22 July 2019

Your Destiny

Your destiny and the destiny of every Spirit-spark human-being, is to return to the Divine regions from which we as a life-wave, fell.

It doesn't matter if you are unaware of this destiny. It is still the One Purpose behind your existence.

It doesn't matter if you are perfectly happy with the material world and hope that the delusion can go on forever. It will remain the One Purpose behind your existence.

It doesn't matter if it takes you millions of years to effect the turn-around and begin the Trip back Home. We will wait for you.

~ g


SunnFlower said...

Thank you. This resonated so deeply with me.

Anonymous said...

Were humans created as a slave species by ancient aliens? Do we even have a spirit spark...

BrotherGee said...


Humanity was not created as a "slave species". This nonsense is the result of incomplete research and inaccurate speculations finding their way into books, television and mass media. This is allowed because those that control humanity wish to confuse and frighten you.

There are entities in the physical universe that can design and create life forms. Just like everything in this dualistic universe, some of those entities are aligned with The All and some of them are not. Those who are aligned with The All voluntarily allow God's Plan to work through them. These who are aligned with Self work with their own selfish motives and aims in mind.

These "life-designers" work on the form side. We also refer to them as "cosmocreators". They are master geneticists and can create human bodies. However, the life that ensouls the human-being comes from God. That's is the Divine Spark of which we speak.

Those life-designers who create for selfish reason are not able to attach a Divine Spark to their unholy creations. So what they end up with are what we call "life-spark" human-beings. These are mere automatons who walk, talk, think and do everything that a human-being does but they are missing that link to the Divine.

In the distant past, the Earth was designated as creative laboratory, a Garden of the Gods. Many life-designers came to this planet and created the forms that you see about you today in the plant, animal and yes, the human kingdoms. There have been groups of self-focused cosmocreators who have come to this planet and created human sub-races to serve their own purposes. But these are sub races, not all of humankind.

Wherever you see races that strive to preserve their bloodline you are likely looking at sub-races of life-spark entities . This is a hint that should be studied carefully.

So, all of humanity was not created as a slave race. However, through ignorance and selfish desire, humanity has allowed itself to become enslaved by entities who exert control over this planet from the astral realms.

And yes, you have a Divine Spirit-spark Atom in the center of your life-system. How do we know this to be true? We know because life-spark entities don't ask those type of questions.

For a bit more, search this blog for a post entitled "Spirit-spark vs. Life-spark".

~ g

BrotherGee said...

UPDATE: For the sake of accuracy, the fragment below has been revised to replace the word "races" with "groups".

"Wherever you see groups that strive to preserve their bloodline you are likely looking at sub-races of life-spark entities."

Paul B said...

Hello Brother Gee

No posts for a while, so in case you are now serving in other ways and capacities I would like to say thanks very much for this blog.

It was my first port of call when I became sick and tired of being sick and tired and tentative changes began taking place in me that I needed explanations for.

Thanks for all the information that is here and the direction to further reading and the School.

This blog has set me on my way.

Forever grateful


BrotherGee said...


This is the best news that this pilgrim has heard in a long while. Thank you for sharing this.

You are right, i am serving in another capacity but plan to return to this blog soon.

May your feet be planted firmly on the Path and may you never waver. If troubles ever arise, feel free to reach out and i will happy to assist.

Thank YOU, my friend.


~ g

Anonymous said...

Brother gee,

I am thirsty, Please give me something to drink in the fountain of memory, I missed your writing.

Beyond me