13 December 2011

The Sham "Return Of The Christ" (Preview)

As a prep to what follows, one may wish to review past information regarding the "light-spirits", denizens of the reflection-sphere who attempt to effect "good works" from beyond the veil. Despite their apparent good intentions, they are the same as the more evil spirits in one key aspect:

In an attempt to prolong their existence on the other side of the veil, they must steal certain ethers from incarnate human beings (that's us).

You see, the 'hereafter', better known as the reflection-sphere, is not the eternal heaven that clerics and religions have promised man for centuries, but is, in reality, a temporary abode, where the personality slowly disintegrates and the microcosm is emptied. At some point in time, a new personality is installed in the emptied microcosm and it returns to earth-life for yet another attempt at finding the key to Liberation.

These light-spirits do not want to "dissolve". They are trying to maintain themselves for as long as possible in what they erroneously believe to be their heaven-world. To this end they will do whatever it takes to obtain the ethers that they need to live. This prolonging of existence is against Cosmic Law, as all microcosms are to be emptied in the reflection-sphere, indeed, that is the primary purpose of the reflection-sphere. When these light-spirits and others attempt to prolong their stay in "the summerland", enormous tensions are created.

Light-spirits require higher ethers (light and reflecting ethers) to survive. These ethers are produced when humans have lofty, idealistic thoughts or powerful, spiritual emotions (as in deep religious fervor, frenzies, etc.). Unfortunately for these entities, such ethers are not in high abundance today as the world's churches are empty and mankind's thoughts are generally of the lower, grosser types. Because of this, these light-spirits are starving, for want of a better word.

Now that the Gnostic radiations are here and steadily increasing in intensity and scope, the light-spirits are doubly threatened. The reflection-sphere is about to be cleaned out, as the tensions mentioned above have become intolerable. In order to stave off this coming event, the light-spirits must obtain for themselves an enormous amount of reflecting and light ethers. How they plan to do this involves all of us, and is the subject of the next few posts.

~ g



dreamwalker said...

Brother g, you honor us all with the path you walk, and I thank you for posting this insightful material.

My question is regarding this particular thread of "light spirits". If all energy is intelligent, would the theory that these denizens can adversely effect humans not put us at odds with all of creation? Or is the message simply that we must use caution and discernment when encountering such entities? Do you think the law of reflection would play some role in these interactions?


BrotherGee said...


Because all matter is contained within The All and The All is Unknowable, Immovable, Intelligent Infinity, we can agree that every atom of matter in all the universes in the Omniverse is intelligent. Even a rock has a dim measure of consciousness. However, a rock cannot sit up and recite poetry. In this universe and in all others, matter must obey certain laws.

Light-spirits are parasites. A parasite's nature is one of self-preservation. Find a host, feed off of it, live another day. The mosquito does not know or care if we itch. It's only concern is for its own self-preservation. Nothing personal. Same with the light-spirits.

Therefore, their activity does not put them at odds with us, or us with them. Humanity is simply being victimized due to a lack of knowledge regarding the true nature of the emergency-order we experience in.

This universe and everything in it, is part of a vast sub-creation - the seventh cosmic plane of existence. This temporary creation is founded in duality, an eternal conflict between pairs of opposites. Even when walking, our arms and legs must move in oppostion in order to maintain any semblance of balance. As such, we are always at odds within this creation, as long as we continue to choose to live in it. So, in that limited sense, you are right.

Man often confuses this fallen, physical creation for THE all-encompassing Divine Creation. The Divine Creation is Harmony, Equilibrium, an Eternal expansion from power to power. This physical creation is a poor imitation, an endless wheel, a repetitive swinging back-and-forth, where man expends tremendous effort yet doesn't go anywhere, accomplishes nothing.

In closing, one should always exercise caution when dealing with any entity from the reflection-sphere (voices, apparitions, etc.). The vast majority of entities that exist beyond the veil are not divine or enlightened at all. Most are very eager and accomplished impersonators. Because the astral realms possess significant powers of reflections, any information that they may relay to earth-bound humans is bound to contain some distortion. So, yes, one should be very careful in dealing with such entities. We are warned to have nothing to do with them, whether they appear to us as Buddha, Jesus or our late grandmother.

Hope that wasn't too long...

all love,

~ g