25 November 2011

Be As Little Children

2 He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3 And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven".

Remember when you were a child? When everything was new and amazing? When every stranger was your friend? When you believed what you were told because you trusted those who taught you?

We all know how that turned out. What was once new, became routine. A stranger became just another potential threat to our existence. We learned later on in life that those who taught us, in whom we had innocently placed our trust, were wrong on just about 100% of everything they'd taught us. This was not purposely their fault, as they had only been passing on what they themselves had been erroneously taught.

Now, mankind is poised at the dawn of a New Age. A migration to a Kingdom which is not of this world -  the true "Kingdom of Heaven", not the reflection-sphere imitation. Because it is not of this world, it cannot be explained in relation to the natural world. It is completely foreign to this nature, the material world that we are used to. We cannot imagine it, therefore, it must be revealed to us.

Those Servers who have incarnated in this age to show us The Way have taken up the duty and responsibility to lead those who are ready and willing, out of the darkness and into the light. What they offer mankind is the Truth and the Light. It is an offer, which implies acceptance or non-acceptance on our part. All of the concepts put forth regarding man's present condition and the state of the New Kingdom will sound ultimately fantastic to the ordinary man, because these concepts have not been shared with humanity for long ages of time. If we accept and live these concepts, we will be paving the road to the New World. If we doubt and deny these Universal Teachings, we will have sealed ourselves for an eternity in darkness.

Therefore, we must "be as little children", wide-eyed, astonished, sponge-like and thirsty for True Knowledge as we approach each new concept with wonder and without prejudice. This time, the Teachers bring with them Truth. We must aspire to become a part of something that is New (in relation to this world) and will never get "old". We must be ready to realize that every "stranger" is our brother, our sister, walking the same Path as we, perhaps a little further ahead, perhaps a little behind. We must begin to live our lives in a new way, with a new state of consciousness, with a new desire to reunite with the Whole ("whole-y", "holy"), and resume our true Evolution.

We must recognize that we do not know anything regarding what is required for us to attain our salvation from this world. Just as we did when we were children and this world was the foreign one, we must pay close attention to our new Teachers. The Teachers of Love, the Servers of the Divine Plan. If we are good pupils, our Reward will be assured.

This is the meaning of the words of The Christ, recorded in Matthew 18:2-4.

~ g

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