31 July 2016

Starting Over


We live in a field of genesis in which the Original, pure fiery astral forces still go on performing their task. However, through the misuse of astral forces of which all dialectical mankind is guilty, there comes a point when the earth's astral sphere becomes so dark, so full of devilishness, so laden with absurdity and depravity, and the material-field of life degenerates into a region of so much blood and tears, that it can no longer be tolerated. For what develops in the astral sphere must manifest itself on earth.

And when you become involved with a particular astral force, this has to manifest itself in your life and in your body. The result is that, in the end, the earth, the creation-field of the World, has to be thoroughly purified, right from the astral sphere to the material sphere. All microcosms present in it are then emptied of their uncleanliness and brought into a state of forgetfulness. All microcosms are divested of their karma. They have to begin anew; for the Logos does not forsake the work of His hands.

In this way, the Original, embryonic process of genesis can take place again, right from the beginning. How much time can be lost in this way! But nevertheless, thanks be to God, each new microcosmic re-animation represents a new opportunity for the entity concerned.

From "Black Demonism" The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. III - Jan van Rijckenborgh


25 July 2016

Drinks Are On Hermes

After so much harm has been inflicted upon the human race,
I, Hermes, being the Primordial Fount,
Flow forth here as a Healing Remedy,
According to Divine decree
And assisted by The Art.

Let him who can, drink of Me.
Let him who will, cleanse himself in Me.
Let him who dares, stir Me.

Drink, brothers, and Live.

24 July 2016

Radiation And Rebirth

If one has any doubt about the ability of a Divine radiation, the Gnosis, to penetrate and awaken the power of the latent, sleeping Divine Spark, perhaps the following may be of help.

The key word in the previous sentence is the word 'radiation', the definition of which, follows:


a.the process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves.
b.the complete process in which energy is emitted by one body, transmitted through an intervening medium or space, and absorbed by another body.

Every second of every day we are bombarded with multiple radiations. Some of these radiations we absorb and assimilate, with or without some measure of difficulty or dis-ease. Other types of radiation pass through us without notice.

At this very moment scores of different types of radiation are streaming through your physical, etheric, astral and mental bodies. There are the more mundane ones, such as radio, telephone and wireless transmissions. Then you have etheric, astral and mental radiations emanating from the light-vestures of incarnate human-beings and from entities beyond-the-veil. Beyond that, you have inter-cosmic radiations from planetary bodies and star systems.

Yes, the stars do emit energies and these energies find their way to you. You cannot 'feel' them the way that you 'feel' the light that comes from our nearest star, the Sun, because you do not yet have senses that are attuned to detect and inform you of such subtle radiations. This does not mean that these radiations do not have any effect on you, the human-being. It just means that you are presently unaware of their influences or their origins.

From planetary systems and star-systems we can extend this phenomena to include the influences of nebulas, quasars, supernovas, galaxies and higher planes of existence. Cosmic Domains above our 7th also radiate energies to us. It is from these higher densities of the All-Manifestation that the pure Christine radiations originate.

Here on earth, humanity is immersed in these radiations. This is especially true now that we have reached the end of a major world-cycle. A cosmic revolution is taking place that is pouring unprecedented quantities of this Divine radiation upon mankind. This is the Age of Aquarius, the symbol of which is that of a man with a pitcher, pouring out Living Water.

'It will be in the last days, says God, that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh...' Acts 2:17

The radiations of the Gnosis surround and interpenetrate all microcosms. Some may ask: if this is so, then why isn't all of humanity on the Path? It is because man does not properly utilize these energies for the purpose they were intended for. A Divine energy cannot be harmoniously assimilated by an un-divine personality. There is but one way for a personality to trap and make use of these Divine radiations. He or she must awaken the only part of them that has an affinity for these Divine radiations. He or she must awaken the sleeping Spark in the center of the microcosm, the Divine Atom that is aligned with the human heart.

If one can succeed in experiencing this special awakening, the Divine radiations will then have a place to go. They will no longer pass through the human-being or cause disruption to the human system. Instead, a process begins whereby the amount and quality of these radiations will increase and take up residence in the microcosm. If the candidate is aware of the requirements of the Path and consciously walks it, the Gnostic light-power will begin its work of transforming the astral, mental and etheric bodies. The light-vesture of the candidate will undergo a gradual purification. The weaving of the Golden Wedding Garment will be the final result. With this garment, the candidate will be able and prepared to meet the Bridegroom.

To "meet the Bridegroom" simply means that the reborn Soul will reunite with Spirit, which is the prerequisite for the ultimate transfiguration of the microcosm.

~ g

19 July 2016

What Will You Do With This Life?

What do you do with the life that you have received?
Do you give it back, after the allotted years,
After working, eating, drinking, 'happiness',
After the Game of Good and Bad Fortune?
And you end up Unconscious,
Just as you began?

Or do you dare
To take the Upward Journey?
Wearisome, perhaps, but certain step-by-step
Of being conscious in Spirit, Soul and Body
Through Will, Wisdom and Activity.
In accepting everything
While knowing that nothing is without meaning.

Say farewell in Seven Spirals
Constantly more sublime,
By which, unknowing, the Straight Path appears
For the Spiritual Being whom you truly are,
Who, above dying nature
Enters into the Fields of Birth,

So Giving
Is Living.

The Utimate Question

What do you do with the life that you have received?
Do you give it back, after the allotted years,
After working, eating, drinking, 'happiness',
After the Game of Good and Bad Fortune?

And you end up Unconscious,
Just as you began?
Or do you dare
To take the Upward Journey?
Wearisome, perhaps, but certain step-by-step
Of being conscious in Spirit, Soul and Body
Through Will, Wisdom and Activity.

In accepting everything
While knowing that nothing is without meaning.
Say farewell in Seven Spirals
Constantly more sublime,
By which, unknowing, the Straight Path appears
For the spiritual being whom you truly are,
Who, above dying nature
Enters into the Fields of Birth,

So Giving
Is Living.

04 July 2016

Atrocity And Detachment

Atrocities across the globe are coming so fast now that it is almost impossible to keep up. Awful doings have become so commonplace that there is no time do anything but careen onwards from one nightmarish act to the next.

This is how evil looks when it is thrashing about in a final, desperate attempt to maintain its foothold on Earth. As a result, susceptible human-beings are being influenced to commit the most heinous crimes imaginable.

During this time of the end, it becomes even more important for those who are on the Path of Return to distance and disassociate themselves from these proceedings. If one gets caught up in the ongoing horror, one runs the risk of becoming attached to outcomes and circumstances. This can serve to arrest one's progress and may leave him rooted to the spot, paralyzed by fear and anxiety, unable to move.

Recognize that this is how it always is at the end of a major world-cycle. Evil will have its day, as the sheep are being separated from the goats. Through it all, one must maintain one's objective detachment. Remain a neutral observer. Do not allow these events to bring you down or dampen your resolve. Let them pass you by, like petals blowing in the wind.

~ g

Delay Not

Man should not assume that he has an eternity to choose the Path of Return ~ g


As to those who are indifferent, thinking that they have many births before them and need not hasten, the Master bids the disciples:

"Preach ye unto the whole world, saying unto men: 'Strive together that ye may receive the Mysteries of Light in this time of stress, and enter into the Kingdom of Light. Put not off from day to day, and from cycle to cycle, in the belief that ye will succeed in obtaining the Mysteries when ye return to the world in another cycle.

"Such men know not when the number of Perfect Souls [shall be filled up]; for when the number of Perfect Souls has been completed, I will then shut the Gates of Light, and from that time none will be able to come thereby, nor will any go forth thereafter, for the number of Perfect Souls shall be completed, and the mystery of the First Mystery be perfected -- the mystery by which all hath come into existence, and I am that Mystery.

"From that hour no one shall any more enter into the Light, and none shall come forth, in that the time of the number of Perfect Souls shall be fulfilled, before I set fire to the world, that it may purify the aeon, and veils, the firmaments, and the whole world, and also all the matters that are still in it, the race of humankind being still upon it.

"At that time then, the Faith shall show itself more and more, and also the Mysteries in those days And many souls shall pass through the cycles of transmigrations of body and come back into the world in those days; and among them shall be some who are now alive and hear Me teach concerning the consummation of the number of Perfect Souls, [and in those days] they shall find the Mysteries of Light and shall receive them. They shall mount up to the Gates of Light, and shall find that the number of Perfect Souls is complete, which is the Consummation of the First Mystery and the Gnosis of the Pleroma; they will find that I have shut the Gates of Light, and that from that hour no one can come in or go forth thereby.

"Those souls will then cry within through the Gates of Light, saying: 'Master, open unto us.' And I will answer unto them, saying, 'I know not whence you are'. And they will say unto Me, 'We have received the Mysteries, and we have fulfilled all Thy doctrine; Thou didst teach us on the High Ways.' And I will answer unto them, saying: 'I know not who ye are, ye who have practiced iniquity and evil even unto this day. Wherefore go [hence] into the Outer Darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth."

The Christ, speaking through Jesus, discourses with His disciples, eleven years after the Resurrection - The Pistis Sophia / The Books of The Savior - translated by George.R.S. Mead


Too little, too late.

Be reminded that the Banquet has been prepared. The Bridegroom awaits. The Doors to the Hall of Eternity have been thrown wide open. Come all who may, for when the Banquet Hall has been filled, these Doors shall close.

~ g