01 December 2011

Diamond In The Dark

Take a diamond, of whatever size, and cover it with rich, brown dirt.  Stand back and take a look. What you will see is a pile of rich, brown dirt. However, you'll know that buried in that rich, brown dirt is a diamond, imperishable, everlastingly beautiful.

Another will come by and see only a pile of rich, brown dirt. He will say, so what? Unless you tell him what is buried within, he will not know. He will simply disregard it as dirt.

Within our fallen, mortal bodies, at the geometric center of the microcosm (the heart) - lies buried a single atom of Divine Substance. This spirit-atom is composed of material not of this world. It also has a power that is not of this world, but that power is latent. It is asleep. It sleeps because it has been overwhelmed by the gross energies of the fallen world. It is the mission of every human being who can understand and remember, to awaken this spirit-atom, this Divine Spark, and re-link it with The Kingdom.

Once that link is re-established, the Rebirth of the Soul can commence. We must Love without conditions and Serve without expectation of return. Service is the key that will open the chamber of the heart where the Divine Spark reposes. Unselfish Service will rouse the spirit-atom from its slumber, so that it can begin to respond to the Aquarian energies that infuse and surround this world. Fan the spark into an ember, the ember into a flame, the flame into Glory.

Unearth the diamond which you have carried unawares for so long. Free the spirit-spark within so that it can perform its work of Renewal. One single, Divine atom is waiting for you to release it from bondage, so that it may release you from bondage.

The Kingdom of Heaven, you carry within.

~ g

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