21 February 2022

The Sealed Word in the Great Pyramid


This short presentation explains the symbolism that has been carved into the interior of the Great Pyramid of Giza and reveals the important message that it holds for all of humanity

~ g

16 February 2022

Your Task, Your Mission, Your Duty, Your PURPOSE

Despite rumors to the contrary, there is a reason for our being here in the physical world. 

Fame? Fortune? Fun? 

No, no, and no.


Well, although experience is a key function of existence in this nature-order, it is not our main purpose. 

We are dual beings. We are both mortal and immortal. The mortal parts of us - the body and the mortal soul - are temporary. They come and go via the ever-turning Wheel of Death and Rebirth. 

The immortal parts of us - the microcosm and the divine Spirit-spark at its center - are eternal. They survive physical death. They persist and accompany us throughout all of our incarnations. In fact, it is the microcosm that "incarnates", not the personality. The microcosm creates a new personality for each new incarnation. We are merely the latest personality to inhabit our microcosm.

Our immortal microcosms are trapped in a world of mortality. They have been estranged from their divine origins for millions of years. The only way of escaping this mortal prison is via the personality that is created for each life. 

It is the task of the human personality to reestablish contact with Divine Source while on Earth. If the personality does not accomplish this task, it will be dissolved via the agency of decay that we call 'death'. The mortal soul will also vanish but at a slower rate. Eventually, all that remains will be the emptied microcosm and the immortal Spirit-spark. In approximately 700 to 1,000 years, a new personality will be created and charged with the same task: Liberation from Matter.

Strive to obtain insight (self-knowledge) into the truth about yourselves and about the Path of Return that is waiting for you. Reconnect with the immortal Spark of Light that smolders within your heart. The Spark needs you to fan it into a Flame - a Flame that will purify your microcosm, immortalize the personality, and free your consciousness from the Prison of the Senses.

This is your Purpose! This is your reason for living! This is the Goal! This is the Great Work that you must accomplish while in the flesh. 

~ g

14 February 2022



"Seek to uphold yourself and others. Share gladly what you acquire and give to all those in need without asking questions, for you are only giving them a gift from God, since nothing belongs to you. What you acquire is also a gift from God. 

Give, therefore, and God will give to you again." 

Karl von Eckartshausen