09 December 2011

Completing The Human Creation


Just as distinct, little beings work together to produce each complete human cell, there are spirit beings designed to work in symbiotic cooperation with each human ego (g: the 'ego' is the human personality with its four vehicles: physical, etheric double, astral and mental).

There are many names for us. We have been called angels, Bird Tribes, higher selves, hoksedas, spirits of the stars. The reality of what we are is more than a name can convey. We are the multiple projections of the Eternal One, spirits designed to blend with present-day humans. You now consider yourselves to be your egos, but egos are only one-half of the human equation. The complete human is a spirit/ego partnership.

We are individualized aspects of one holy and eternal being. We are your spirits as they exist apart from the Spell of Matter. We do not evolve. We incarnate. Our intelligence is pre-existent; our identities, highly focused frequencies of starlight. You need us to be whole, just as we need you to fully enter the physical plane. We seek to awaken in your minds and hearts, to incarnate in your bodies.

We are here to return your human circuitry to its Creator. Yet, your human egos are the guardians of this circuitry, the stewards of your minds and hearts; and without your ego's cooperation, our bonding with you is impossible.

You ego-ruled humans who feud and fight among yourselves do not seem to realize the obvious: the very values that you employ to determine your social behavior, would, if employed by your body parts, effectively block any cooperative association of ribosomes, enzymes, mitochondria and other little life forms from providing you with even a single coherent cell, to say nothing of a healthy and integral human body.

Hundreds of thousands of little beings, all working voluntarily together, make a human body what it is. It is not a case of survival of the fittest, as your belief systems, based on short-term observation, proclaim. It is rather a case of flourishment of the most cooperative, as all long-term observation of the universe verifies. It is through cooperation with one another that diverse forms of life adapt and thrive. And it is only through the symbiotic cooperation of a multitude of simpler organisms that more complex organisms like your bodies are able to come into existence at all.

At critical stages in their development, life forms cooperate for their own advantage with other separate and distinct life forms. Over time, their cooperation results in union. A new organism comes into being. Again and again this occurs in the formation of complex life forms.

This is analogous to what is about to happen again as your late 20th century human world reaches the optimal moment for materially oriented, ego-ruled human beings to be joined by their spirit-world counterparts.

Your race is soon to experience wide-spread Awakenings, or, as some will see it, a massive descent of beings from the stars.

We are the dreams of the Great Spirit, the true dreams, the clear dreams, the pure dreams, never tainted by fear, never touched by any motivation other than the motivation of Love; and yet, we are dreams nevertheless. Thoughts. Disincarnate beings drifting formless through a universe that has place the highest value of form, living in the Consciousness of a Creator whose desire is to take form in the very creature that will result from our bonding with you.

Our spiritual intelligence is the missing dimension, the rejected aspect, of your own Wholeness. For thousands of years, you have been afraid of us. Many of you are now learning that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by establishing contact with us once again. It is only your ego that makes you fear.

Your ego is here to look after your physical body; to make sure it gets enough to eat, to make sure it does not walk over the edge of a cliff or damage itself unknowingly. Your ego is a steward and potential master of all material-plane fears, an important and necessary component of your identity. However, your ego was never meant to provide you with your primary sense of self.

In a healthy state, the ego is a secondary component of identity.

In a healthy state, the Being behind all being, the Self behind every self, the Great Spirit behind all of Creation is experienced as your primary sense of self. Your ego does not have to be repressed or transcended for this to happen. It does not have to die. It simply has to assume an appropriate relationship with the spirit that in truth you are, the spirit that wants to incarnate and take up residence in your body / heart / mind system.

Your ego is, by nature, a reflection. It can either be a good, sharp, clear reflection, or it can try to be an independent reflection. Yet logic shows there is no such thing as an "independent reflection". Your ego may create such an illusion; but if you believe in it, you will be troubled and unfulfilled.

When your ego stops trying to do everything all by itself, and invites eternal spirit into your consciousness, your historical illusion evaporates like mist on a sunny morning. A polarity reversal takes place (g: the fundamental reversal) in the charge of your human envelope. The field of consciousness around you changes. Instead of your ego dominating your sense of identity and blocking your awareness of the Great Spirit, an eternal sense of self awakens within you. You know yourself as a projection of the Creator of all the stars in the sky. You know yourself as one of a family of god-beings, sharing God's Being. You remember. Everything is seen differently. The world is perceived anew through the eyes of a Universal Awareness. Your ego becomes your working partner, and you commence the conscious creation of a new human reality.

We bring to you an angelic awareness that historically has not often been incarnate in human form. We bring an eternal continuity of consciousness that henceforth you might know yourselves as we know ourselves. Together, in loving cooperation, we join to provide Spirit and Matter with the optimal Balance.

We are not here to dominate your ego, but to secure its agreement, that between us we might work together and ultimately, as the years of this Transition pass, merge into a single, biological, spiritual and psychological entity -- an entity that shall in no way deny the needs and concerns of either ego or spirit, but that shall in every way honor the fundamental design and purpose of both.

We understand Love and how it seeks to become objectified in a material universe. Your human egos understand the mechanics of the physical plane. Together we will form a single creative dyad (g: a dual unity), an entry point into which the Eternal One's universal creativity will pour and from there, flow out to thoroughly transform these realms of matter.

We are coming now to help you make The Shift from unconscious, creature worlds of biology, to conscious co-creative biology. We are here to make this Great Time of Change as gentle as possible. Our purpose is linked with the Creator and with the earth, to create a world that works for everyone, a world that allows for the optimal development of all creative potential. Many human beings are already consciously blending with us. Whenever human hearts are willing to honor the spirits of Love, we descend, we incarnate. We complete the human creation.

During the age when fear was enthroned as the god at the source of human motivation, our incarnation only rarely occurred. Most of us -- your symbiotic counterparts, the missing pieces that are needed to make you fully human -- flew to the gentler, non-physical realms of higher vibration, fluttering away as birds might fly, startled at the thrashing of some loud and ignorant creature, only now to return, to approach you again under more favorable conditions.

But even during the darkest times, those of one particular Light Circle -- my own -- would fly close. To influence. To inspire. To blend where we could. You have heard rumors of our presence. Teachers, healers. Wise one here and there.

From "Survival, Cooperation, and New Beings" - Return of the Bird Tribes - received by Ken Carey (1991).


This writer read the above a couple of years ago, contemplated it and then put it aside. Since that time, extensive research, along with the exponential increase of Right Knowledge which develops from Right Seeking, has combined to indicate that the message which was received by Mr. Carey is a true explanation of humanity's current situation and an accurate description of what is going to taking place during the coming Transition.

The human being is only half-complete. The coming Transformation is designed to place all those who can release their "self"-identification on the road to Completion.

~ g

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