16 December 2019

Atlantis: The Elephant In The Room

"Elephant in the Room" - The term refers to a question, problem, solution, or controversial issue which is obvious to everyone who knows about the situation, but which is deliberately ignored because to do otherwise would cause great embarrassment, sadness, or arguments, or is simply taboo."

Atlantis existed. Let's get that out of the way right now.

The fabled continent not only once existed, but lasted in duration for well over a million years. That's 1,000,000. During that enormous span of time, the Atlantean continent broke apart and sank gradually, in stages.

The Atlantean races developed technology beyond the imagination of most of current humanity. They were entities who understood how the cosmos worked. Although their technological capabilities were impressive, their weakness was that they were not completely developed in the emotional area. The result was that their technological and cosmically-aided inventions were frequently applied for selfish purposes. It was this repeated selfish use of cosmic gifts that resulted in destruction after destruction.

Always, there were warnings. Always there were opportunities to turn back to the Good Law. Always, there was the separation created by these activities that resulted in two groups. The so-called "Children of the Law of One" and the self-focused, materialistic "Sons of Belial".

Because advance notice was always given, many of those who followed the Law of One were able to emigrate from Atlantis and establish colonies to the East (Africa, the Mediterranean, Pyrenees, Ireland) and West (Yucatan peninsula, Central America, North and South America). Sometimes they were able to accomplish this journey long before the cataclysms came. There were time, however, when they escaped only by the barest of margins. Those who clung to the selfish side of life, remained behind, with no desire to leave their personal castles of sand. These ones were doomed to destruction.

The Atlantean refugees had access to both sea and air travel, and this is how they managed their escapes. When they landed on new shores, they would often encounter other, more primitive races of people. With their air ships and superior technology, they were able to quickly subdue the natives. This show of power inadvertently led the natives to look upon them as "gods" who "came from above" or from lands beyond the rising or setting sun.

Remember that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". These primitive natives immediately framed their visitors as gods with mighty powers. The Atlantean refugees - Children of the Law of One - did not exploit this situation but took the natives under their wing and helped to raise them to a mighty standard.

How many times have archaeologists been stymied by the discovery of ancient civilizations that seemingly "sprang up out of nowhere"? Ancient Egypt, the Mayan civilization, Crete, Minoa...all are civilizations that seemed to appear on the stage of history "fully-grown", so to speak. How could this be?


The entities that control the minds of humanity and, by extension, control the destiny of the world, do not ever want human-beings to connect the dots on this crucial "missing link" in our long history. They want humanity to continue to believe that mankind appeared on the world stage a mere 6,000 years ago. All of archaeology is set up to support this intentionally-flawed jumping-off point of 6,000 years. Anything that is discovered that indicates a contrary timeline is either ridiculed, debunked or completely ignored.

Archaeologists are human-beings. They have families. They have to eat. They have to pay off their student loans. No one will fund their excavations if they seriously look to try and prove beyond a doubt the existence of the Great Pre-Flood Civilization of Atlantis. Because of this, the majority of them will never rock the boat on the subject of Atlantis. If they do encounter compelling  proof, they will leave it as a question without committing to an answer. This leaves YOU in the dark. As usual in this world of controlled illusion, those whom we are trusting to unearth and explain these mysteries to us are burying them instead.

These days, there are books, television programs and documentaries that are designed to try and explain ancient megalithic structures, cyclopean architecture, inexplicable demonstrations of cosmic knowledge by the ancients (i.e., the Great Pyramid of Giza), the existence of similar cultures and languages on both sides of the Atlantic. Egyptian hieroglyphs have been found in the Americas, identified and confirmed. How were these cultures, separated by miles of ocean, able to communicate with one another?


There are over 2,000 flood "myths" or flood stories worldwide. Every culture has them. How can this be? Are they all pointing to the same event, or events?


Unidentified flying objects over land and sea. Our controllers are hammering it into humanity's collective heads that these are "UFO"'s from "outer space" when in fact, many of these craft originate from the inner parts of the earth, where the remnants of great civilizations still live. But, like any good deception, the idea is to get you to look in the other direction to prevent you from looking in the right direction. Today, every unexplained phenomenon is tossed into the "extra-terrestrial / alien" bucket. Humanity eats it up.


You will never see a movie, television program or documentary that focuses on Atlantis, even in a fictionalized form. Those who control humanity do not wish to open up that can of worms. They do not wish to stimulate or trigger any deep-seated memories of Atlantean incarnations in the billions of souls currently living on the planet. They do not want YOU to question, research, reflect and most of all, to remember.

No! The memory of mankind's long and storied past must never be allowed to become common knowledge among humanity. For then we would see a more complete picture of our evolution. We would recognize that we have been on this path for millions of years, making the same mistakes over and over and over. This would lead us to begin to look for a way to get off of this endless merry-go-round. Many would then begin to seek the Path of the True Way and would be led, by their seeking, to the Gnostic Path of Return.

We now live in the so-called Information Age. Unfortunately, much of the information that mankind is now receiving is either useless or has been tampered with in order to mislead us. Therefore,

Never blindly follow any intellectual authority. YOU are the authority.

Never accept any so-called "official story". YOU must find the truth in a story.

Never use the word "impossible". In God's universe, everything is possible.

Never insist upon "proof". Some things cannot meet man's current standard of proof. YOU must learn to detect Truth without proof. Listen to your Head and your Heart.

Never dismiss Atlantis as a myth. That is YOUR heritage that is being dismissed.

Never accept that you are merely a helpless creature of flesh-and-blood. You are a god in gestation. To put it more accurately, you are a god in amnesia.

Atlantis is the missing link that can help humanity begin to put together the puzzle pieces of our past and our future.

Remove the veils from your eyes and acknowledge the Elephant in the Room.


~ g

07 December 2019

27 November 2019

This Only Happens Once A Year

Here in the States, the Thanksgiving holiday has arrived. The holiday used to be about giving thanks for family and life but has kind of morphed into an eating and shopping holiday. Not only that, but even before the turkey is in the oven, Christmas lights are being strung up and Christmas decorations are being placed on the lawn. Everyone is in a hurry to experience the Holy Trinity of holidays: Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Year's.

During this time people try to be a little more accepting of one another, a little more giving. Strangers talk to one another. Yes, there are many who suffer during this time but for the most part it appears that the world really looks forward to year's end. People are generally happier, nicer, more pleasant.

Why is this so? It is because humanity is chasing Love, Freedom and Beauty in any form it can find. These few weeks at the end of the year afford humanity an opportunity to experience how 'good' life can be. It something that we rarely get to experience.  This makes the experience special as it "only happens once a year".

But why? Why only once a year? Why pull Love out of our Attic and dust it off for only a few weeks of the year? Why can't we be kind and loving to one another every day of the year? Why can't we celebrate God, Love and Brotherhood as a way of life? Why do we have to wait for the calendar to turn before we show our Hearts to mankind?

No answers today, just questions, as we prepare to experience yet another brief glimpse of what humanity could be, if we lived in Love every day.

~ g

25 November 2019

Don't Be This Guy

Figured it was time to re-post this, with some additions...

This post is dedicated to all of Humanity.

Friends, don't be the guy in the picture, stumbling blindly through earth-life, helplessly ricocheting like a pinball from one experience to the next but never knowing why.

Do not simply shrug your shoulders and respond to earth-life's challenges with the Mantra of the Foolish: "It is what it is". No, it is not. It is what you have made. It is what you have desired. It is what you have created.

Man, Woman, you must stop being spiritually lazy. You must resolve to find the answers to these burning questions:

"Who Am I?"
"Where Do I Come From?"
"Where Am I Going?"

Make it your One Desire to obtain answers to those core questions. Listen to your heart to separate the Truth from trickery. The Answers will not just fall out of the sky. You must make the effort to obtain those Answers. Then, because Like Attracts Like, those Answers will come to meet you halfway.

Look within for confirmation, not without. Strive to remember the Divine Purpose for which you were created. Work to locate the Golden Thread that leads to the Path of Return. Then follow that Path, without wavering, to final Liberation from this school / prison / tomb that Man, in his ignorance, calls "life".

To get Answers, you must Seek Answers.

Do the Work.

Don't be That Guy.
~ g

18 November 2019

What Is The Point?

We're born, we live, we die. What is the point?

Those who say that there is no point are not using the mental faculty that has been granted to them. They have a long road ahead of them.

Those who say that the point is to be 'good' enough to reach an eternal heaven where angels lead choirs backed by beautiful harps or seven virgins await, are being victimized by the misleading doctrines of the organized religions.

Those who hold that the point is to reincarnate over and over, improving spiritually with each successive life until they eventually become some sort of 'master' are also a bit off the mark.

Those who maintain that the point is to follow occult practices that extend the post-mortem state of the deceased so that he or she becomes some kind of a 'god' in the heaven-worlds are on their way to becoming archons, parasites who feed on humanity's energy in order to 'live'.

Okay, smart guy, you tell us. What is the point of our existence?

The point of our existence is to Remember, and then to Act.

We are to remember that within our life-system, in the region of the heart sanctuary, is a tiny Divine Atom, the last remnant of our prior Divine existence. This special Spirit-spark Atom contains within it everything that is required to transform the human-being back into its former Divine Self. We must first awaken this Atom and then allow it to begin its Divine fission, a gradual splitting that will slowly release its latent Power.

Our task is to subjugate the personality, surrender the self to this Process. We must hand over guidance and direction of the human life-system to the Divine part of us. If we can succeed in this process of Transformation - and we can - we will leave this physical world in which we have become imprisoned and effect a return to our True Home.

We speak here of a shift in consciousness, a change in vibration. Just as water turns to a vapor when a certain level of heat is applied, so will the physical human-being transform into something higher when the fire of the Divine Fission is allowed to run its course.

The point of our existence is to escape the sorrow of the earth-planes via the agency of Transfiguration.

The point is to return to our true Divine Home.

~ g

15 November 2019

The Inward Journey

You may want to take a look at this upcoming 5-part, weekly series of online presentations given by the School of the Golden Rosycross and hosted on Zoom. The next Inward Journey begins on Sunday, November 17, 2019.

No matter where you are in the world, you should be able to find a local start time for these one-hour presentations.

Each week one of these five questions will be asked and discussed:

Exploration 1           Why do we seek?

It is as if we are missing something; as if there is something fundamental that we lack. Efforts to fill this void are made on every level, and by every kind of person, from the most primitive to the most refined. On the primitive level, such efforts are manifested as the desire to gain possessions, or to satisfy one’s passions, or to ensure one’s personal security and material well being. In the more refined sense, it takes the form of striving for high ideals like freedom and perfection, or a life free of danger and conflict, or justice and harmony.

Exploration 2            Why do we exist?

The School of the Rosycross considers the human being’s only task to be: cooperation in a process that will make possible the rebirth of the original, divine Human Being. The primordial atom in the heart is the indestructible seed of this Human Being, from which the process of rebirth must begin. It is the primordial atom in the heart that arouses pre-remembrance and disquiet in the "I" human-being who, compared with the original, divine Human Being, is not much more than a caricature. Yet it is the I-being’s vocation to enable the rebirth of the original Human-Being. Our intelligence, our will, and even the very structure of our whole biological system bear witness to the hidden possibilities with which this task can be fulfilled

Exploration 3          Who are we?

When people use the words ‘human-being’, they often mean only the self, the I personality with its body and mind. But in reality the human system is much more than that. In fact, the human-being is a microcosm, a miniature world.

The microcosm is spherical and sevenfold. One can say that it comprises seven fields of existence rotating concentrically, one within the other, with the primordial atom as the central point.
So the being we normally think of as ‘man’ is only the mortal form or personality of a microcosm. The ‘human-being’ and the microcosm in this  state do not participate in the original Divine Plan; they live completely outside it.

Exploration 4           Can we really change?

The essential basis for finding and following this path lies in the center of your being, in the heart. This is the key to understanding the origin and purpose of your inner urge to seek. When this understanding of the meaning of human existence begins to dawn on you, you will see that, even now, in the midst of present day life, there really is a path that leads to liberation.

Exploration 5          Is a Spiritual Path possible in today’s life?

Yes ..absolutely.

Exploration 1:      November 17

Exploration 2:      November 24

Exploration 3:      December 1

Exploration 4:      December 8

Exploration 5:      December 15

Enjoy the journey.

~ g

11 November 2019

To Walk In The Light

Recently, someone asked what does it mean to "walk in the Light"?

In esoteric language, "Light" is always a pure, high-frequency vibration originating from the Divine Realms. It is a frequency that is not-of-this-earth and is illuminating in its effects. "Illuminating" not in an intellectual sense but in a holistic, healing way. The candidate's entire life-system is gradually purified via its contact with this Divine energy. Purification means a rise in vibration and thus a change to a higher frequency takes place while the candidate bathes in this Light. 

Like Attracts Like. When the candidate lives a life of self-surrender and service-to-others in accordance with the Divine Plan, that person's life-system will resonate with the Divine vibration. He or she will be fed by "living waters" that will serve as spiritual nourishment and empowerment.

This Light is the heavenly "manna" that was symbolized in the story of Moses.

It is what The Christ spoke of when He said "I have food to eat of which you do not know". 

It is the Power that is preserved in the Treasury of Light mentioned in the Pistis Sophia.

It is the vibration that exists in the Thirteenth Aeon as well as in the Living Body of the Spiritual School.

Throughout history, all true mystery schools have had access to this Light and were able to make it available to their pupils. Via the principle of harmonic resonance, the Light frequency always adapts to the state-of-being of the candidate, so as not to overwhelm his or her life-system. As long as one remains linked to this Divine vibration through a humble and sincere dedication to the gnostic Path of Return, that one will "walk in the Light".

~ g

05 November 2019

Different, But The Same

The human race is suffering. We are suffering under the Delusion of Separateness. Long ages ago, in a higher cosmic domain, we were one life-wave, a harmonious unit composed of billions of entities. Endowed with complete freedom but all pulling for each other, all working towards the same goals. Due to an abuse of that freedom, a group of us slowly turned our focus inwards until all that we could behold was our self, our "I".

Once we began to see ourselves as "I" we also began to see "others". This is where the Delusion of Separateness took over. We learned to care for, love and protect the "I" at all costs while fearing all "others".

And now look at us. As it has been so often said, man is like an organism where each individual cell thinks that it is the boss. The human-being thinks that s/he is the most important part of the human race. Out of fear, s/he refuses to re-link with "others". We stay wrapped in our self-made cocoon, now as hardened and impenetrable as a bomb shelter. We refuse to cooperate with one another but are quick to fight. And so we have the chaotic nature-order that we have.

Can you imagine the liver not wanting to work with the spleen "just because"? Or the heart refusing to send blood to the lungs because the lungs "don't look like me"?

Look at the montage of faces above. All of those entities have two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two ears, eyebrows, hair...each one is completely different from the other, yet they are the same. Inside, their organs are the same. Their skeletal system is the same. They all have subtle bodies (etheric, astral, mental). They all share a common history. They, WE, all have a common Goal. What is it then, that makes us  "different"?

It is the Delusion of Separateness. It is the self-inflicted illness of "I"-centrality that has convinced humanity that we are "different" from each other and a threat to each other.

Why can we not see the insanity, the lunacy behind this delusion? It is so obvious that even a child could understand it. In fact, children do get it, because when very young, they will play with anyone, be friends with anyone until they become socialized and are taught that this one or that one is "different".

Mankind is a Unity gone astray. This condition  can only be rectified once we contemplate and accept the truth that we keep hiding from ourselves: that we are One, that we belong together and that we will work better together than we ever did when we were apart.

We. Are. One. When humanity learns to truly live by this Law, we will be able to take giant strides towards leaving this nature-order and returning to our Divine Home...in group formation.

~ g

The Smallest Part of Evil

All symbols have more than one meaning and can be correctly interpreted in different ways. The Yin-Yang is one such symbol.

Yin-Yang can be interpreted as a symbol that shows mankind the inherent nature of this dualistic nature-order. So-called "good" (white area) and so-called "evil" (black area) co-exist in perfect balance, or at least they are supposed to. The dots of opposing color that appear within the white and black fields are there to symbolize that good is the smallest part of evil and that evil is the smallest part of good.

What does this mean?

How can "evil" be found in a "good" act and vice-versa? Easy. Cosmic law states that this duality that we live in must always maintain the balance that you see above. If anything happens to increase the influence of "good", the influence of "evil" decreases. This upsets the precarious balance between the two and so, "evil", or rather the forces in this world that support evil, will be moved to actions that will push back against "good", in order to regain its share of the pie, so to speak.

In effect, you have one action birthing its opposite as soon as it has been executed. 

What does this mean for mankind? It means that whatever "good" that we do in this world only maintains evil. The moment we do something "good" its opposite polarity, "evil", will respond. This can be a disappointing revelation. What do we do then? Do we stop performing acts of kindness? Do we cease all humanitarian efforts?

No, of course not. Man, driven by the Call of the Rose, even if unaware of that Call, will always try to do something to help his fellow-man. This pendulum of opposing forces was set in motion long ages ago and will be difficult to bring to a halt. It is recommended that we not attach ourselves to any act of "goodness". That is to say, we should not try to characterize or classify the "good" things we do as being "good". Do not do "good" in order to feel good about the act. Do what is right because it is the right thing to do. Attach no undue interest to the outcome or what the act may mean for your own personal growth.

Neutrality. Objectivity. Non-attachment. No judgement, no criticism. Cultivating these qualities is the way to still the Pendulum, to stop the incessant swinging between these two poles.

Yin-Yang can also be interpreted as illustrating the balance that should exist between Spirit and Matter. This is what we are trying to achieve as we walk the Path of Return: an absolute balance between that which is Divine and that which is Man.

Understanding this symbol and working to obtain the necessary balances are the keys to Victory.

~ g

01 November 2019

My Father's Business

"And He said to them, 'Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?'"

Apologies for being away for so long. It became necessary for this writer to assist in contacting our seeking brothers and sisters directly, to meet them where they are in the world. This requires planning and preparation, significant effort. Because there are only 24 hours in a day, something had to give. Unfortunately, that 'something' was the time formerly dedicated to this blog.

On the Path of Return, the quality of Non-Attachment is often referred to. We have to be able to gradually relinquish our attachment to the things of this world or else those earthly attachments will magnetically bind us to this world, making it harder for us to leave this nature-order behind and return to our True Eternal Home. And so, work on this blog was sacrificed in order that the Message could be brought to a physical audience.

Still, walking the Path also requires that we serve humanity in whatever way we can. Not with the aim of trying to improve the earthly lives of our brothers and sisters but to bring them the Insight and Light-power needed to make The Great Turnaround in their lives; to help those who Seek and those who do not to become aware of The One Goal of Humanity, of our True Purpose for living. Thus, this writer can no longer afford to abandon his duty and responsibility when it comes to this blog.

This writer posts only when inspired. However, Inspiration has never been a problem. Time became the problem. It is now time to find the time to do that which is necessary and that is to share the living water of the Gnosis with all who may travel this way - both in the physical world and in cyber-space.

~ g

22 July 2019

Your Destiny

Your destiny and the destiny of every Spirit-spark human-being, is to return to the Divine regions from which we as a life-wave, fell.

It doesn't matter if you are unaware of this destiny. It is still the One Purpose behind your existence.

It doesn't matter if you are perfectly happy with the material world and hope that the delusion can go on forever. It will remain the One Purpose behind your existence.

It doesn't matter if it takes you millions of years to effect the turn-around and begin the Trip back Home. We will wait for you.

~ g

13 July 2019

Safe Passage

We just finished a series of posts that looked to provide a brief outline of the fivefold gnostic Path of Return. It is important to realize that this Path of Liberation is nothing new. The Divine Plan for the Liberation of the human life-wave has been in place for many millions of years .

In every epoch, in every Age, there are groups of people who are able to hear the unceasing, Silent Call that beckons Man to return Home. As every Age finds Man at different stages of development, the methods used to attain the One Goal have always been tailored to suit the human-being as constituted at that time. It is known that methods of initiation that may have worked flawlessly in times past will not work for mankind today. The racial bodies of humanity have changed, man's thinking faculty has changed and, most importantly, the astral sphere is not in a pure enough state to allow the ancient methods of initiation to work.

At the end of a Day of Manifestation, a Great Opportunity is presented to mankind. The astral sphere is spiritualized to a certain extent by radiations emanating from the Sixth Cosmic Domain. These Divine radiations form a kind of vibrational bridge, a bridge that will act as a crossing for all those who are able to raise the vibration of their microcosm so that it falls within a certain frequency range. The radiations emanating from the Sixth Cosmic Domain, what we today call the Gnosis, are "stepped down", as it were, in order to give those who are ready an opportunity to board what has been symbolically referred to in the Holy Language as "The Ark".

We can think of the Ark as a huge ship that has come from very far away and pulled into port but is unable to move close to the shore. So a long gangplank is extended from the vessel, to allow those on land to board safely.

The movements and mystery schools established for the liberation of humanity throughout the long ages that lie behind us have come under many guises, many names. But when it comes to their pupils, all share the same core stipulations, which are these:

1. the candidate must renounce the world and all the matter therein.
2. the candidate must renounce the "I" , the Ego, and seek reunification with Spirit.
3. the candidate must want to do these things voluntarily, and without coercion.
4. the candidate, after obtaining The Goal, must return to the material world to help rescue other lost souls.

We stand at the end of yet another Great Day of Manifestation. A Purification, a Separation and a Reaping are now underway. The times are full, and the Harvest is being brought into the barns. The Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross is composed of a group of Harvesters from all over the world. It, too, is providing an Ark and is here to provide safe passage for all those who are ready. Reportedly, there are seven such transfiguristic schools in existence. This writer only knows of one, but as we all know, one is all you need.

May it be so that your Heart responds to the Call. May you become one of what Blavatasky called "The Few", one who will awaken in time enough to take advantage of The Grace of an Age. For it will be a very long time indeed before such a Great Opportunity is once again offered to mankind.

Hora Est! The time has come.

~ g

09 July 2019

Resurrection in the New Field of Life

The final step in the fivefold Gnostic Path of Return is the Resurrection in the New Field of Life.

The culmination of all of the candidate's striving is a completely restored Spirit, Soul, Body complex. The consciousness is once again linked with the Divine Consciousness. The Seeker has become one of the Thrice-born.

Outwardly, the person will appear as before. Physically, nothing changes, although one's health may benefit to a degree. However, unseen to the naked eye, a New Man now lives and moves and has its being in the purified microcosm of the Victorious One. This True Human-being manifests itself alongside the old, terrestrial human-being. At the moment of transition, the Initiated One will lay the physical body aside and take flight in the hard-won Body of Light.

The Liberated One is now free of earthly suffering, free of Karma, free of "the Wheel" and the necessity for Rebirth. He has returned to the Divine Kingdom, the Father's House. There is triumphant rejoicing from Those who waited for his return.

The Victorious One now stands before a Choice. Move on to ever-higher spheres in the vast bliss of the nirvanic Cosmic Domains? Or remain here in proximity to the Physical Realms? If he chooses the former, he will lose all contact with the Earth and its inhabitants forever as he pursues his own evolution. If the latter option is chosen, he will remain in close contact with the region from which he has just escaped. He will remain a servant to humanity, incarnating only by choice, and only when necessary to help the human life-wave. This Path is known as "The Great Renunciation". The Liberated One postpones his or her own opportunity to advance in order to reach back and help lift his/her brothers and sisters out of the Pit.

These are the Ones who help to forge a new link in the Chain of Universal  Brotherhoods. These are the Ones who will watch over humanity, and serve tirelessly. These are the Exalted Ones who shall manifest as Divine Helpers, Guides, Messengers and Avatars throughout the long ages ahead. These are the Ones who will remain loyal, steadfast and true until the final Lost Soul is freed from the Valley of Despair.

May it be so, and may all of humanity be led to The Good End.

~ g

08 July 2019

A New Attitude of Life

After Self-Surrender comes the fourth step on the fivefold Gnostic Path of Return: A New Attitude of Life.

If the candidate has been successful in the sublimation of the lower self, if he has recognized that the "I", the Ego, is meant to be a servant, not a master, and if he has learned to put the welfare of others before that of himself or herself, a great change will come over the candidate.

The Gnostic Light-forces circulating throughout the microcosm will increase, offering Divine help that will assist the candidate on the Path. He will be provided with "four holy foods" to take along with him as provisions on the Journey. These holy foods are Divine ethers which will assist in the construction of the new Soul-body.

Because the candidate now lives in full surrender, there will naturally be a change in his state-of-consciousness and in his state-of-life. He will look to help others in any possible way that he can, no matter how small. He will think in a pure way. He will live in objective neutrality, not allowing the astral body to dictate it's earthly desires to him or influence his thinking. He will serve both man and the Gnosis without grumble or complaint. The overriding aim is to allow Spirit to regain guidance and control over the human system.

If any traces of selfishness remain at this point, the candidate runs a risk of separating himself from the Goal. The Gnosis will not withdraw from him. He will withdraw from the Gnosis. Conflict and struggle will ensue.

The Path of Return is a narrow, one-way trail. One must be sure to count the cost before choosing to make the Journey. There will be difficulties as one attempts to make the necessary turnaround. It is not easy to dislodge the "l" from its place of kingship, a position that it has occupied for long ages. The l-being will fight the candidate every step of the way. With sly craftiness, it will try to fool one into thinking that he or she is so excellent, so Divinely inspired, when in fact, that one is walking the Path with the "I" still firmly in charge.

Still, those who succeed in surrendering the self and living out of a new attitude of life will reap greatly. As it is said in the Holy Language, "He will give His angels charge over you, lest you dash your foot upon a single stone". The symbolism behind this verse should be clear. To live under the New Attitude of Life is to live in harmony with the Divine Plan of Salvation; in loving, selfless, service to humanity.

~ g

02 July 2019


Self-surrender is the third stage of the fivefold gnostic Path of Return. As step number three, it is the fulcrum of the process, as it sits right in the middle. It is the pivot-point upon which everything that has gone before and everything that follows must turn. Although it is fairly easy to understand in a conceptual sense, making it a consistent state-of-life is another story.

What keeps us tied to this earth-plane, what keeps us on the never-ending Wheel of Death and Rebirth is our rock-hard self-identification. The Divine part of our life-system, the Spirit-spark that sleeps within the center of our microcosm is unable to manifest itself, unable to re- connect with the human-being because our consciousness is rigidly focused on the things of this world.

Like attracts Like. Man will receive that which he desires. Man's one goal should be to turn his focus to his Divine center and nurture that Seed so that it can bloom like the proverbial Rose, manifesting the Divine powers, attributes and abilities that are latent within. He should be  helping to revive the True Man that has lain dormant for long ages due to our mis-directed, self-focused state-of-consciousness.

Because Man does not fulfill his task, and because this nature-order is a temporary one that is not designed for permanence, Death becomes a part of the common human-being's existence. Why? It is because the human-being has failed in his mission. Thus, the microcosm must be given another opportunity to accomplish its Great Aim. It must seek to create a new personality that will perhaps find the Golden Thread to the New Life on the next turn of the Wheel. Therefore, Death is actually a great mercy, as it prevents the crystallization of the microcosm.

On the Path to Liberation, self-surrender requires that we eliminate the focus that we place upon ourselves as personalities. We must first learn that what we see in the mirror is only a reflection, an image. What is truly Real lies within. The Kingdom of God is literally within you. That Divine Light shines in the darkness of this world and you know It not.

Self-surrender requires a change of focus, a shift in the accents of your life. Give of yourself. Help others when and where you can. Treat otherselves as yourself and then realize one important thing: there are no "others".

Purify your thought processes. Purify your thinking, willing and feeling. Remove your yourself as the center of the universe and take up your position as a vibrating, healthy cell in a Living Body of Light.

Every selfish, self-focused thought, emotion or action pulls you away from the Light of the Gnosis. Every attempt to place others before you, to do the first works, to truly become a link between the Divine and the material will bring you ever closer to that Light.

The idea is not to neglect the personality, or treat it as an enemy. The personality,  the human-being, is an instrument of the Divine that is currently operating without Divine Guidance. It is like a runaway toy. The human personality cannot and will not function properly until it is re-linked with the Divine Other One within. Once this critical linkage has been restored, a new state-of-consciousness will exist in the human-being. Heaven and earth will unite. The image-bearer, the human-being, will joyfully carry out the will of the Spirit.

Then, the mantra of the Reborn One will no longer be "I AM". It will be " O, Divine One within me, I surrender to Your eternal Wisdom and seek always to carry out Your Will here on earth".

"Not my will, but may Your Will be done" .

~ g

05 May 2019


Once one has learned we live in a fallen nature order and that every human-being's True Purpose is to disconnect from this material realm and return to the immortal Divine realm, a special type of desiring may develop. After Insight, comes Yearning.

A Yearning for what? A Yearning for Salvation. A Yearning for deliverance from this earthly prison. A Yearning to return Home.

The seeker who feels this way has realized that s/he is more than just a random collection of flesh-and-bones, more than simply a living rag doll that is too lowly and stupid to be anything other than a foot-wipe. The seeker sees that s/he is the image-bearer of a Divine Human-being and is called to a high task: that task is the Rebirth of the Divine Human-being.

If the seeker demonstrates a sincere desire to undertake this liberating task, not just with words, but with action, tremendous changes will begin to take place within the life-system of the seeker. For one thing, the thymus gland, which is situated in the area of the heart and is normally inactive, will begin to excrete a different kind of hormone. That hormone, charged with pure gnostic vibrations, will travel via the blood to the head, where a new type of thinking will be born.

Yearning, coupled with the new Thinking, unites the heart sanctuary with the head sanctuary. The head sanctuary is able to interpret and understand the Universal Teachings. This is known as the rational touch. The heart sanctuary provides an "inner knowing" that supports this rational understanding. That "inner knowing" is referred to as the moral touch.

Touched by the Gnosis in this way, the seeker will be urged on by a strong inner need to discover what is next. How can this Liberation be achieved? How can s/he find the Path that leads to Freedom?

Like attracts like. The vibration issued by the yearning of the heart will seek out a like-vibration. Yearning for release from this world does not originate from an earthly desire, so it will not attract an earthly response.This yearning for salvation is an answer to the Divine Eternal Call that has been issued to mankind for ages. And, just as sure as someone will pick up the phone after you've dialed their number, the Gnosis will respond to one's yearning for salvation in a flash, in an instant. From that point on, those things that need to happen in order to place one firmly on the Path will begin to happen. The seeker will be put in touch with the right people, places and/or situations. One has to live consciously in order to recognize these cues and act upon them. One will also have to augment one's Insight and Yearning with the next step on the Path:


` g

16 April 2019



1. an instance of apprehending the true nature of a thing, especially through intuitive understanding:

2. penetrating mental vision or discernment; faculty of seeing into inner character or underlying truth.

Why is insight the first step one must take on the Path of Return? Well, before one can fathom the reasons for walking the Path, one must know why. Why should I want to be "liberated"? The world has its problems but it's not all bad. If mankind can learn to work together we can change the world, make it a better place. Why should I want to flee? Shouldn't I roll up my sleeves and get to work making the world a "better place"?

This is a fundamental misconception that mankind labors under. It lies at the root of all of man's frustrations and failures on the earth-plane.

"There are known Knowns, these are the things that we know.
There are known Unknowns, these are the things that we know we don't know,
Finally, there are Unknown Unknowns, these are the things we don't know that we don't know".

Man is victimized by unknown unknowns. The things of which we are unaware that we are unaware of. Because of this, we are at the mercy of forces that we do not control. We are deluded into believing that we live, when in fact, Man is lived.

In order to take the first step on the Path of Return, one must obtain some insight into these matters. How is one going to accept Teachings that focus on the dissolution of the self, neutralization of the "I", if one does not have a good reason to do so? Truth is, most of us love ourselves and would be hard-pressed to effect some sort of separation from ourselves. Because Man is a rational creature, Man needs to have a reason to make drastic changes. The Universal Teachings offer those reasons.

1. The Two Nature-Orders.

There are two nature-orders, two diametrically universes. One nature-order is temporary, changeable, mortal. It s characterized by rising, shining and fading. All things eventually turn into their opposite. It is a nature-of-death.

The Divine nature-order is eternal, immortal, not susceptible to change. It is "The Kingdom" spoken of in the Holy Language. It is our former Home, to which we prodigals must return.

2. Man as a Microcosm.

Man is a microcosm, which translates as "small cosmos" or "small world". In addition to the physical body that we can see, Man also possesses invisible vehicles that are critical to his overall functioning. These invisible vehicles are:

- the etheric body, or vital body, the vehicle that vitalizes or gives life to the physical shell
- the astral body, the vehicle of Feeling
- the mental body, the vehicle of Thought

These four (4) vehicles form what we call the personality. The personality is temporary. A new one is created for each new incarnation. After death, the personality dissolves, one vehicle at a time as it passes through the heaven-worlds.  Nothing remains except an emptied microcosm which mst seek to generate a new personality for yet another sojourn through life.

As a microcosm, the human system is enclosed in a spherical 'container' of sorts.. Within this spherical system is an auric firmament that contains all of the experiences, powers, attributes, karma. We call this auric firmament the auric-being. This auric-being is also known as the so-called "higher self".

3. Man's Divine Origins.

Within the center of the microcosm is a tiny atom. This tiny atom is the only part of he human system that is Divine in nature. We call this Divine Atom the Spirit-spark Atom, the Jewel in the Lotus, the Rosebud, and the Rose of the Heart. The ancient gnostics called it The Power.

This Divine Atom is a remnant that commemorates Man's former high estate. It is where our pre-remembrance lies. We were once Divine beings, co-creators with The All. Just as all of the myths tell us, mankind as a life-wave fell in vibration and became trapped in this lower, physical nature-order. Ever since then has been trying (or not trying) to escape this nature-order and return to the Divine Kingdom.

4. The Forces Arrayed Against Us.

Thoughts are things, they go somewhere. When we think, we create a living entity. When millions of people think along the same lines, they create a huge thought-cloud called an aeon. These aeons interact with humanity by encouraging mankind to think certain thoughts, which we then act upon, generating forces that are reflected back to the aeons, thereby providing them with nourishment. Unknowingly, man has become a food source for these invisible denizens of the subtle planes. This symbiotic relationship between humanity and its aeons keeps the prison doors tightly closed.

Adding to this issue is the existence of entities that know how to manipulate and target these thought-clouds, these aeons, for their own selfish purposes. Known as archons, they inhabit the invisible worlds, what we call the reflection-sphere. In order to maintain their sham immortality, they must siphon the auric energy that humans radiate. They are ether parasites whose existence most of humanity remains unaware of. 

5. The Path of Return.

God does not forsake the works of His hands. As Man helplessly stumbles about in this world of sorrows, a Rescue Plan was devised by those Divine entities who did not participate in the Fall.. The Plan would utilize the personality, its four vehicles, its five soul-fluids, its chakra system and the Divine Spirit-Spark Atom to purify the microcosm, resurrect the Soul and unite it with Spirit to restore the Original Divine Spirit-Soul-Body Tri-unity. The ways and means of accomplishing this alchemical transformation is called the Path of Return:


These are the basic things that the unknowing among us need to gain insight about. There is so much more, but one has to start somewhere. Start with the Unknown Unknowns.

~ g

05 March 2019

The Fivefold Gnostic Path of Return

The School speaks of a fivefold gnostic Path of Return that leads to Liberation from this nature-order.

It is fivefold because there re five steps, five stages.

It is gnostic because it holds fast to the Universal Teachings that have been guarded for thousands of years and shared with those who were worthy by Divine Messengers such as Krishna, Lao Tzu, Zoroaster, the Buddha and the Christ as well as gnostic groups like the Essenes, the Manicheans, the Bogomils, the Cathars and the classical Rosicrucians of the 16th abd 17th centuries.

It is a Path of Return because its purpose is to lead the candidate out of this fallen nature-order and back to the Original Divine Kingdom.

The five steps, or stages are:

1. Insight
2. Yearning
3. Self-Surrender
4. New Attitude of Life
5. Resurrection in the New Life Field

The next few posts will try to provide some insight into each of these steps, beginning with Insight. This fivefold Path is the formula for awakening the Divine Spirit-Spark Atom, purifying the personality, re-birthing the Other One and liberating the microcosm. It is hoped that seekers will derive some benefit from these upcoming posts.

~ g

Seven-Spirit / Seven Rays

So, what is the Seven-Spirit?

Simply put...at the start of every Day of Manifestation, the Creator, the Ineffable, the Unknowable, the Great Invisible, the Father-Mother, emanates cosmic root substance. This cosmic root substance contains within it all potentialities, infinite possibilities. This is the matrix from which Creation will arise.

Following this primal emanation, seven powers are established by the All. These seven powers are charged with administering the Divine Plan of Creation in accordance with the desire of the All. They are known by different names in different philosophies:

the Seven Rays, 
the Seven Rectors, 
the Seven Rishis, 
the Seven Spirits Before the Throne. 

These are Divine Powers, endowed by the Creator with all of Creator's attributes and abilities, along with the authority to execute the Divine Plan.

From The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis Vol. II, we read:


What actually is Pymander, or the Spirit-Soul, or the Holy Spirit? Is it possible to distinguish this Spirit when it has manifested itself? Ye, it is possible. the following explanation may be useful.

Seven rays emanate from the Logos, seven activities, seven immense streams of power, which move the entire All. By the word "All", you should understand it to mean "primordial substance". The entire universe is filled with primordial substance. This, together with all the life that awakens from it, is moved by seven streams, seven rays, the seven Lords of Fate, as they were once called by the classical Rosicrucians. All of the biological activities of nature, including animal life, are to be explained by the activities of the Seven Rays.

All that takes place in the dialectical universe, all that moves and develops, no matter how and where, is subject to a plan. Everything is awakened and crushed again, everything rises and wanes, including the human kingdom which, apart from its ability to reason, does not differ in any way from the animal kingdom. Everything is subject to a plan, which is aimed at awakening a possibility of a new development in all of biological life. If this project fails or cannot as yet succeed, then what has been created is dissolved again to awaken, later, out of he womb of eternity, to be given a new opportunity.

The plan of the Logos and its Seven-Spirit concerns the awakening of a new possibility in us all. If this fails, we will perish. We are then subject to the law: "You are dust and to dust you shall return". We shall then remain chained to the effect of the wheel of life and death.

The rhythm and periodicity of the Cosmic Days and Nights, of the tidal movements of the All, are controlled and put into effect by the seven rays of the Logos. Thus the Seven Rays have an elevating effect on the creature. If this process of elevation does not succeed, the creature will be denatured. "You are dust and to dust you shall return". Animal man, natural man, is constructed in such a way that he can be elevated and can react positively to the Seven Rays, in this way rendering denaturation and death unnecessary. So the prize for the Perfect Souls is freedom from death.

When the Soul purifies and regenerates itself, when it is reborn and carries out the transmutation of the personality in harmony with this Soul-birth, then, as a matter of course, the Soul-man will also be confronted by the seven rays of the Logos in an entirely different way.

As soon as you entrust yourself to the gnostic Light and start to walk the Path, a transmutation, an atomic change will develop within your nature-born state, in the body that you now possess, a change which will primarily affect the head and the heart sanctuaries. Your head sanctuary will be prepared to receive the Seven-Spirit in a positive way. As soon as the Soul has been born, the seven streams of the Seven-Spirit will penetrate the seven cerebral cavities. It is thus obvious that the Perfect Soul will receive the seven radiations in a different way from that in which the man of nature receives them.


The Divine Seven-Spirit, the Divine Seven Rays, the Healing-Whole-Holy Spirit....they are all one and the same.

In this physical universe, we can say that the seven sacred planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn) are the physical representations of the Divine Seven-Spirit here in this undivine universe.

~ g

Ponder This

"He who lives today is dead tomorrow. 
He who Dies today, Lives tomorrow." 

18 January 2019

As If It Were Your Last

Overheard someone say this the other day:

"Live each day like it was the last".

Of course, he was referring to partying non-stop, indulging himself to excess, doing whatever with whoever, whenever, wherever and however.

"Live each day like it was the last".

The opposite meaning bears exposure here.

This should refer to living one's life in the fullest devotion to the Other One within. Living to serve others, forgetting the self, preparing for True Liberation from the Wheel of Death and Rebirth. Because no man knows the day or the hour.

You can be taken at any moment. When that moment arrives, you want to be ready. You want to have a clear idea of what is going to take place next. Will it be another miserable turn on the Wheel, another draught of oblivion? Or will it be a joyous and victorious Return to Immortality?

You choose the ending...or the Beginning.

~ g

11 January 2019

Heal / Whole / Wholly / Holy Seven-Spirit

What is the Seven-Spirit?

"Third aspect of the three-fold Godhead. It is the all-embracing Love of the Father which is explained by the Son, who goes out to fallen mankind as a sevenfold radiation-field, to save what threatens to be lost.

Under the guidance and with the help of the Sevenfold Universal Power, manifesting itself in the Universal Brotherhood, the process of Transfiguration can be accomplished. During this process the sevenfold Holy Spirit comes to dwell again in the candidate" - Glossary - Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. IV

Did you know that the words "holy" and "whole" both originate from the same root word: "heal"? There is indeed a healing spirit that has the power to make the microcosm "whole" once again.

Heal-Whole-Wholly-Holy Spirit. The New Testament refers to it as "The Comforter" and "The Paraclete".

The Holy Seven-Spirit consists of seven primordial emanations, seven rays that extend from the Father-Mother, the Source of All. Each ray is further divided into seven sub-rays, seven times seven. For those candidates on the Path who have awakened the Divine Spark and are engaged in the process of transformation, the descent of the Divine Seven-Spirit that Heals and makes us Whole is a foregone conclusion. This is the symbolic dove that descended from above and came to rest upon the head of the man Jesus on the banks of the Jordan.

Remember always that the story of the Christening of the man Jesus is your story. The journey of the John-man and the Jesus-man is your journey. It is the story of a journey that can and must take place within you. The story was told in a symbolic way so that all men could understand, no matter what language or nationality.

The Descent of the Healing Spirit is the completion of completions. After the Yearning, after the Surrender of the self comes the healing power of the Whole Spirit. It is this third part of the Divine Tri-Unity that has the power to forgive all sins, purify the microcosm and restore immortality to the personality.

May you be Healed and made Whole.

~ g

05 January 2019

Firmly Set Your Feet

Firmly Set your Feet

accepts Christ by name only -
a label
to be scattered everywhere.
Path of Return
despite mutilations
by theologians of ages.
No dualistic commotions
nor lies from the academics
can blur the eyes
of those who understand
The Way.
Firmly set your feet.

Authored by A Friend of Humanity