24 December 2018

Protect The Child

The birth of the Christ-child is yet another symbol. It symbolizes the awakening of the Divine Spark within the Seeking human-being.

When this Divine part of us is awakened, it is like unto a newborn babe. It is weak and frail, the result of long ages spent in latency. It is vulnerable, it is defenseless. Above all, it requires careful nurturing to grow and to thrive.

The aeons of this nature can sense this Awakening. The high frequency of the Divine vibration is diametrically opposed to the overall low vibration of the fallen human system. Every effort will be made to locate this Divine vibration and expel it. This state-of-being is symbolized by the story of Herod sending his soldiers after the newborn "king" on a search-and-destroy mission.

The newly-awakened Divine Spark can be put right back to sleep if the candidate does not resolve to provide the necessary care and feeding. Thus, there must be a "flight to Egypt", where the Divine vibration can grow in strength while evading the forces that oppose it.

It is a long road from Awakening to Transfiguration; from Birth to Resurrection; from Bethlehem to Golgotha. Your mission as a candidate on the Path is to travel this road carefully and with supreme awareness, mindful always of the great Treasure that you carry.

Protect the Child.

~ g

22 December 2018


"Watch as you may, you will not see it come. No one can tell you it is here or it is there. For the Kingdom of God is within you." 
- The Christ 

Sometimes the answer to the most important of questions stands right before our faces, hidden in plain sight.

Let it be known that within the center of your microcosm, in an area that corresponds in location to the upper right ventricle of the heart, is an atomic remnant of your Divine heritage. Over the ages this Divine Remnant has been called the Divine Spark, the Spirit-spark Atom, the Jewel in the Lotus, the Seed-grain of Jesus, the Monad and the Power. The name of this Divine Remnant matters little. It is the secret which is compressed within it that matters above all.

Every seed, natural or Divine, contains within it, the blueprint for unfolding that which it is to become. An apple seed carries the blueprint to become an apple tree only and to bear such fruit. An acorn contains the instructions to become only an oak tree, not an apple tree. The pit of an olive is a seed that is encoded with the data necessary to grow only into an olive tree that will send forth olives of its own.

As Above, So Below. As Below, So Above. The Divine Seed that you carry within is encoded with a system of lines of force that, with proper nourishment, will enable it to only grow into the True Soul, that which Hermes called the Spirit-Soul. The presence of the Spirit-Soul will enable a purification of the microcosm and a re-unification with the Spirit. Head and heart will thus be reunited and the purification of the etheric-physical body will follow. The Divine Tri-Unity of Spirit, Soul and Body will be complete. The Divine Seed will have fulfilled its purpose to grow and bring forth fruit of its kind.

This is the miracle that awaits those who become aware of the Divine Seed within, who grow to understand its ultimate purpose and work hard to bring the blueprint to life.

It is a tragedy that the vast majority of mankind does not have the faintest idea of the wonderful Treasure that lies at the center of their microcosm. This Treasure sleeps, unable to perform its miracle as long as its host, the personality, remains ignorant of its existence.

The message of the Kingdom within that was left for us by Krishna, the Buddha and the Christ has been misinterpreted and overlooked for far too long. The meaning of the message is as clear as the nose on your face:

Look within. Look within. Look within.

` g

The Other Cheek

Self-surrender is the third stage of the five-fold gnostic Path of Return. It is the fulcrum upon which the entire Journey to Liberation must turn. To surrender the self simply means that we must stop placing our wants and desires ahead of everyone else. We have to stop seeing ourselves as the center of the universe and begin to always see others as more excellent than ourselves. We have to look to provide Service wherever we can to whomever we can. We must allow Divine Love to penetrate our hearts, permeate our microcosms and radiate from us in all directions.

This is extremely difficult to accomplish because we, as microcosms, have spent many thousands of years developing an I-centered consciousness and defending our "I" from those we call "others". We are afraid to release our self-protecting shield for fear of being harmed in some way. We fear that if we let our guard down, "others" will walk all over us, exploit us, victimize us, disregard us. This is the Great Test that all true candidates on the Path must confront and overcome. Turning our focus outwards and away from the lower self, rather than inwards.

Although it seems difficult on its face, it really isn't. If one realizes that the One Goal cannot be obtained without this prerequisite, one will make whatever changes are necessary to remain firmly on the Path that leads to that Goal. Yes, "others" may attempt to walk over us, or victimize, exploit and disregard us. But in surrendering the self, we neutralize the ability to be hurt by any negativity that may come our way. Let others do what they will, we shall stand strong as a rock and continue to radiate the Divine Force that becomes the share of all serious candidates on the Path.

If we are slapped on the right cheek, we are to turn and offer them the left cheek as well. This symbolic verse is not to be looked upon as an argument for weakness. On the contrary, one has to be very, very strong to do what is being asked here. That strength will come, not from the fearful and self-focused I-being, but from the Divine Gnosis, the Christ-radiation that floods the microcosms of all those who have awakened the Spirit-Spark Atom. This divine radiation-power enriches the blood and pours out from us in all directions as a healing balm for many.

The self-focused behavior that was long ages in the making has served its purpose. Man's period of Involution has ended. Divine Evolution is now calling us.

May those of us who are ready, respond to that Call in the right way.

~ g