review The Leuchter Report, which presents compelling evidence serving to refute the historical claim that people could be systematically gassed to death hundreds or thousands at a time in a barracks setting, as to be effectively lethal, any working gas chamber must be sealed and airtight.

These subjects may be distasteful, but this writer learned long ago never to accept the official version of any story outright. In such matters, your controllers count on humans putting their head in the sand rather than conducting their own investigation. One is advised to always conduct one's own research and formulate one's own opinion.

All world events, I repeat, all world events are planned and coordinated to condition the clueless masses to follow a pre-set program put in place by those who control humanity. Every world event is a part of The Great Play which was designed to take place over many years and will eventually culminate in a massive deception that will be perpetrated upon the entire world.

The foregoing aside, we will return to the issue of true unconditional Love. This is the New Law handed down to us by the Christ. It supersedes the Old Law, the Law of Moses, and states:

"The most important commandment is this: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:29-31

Like chess, this is something that may be easy to learn but hard to master. However, we who aspire to that which is Higher must achieve this level of Love, or we risk aligning ourselves with that portion of humanity who will not survive the Great Separation.

"And now these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love" - 1 Cor. 13:13

all love,

~ g


Anonymous said...

Faith.....This is the problem with faith. There is no room for faith. It is the sworn enemy of a new society, a new humanity. People aren't justified by faith; they are condemned by it. Faith is the final barrier to human progress. Faith stands for all the irrationality and superstition of the past. It promotes a message of stupidity and subservience. It says that you don't have to use your intelligence to work anything out - you just have to believe what someone told you. If a guy came up to you in a bar and said he was God, would you believe him? Why not? After all, you believe that some Jew from 2,000 years ago was God. Why? Because someone wrote a book that said so. Is that any more convincing than listening to the stranger in the bar?

Brian said...

A powerful breath flows through the ancient writings

Gnosis is not a complex structure of ideas – although the ancient scriptures speak a language that is not easily reveal to the reader. One who tries to approach the ancient gnostic texts only intellectually, will hardly be able to comprehend the substance of their spiritual message. There seems to be a force, a mighty breath behind the words that moves the reader in the deepest part of his mind. But if he opens his heart, his intuition, and if he has faith, he may discover that changing “Breath of God. “

One of the most famous Gnostic writings is “The Mystery of the Pistis Sophia”. The Dutch Rosicrucian and co-founder of the Lectorium Rosicrucianum, Jan van Rijckenborgh, republished this Gnostic manuscipt and helped explain it for spiritual seekers. The title indicates the nature of Gnosis very precisely as the insolvable connection between faith (Pistis, Πίστη) and wisdom (Sophia, Σοφία).

Gnosis is a radiation, a spiritual Light. It is concentrated in the Gnostic writings, and is present in the atmosphere. It wants to awaken man and provoke him. Especially in today’s era of Aquarius, those who seek for inner knowledge are enabled to discover the Gnostic radiation within themselves and work with it.

Brian said...

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13: "For now we see in a mirror darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, then I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood. . . . So faith, hope and love abide, but the greatest of these is love".


The first is unconditional faith, as a proof that you have heard the call of the Gnosis and that this call vibrates in your soul. You have come to the School for this reason and you will be faithful to the call that has awakened you. That is faith. Faith is not a stupid acceptance of what is decreed from above, but principally an understanding through the inner touch of the light, by which the pupil says: "I will go, I will join. At present I only see in a mirror darkly, but I have experienced the call, I am coming". This is what is meant by climbing the first step.

Consequently, a "hopeful" man, also in the Spiritual School, is entirely different than a "faithful" one. The man of faith can think the man of hope is a great optimist, but he who stands in hope is not a superficial optimist but a cheerful and, to a certain extent, a radiating man. Cheerfulness radiates out of the eyes of such a person, for he has courage, he is equal to his task. In the light of hope he sees the things of the new state of life clearer than ever before.


In faith we see the things of the new life as from afar, in hope we experience the nearness of the new life. It is logical that the third step is love. Love means to become one, an absolute unity. In our sense love is the unity with the Gnosis, as the second ray of the Sevenfold Spirit.
In faith a bond already exists and those who die in faith experience the grace of it in the Vacuum of Shamballa. In hope the bond with the Gnosis becomes closer and in love it becomes an accomplished fact.


Love in this sense, revealing itself in a definitely recovered head-heart unity, with all its breathtaking consequences, is truly the birth of the light of God, the resurrection of Christ in man.

Some excepts from the chapter Faith, Hope and Love in Gnosis in the Present Day Manifestation.

In Peace.

BrotherGee said...


Thanks for your well-chosen posts. It succinctly addresses the gnostic definition of faith.

When the concept of faith is examined exoterically, what is uncovered will often be discouraging. But if one uses the gnostic key to examine the concept of faith esoterically, one will glean the powerful, true meaning. Your posts have served to offer that necessary insight.


The following is excerpted from 'The Coming New Man':


"...the Scriptures of All Ages makes it clear to us that faith is not the profession or acceptance of a dogma, of a church, a school or a god, but rather refers to the possession of something of which one must be wholly conscious. Such a possession must be experienced in the heart sanctuary, must 'dwell' within the heart, or in other words, the Permanent Atom, the Spirit-spark Atom, must be brought to life. Until this Atom is awakened, there is no question of faith, there can be no question of faith. Everything then is only dialectical talk, imitation, natural religion."


When Paul addressed the Corinthians, he was addressing disciples who were on the Path and possessed the gnostic key. They knew whereof he spoke when he used the word "faith". Because those who followed the true teachings of the Christ were exterminated or intimidated into silence by the orthodox church, mankind has been left to read the New Testament without the proper key, thus misconstruing the meaning of every verse and suffering the resulting confusion.

~ g

BrotherGee said...


This further addresses a couple of your comments:

re: "After all, you believe that some Jew from 2,000 years ago was God"

First off, Jesus was not a Jew. More information on this in an upcoming post.

Secondly, only the foolish and the misinformed believe that Jesus is God, the Creator, the Source-Of-All-That-Is. These ones have been misled and deceived by the orthodox church, which has purposely done nothing through the centuries to correct this egregious error of assignment.

re: "...Because someone wrote a book that said so"

This is categorically untrue. Nowhere in the New Testament is it postulated that Jesus is God. Jesus assimilated the Christ-energy, which is of God, and allowed this Divine radiation to work through him in the service of mankind. What He did, all men must do, and can do.

~ g

Anonymous said...

Thanks Brian and G for your vociferous support of "faith" that comes from 'knowledge' and 'experience'. When you refer to the New Testament, you do refer to the book where these passages are found....http://www.religioustolerance.org/sla_bibl2.htm.
Forgive me for being cynical but a gnostic attitiude can preclude any atrocity stating that this existence is but a temporary abode. What a sham, Oh what a shame.
For the New Earth to emerge, the old must be toppled, torn down, trampled and disposed. It must and will be cleansed, not by any divine intervention as you are 'faithfully' expecting, but by the ones who have the guts to raise their voices and tear the veil of illusion, awaken mankind to be the change they wish to see 'in' this world.

BrotherGee said...

i acknowledge your right to your opinion and wish you well on your journey.

best regards,

~ g

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your acknowledgment. Likewise, I too acknowledge your present path on the road to liberation and am quite assured that we will meet eventually even if the paths are different.
The ‘important’ questions of life, even more so, the answer to all our questions cannot be possibly laid bare here or anywhere. Our present consciousness is but a tunnel to the larger image that is LIFE and GOD. It has to be individually pursued and found. Will our pursuit end, I don’t think so, because just when are settled in a new awakening, something more exhilarating and liberating is just around the bend. We make do with whatever resounds with or current belief or state of affairs until it is replaced with something more profound. In this blog you began sharing your discoveries around 2006 where the posts then reflect a more ‘new age’ kind of philosophy. However, over time you have ‘evolved’ in your learning to embrace the Rosicrucian philosophy (for lack of a better world). Does this represent the zenith of your pursuit; can it be that there is more? Is this dimensional world really an emergency order for the salvation of trapped sparks? How could something ‘divine’ be trapped, are we being misled again? Is the SOURCE, ALL THAT IS, itself on a path of evolution?
Every school of thinking, tainted, tampered or adulterated is just that, a school of thought. It is imposed on us with a snide remark, “I don’t really care what you think, this is what I think and that is what matters…take it or leave it.” There is no opportunity for dialogue. I could go on but then you won’t be interested. Somewhere the SOURCE is laughing, “I can’t tell who I AM, until you stop telling ME, who YOU think I am”…………..the journey never ends!!!

I will not be speaking any more...you can have the last word.