28 April 2012

Center of Gravity


Now look at yourself. There is a microcosm and the personality. The microcosm is of God's generation;  the personality is subject to space and time. The whole sphere of activity of the personality -- with its material, etheric, astral and mental aspects -- is determined by the heart of the personality. The electromagnetic condition and the quality of the personality  -- what it attracts, what it repels, what it is indifferent twoards -- all this is determined by the state, the nature, the disposition of the heart. The heart is therefore the primary focus of every human life. That is why a brother of the Rosycross once said: 'What the heart does not want, cannot enter the head'.

So it is easy to see why chapter 26 of the Tao Te Ching examines the mortal human being's center of gravity and explains where it is situated. Where does the center of gravity in your life lie? That is the question! It is the most important thing in your whole existence, because the heart's center of gravity is your central focus and gives direction to everything that happens to you in the course of your life.

Gravity is the root of what is light. Stillness is the master of movement. That is why the sage never separates himself from gravity and stillness.

We can now understand what this means. There is a center of gravity, a source which determines the way your life is oriented. Its seat lies in the heart. The state of your heart determines your center of gravity. This gravitational force is the very ground of your existence, of everything you do and do not do.

You see someone doing or not doing certain things. You ask yourself in disbelief, 'How can he do such a thing?'. Or, smiling with approval, you exclaim, 'How wonderful!' All these actions, positive as well as negative, proceed from the individual's center of gravity which is seated in the heart. So you life is like a plant whose root is embedded in your heart, and which you are bringing into the light of the living present. That is why gravity is the root of what is light. Your center of gravity is the root of what emerges into the light of your life's actuality.

Now suppose your center of gravity were rooted in the Gnosis. The energy that would then give rise to movement in your life could be referred to as 'peace', or 'stillness'. The stillness of your heart would then be the master of movement.

In the letter to the Hebrews, the whole of chapter four is devoted to this stillness.The letter is addressed to people who are learning about the One Path that leads to stillness, and it tells them: 'Therefore, while the promise of entering His rest remains, let us fear lest any of you be judged to have failed to reach it. Let us therefore strive to enter that rest'.

If the human being's center of gravity is rooted in the Gnosis, a certain energy, a movement, will emanate from it. Something is brought into the light; the fruit becomes visible. This fruit, this Living Result, is inner peace, stillness, that glorious state of being which surpasses all understanding. And this result becomes the master of movement.

So, it seems that a profound mystery is connected with the heart, and you are capable of solving it. It is the mystery of how to transfer your life's center of gravity, the root of your existence, from the depths of the earth to the primordial ground of the Logos. If you are familiar with the Bible you will know that a great deal of it is focused on that problem: how to attain liberation from the earth-earthly and enter the eternal glory of the Other Planet, the holy Earth, which John saw descending out of heaven, because he had become entirely one with it.

The sage who has solved this mystery never separates himself from gravity and the stillness, says Lao Tzu. Because his center of gravity has established roots in the Other Land; it has been transferred to the Other One. Once he has tasted this glory, he will certainly never be willing to give it up for the fruits of darkness.

We urge you to prepare yourself so that, with us, you can solve this Glorious Mystery.


Excerpted from "Gravity Is The Root Of What Is Light" - The Chinese Gnosis - Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose de Pietri

Attraction, Repulsion and Gravity


You know what gravitation is and how it works. Modern human being are particularly preoccupied by it, judging by the enormous efforts being made by scientists to overcome the gravitational forces of the earth.

Every object in space, including the earth, has an electromagnetic power of attraction. As a result of this power, everything that belongs to the earth, everything that us of the same essence, is prevented from leaving; it is kept in its place and in this way provided with the opportunity to live.

Gravitational forces have two aspects, two properties. The most obvious is the power of attraction. The other is repulsion. Through the power of repulsion everything that does not belong to the earth, and thus might be harmful to it or its creatures, is kept outside the system.

The two-fold effect of gravitation originates  from the tenth stratum of our earth. This is the heart of the earth, where the central focus of the Earth Spirit is to be found. This focal point deep within the earth determines the gravitational effects of all the other nine earth strata, which include the two aspects of the material-sphere, the four aspects of the etheric sphere, the astral sphere, and the two aspects of the mental sphere. So all the fields in which the personality is manifested are under the control of the gravitational influences emanating from the Earth Spirit.

This also applies to the vehicles of the personality itself, which, apart from the material body, also include the etheric body, the astral body, and a rudimentary mental body which is still in the process of development. In other words, it is not only the material body which is attracted by the Earth Spirit, but also the etheric body, the astral body and the mental parts of the personality.

This explains why the wheel of birth and death and its effects are confined to the Earth Spirit's various planes of manifestation. If a space traveller is able, by mechanical means, to escape the gravitational pull of the immediate physical plane, he must next pass into the gravitational field of the etheric planes, then that of the astral planes, and finally, into that of the mental border planes. Beyond that is nothingness as far as his personality is concerned, emptiness, because beyond that point quite different electromagnetic laws of gravity apply, which require quite different astral, mental, etheric and material conditions.

This outermost limit is set for every mortal, because the personality's center of gravity coincides with the heart of the earth, and is therefore bound to the Planetary Spirit. This also applies to the microcosm and to all the previous personality-lives that unfolded within it. No microcosm can ever simply detach itself from the confinement of this electromagnetic sphere. However, as explained in the previous chapters, there is yet another earth, completely invisible to the nature-born mortal, even though philosophically demonstrable. It is the holy Earth, the planetary system of the Planetary Logos

The Universal Doctrine draws a distinction between the Planetary Spirit, which has to do with our material earth, and the Planetary Logos. The Planetary Logos is the Lord of the original, inviolable, divine planet, the ineffable, eternal glory. From this holy Earth, from this original planet, our planet has emerged as a training school, a field of development which the microcosm must enter in order, after completing its studies, to ascend from it and return to the House of the Father. So the Planetary Logos is the beginning - the Alpha - and at the same time, the end - the Omega.

The point that we want to impress upon you is that the 'two natures' of which the Gnosis testifies are intimately connected. Even though they are quite distinct from one another, the two solar systems and the planets they contain -- including our earth and the holy Earth -- are fully inter-penetrating. So, the microcosm contains not only the 'land of exile' but also the 'Land of the Father'. And that is why you are told that the kingdom of God is within you'.

Excerpt from "Gravity Is The Root Of What Is Light" - The Chinese Gnosis - Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose de Pietri


26 April 2012

Unreality - Part II


In this way, urged on by Lao Tzu, we reverse our perception of all relationships. The Great Reality of the Unchangeable exists in a complete contrast to what we are accustomed to perceiving as 'reality', for that, in deepest essence, does not exist. How many times have you heard yourself saying, 'That is what is important to me, that is my reality, that is my life?'. But if you say things like that, you are not yet living. If only you were! If you perceive things in that way, then, in deepest essence, you do not exist.

Not exist? What do you mean by that? Well, we ask you: can things which sooner or later dissolve and disappear truly be called 'reality'? You perceive these things as reality because you want to; because you keep trying to hold on to them and make them lasting.

If you were willing to realize, very deeply, that this sham-reality is essentially unreal and to let yourself experience that, seen from the viewpoint of Tao, what you think is real does not in fact exist; if you were to experience, in your very soul, the fact of non-being, then you would really be able to enter into your kingship. Then the microcosm would be seen as the reality, and the personality would know itself to be only a projection, a reflected image. If you were to let go of your delusion, if you were to tear off the jester's outfit you are wearing and re-discover yourself as a projection of the Eternal, then this mighty work of radiation would be possible. Then the light would be able to shine in the darkness, wherever darkness prevails.

That is the truth about non-being. And that is why we say, not I, but the God in me. Not I, but the Other One. Not I, but the Father. Just as a projection is caused by the one who projects, so the Son comes from the Father. That is why the Son can say, 'The Father and I are one'.

If you let go of all your self-maintenance, if the delusion that: 'I am this, and I possess that,' is broken in you and taken away from you, if all that has disappeared, then you, too, can say: 'The Father and I are one'. If you dissolve yourself in not-being, if you enter the endura and practice the great self-surrender, if you completely neutralize your delusion of a separate, independent existence, then you will become one with the Other One.

Then the saying will be fulfilled: 'He who is willing to lose his life' -- his self-seeking existence -- 'for my sake', shall keep it'. The personality must begin to respond once more to the law of The Other Nature. That is the mystery of existence: there is an approach to life which, if you adopt it, will enable you to create in yourself the conditions necessary for the reality, the One, to be able to project Itself through you.

So would it no be supremely valuable to make this imperishable One the governing factor in your life? To absorb yourself in it, forgetting yourself, not maintaining yourself, living in a state of not-being. Then everything will come. Everything will be. A mighty light will spread through the dark regions of dualistic existence, as a blessing for many. And the nature of death, with all its horrors, will cease to exist.

If you have understood all this as it is meant to be understood, you will be able to practice wu-wei, not-doing, the endura. This will enable the voice of the Rose, the voice of the monad, to make an impression on the mirror of your heart, even though, at the moment, this mirror is rather tarnished and blurred. Your heart will then begin to yearn for the only possible solution.

This yearning, as we explained earlier, will stimulate the urge towards wisdom. And while you are persevering with your attempts to understand wisdom, until the lawful end is reached, the tarnished mirror will be cleansed by the light and power of The Other Realm. At last the moment will come when you will begin to see 'face to face'. The Great Reality will be revealed first-hand. The religion of 'seeing the invisible' as Paul calls it, will then become a way of life. The science of divine thinking, which reflects itself into the mind, will then lead to the practice of The Great Art.

So, when you understand not-doing, and you practice it as a way of life, everything is set free. Reality, the Absolute Being, can reflect itself into the non-being. Like a new sun, the great glory will spread its dawn throughout the nature of antitheses, which will once more become the Training School of Eternity.

How could one define that joy, that glory? We do not know its name. We call it Tao. Were we compelled to describe it, we would call it 'great'. After 'great', we would call it 'ephemeral'; after 'ephemeral', 'distant; after 'distant', 'That which returns'. For there are mighty forces, wheeling and circling, which hold everything in their embrace. An immense plan lies at the foundation of the divine universe. This plan must be fulfilled. And it will be fulfilled!


End of excerpt from "Before Heaven And Earth Existed, There Was An Indefinite Being" - Chapter 25-II -The Chinese Gnosis - Jan Van Rijckenborgh, Catharose de Pietri

25 April 2012


The human being suffers the afflictions of delusion.
He is tormented by unreality.
He lives in time, but time is a fiction, and thus he does not live in the absolute sense.

Yet, buried deep in his microcosm, a tiny spark is left of the Original.
And if that tiny spark has not yet been entirely extinguished, a Call can resound in him, like a voice from afar; a Call to return to the Original nature, which still exists in all its pristine glory, and in which the Spirit can be active, is active.

From: The Living Word, by Catharose de Petri


There are, as we said, two natures. We call them the Nature of Life and the nature of death, the Divine Nature and the dualistic nature. In the dualistic nature the alternation of opposites prevails. Because people do not understand how this alternation works, it causes them much sorrow and misery, particularly when they cling to one of its aspects and try to make it lasting.

The dualistic nature is meant to be the Training School of Eternity. That is why it is necessary for things to keep on changing, coming and going, and for opposite aspects to keep on alternating with each other. This explains why, throughout the nature of death, we see changes occurring not only in the various aspects of human society -- changes which are caused by rotation and interchange of radiations -- but also in the fundamental nature of things.

In this way, from time to time, the structure of our planet changes. Continents sink and others rise up from the depths of the ocean. Through the precession of the equinoxes, climates change because of the displacement of the poles. But there are also times when the entire planet dies and dissolves. So the entire solar system is a life-form which is subject to successive incarnations. Therefore, it is not only the human personality that passes away and evaporates, but also the whole planetary manifestation. The life of the sun, too, is subject to ending and re-vivification.

What we want you to do, now, is to make this image as vivid as possible in your inner being. Impress upon yourself the fact that, before your personality existed, something else was, namely your microcosm or monad. Before you existed, there was an indefinite, non-material being, whose life-state, compared to yours, was peaceful and calm. What a difference! You: a creature of turmoil. Your monad: originating from and existing in that entirely Other Life. This same relationship exists with respect to the earth. Before the earth existed, too, there was an indefinite, non-material being. The earth contorts from time to time because of the turmoil which afflicts her and which forces its way upwards from her interior. But the Other Earth, the one John saw descending (Revelations), is completely non-material. So there is a distinction between the Planetary Spirit, which is a material manifestation, and its monadic counterpart, the Planetary Logos. The same relationship also exists with respect to the life of the sun, the lives of the zodiacal systems and galaxies, and the whole totality of the dualistic universe.

What is not delusion, and hence the reality with respect to yourself, is the microcosm. The microcosm is eternal, real. The personality is finite, unreal.

With regard to our cosmos (earth) there is the Planetary Logos. With regard to the sun there is Vulcan. With regard to the universe there is the Other All Manifestation, the high, great reality, the nature of the truly living waters, Tao. It is from this Tao that the microcosm originates, as do all the Planetary Logoi, Vulcanides and Cosmocreators.

So now you see clearly the contrast between the material and the non-material.  The non-material -- the great reality of the true, divine universe -- exists independently. It stands alone, by itself, and does not change. It pervades everything, and yet, is not endangered. In essence, it is the Father-Mother of the other universe, the material one.

Excerpted from "Before Heaven And Earth Existed, There Was An Indefinite Being" - Chapter 25-II - The Chinese Gnosis - Jan Van Rijckenborgh, Catharose de Pietri


22 April 2012

The Cathars


If you are a student of esoteric literature, you may have read about a remarkable mystery involving the medieval inhabitants of the South of France. There, in the land of the Sabarthez, the cradle of the Cathars -- praised be their name! -- a supernatural power was possessed, the power of the consolamentum. By means of the consolamentum it was possible to bring about a separation between animal-man and spirit-man, between the human-being of this earth and the Original Being, in the form it possessed before time began.

The consolamentum was more than a sacramental seal. It was more than simply a magical outpouring or power, because for the Cathars it involved a definitive break with dualistic life. So those who had received the consolamentum were no longer inhabitants of the earth in the absolute sense. In the true sense of the words, they were in the world, but no longer of the world.

Researchers have often wondered about the identity of the spiritual instigators behind this movement in medieval France. They could see quite clearly that this spiritual awakening, if it could have evolved without any interference, would have embraced the whole of Europe in a way hitherto unknown. Who were the initiates who inspired the movement, and had such an effect on tens of thousands of people, that the church turned against them with a bloody and terrible hatred?

These initiates were world-citizens in the best sense of the word, who literally loved the whole of humankind and who, even now, move and appear among us, wherever an opportunity presents itself. Their traces are to be found from east to west and from north to south. And if one studies world history, one can detect the connection between all the various events and developments they have brought about.

Even so, from the earliest times until the present, they have always remained in the background, cloaked in mystery. There is a hermetic veil between them and the masses, and all attempts of self-willed science to trace the source of the mystery must and always will fail.

For the knowledge, the art and the abilities of the Cathars were universal. Their source was not to be found on earth, but only in the Immovable Kingdom itself.

There are authors who deplore the destruction -- or rather, the apparent destruction -- of the Cathars, and lament the loss of their wisdom and power. But this sorrow is misplaced, because any power, any sublime wisdom whose origin is the Universal Life itself, can never be lost. It is nothing less than the breath of God, which passes over human beings time and time again in its loving efforts to save them, withdrawing again whenever, in their hatred and blood-lust, material and mortal human beings attempt to violate it.

We wanted to consider this European contact with the Universal Power of Love as a prelude to our reflections on a similar divine contact that took place in the Far East -- a contact embodied in the sublime being known as Lao Tzu.

It is not known whether he really lived, or whether he was one person or several. Countless legends surround him like a veil. But one thing is certain -- that he, in his wisdom, could have dispelled all the sorrow of the observers and researchers of that medieval drama in the South of France. Because the mystery of the consolamentum can also be referred to as the mystery of Tao.

People old in experience, who knew Tao
Did not speak of this most secret sanctuary,
Well-knowing that the profane incline towards darkness,
Converting the powers of life into destruction.

If certain powers awaken in the human being
and he become conscious of his great strength
Without breaking away from his lower self-seeking,
The fire smothers in its own cinders.

So do not reveal the mystery to the profane;
Is not the naked eye blinded by too much light?
To govern a nation means to fulfill a great task:
That of giving light whilst standing in the shadows.

It is said that the Cathars possessed secret books expounding the True Life and the Universal Doctrine, which were destroyed by the priesthood of those times. However, the true hidden book of the Cathars is the unwritten book, the same as the book of Tao, and the book 'M' of Christian Rosycross, and the book sealed with seven seals mentioned in the Revelation of John. This book, this Universal Knowledge, is unwritten and hidden from the profane. But it is open, and revealed in fiery, radiant letters, to those who have broken away from their lower self-seeking.

That is why, for the Cathars, the consolamentum was preceded by the endura. The endura is a 'dying as to nature'; it means a freeing oneself of the I-being and making oneself ready for rebirth.

To the extent that you, too, are engaged in this process, you no longer need to waste time and energy searching for books and manuscripts on which to pin all your hopes of liberation. Tao can neither be spoken nor written. Tao, the Way, the Path, can only be experienced.

From The Chinese Gnosis - Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose de Pietri


If you get an opportunity, you may wish to do a little googling on the Cathars of southern France. They are also referred to in history as the Albigensians, a title which found its origin in the 20-year military campaign initiated by the Catholic Church to eliminate Catharism in the Languedoc region of southern France (the Albigensian Crusade).

Gnosis, the Universal Knowledge, was passed on to us by the Cathars, who received it from those who left Palestine after the crucifixion of the Christ. The purity of the doctrine was so strong that an estimated 30,000 people in Europe became pupils or supporters of the Cathars. This posed  such a direct threat to the established (and thoroughly corrupt) medieval Church that an order was given to have them physically exterminated. Hence, The Albigensian Crusade and its ensuing bloodbath of mass-murder and mass burnings at the stake.

It is apparent that despite the most strident efforts of the monstrosity that was the medieval Church, their attempt to eradicate Truth from the face of the earth did not succeed. The Gnosis will never be silenced. In fulfillment of the Divine Plan, those members of the human life-wave, who, in true yearning, choose to seek this Knowledge, will always have it made available to them.

~ g


Tao Te Ching

[The Gnosis] was manifested not only in the Middle East, but also in ancient China, in the form of the Tao Te Ching, a book still treated with veneration in China today. The wisdom set down in the Tao Te Ching is every bit as relevant now as it was in Lao Tzu's time. Take this verse from chapter 31, for instance:

The finest weapons are instruments of disaster.
Those who possess Tao will have nothing to do with them.

Or this verse, from chapter 33:

He who overcomes others is strong,
but he who overcomes himself is omnipotent.

The author's interpretation of this event is as follows: 'being omnipotent means unlocking and participating in the core essence, the nuclear power, of the Godhead'. In a few simple words, this summarizes the whole, magnificent task underlying human existence.

The Chinese Gnosis not only explains this task, but also shows how it can be accomplished. Then, say the authors, 'we will see the whole world, the whole of humankind and the whole of our society change'.

Those who from delusion's grasp break free,
find the path to inner reality.
Those who unto not-doing attain,
are linked as one, forever, in the Chain.

From The Chinese Gnosis - Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose de Pietri

What Is Gnosis?

What is Gnosis? In The Universal Gnosis (Rijckenborgh, de Pietri), the authors describe it as follows: 'Originally, the Gnosis was the sum and substance of the Ancient Wisdom, the compendium of all knowledge having a direct relation to the Original Divine Life of a truly unearthly, divine human life-wave. The Hierophants of the Gnosis were, and still are, the Messengers of the Immovable Kingdom. They convey the Divine Wisdom to lost humankind and point out the way to those who, as prodigal sons, want to return to the original land of The Father'.

This description makes it clear that, contrary to what people often say these days, true Gnosis -- the Original, Divine Knowledge which gives access to the Path of Liberation -- is never limited to one particular country or nation.

Gnosis is universal and intended for the whole human race, and wherever in the world the Messengers of the Light may work, it will always be revealed.

Excerpted from "The Chinese Gnosis" Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose de Pietri

~ g

20 April 2012

The Unbroken Chain Of Brotherhoods

Links in the Chain of Universal Brotherhoods. Divine Avatars, Messengers of Light, Caretakers of the Gnosis as it manifests on Earth:

Hermes Trismegistus - Atlantean - 400,000 B.C.
Thoth, the Atlantean - Atlantean-Egyptian - 80,000 B.C.
Zoroaster - Persian - ???? B.C.
Lao Tzu - Chinese -  600 B. C.
The Buddha - Chinese - 560 B.C.
Krishna - Hindu - 400 B.C.
The Essenes - Semitic -100 B.C.

Jesus, the Christ - 0 B.C.

The Twelve Apostles - 33 A.D.
Origen - 200 A.D.
Mani - 350 A.D.
Bogomils - 10th century
Cathars - 10th-13th centuries A.D.
Christian Rosenkreuz - 13th century
Knights Templar - 12th-14th century
Classical Rosicrucians - 1614 A.D.
The Spiritual School - Lectorium Rosicrucianum - 1956 A.D. to the present-day
The New Call - 1996 - 2012

Gnosis is not some new concept or philosophy. Nor was it invented with the incarnation of Jesus, who came to carry out a very special mission on Earth. It is a radiation that originates completely outside of this physical nature order. From the past to the present, this radiation has always managed to be attracted and properly utilized by those who were wise. In turn, the wise linked this radiation to those who were in sincerely search of "it".

Gnosis is the divine Truth which has accompanied humanity for millions of years. Protected by the self-sacrificing Servers of the Divine Plan, it vibrates in direct opposition to the currents of the dualistic nature-order. Because of this, the guardians, teachers and messengers of the Gnosis have always been persecuted, hunted down, murdered and massacred by the agents of duality. This, as part of an ongoing campaign to eradicate Truth from the material planes, thereby keeping billions of souls ignorant and in darkness.

The list above traces a rough lineage of those who have worked to keep the flame of gnosis lit for mankind down through the ages. The unbroken chain of the Universal Brotherhood. It is by no means a complete list, but it is a representative one. It should be noted that after the death of the Christed One, all of the messengers of Light from 33 A.D.on have been systematically hunted down and brutally slaughtered by Church inquisitions and crusades in a desperate attempt to sever humanity from its birthright to the Universal Teachings. The campaign against the Cathars of Southern France is the most notorious recent example.

The Gnosis has very rarely been welcomed in this nature-order. Its proponents have always been in the minority. As previously stated, efforts are always made to discredit or silence its messengers. This is why, historically, the Messengers of Light have tried to maintain as low a profile as possible. Mankind, in its blind ignorance, has not been ready to accept them or the Truths they bring.

This Flame of True Life has been cared for and carried forward from the deep past, preserved for the benefit of all who were ready to bathe in its Light. It is alive and with us today, something which humanity should be thankful for as we prepare to enter the trials that await us ahead.

~ g

The Vacuum Of Shamballa

We know that the Gnosis is a radiation that is not-of-this-world. Which begs the question, how can something that is outside of and apart from this nature-order, manifest itself in the world?

On the Other Side of the Veil, there is a Brotherhood of Souls, Pure Ones who once lived on earth but through self-surrender, faith and "not-being", managed to achieve Liberation. They have been freed from the wheel of death-and-rebirth and no longer have to take a physical body. They are not obligated to remain in these lower realms, but, in loving self-sacrifice, they remain with us in the etheric sand astral spheres.

Just as there is a single, divine spark within the heart of the human, there is also a Divine Oasis in the midst of this barren nature-order. This oasis acts as a vacuum, holding only pure, divine ethers; ethers not-of-this-world. The coarse vibrations of the dualistic nature-order are unable to penetrate this region. It is called the Vacuum of Shamballa, and it is located in the Gobi desert. It has also been known as The White Island, and The Imperishable Sacred Land.

Think of Shamballa as a container, a sort of "safe haven", like the diving bells used to transport divers to tremendous depths under water. Without the special atmosphere pumped into the diving bell, the diver would perish. Well, a similar principle applies to the Divine Oasis of Shamballa. If this safe-haven did not exist, those who seek to connect with the Divine Radiations would be unable to. Those who wished to begin walking The Path would not be able to, and those who transition while walking the Path would have no way  to continue their transformative work once beyond the veil.

Upon transition, the physical shell is discarded and disintegrates. This is so for all humans. However, for one who has lived in the light of the Gnosis, unlike the ordinary man, the consciousness and the remaining vehicles of the personality do not go to the reflection-sphere (the temporary "heaven-worlds"), but to Shamballa. There, the astral and etheric atmosphere is conducive to furthering the transformative activity already begun during earth-life.

As above, so below. Just as Shamballa exists as a "safe-haven" in the etheric planes, it is also true that the Brotherhood always sets up a Vacuum in the material-sphere. Groups of humans who are able to assimilate the Gnostic light-power are always to be found on earth. Humans of like vibration are drawn to these groups, via magnetic attraction. By remaining in touch with these earthly outposts, either physically or vibrationally, they can also be linked to Shamballa, and thereby linked to the Divine. In this way, "eternity is brought into time" so that souls can have an opportunity to be saved from this material dungeon.

It is our desire to walk the Path, coupled with the nature of our true state-of-being, that will lead us to the oasis. The condition of our astral body is the key to making contact. False attitudes, pretence, etc. will always be unmasked. One cannot fake their way along The Path, he will always be found out. God will not be mocked. So one should be certain that one has "counted the cost" before setting foot on The Path.

How do we begin to purify the condition of our astral bodies, which are currently soaking in the impure ethers of this material nature-order?

Gain Insight into the true nature of man and his purpose (The One Goal Of Humanity - 3 posts)

Yearn for a Return to the Divine Kingdom
Adopt a New Attitude of Life. Walk the talk, as they say.

Self-Surrender, place others before self. Allow The Other One within to increase, while the self diminishes.

If  pursued steadily, consistently, minute-by-minute, day-by-day, in honesty, piety and sincerity one can be certain that the narrow Path he or she is walking will lead them, as promised, to the glorious Vacuum of Shamballa.

~ g

Re: Important Message...

The world is over-run with flawed organizations filled with phonies and hypocrites. The issue with spiritual groups is that human personalities will usually contaminate even the purest of organizations. The post entitled "Important Message To All Readers"  was not meant to imply that one should rush out and join Lectorium Rosicrucianum sight-unseen. That sort of decision is left to the individual. The intent was to alert people to the existence of this group.

Again, no one is being asked to join a group they know nothing about. My apologies if that was the impression that came across. The intent was to make people aware of the group's existence. Whether one decides to take things further than that depends on one's personal investigation.

On the Australian website, there are some short writings that may be of interest to some. The url is:


Click on "Featured Articles".

all love,

~ g

16 April 2012

The Rock of Obstruction

Man maintains that he is human. He is not.
Man maintains that he is his body. He is not.
Man maintains that he is separate from his fellow man. He is not.

Untold trillions of years ago, a mighty life-wave experiencing in the divine Sixth Cosmic Plane was exploring, experimenting and creating in the lower Seventh Cosmic Plane, what we know as The Physical Realms, or the Plane of Duality. This life-wave was given rules to abide by and were warned to not involve themselves with this lower plane, as it had peculiar powers of attraction and would trap any entity that fell into its snare.

A significant portion of this life-wave did not listen. It became involved with the creatures and creations of the Seventh Cosmic Plane and fell from its divine station. The life-wave slowly fragmented into billions of independent microcosms. As time wore on, these independent souls forgot that they were a united life-wave. They deemed themselves as separate and apart from one another. Envy, animosity, fear and distrust soon followed. The Body was at war with itself.

Essentially still eternal beings, they were estranged from their immortality. Stranded in what is known as "time", they were forced to manifest, then dissolve, manifest, then dissolve, in an endless cycle of mortal death-and-rebirth. Everything divine about this life-wave slowly waned.

Except for one, tiny atom. A spirit-spark. The rosebud. Although this spark burns low in many, it takes but a few changes in the man to ignite it. Once ignited, the rosebud will bloom into a Rose. It will re-link the man with the Life-Giving vibrations of the Sixth Cosmic Realm, man's former Home. If the entity can hold onto this Golden Thread, if the entity can remain focused on What Is Above and not what is here below, he/she can be lifted from the muck of the Seventh and back into the Glory of the Sixth.

The Divine Plan of Evolution is like a mighty river. Powerfully it flows, in one direction, sweeping along all who are submerged within it. Let us imagine that there is a boulder anchored in the middle of the river. The boulder will prove to be no obstacle to the river, as the rushing waters will go around it or over it. Now let's say that a group of beings who are being swept along by this mighty force of Divine evolution come upon the boulder and, instead of going around it, cling to it. They hold on for dear life, as the current pushes against them, as the flotsam and jetsam of the river speeds by and batters them. With all their strength they cling to the obstruction, nearly drowning or passing out from exhaustion. Tragically, they may expire altogether, unless a Helping Hand is extended to them.

That is the predicament in which this portion of the human life-wave (that would be us) finds itself in. We have, so far, refused to re-join the Divine Plan of Evolution. Ignorantly, we cling to the Rock of Obstruction, believing and insisting that it is all there is, while Divinity continues to flow over, through and around us, waiting for us to let go so that we can re-join the rushing current of Life!

It is time for the human life-wave to gather its scattered members and re-assemble them into the harmonious, glorious and divine creation we once were. Every few thousand years, human souls who have realized this and have made the proper preparations are freed from the need to be re-born on this planet. At the end-point of greater 26,000 or 75,000 year cycles, even larger groups of human souls get an opportunity. All of this is in line with the Divine Plan of Salvation in this emergency-order of existence.

We have reached the end-point of a 75,000-year major world cycle. The Opportunity is there, once again, for all who will seek it. The time has come for us to release our hold upon the Rock of Obstruction so that we may re-join the Ever-Flowing River of Life Eternal.

"Behold the Great Key-keeper of the Age has turned the key; the mighty gates fly wide and all who will may greet the King. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see the King. Take heed! Be strong in mind; be pure in heart; be vigilant in helpfulness; the kingdom is at hand." - The Christ

~ g 

14 April 2012

** Important Message To All Readers **

Time is getting short. This writer is not certain how much longer contact with you will be possible. Has The Message been delivered? Is anyone listening. If they are listening, do they understand? If they understand are they putting that understanding into practice by living it?

The Message has always been what's most important. Having spent years navigating the cesspool of New Age spiritual nonsense, occult trickery and mystic meanderings, this writer knows, first-hand, how easy it is for seeking mankind to be misled. The intent, therefore, has always been to take great care to avoid misleading anyone who happens to read what is posted here.

That said, the first couple of years worth of posts were all well-intended. However, due to the writer's dualistic state-of-being, some inaccuracies did manage to creep in. There are days that erasing all posts from 2006 thru July 2009 seems like a good idea, but then the realization sets in that such an action would be akin to throwing the baby out with the bath-water. Inaccuracies aside, all of those posts carried some measure of usefulness. So, they remain.

Towards the end of 2008 and in the beginning of 2009, this writer was made aware of an objective Truth, via The New Call website, which has recently been taken down. This objective Truth sprang from Gnosis, which is the true secret teaching of all ages. Gnosis means "true knowledge of God". It can be written down, but it is not the written word. It is a radiation, a power not-of-this-earth that surrounds and inter-penetrates this material-sphere, ceaselessly calling to every man and woman, "come home, come home". That Call will go unheeded unless and until the candidate, via self-surrender, opens his/her heart to receive it.

For this writer, that moment was signified by the July 25, 2009 post "A Paradigm Shift For BrotherGee".  From that point on, the focus of this blog shifted from "our salvation may come from without" to "our salvation must comes from within".

The writings at The New Call revealed much. They were valuable, authentic and divinely-inspired. But the caretakers of the website decided that after 15 years of unselfish service to humanity, that it was time to close things down. On the surface, this would appear to be a loss for those who seek Truth, who want desperately to find The Golden Thread that will lead them out of the insanity we erroneously call "life". Gratefully, this is not the case.

The Gnosis belongs to all of humanity. It is available for all to partake. Its flame is always kept alive somewhere in the world. Down through innumerable ages, this has ever been so. At the end of this Major World Cycle, things are no different.

With that in mind, the following information is put forth:

There is a gnostic group of international scope that exists as the material manifestation of the divine, Living Body of the Gnosis here on earth. The New Call itself was inspired by this larger group. All those who link themselves to this young gnostic body, in sincere self-surrender, will be linked with the Universal Brotherhood and will have made available to them all of the power needed to help them make the switch from duality to divinity. What the individual does with this assistance will be completely up to them. Some measure of work will have to be done, as nothing worth attaining ever comes without effort. But all those who sincerely desire to make this important evolutionary leap, will be given what he or she needs, when he or she needs it, as long as they remain dedicated to The One Goal.

This writer discovered the group in question some months ago. A deep investigation of the group, their origins and their published revelations have left no doubt that contact had been made with the planetary representatives of the Divine Hierarchy. As stated above, there is no desire to lead anyone on a wild-goose chase. This writer has done his homework, and the following recommendation can be made without the slightest bit of doubt or reservation.

If you are interested in making contact with the Living Body, please read The International School of the Golden Rosycross - An Introduction . It is hoped that after reading this short, but powerful introduction, you will (a) recognize that the Truth you have sought for most of your life is being revealed to you and, (b) make the choice to begin your journey to liberation in earnest.

'It was His will that the link with the Spirit should be placed within reach of all souls, however, as a prize for the race. He sent down a great Mixing Vessel, filled with the powers of the Spirit and He appointed a herald and bade him proclaim to the hearts of men: 'Immerse yourselves in this Mixing Vessel, you souls who can; you who believe and trust that you will ascend to Him who sent down this Vessel; you who know for what purpose you were created.'

May you all be led to The Good End.

all love,

~ g

13 April 2012

The Mysterious Virtue


You are living your everyday life and you have your place in it, in an office perhaps, or a shop or a house or somewhere like that. Many people know you -- where you live -- what you are worth -- what you do for a living. They know your abilities and shortcomings, and any limitations you may have. Some of them may have known you from your schooldays, as a child of average ability. You didn't know much then, and you still don't, and you don't feel that you are in any way special.

Now, driven by an inner need, and at the suggestion of the School of the Rosycross, you are on the point of making the glorious, sacrifice of self. That mediocre "I" of yours, that many people knew so well, brings you to the Spirit in the Valley, and in total surrender you empty yourself for the Other One who must grow in you.

Suppose you really do that. Suppose Mr. or Mrs. Average actually does that. What happens then? You strike the rock and a stream of  Living Water comes gushing out and flows on its way.

And what then? In the eyes of the world, in the eyes of those who know you so well, you will initially remain the same. Mr. or  Mrs. Average. You go on doing your job, whatever it may be, and you go on living in the same place, on the same street. But you are no longer there. You have gone, like the central character in Gustav Meyrink's novel, The White Dominican.

A miracle now unfolds: the stream of the new soul-state, whose outpouring you made possible by your total self-sacrifice, now flows along a certain course, carrying with it the 'house you left behind'. The result is the manifestation of remarkable new accents and facts in your life, much to the amazement of all those who knew you so well: 'How is it possible?' they ask themselves. Mysterious virtue!

The being-who-was-formerly-you smiles and is silent; he/she continues with his/her everyday work for as long as is necessary, typing invoices, selling merchandise, meeting clients, or anything else that might be required. And all the while, the Other One is giving birth to things in you and nourishing them.

How is that possible? It is possible because, as the great sacrifice of self unfolds, it turns out that your animal-I, your biological ego, is really a fragment, a scrap, a spark, a tiny ray of the Great Being of the Heart, or at least is connected with it. This gives rise to a certain sensation, a certain experience; it is as if the old I is observing the whole new development from a corner, from a distance, as an interested party who nonetheless exerts no influence on the proceedings. It is as if the Other One in you speaks to you from time to time as an exalted relative: 'See, brother, see, sister, everything is as it should be; things are being done as they have to be done', and, filled with devotion, you bow your head.

The signature of The New Consciousness is a totally different awareness. It is not an I-consciousness but a collective consciousness. It is the Other One who gives birth to things in you and nourishes them. He it is who gives birth to them, so, having reached that state, how could you ever claim possession of them for yourself?

The Other One in you is the builder of the new soul-house, and you watch what is going on, you experience it, but you do not possess it. The Other One in you increases and multiplies virtue. The stream widens and deepens. Though you share in the results of the work, you do not do any of it yourself, so how could you ever wish for any reward? What reward would still be possible?

The pace of development gathers momentum, virtue increases, and the being in which you formerly stood as lord and master towers miles above the former Mr. or Mrs. Average. The Other One rules: 'Not I, but Christ in me'. It would be absurd, wouldn't it, if you were to see yourself as master? Never in a million years would you say: 'I am the initiate, I am the master, I am the envoy of the Brotherhood, I have the mandate. Look at me, I am the man'.

There is one signature by which you can always recognize people who want to infiltrate your ranks but do not want to follow the Path of the Mysterious Virtue: they always place the dualistic ego in the forefront, they always bring their "I" into things. They are forever fighting a battle, just as battles are always being fought in this nature.

However, if you allow the "I" to fall silent and follow the Path of Wisdom, there will be a growth, a development, a going forward from power to power and from glory to glory which no child of man will ever be able to stop. Then, whatever catastrophes happen in this world, you will rise above them, and above the orgy of conflict that characterizes this nature. The Kingdom of God within you will open and will gain dominance over you. Yet its dominion will be imperceptible; no compulsion will be exerted, because it responds to a totally different fundamental principle and is of an entirely different nature.

In ordinary nature one ego rules over another, and there is compulsion ... indeed, there must be! In the New Life-field, such a thing is impossible! So one day, it will be possible to say:

Who are you, brother?
Who are you, sister?
We are no one!

We have departed for ever; we are dead and we live. And we behold the great and glorious miracle, the miracle people call The Mysterious Virtue!


From The Chinese Gnosis - J. van Rijckenborgh, Catharose De Pietri

03 April 2012

The Undecided


Two Types of People

...We speak of dualistic consciousness and gnostic consciousness and, also, of two absolutely distinct types of people, showing not only spiritual and moral differences but also bodily differences. The differences between these two types are, at a given point, so basic, that finally they can no longer live in the same world. Each type needs a different life-field, a different respiration-field, a different vibration-field. This is why, in the history of the world, we witness from time to time a parting of the ways between the earthly human type and the human type belonging to the New Field of Life. The Holy Language calls it 'the separation of the sheep and the goats', of the righteous and the un-righteous.

During a new Day of Manifestation in the realm of fallen mankind, the Christ Hierarchy begins by affecting, in a process of regeneration, those who at that time belong to the same human type. In this process, the Hierarchy influences, among other things, the elements of remembrance that are more or less active within certain persons. As this process advances, more and more persons begin to react positively while, conversely, others show negative or contrary reactions. As a static condition is impossible, it is logical that this procedure should ultimately lead to a spiritual and a natural scientific crisis; to a historical, final separation between the two divergent types.

Two Halves of Mankind

To be optimistic, let us speak of two halves; then one half of mankind will remain in the nature order with which it is so familiar, incurring all the consequences, while the other half will pass into a New Field of Life, which has been prepared cosmically, atmospherically and spiritually by the Christ Hierarchy. From all of historical, natural-scientific consequences of such a separation, which has already occurred many times, it was always evident that the half of mankind that clung to the earth-earthy did not pick a winner. Also, at the present time mankind is nearing such a historical separation and this is why the two states of consciousness are now apparent and an inevitable confusion of tongues prevails.

It may be regretted that there is such a confusion of tongues, for it would be desirable if mankind were to speak only one tongue, this being an indication that all might be lifted up in the New Field of Life. On the other hand, this confusion proves that the Christ Hierarchy has not worked in vain. It is only logical that the two human types no longer understand one another. Apparently, the line of demarcation is drawn arbitrarily, as it often runs right between the members of one family, between blood relationships, driving the two factions apart without any resistance being possible.

We now stand again in such a state of severance. To a certain extent, this is a pity; it is regrettable, tragic, but it is the sign of the Great Revolution. We notice it in all domains of life. Let us suppose that we belong to the segregated human type and you do not. As this separation has already advanced so far, all talking, all preaching and philosophizing is to no avail. Then we may as well leave each other in a courteous and friendly way, expressing the thought, 'Let us not waste each others breath; leave us alone'.

The Third Human Type

However, the fact is that in this era there also exists, temporarily, a third human type, steadily decreasing in number. This is the type of whom it may be said, 'it is neither fish nor fowl'; 'not positive and not negative'; 'neither hot nor cold'. The person of this disposition possesses a mystically and mentally cultivated remembrance and shows a corresponding interest, being able to sense  and to understand to a certain degree, the things of the New Field of Life. But such a person has not yet come to a final choice; he has not yet decided to face the consequences and so, has not yet set his foot upon The Path. People of this type are touched from two sides: from the side of the Christ Hierarchy, to lead them fundamentally and structurally into the New Life, and from the side of the adversaries to prevent them from going such a path, to nail them down to this earthly nature. The third human type exists in a temporary group, because it is still undecided as to whether it will belong to the new or the old nature. As this group is extremely small by comparison, it indicates how close at hand the great historical revolution is.

We must caution you against your emotional and intellectual life. These two states of being are not of real value in a liberating sense. They are very illusory water-wings on which your biological life floats; the feelers with which we explore our surroundings, like insects. If a person appreciates or understands the aspects of The New Life, it does not at all mean that he stands in The New Life. Clinging to biological mysticism or intellectualism and stopping at that is self-binding to the highest degree. If you agree with us in this respect, you are sufficiently prepared to approach the wonderful garden of Gethsemane.

In all ancient wisdom, Gethsemane is the garden of the soul, the rose garden in which the clear image of the Path of Liberation presents itself to the pupil and is etched into him.

From The Universal Gnosis - Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose de Pietri


We are urged to take ourselves in hand and make a decision. "Fence-sitting" will not do. We must choose while we have time, or have the choice made for us.

~ g

02 April 2012

God's Call


Every analysis of the radiations is always twofold. After having read The Shadow of the Coming Events* you will know that this analysis of future events also complies with these conditions.

* The Shadow of the Coming Events was posted on this blog under the title of "The Sham Return of the Christ" a series of posts written between December 13-18, 2011.

At about the end of this century (g: written in 1956), to be exact in the year 2001, the epoch of the Great Pyramid ends. Then it will not become a thing of the past, a monument which reminds one of former times, but then it immediately begins anew from the bottom up. Because there are inter-cosmic currents and radiations, which have an orbit of 6,300 years.

Every man, every microcosm, can and must see himself as the center of an inter-cosmic radiation, an inter-cosmic interference. These inter-cosmic radiations come to groups, but also to individuals. In order to get an idea thereof, you could think for instance of the light of the sun, the moon and the planets. If on an evening you look upwards to the firmament, then you will experience the bodily, the literal sensation as if all these radiations converge within you. We are, in whatever way, always a centre wherein many radiations converge, both as individuals as well as collectively. This of course has its consequences, because one can be of the opinion that one can keep these radiations at a distance, one can tell oneself lies: 'These radiation do not touch me', but they go right through every one of us and all of us!

We must all, therefore, take into account the consequences of this, We must say to each other quite soberly: 'Let us study the radiation laws of this moment, let us take into account the consequences thereof; both as individuals and as a group. We must, above all, learn to understand in what way we can positively react to these radiations'.

This is so self-evident that a child might understand it: because it is for all of us, without exception, an elementary condition of life.

Let us then now give a summary of the facts which we have established.

We find ourselves in the dualistic emergency-order, that is to say in our present-day field of existence, in order to learn and to understand God's call and answer it positively.

What is God's call?

Not one or another holy book, wherein is recounted over God and about what God wants from mankind! God's call is not the voice that sounds to you by means of the Spiritual School, or by means of one or another ecclesiastical body. No, God's call is a radiative plenitude, an intervention of Light!

That is why in the Holy Language it is stated that God is Light. The Gnosis is a radiative intervention. We also speak of a radiative intervention. But even if we did not speak to you, that radiative intervention, that Light would nevertheless be in relation to all of you. Thus, God's call is an intervention of Light, a radiative intervention. And we are born here into this emergency-order to understand God's call and to answer it positively, or, in other words: in order to walk the Path of soul liberation.

If we do not do this, if we go the path of every dualistic phenomenon, then we will be ground in the disaster of The Closing Phase. In every period of existence, we receive a chance to answer God's call positively. If we refrain from doing this, then we will be liquidated, then the microcosm will be emptied. Either the whole of mankind will be liquidated, or a part of mankind. And our earth-field will also be re-organized, in order to prepare it for the new possibility of liberation.

The radiation laws work indeed for us and with us all yet popularly said: they know no pardon. With respect to these activities  there is no compromise. We have the choice between positive reactions or not. If we do not react, well, then there is God's love ready to give our microcosm another opportunity, so that some time a personality may appear in the microcosm who will react positively. Until this happens, God's call will continue to sound in this emergency-order.

We must, however, take into account various abnormal situations in duality, because the emergency-order does not remain pure, as it was intended at the start; no, at a given moment an emergency-order is filled with impurity. We have been able to point out one of these horrible impurities, which is of a very misleading character, in The Shadow of the Coming Events: namely, the abnormality of that part of mankind who exist beyond the veil and who try to maintain themselves at the cost of the part living on this side and who, out of self-maintenance, are continually bound to take advantage of every situation, even the most dramatic ones. This is recounted in The Shadow of the Coming Events.

Let us now turn to the situation of the disaster, the situations of The Closing Phase, the situation of the partial liquidation of our present-day social life.

We have just said that the chronology of the Great Pyramid clearly points to the year 2001. So, the young Gnostic Brotherhood has but 40 years in which to gather in its harvest in full measure, before an alteration of the entire social and geologic situation of the earth will necessitate a long period of waiting for a new Gnosis.

From Unmasking - J. van Rijckenborgh


Planets, moons, stars, constellations, galaxies, black holes, etc. all emit radiations in the form of light-energy. These radiations are projected away from the celestial body and out into the universe in a 360-degree field of light. When these radiations reach this solar system, this earth and we as microcosms, should we think that we will not be affected by them? That these energies are going to say "oh, excuse me, don't let me bother you" and pass around us? No! These rays will pass right through us, affecting every cell, every atom of our bodies, both physical and subtle.

A gnostic radiation, Christine radiation, Aquarian radiation, call it what you will, is making its re-appearance in this solar system. It is now sweeping through all of mankind, like a scythe, offering humanity an opportunity to walk the Path of Liberation, to migrate to new worlds. If we react positively, we will be swept along with little discomfort. If we resist or react negatively, then we - as personalities - will disintegrate. Our microcosms will be cleaned out in preparation for the next cycle.

This is why it has always been mentioned that there are only two choices to be made at this 11th hour.  Either we answer God's Call, the call of the Gnosis, or we do not.

Stop...hanging...on...to...this...world. Something better awaits us all. Have faith that this is true.

~ g

01 April 2012

Someday We'll All Be Free

Normally don't do this, but...excusing the line about pride, the song has a poignant, reassuring hopefulness to it.

Audio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cv1B0ejhFVE

Hang onto the world as it spins around.
Just don't let the spin get you down.
Things are moving fast.
Hold on tight and you will last.

Keep your self-respect, your manly pride.
Get yourself in gear,
Keep your stride.
Never mind your fears.
Brighter days will soon be here.
Take it from me, someday we'll all be free (yeah)

Keep on walking tall, hold your head up high.
Lay your dreams right up to the sky.
Sing your greatest song,
And you'll keep going, going on.
Take it from me, someday we'll all be free (yeah)

(Hey) Just wait and see, someday we'll all be free. (yeah)
Take it from me, someday we'll all be free.
(It won't be long) Take it from me, someday we'll all be free.
Take it from me, take it from me, take it from me.

"Someday We'll All Be Free"
Written by Edward Howard (1973)
Sung by Donny Hathaway