29 June 2012

Transfigurism II


The dramatic, terrible life of the aeons must fill us with horror. They maintain themselves in the reflection-sphere and that is their prison. Their loathsome activity always causes tremendous atmospheric and geologic upheaval.

More and more entities are being drawn away from their spheres of action and led into Eternal Freedom as the continuing impulses of the Universal Brotherhood constantly gather new harvests. The aeons are becoming increasingly weaker and since, to them, "a thousand years are but as one day", they stand under the eternal judgment of the words: "even now the axe is laid to the root of the tree".

It is important to understand clearly the struggle between the Elohim and the aeons. It is not a matter of black and white hosts ranged against one another, as mystic artists would have us believe. No, the warriors meet one another in the object of their interest; the encounter takes place in the human heart, in the essence of the blood, in the nerve fluid, in the human consciousness and in the place where we live -- the world.

Let us suppose that the Elohim are radiating a new redeeming impulse over the world, and let us call that impulse the manifestation of Christ. Then the gnostics will be active in linking that impulse with humanity as deeply and widely as possible. The aeons accede to this impulse, they pretend to cooperate while trying to make the impulse serve the maintenance of the dualistic nature-order. In this way, the nature-physical and the nature-metaphysical rays develop, as well as the rays of natural-religion, giving rise to the various occult and ecclesiastical trends. These trends are designed to block the spiritual stream of the Universal Brotherhood in the human organism.

Ecclesiastical and occult magic spring from one and the same source, from the hierarchy of the aeons. Thus it is entirely understandable that the Christian bishops, as servants of the aeons, are the declared enemies of all gnosticism and that they go hand-in-hand with the occultists to curtail -- or, if possible, exterminate -- every gnostic development.

So, from time to time, the world experiences an extremely gruesome masquerade. Under the guise of exaltedness and in the name of Jesus Christ, as previously in the names of many earlier divine messengers, millions are taken captive by the aeons and rendered immune to the Divine Touch -- until these violated beings can be offered a new chance of salvation after a Cosmic Revolution.

There is no one more Christian, more pious, humane and loving than the aeons and their servants! But one will be able to recognize them immediately by their behavior and aim (g: "you will know them by their fruits"). For them, it is essential that our I-consciousness be maintained, for that is the essence of what ties us to duality. In addition, they try to keep the masses ignorant, for an ignorant group lends itself particularly well to magical exploitation.

If the individual wants development, then there is occultism. However, the aeons view a development of this kind with envy insofar as the occult path irrevocably leads to the pupil himself becoming an aeon.

Almost the entire New Testament, in contrast to the Old, is a gnostic testament. The Gnosis is averse to the greater part of the Old Testament because of its occult aspects and the strongly racial emphases which are interwoven with the universal message. These can give rise to many dangers, as has been amply proven. Especially names in the Old Testament, as symbols of cabbalistic formulae can, by and large, very easily bring about occult connections and hence, over-shadowing.

So we are placing you before the imperishable Gnosis which has, as its starting point, the idea that the Divine Spirit is held captive in the world of the senses and that, consequently, it is necessary to rise up out of this prison, out of this imprisoned soul-man. In this way, the Original Spirit-Man can be united with the Primary Source of All Things, by means of insight, professing and striving.

From "Gnostics and Rosicrucians" - The Great Revolution - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Once one becomes aware of the presence of the Gnosis throughout human history and its role in the affairs of men, one should begin to feel a stirring in the heart and mind. What have the Churches been trying to keep hidden from humanity? Why haven't we been told about The Other Reality, the true Reality, and how to get there? If one looks carefully at the history and pre-history of mankind, one should start to see the merciful thread of the Gnosis winding its way through all ages and all civilizations, offering salvation to all who are mature enough and ready enough to grab hold of it.

So it has been, so it is, and so it shall be in the ages to come, until all of God's children have returned Home.

~ g

28 June 2012


Spiritualism - a system of belief or religious practice based on supposed communication with the spirits of the dead, esp. through mediums.

Mysticism -  (Christian Religious Writings / Theology) a system of contemplative prayer and spirituality aimed at achieving direct intuitive experience of the divine

Occultism - 1. The study of the supernatural. 2. A belief in occult powers and the possibility of bringing them under human control.

The three "isms" defined above are the main avenues taken by humans who are trying to re-link with the divine - or so the practitioners may think. These three "isms" actually do nothing to lead man towards the Divine but, in truth, only serve to effect a further binding with the reflection-sphere, the other half of the material-sphere / reflection-sphere duality.

The true and ancient Path that can lead man back to the Divine Kingdom is the path of the transfigurist. This is the pure doctrine that Jesus taught to his apostles and disciples. That doctrine has been watered-down, mangled, mis-interpreted, mis-understood and mis-applied to such an extent over the past 2,000 years that it communicates barely a fraction of what it once revealed to man. Now we have churches and bishops of all descriptions, acting as "intermediaries" for humanity, as if the way to Divine Salvation had to go through them. Rubbish.

Now, a bit about

Transfigurism - the art of raising up as Imperishable that which was sown as Perishable. The transformation of the mortal into the Immortal.


Our era is marked by three great transfiguristic movements: that of the gnostics at the beginning of our era (1 A.D.); that of the Manichaeans who originated directly from the gnostics, and that of the Cathars. A fourth movement is now in the process of development. Between these great movements, the work never ceased but was dispersed and always continued on a small scale. In every century, notable workers were actively practicing this royal art; Karl Von Eckhartshausen, for example, at the end of the 18th century and Johann Valentin Andraea in the 17th century. However, the writings left behind by these workers have been badly distorted by the two-fold classical enemy.

That is another signature of which you should take note. All the literature of transfiguristic movements has either disappeared or may still be found in just a few libraries in a distorted or very veiled form.

Mani was murdered in the year 277, chiefly at the instigation of Persian occultists. The later brotherhood of the Manichaeans spread over the whole of Asia Minor, Africa and Southern Europe during the 4th century. They survived until the 6th century but thousands of them were then murdered at the direction of the Christian bishops, the Church, and the Persian magicians. Their literature was destroyed as far as possible. The nucleus of this Brotherhood withdrew to the Brotherhood of Shamballa in the Gobi desert. The Cathars, too, fared the same, and so it will go in the future also, as long as this dualistic nature-order continues to exist.

The noble threefold transfiguristic craft of insight, professing and striving passes like a breath from the heart of the Gobi over the entire world. It is withdrawn only to be sent out anew. It does not struggle -- it works! It does not fight -- and yet, it triumphs! All opposition only accentuates the ultimate victory.

Finally, we want to show you the transfiguristic character of the classical Gnosis by means of a short explanation. May this lead to your sharing with us the universal insight, to your sealing of the universal confession in your heart's blood and bringing to reality the universal striving, so that together we may prove to be true gnostics, true rosicrucians and true freemasons.

The classical Gnosis is the direct servant of the Universal Brotherhood. It always steps to the forefront in world history immediately after every fresh impulse of the great universal teachers. In the wake of such an impulse, it is the task of the gnostics to propagate among those who are receptive, deeper insights into the inner coherence of the True, Original Life. That is why the world has known many gnostic systems which, although differing externally, were in essence the same, and fulfilled the same Calling.

So when we speak of a Christian gnosticism, there is no question of a new philosophy, but of a renewed philosophy, a renewed Gnosis; in other words, the one ancient, imperishable message, which has been brought into accord with the new Universal Impulse. The new impulse must be preserved as a living, vibrating reality for as long as possible. That is the essential, fundamental task of the gnostics: to preserve and to disseminate the Divine Impulse as a force and to re-vivify it again and again.

When we reflect on this, we are transported in spirit to a wonderful and gigantic battle scene. We see, in our mind's eye, the great and terrible strugle between the Universal Brotherhood and what has been call "the god of this world", or "the Prince of this world". The god of this world is not destroyed during a cosmic revolution, but his field of work is emptied, in a manner of speaking. He is deprived of his prey. When a new Day of Manifestation dawns, all entities who are once more subject to the turning of the Wheel, possess a free choice. Hence mankind at-large becomes the object of a struggle between the Universal Brotherhood and the god of this world.

The god of this world is a hierarchy of many mighty entities. In gnostic philosophy they are termed aeons. These aeons are parasites, maintaining themselves as long as there are people whom they can parasitize. They exploit the massess and use them like a great herd of cattle; they live on the etheric, astral and spinal forces of the masses. As soon as the masses are won for the New Life, the kingdom and the power of the aeons must also come to an end. All holy language gives detailed, albeit veiled, information on this.

From "Gnostics and Rosicrucians" - The Great Revolution - Jan van Rijckenborgh

To be continued...

26 June 2012

Unselfishness - The Cure For What Ails You


"Esotericists down the long corridors of mankind's history have always been aware that negative and self-centred thinking and emotion are responsible for all disease; it is ever thought and feeling which are the essential cause of physical-plane effects, for action always follows these.

To give an example of the positive advantages of an informed awareness: mainstream science has not ascertained why killer-viruses are fatal to some but not all. The reason is clear, however, to anyone who possesses elementary occult knowledge. Everything in the universe consists of energy at varying frequencies of vibration. Viruses arise due to the low and deleterious vibrations of our own negative thinking and emotion; viruses thrive at low vibratory rates. Those with an altogether higher vibration of consciousness who are positively oriented toward selflessness and love are generally immune from the so-called killer-diseases, and without the need for harmful inoculations!

'Miracle cures' have been repeatedly recorded throughout history, and all such remedies were made possible by raising the patient's vibratory rate of consciousness so that healing forces could flow unimpeded from within the ailing person themselves. This has been the case whether the cure was labelled faith-healing, white magic, 'God's blessing' or whatever else; the true reasons are always the same, and it is ever the frequency of one's consciousness that is the key to success.

The easiest and quickest way to raise the vibration of consciousness - and certainly the safest for most people - is to make contact with the Divine in oneself, and this may be done by focusing out of and away from the personal self  and upon some higher and worthy purpose. In fact, if in aligning with universal law mankind were to adopt and maintain such an inclusive and expanded focus, perfect healing on all levels would eventually ensue in the world, and in most cases without the need for intermediaries like doctors or drugs etc. For the majority of the planetary population this is a vitally needed education today, and it is this lesson which the impending inner and outer upheavals prior to the birth of the New World will endeavour to impart to all who attempt to continue living within the shadows of selfishness and fear."

From "Causes and Effects - The Birth Of A New World" - The New Call


Illness and disease manifest from the inside, out...not the other way around. If you can follow the advice given here a roomful of coughing, wheezing, sniffling people will have no effect on you. Maladies both minor and major will be unable to invade your system. Medical science continues to diagnose and treat symptoms without giving much consideration to root cause or prevention.

Your thinking, willing and feeling are responsible for creating your state-of-being. The higher and purer your thoughts, desires and actions are, the higher your vibration rate will be. That higher rate of vibration is your shield against disease. As stated above, the viruses, bacteria, etc. that can harm man cannot survive in a rapidly vibrating medium.

Radical? Truth always sounds a bit radical when one has lived one's entire life bound to lies and misconceptions. As Dresden James reportedly once stated:

"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the Truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."

~ g

23 June 2012

So, What Now?


So now a Great Mystery has been revealed to you. Ages ago, the teachings just posted would've have been made available only to those who were confirmed as being dedicated to walking the Path. That was the purpose of the ancient mystery schools of all times. However, since we are in the very final moments of this major world-cycle, the word has gone forth that the Truth must be proclaimed to the four winds of the earth, so that all men may know the Truth and so, make their Choice accordingly.

Because we are so accustomed to the idea of separation from others, to the delusion of our being an "I" that is unique and apart from other "I"'s, the prospect of "merging" with a Higher Being may invoke nervousness, or even fear. This is because the "I" is always afraid of being dissolved, of losing its "I"-dentity. The Mercy and the Grace of the Divine Plan is that if we follow the Path to the end, we, as our current mortal personalities, will not taste death, but will live to share in the Divine Life with a resurrected, liberated Higher Being. This means that you do not stand to lose anything by walking the Path, but will instead gain, among other things,  access to all the Knowledge, Wisdom and Power that this Higher Being employed prior to the Fall of its human microcosm.

As Jesus stated, without a hint of deceit or folly:  

"Know ye not that ye are gods?".

What he meant was that our microcosms were once divine and, with our help, have the capability to obtain Divinity once more!

Instead of being afraid of taking this Great Step, we should be rushing towards it with open arms. Indeed, a small portion of humanity is preparing to take this Step. There is a larger portion consisting of those who are capable, but may not have the Knowledge or the right conditions to complete the Task. There are those who are completely unaware of the Path of Transfiguration, and finally, there are those who, in their blind delusion, are quite happy with their "living" in the material-sphere. Thus, the cyclic, Christine Radiations have come again during the end of this world-age so that those who wish to take this Step may be helped, while those who are indifferent or opposed will be wiped away. 

The Harvest will select all those who are either ready, or actively preparing to take this Great Step forward. This means that if you begin right now, today, to take those first steps on the Path, and if you continue to work at it in dedication and sincerity, you will not perish in the coming Tribulations, but will be protected as one of the multitude who bear the "sign of the Son of Man" upon their foreheads. Next stop for these blessed ones: the New Heaven/Earth.

Your "past" does not matter! What matters is The Choice you make right now and going forward!

Therefore, do not be afraid to surrender the self. Remember that in order for The Other One to increase, our "I" must decrease. Again, from the Christ (speaking through Jesus): 

"He who loses his life for My sake, shall find it".

What is "it"?

"It" is eternal life in the Original, Immovable, Divine Kingdom.

May God grant you all the ability to see the Truth, the wisdom to make the right Choice and the strength to walk the Great Path of Liberation from matter.

all love,

~ g 


22 June 2012

The Mystery Of Life And Death - V

The Word Must Be Made Flesh


So now we have set the scene for examining more closely the doctrine of reincarnation as it is accepted by so many, but which we reject.

Your consciousness, as an emergency-order being, has been brought to a high level of perfection. This was necessary in order to be able to carry out the plan of salvation. To be able to walk the path of the Twice-Born, one must have a being with a high level of intelligence and a refined personality-vehicle at one's disposal; a being capable of becoming a true image-bearer of the Original, third soul-nucleus with its resultant Personality.

If such an image-bearer is available, there is hope that it can be brought successfully into connection with the Other Being, the emptied microcosm, so that the two can become one and this new unity can return to the Immovable Kingdom. This, in short, is The Great Plan.

This plan must now become 'flesh'; it must become reality. Throughout mankind's past there have been many entities who have demonstrated this 'becoming flesh'. The Word, the plan of God, has often become flesh and dwelt among us, and many have beheld its glory, a glory which, for all those who know the plan and its background, calls to mind the original glory of the only-begotten ones of the Father, full of Grace and Truth.

We can, we may and we must accomplish this glorification with respect to ourselves. We are the image-bearers of the lost third-soul being. It is in that precise form that we have been modelled from the substance of this world-order, and as such we are able to act in the fallen microcosmic system, becoming one with it and returning it to its lost glory, in which we may share eternally.

From "The Doctrine of Reincarnation" The Mystery of Life and Death - Jan van Rijckenborgh


21 June 2012

The Mystery Of Life And Death - IV

Engraving by Theodore De Bry

Microcosmic Restoration - Your Role in the Divine Plan


A microcosm is spherical in shape. Around the sphere is a complex magnetic field. If we view this sphere from a distance, our attention is attracted, first of all, by the auric being. This surface layer is sevenfold in composition and within it we find a magnetic system, a combination of magnetic points. The auric being also possesses an atomic nucleus with which the system of magnetic points forms a unity which is is to a greater or lesser extent conscious. When we speak of this conscious unity, we use the term 'auric self' or auric soul'.

The interior of the microcosmic sphere forms a void called 'the field of manifestation' and precisely in its heart a second atomic nucleus is to be found. This nucleus is known as 'the rose of the heart'  or 'the miraculous jewel in the lotus', or 'the unknown, latent soul'. On closer examination we discover that the auric soul has not one single connection, not one single contact, with the rose-heart. Although there are magnetic lines of force running inwards from the auric self, and although the field of manifestation is a space continually criss-crossed with powerful vibrations, the rose-heart does not react to them; it is asleep. So we see that we can only speak of genuine life when we look at the auric self; within the sphere's field of manifestation we only see a 'void' as far as life is concerned.

When we speak of the auric self as living, you need to understand clearly what we mean, for the life inhabiting it is very strange and not at all like the life-forms we know. The life of the auric self is neither mineral, nor vegetable, nor animal, and it certainly cannot be thought of as superhuman.

We can best approach the auric self's state of consciousness by comparing it with the consciousness of an elemental, a consciousness which is the result of the combined activity of magnetic forces, and will be clear or dull, strong or weak, good or bad in conformity with the effects of the processes going on within and around the sphere. Such a consciousness will therefore be without any deep, inner psychological reactions of its own; it will be a completely automatic, neutral consciousness.

If the consciousness is automatic, then it is clear that the microcosm must be in possession of a governing soul-being if it is to live in the highest sense of the word. However, in the conditions we have been describing, such a soul-being is not present at all. There is only the latent life in the rose-heart, and life in the auric soul which is life in name only. Apart from that, there is nothing! It is hardly possible to say that such a microcosm lives, any more than one can say that it is dead.

That, then, is the condition of an emptied microcosm in our domain of life. Such was the fate of all microcosms after the third soul in the system had died. Remember that the third soul-nucleus, in cooperation with the rose-soul, had originally caused a Glorious Personality to exist in the microcosm's field of manifestation. But this Personality disappeared and evaporated from the field of manifestation at the moment when, through centripetal activity, the arrangement of the system was disrupted.

What could be done about this situation? Well, the third soul-nucleus would need to be brought back into the system. It would need to realize unity with the rose-soul and in this way restore the original state-of-being. But where should the third soul-nucleus come from? For the third aspect of the soul had vanished; it had dissolved into energy in the heat of the fire.

This was the tremendous problem with which the Logos was faces, a problem still in the process of being solved, since not all of the microcosms have yet been rescued and brought back to the Original Kingdom.

As we explained, a cosmic emergency-order was established. Its aim was to create a being, a living being that would be able - temporarily - to inhabit the place formerly occupied by the soul and the Original Personality that had vanished. If this surrogate-being were able to act as a substitute in a microcosm's field of manifestation, this would enable a magnificent process of Transfiguration and hence, of Return.

It may be difficult for you to accept that you are the transitory end-product of an emergency-order plan. At birth, you represent the vanished third-soul nucleus, and your newly-born body represents the Glorified Figure of Old. Both this soul-nucleus and this young body are introduced into an emptied microcosm. This is, as it were, an operation, a transplantation: an organ originating in the emergency-order is implanted in a Being from quite another Order. And now it must be proved whether the transplanted organ is willing and able to 'take'; whether the plan to return - the aim of the operation - will be achieved.

By following a path of transfiguration it is possible to make you conscious of your state, to make you conscious of The Great Aim.  If you are able to link harmoniously with the rose-atom, the neutral auric-self will immediately react. The great process of salvation will begin. With regard to you, as a product of the emergency-order, a great and intense wonder will then unfold. When an organ is transplanted into the body and it begins to react, this enables the whole body to live, so that the transplanted organ can share in its life. In the same way, by following the fivefold gnostic procedure -- the method of transplantation -- you can be taken up into the Life of the  Original Order. You will then leave the emergency-order to which you formerly belonged and enter a Higher Order, along with the system into which you were introduced. In this way, you will be incarnated, transplanted, in a Divine Being and, with that Eternal Being, you will live eternally. You can then justly be called a 'twice-born' one', born once as to what is of the earth, earthly, and once as to the Heavenly Being.

If this ascent, this Second Birth, is not successful, you will know yourself what the end must be. You will die the death of your earthly state ('you are dust, and to dust you shall return'), and your microcosm, one delusion richer and often in a severely wounded state, will have to wait for another chance.

From "The Doctrine of Reincarnation" The Mystery of Life and Death - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Read the fore-going as many times as you have to. Sobering? Perhaps. Shocking? Maybe. Glorious? Absolutely! This is the Divine Plan of Salvation for those who have Fallen. This merciful Plan is tended to and lovingly administered by countless entities from numberless realms who have made, and are still making great sacrifices as they unceasingly try to show us The Way Home. The Divine Plan of Salvation is the essence of, the Truth of, the Purpose for and the Reason behind your present existence.

If you fail to comprehend and implement this Plan, if you retreat from doing your part to effect this Mighty Restoration, 'you' will not get another opportunity on the Wheel of Death and Rebirth. Do you now see what is at stake? Do you now see why the common troubles and desires of the material-world are useless, misleading and delusional?

For all those people who have ever wondered. "What is the meaning, point or purpose of my life?", well, you have just had it revealed to you. May you take this Knowledge and keep it with you as you begin your journey from darkness back into Light.

all love,

~ g

The Mystery Of Life And Death - III

The Emergency-Order
and the
Divine Plan of Salvation


Who could save this system, driven out of Nirvana, out of Paradise? The microcosm was living-dead, and suffering purposeless, intolerable woes.  How could it make a new start? How could it return?

In theory, the solution was obvious: the ejected soul-nucleus should return to the system, linking itself in total surrender to the other, remaining soul-nucleus, so that the Original Kingdom would become possible again.

But where was the ejected soul-nucleus to come from? Surely it had died, vanished into space, returned as power to neutral sources of energy? Could a new spark be sent out from the Radiance of Eternity into the lustreless spaces of the night, to complete the di-une system, making it tri-une once again so that its Majesty could be restored?

It is clear that this would have to be the solution. But without further precautions another disaster would be caused. The entire microcosm would explode and dissolve into neutral energy because of the tremendous power and explosiveness of such a Divine Spark, and the differences between its vibration and that of the nature of death.

So before God could send his Son, His spark, into the fallen system, a large number of advance preparations would have to be made. That was the immense problem with which the Universal Brotherhood was faced.

In Chapter One we approached the mystery of the Fall and saw that the original microcosms lost their tri-une nature and became di-une. We compared the microcosms with an atom and discovered that originally it had three nuclei, three souls. With the aid of this system, the microcosm could create and manifest itself autonomously.

Just as an atom belongs to a larger system, to a group of atoms, so a microcosm ought not manifest its self-creating faculty in a centripetal way, but centrifugally. Enormous energies were accumulated in the microcosmic atom and by manifesting them centrifugally the microcosm could make a joyful contribution to the manifestations and preservation of the Universal Body, the Universal Kingdom of God, without doing its own system any harm.

However, if the radiating energies were to be turned inward, the heat and power generated would prove too great for the microcosmic system. The result would be burning and de-naturation. Something resembling this actually did happen, as we explained in the last chapter. One of the three atomic nuclei was ejected from the system and lost in space, leaving behind an atom with two nuclei. As a result of this de-naturation, this atom was obviously no longer able to express itself and could no longer be used in the Original Realm. All the microcosms that became di-une in the way we have explained were therefore ejected from the Divine Realm on purely natural, scientific grounds, to wander aimlessly in the domain corresponding to their own state-of-being.

The Universal Doctrine calls this domain 'chaos'. People are in the habit of understanding this 'chaos' as 'disorder', but they are mistaken. One should interpret 'chaos' as 'the absence of order', or 'a completely unformed state'. So the fallen systems entered the welter of a totally unformed space. As a result of their de-naturation it was impossible for them to return to the  Primordial State.

What in fact developed was a new type of microcosm, not foreseen by the Logos, but which was the product of the counter-nature, the result of the misuse of freedom. Thus the new type no longer had any purpose in the gnostic sense; it did not fit into the  All-Manifestation, it was a dissonance in the Harmony of the Spheres. That is why we drew your attention to the enormous problem this new variety of microcosms must have formed for the Universal Brotherhood, the problem of how to rescue this fallen multitude.

You must understand clearly that a microcosm is immortal. Although death gnaws at it and has become lodged within its system, in essence its existence remains unaffected. Even so, it is burdened with the results of countless errors and further de-natured by them. Perhaps you can imagine something of this situation. Picture a microcosm that has been ejected from the Divine Order into chaos for the reasons we have been explaining. Such a system has no purpose; it has become useless and inactive, for there is no plan behind it, no Universal Energy. And if such energy were present, it would only be swallowed up by the centripetal nature of the new microcosmic type. Since such a system is equipped with a certain measure of consciousness, you can imagine the suffering to which these systems were subjected to in their chaos.

So, in chaos, a cosmic emergency-order was created for the countless fallen microcosms, a universe of time and space, a universe of death. This universe was subject to the laws of duality, to rising, shining and fading, to alternate expansions and contraction; it was a totally relative universe. Thus we can speak of a Divine Plan to help our fallen state, and so it would be foolish to confuse the Divine Plan of Salvation with the Original Divine Realm itself. We need to emphasize this to prevent you from falling victim to confusion or, if you have already done so, to enable you to free yourself from it.

We would now like to consider the essence of the Divine Plan of Salvation, but first we need to familiarize ourselves with the structure of the microcosm as it is found on our plane of existence.

From "The Doctrine of Reincarnation" The Mystery of Life and Death Jan van Rijckenborgh


'So what's all this have to do with me?' one may ask.

This entire universe, the star systems, the suns, planets, galaxies - all of it - exists on a temporary, emergency basis only. This 'emergency-order' is a universe of death, a universe of change, contrasts and opposites. The emergency-order was designed to provide a temporary (if one can successfully manage to view trillions of years as 'temporary') location for all fallen microcosms who had dis-possessed themselves of their Divine Birthright.

These fallen microcosms cannot die, and yet they cannot return to their Divine Home in their present condition. This essentially leaves them in a state of limbo. They must be rescued from this state of limbo and, more importantly, restored to their former Divine condition.

This is where you come in.

~ g

The Mystery Of Life And Death - II


...Let us first take you to the nirvanic realm, which forms the basis for any genuinely divine human development.

The terms 'Nirvana', or 'being dissolved', or 'the world of not-being' are, of course, only approximations. Nirvana is attained by beings who have transcended all dualistic laws and hence all dualistic soul-life. Beings in whom all obstructing aspects have been dissolved return to Nirvana.

So the term 'Nirvana' conveys nothing about the Primary World in which the divine-human genesis takes place. The only thing it says in respect to us is that those who wish to enter the Primary World must have attained a state of 'not-being'. Taken superficially, it is of course silly to think that one can 'not be' and at the same time enter somewhere. That is why the word 'Nirvana' is translated as 'being dissolved', like a drop of water returning to the sea and becoming one with it. Nirvana is the eternal, unchangeable, Divine Totality. The class of entities to which mortal souls belong departed from from this realm in the remote past, and must return to it if there is to be any question of genuinely divine, eternal freedom (italics mine ~ g).

What do we mean by the word 'entities'? We mean microcosms. A microcosm is a complete life-system, a unity composed of many parts. One of these parts is, temporarily, the mortal soul with its personality. A microcosm is a miniature replica of a cosmos. Since concepts like 'small' and 'large' are very relative, we can justifiably compare a microcosm with an atom.

A microcosm possesses the structure of an atom. Natural science has shown that there are many different kinds of atoms. So we must now describe to you the atom that is the microcosm.

This atom has three nuclei. Two of them rotate very rapidly around each other at the center of the atom, while the third describes a wide orbit around the other two. These three nuclei can be referred to as the three souls. The two souls rotating in the center are positive and negative, or male-female, with respect to each other. The third soul is genderless, neutral; the providing, cohesive factor in the atom (g: think of the proton, neturon and electron atomic structure).

In the Bible, this realm, this manifestation is called 'the Kingdom of God'. This is not meant to infer that every microcosm is a God, a separate whole. No, it means that such a micro-atomic realm belongs to a greater whole, to a Gnosis, in the same way that a cosmos does not exist by itself, but belongs to a macrocosm, to a group of cosmos.

The organization of the tri-une (three-souled) atomic beings we have described must therefore be centrifugal and not centripetal; every atom must lose itself in the All-Manifestation, turning towards and surrendering itself to The Greater Whole, in total service. And it is in this way, through impersonal service, that the microcosm must manifest itself. Thus, by not-being, these tri-une beings live in a state of absolute being in the Primary Realm of Nirvana. Through centrifugal and thus, self-forgetting activity, all limitations fall away; spaces cease to exist, so that there are no longer any boundaries; there is only Infinity, Eternity. However, the moment such a tri-une atomic being turns its gaze inwards, beholding itself and thus acting centripetally, the divine law at the foundation of that particular type of atom is disturbed. The magnetic proportions are then put out-of-balance and a great, mighty fire arises.

When this catastrophe took place, the atom was split by the heat of it, to such an extent that one of the two soul-nuclei orbiting around each other in the center of the microcosm was ejected from the system and perished in space. In some microcosms it was the positive nucleus that was ejected, while in others, it was the negative one. That is the truth about the separation of the sexes. The microcosms struck by this catastrophe were, from that moment on, no longer tri-une, but di-une.

The results were terrible. Through centripetal endeavors, no longer serving the Kingdom of God, but willing and seeking the microcosm's own kingdom, boundaries were automatically drawn and the microcosms concerned found themselves in a spatial world according to natural laws.

And where boundaries are delineated, time holds sway. One sinks into the world of time and space, governed by the alternations of light and darkness, day and night. One is cast into duality.

As a result of the ejection of one of the atomic nuclei, through the tremendous heat of the fire, the inner kingdom was bound to collapse. In this way, death penetrated for  the first time. The microcosm that had become di-une could not keep its kingdom, which it had sought to maintain. The kingdom died. By seeking to maintain it, the microcosm lost everything! And having been emptied, the microcosm wandered in the night of the world, dragged along by the magnetic currents of the order of space and time.

From "The Mystery of the Fall" - The Mystery of Life and Death - Jan van Rijckenborgh


The foregoing may or may not be hard to follow. Here's the jist: The microcosms of this life-wave once had three soul-nuclei. These microcosms are now missing a nuclei. Some are missing a positive nuclei, others are missing a negative one. When the positive, negative and neutral nuclei were intact, the microcosms were in balance. This balance linked them to the Divine, providing access to Omnipotence and enabling them to carry out the wishes of the Logos. The microcosms were able to form physical bodies at will, without the use of sexual reproduction. These forms were not dense physical as we currently understand it, but were more ethereal, being composed of divine etheric material. These were the Days of Paradise, when nascent humanity was connected with the Tree of Life. Truly, man "walked with God".

At a given moment, a certain group of microcosms chose to serve themselves as opposed to serving The All. That group of microcosms was / is us, the human life-wave. Mark the following:

Any time an entity chooses to serve itself (centripetal) rather than to serve the collective (centrifugal), that entity will initiate separation from the Divine and bring trouble to its door. This was true in the high heavenly realms aeons of time ago, and is true today, here on the physical plane.

This is why we are consistently reminded to live in service-to-others. It is the only effective way to begin the process of bringing our microcosm back into balance so that it can return to the Divine Kingdom.

~ g

20 June 2012

The Mystery Of Life And Death - I

Before reading the next series of posts, you are advised to put aside all pre-conceived notions and prior teachings on life, death and reincarnation. The information that follows will not only challenge those preconceptions, but if understood correctly, will explode all former myths and misconceptions and replace them with the bright light of Truth. ~ g


We would like to look more closely into the mystery of life and death. And in doing so, we intend to repudiate the ancient occult doctrine of reincarnation as being contrary to reality. For many seekers of Liberation, reincarnation will have been the last straw to which they can cling. Many think: 'If I am unable to attain rebirth in the liberating sense, then, at least I will have the possibility pf rebirth in the horizontal sense. I will return to this vale of tears, and see what happens next'.

For many people, this serves as a kind of "life insurance". 'Suppose everything I have learned about the Doctrine of Liberation turns out to be wrong,' they say to themselves. 'Never mind! At least I can be sure that I exist. Look at the number of people there are who remember their incarnations'. Volumes have been written about this.

'At the moment, I am here; before long, I will be on vacation in the heavenly spheres, and when it is time for me to return, I shall take good care to choose the right cradle'.

'I am getting on in years, and my time will not last much longer. Soon I will be going to my summer resort. In the meantime, let those in the material-sphere destroy each other with hydrogen bombs. When the storm is over, I will come back and bask beneath the palms'.

'The wheel of birth and death may turn in duality, but still it goes on turning and so, in essence, does not affect the existence of my I-being'.

Those who have been accustomed to consoling themselves with the apparent comfort of the reincarnation process will be filled with amazement, protestation and secret fear  as they read this chapter, for their final certainty in life will be under attack.

Are there philosophical grounds for what we are saying? Can this standpoint be verified experimentally? Can proof be presented from the history of the transfiguristic brotherhood? How is this standpoint to be reconciled with Divine Justice? In taking this view, are we brought down to the level of the insight-less insight of orthodox religious communities, with their threats of "only one life", after which one comes before the divine judgement-seat?

These, and many other questions will arise, and we will answer them, if necessary, with such a barrage of scientific facts that in the end, everyone will be able to understand what we mean.

To begin with, then, here is an outline of the standpoint in question:

- You live only once.

- After death, your life's flame is gradually extinguished after a longer or shorter time.

- Not a glimmer of it will ever be found again.

- At this moment you are a living soul; not in the eternal sense, however, but only in the sense of space and time.

- The personality made use of by the soul is to be accounted for by that soul-state

- Your personality dies, and so does your soul. The Bible, the Universal Doctrine and the facts leave no room for doubt in this respect.

- This leads to the conclusion that it is in this life that you must decide about life and death.

- If you don't do so now, another soul vivified in your microcosm will have to do so, perhaps in a few thousand years' time, but that other soul will certainly not be you.

- New-born souls do not come from the invisible planes of life and neither are they one with, or to be explained from, a microcosm;  they are purely the material product of two material parents.

- Your soul-existence is generative. The collective of earthly souls is infinitely divisible. One soul goes and another one comes and everything remains as it is.

- In the domain of duality, there are countless soul-waves just like our one, each differing in vibration, as a result of which there are countless variations of form and consciousness.

- Soul-life has nothing to do with the life of the spirit, and the attempt to see a spirit in a soul is like saying that opposites are the same.

- So, either the ancient doctrines of reincarnation have another meaning altogether, or they are a delusion.

That is the problem, broadly speaking, and we would now like to try and unravel it for you.

From "The Mystery of the Fall" The Mystery of Life and Death - Jan van Rijckenborgh


16 June 2012


The concept of Father, Son and Holy Spirit as presented by the orthodox churches is not correct and represents a malicious distortion of Original Truths. The so-called 'Holy Trinity' is actually configured as follows:

Father - Spirit - positive
Mother - Soul - negative
Child - Body - both positive and negative

The word "holy" is an alternate spelling of the word "whole". The word "trinity" is a modification of "tri-unity". Therefore, what we are realling referring to is a "whole tri-unity". This is significant because, at present, man is not whole, nor are his three aspects unified. Spirit is dis-connected from the Body because the Soul, which acts as an intermediary between the two, is polluted and not yet suitable for use.

The purpose of transfiguration is to re-unite these three aspects of men so that Spirit can command the Body via the agency of a purified Soul.

~ g

15 June 2012

Like A Fish Out Of Water

When a fish swims in its natural habitat, does it "see" the water? i maintain that it does not, just as we do not "see" air, the medium through which we move about. The fish knows only the environment it is in. That environment nourishes the fish, permeates its physical body, provides it with a region of space in which to develop and grow. Even though its watery environment may be polluted with mercury, oil and heavy metals, the fish does not care, because it cannot change those things. Besides, the water is 'home'. To the fish, it is the known universe.

The fish knows only the ocean and what is in it. It has no idea or conception of a 'surface-world', of 'dry land', or 'fresh air'. To the fish, these things do not exist, because it has no personal knowledge of them.

However, some aquatic species are able to break the surface of the water, albeit for brief periods of time. Whales, porpoises, dolphins, etc., are a few examples. These creatures are not classified as fish, but rather, as mammals. There is a slight difference between them and their ocean-bound brothers...the ability to breathe in and directly assimilate oxygen-laden air.

One wonders if the whales, dolphins and porpoises somehow manage to spread the news of what is above to their brethren below the waves? Because beasts, fish and fowl are naturally telepathic, i would imagine that they do. This would make them prophets, of a sort, for although they cannot live on the surface, they have been able to breathe its air and capture glimpses of an environment completely foreign to and outside of their own.

Most humans, here on earth, have no idea or conception of what the Divine Kingdom is, where it is located or how to get there. As in the above analogy regarding the fish, many are not even aware that such a Field of true Life exists. The earth, with its material- and reflection-spheres, are all they know. They are unaware of the factual existence of two separate and distinct nature-orders: this fallen, un-divine order and the Original, Divine Field of Life. Man is just as the fish in the analogy above. He would have no inkling of another nature-order if it were not for certain entities whose task it is to communicate this information to their less-informed brothers. In human terms, we refer to these unselfish, selfless entities as avatars, prophets, messengers, emissaries of the Light, "sent ones", servers of the divine plan. Their purpose is to reveal to Man, at the proper moment, that which he will need to know to begin his Great Journey Home.

That moment in time has come. The revealing, the apocalypse is now taking place.

There is a nature order separate and apart from the one that we are now experiencing in. In order to participate in that nature order,

- we must first be made aware of its existence.
- we must then have faith in our ability to migrate to this divine nature-order
- we must set ourselves to the task of doing what is required to walk the Path of Return

- we must develop properly purified vehicles so that we will be able to breathe and function in this "pure air"

A fish cannot live out of water. Humanity cannot live outside of this fallen sphere unless it develops the necessary organs and vehicles for doing so. The wonder of it all is that we already possess these organs and vehicles, but they are either in a state of latency (the chakras) or pollution (the astral and etheric vehicles). Thankfully, through the Grace of the Logos, a great, cyclic, Cosmic Radiation - the radiation of Christ Consciousness - is now being poured out over humanity at this time, in an attempt to assist mankind in preparing to make this Great Leap in evolution. We can help the process along by not fighting the process, but going with it.

Purify your thoughts.
Neutralize your desires.
Guard your speech, speak sparingly. Do not gossip or criticize.
Listen to your body and give it what it requests, not what the "I" desires. 
Obtain insight into what it takes to begin walking the Path.
Walk away from what is popular, trendy, or approved by the masses. In humanity's current state, what is popular will most assuredly lead you away from what is divine.

Release your attachment to the material-world.

If something were to come along and drain all the oceans of the world, only those fish who knew how to breathe would have a chance at survival. Similarly, our earth is undergoing a transformation. All those who can transform with her will continue their existence fully conscious in a new, higher sphere of Life.

Give yourself a chance.


~ g


12 June 2012

Black Demonism And The Ending-Cycle

Although atrocities and crimes against humanity have been steadily on the rise for many years now, there has been a recent spate of horrific, cannibalistic attacks here in the States which seem to defy explanation.

Explanations follow.


The current change of the radiation conditions has consequences not only on the physical plane, as you will understand, but also on the astral and etheric planes. More complicated and more polluted than the physical plane is the etheric plane of life that is populated with myriads of beings. All life and activity in the etheric planes is being hounded by the new radiation values of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, causing all these beings in the tenuous planes to seek refuge in the physical plane.

On the one hand we have humanity, in which the etheric double is in the process of being vivified, but which, with a few exceptions, is totally unconscious of this vehicle of the personality. On the other hand, there are the forces and powers which are seeking a safe refuge and are swooping down on the developing etheric vehicles of the great masses. This is the only explanation for the senseless crimes being committed in all parts of the world and in all strata of society, apparently without any reasonable explanation.

It is not only great criminality that seeks our attention in this context; it is also all the strange, often illogical and impulsive behaviour that takes place on the edge of or just above the criminal or at least very questionable sphere.

From "The Central Position of the Etheric Body" - The Living Word - Catharose de Pietri


Fanning the flames of this collective psychosis are the film industry, the so-called "music" industry, the print media and the internet extensions of these industries-of-mass-mind-control which are designed to foster, inspire, inflame and sustain these demonic impulses. Read on...


In the astral field, in the astral fire, the ideas of human beings are etched.  And since thoughts are active forces, vortices arise in the astral substance from which processes of realization develop: creation.

You have access to this very special astral field, and that is what is so tragic! For it is precisely because of that, that you prevent your awakening from the embryonic state. For you are, and have always been, engaged in populating the astral sphere of the earth with all kinds of natural forces, with all kinds of demons. And it is in the nature of these demons, myriad of form and construction and active in a variety of spheres, to influence the ethers and the forms they manifest.

In this way, a fathomless, orderless chaos and degeneration has come into being in our earthly field of life. In this way, animal-men have come into existence, bound to their passions, afflicted by their self-created demons -- all those animal-human beings, swarming over each other like ants over an anthill. They kick and bite, they damage and violate each other. And from time to time, various demonic forces assert themselves in a very pronounced way, as is the case today, for instance, with the current wave of counter-natural sexuality with which the world is inundated. That is how it has always been in history: whenever a civilisation is perishing, whenever the earth is about to succumb to a Cosmic Night, the most ghastly demons arise out of the sewers of the astral field of fallen duality and the fiery flame of counter-natural sexuality erupts over mankind.

Counter-natural sexual practices are one issue. Promiscuity is quite another. Sexual energy is a creative force, one of the divine faculties with which man is equipped. The true destiny of this force, as it exists in the embryonic field of the earth, was to have been the development into the genuine, divine creative faculty, which is related to the throat chakra. So you can imagine that promiscuity is detrimental, in the first place, to the idea underlying sexuality.

As we said before, people kick and they bite, they damage and violate each other. And, above all that noise and swell, above that cacophony of misery, the cry of distress of seeking man reverberates: 'O unhappy man that I am, who will save me from the body of this death?'.

We live in a field of genesis in which the original, pure daemons, the original, pure, fiery astral forces still go on performing their task. However, through the misuse of astral forces of which all dualistic mankind is guilty, there comes a point when the earth's astral sphere becomes so dark, so full of devilishness, so laden with absurdity and depravity, and the material field of life degenerates into a region of so much blood and tears, that it can no longer be tolerated. For what develops in the astral sphere must manifest itself on earth. And when you become involved with a particular astral force, this has to be manifested in your life and in your body. The result is that, in the end, the earth, the creation-field of the world, has to be thoroughly purified, right from the astral sphere to the material-sphere. All the microcosms present in it are then emptied of their uncleanliness and brought into a state of forgetfulness. All microcosms are divested of their karma. They have to begin anew, for the Logos does not forsake the works of His hands.

From "Black Demonism" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Volume III - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Humanity is living beneath a canopy of delusion. The lower self has chosen to identify itself with the countless illusory personality definitions defined by this present civilization. Once you say the words, "I am this", or "I am that", you have bound yourself like glue to the delusion of separation which is the material-sphere. We are not a race, a creed, a nationality, a religion, a sexual orientation, a profession, or any of the other labels humans are so "proud" to pin upon their lapels. We are none of those things!

What we are, are lost sheep, divine sparks who have lost their way on the journey back home to the Father. We are all prodigal sons and daughters. Our One Goal is not to succesfully navigate this material-life, or to gain the respect of other deluded human beings, or to "be who I am" (when who "you" are is clearly not who you are meant to be). No. The One Goal of Humanity is firstly, to recognize that we are splashing around in a filthy cesspool of our own creation and then, secondly, armed with this insight, to begin walking the Path of Return that will lead us out of the mire and back to the divine spheres of Rest.

If this Path is not chosen, if the walk does not begin now, the microcosm will be scrubbed clean, all memories, all karma, all powers and abilities gained over millions of years of repeated incarnations will be erased. The microcosmic entity will have to begin again.

Pledge to avoid this fate. Turn your back on the demons that plague mankind. You are this-close to Salvation. Take the necessary steps. You will not be travelling alone.

~ g


07 June 2012

Man On The Path


We have been trying to penetrate deeply into essential things, into the immense and so very complex problem of true human existence. We have seen how a lifewave emerges from the Fundamental Nature and how every entity of that lifewave is a microcosm with a nucleus or soul at its central point, its heart. And we have seen how the Divine Thought underlying the plan of creation is reflected or manifested in the nucleus or soul. Ethers are abstracted  around this nucleus, which is composed of astral fire, and they flow out from it. These ethers mould themselves into an expression of the Spirit contained in the soul-nucleus.

In the beginning, the etheric form-manifestation was the True Man, the Heavenly Man, the human being originating from God. On the basis of this etheric matrix a more material manifestation also came into being, because of the fact that etheric atoms attract material atoms. The metabolic process of the pre-human being was so ideal, and the orientation of the spirit-souls so perfect, that no crystallization occurred and the permanent existence of the total human being was ensured.

We use the term 'total human being' because the entire microcosm participated and existed in that being. The higher self was analogous to the lower self, and both were in absolute equilibrium. There was only the self, which was manifested in and by the microcosm as a whole.

At the beginning of its manifestation, the self followed a path leading to the fulfillment of a glorious plan of eternal plenitude, of eternal genesis, a journey from glory to glory: the never-ending unfoldment of the plan of God-in-him; provided the entity was willing to devote itself, without deviation, to this Great, Glorious Aim in absolute recognition, from within, in freedom and love.

However, amid the majesty of existence, in the dizzying grandeur of the divine-human kingship, man forgot that he was a creature; he forgot that from the outermost parts of his microcosmic field to his innermost nucleus, and from that nucleus to every aspect of his manifestation, he had to dedicate himself totally to the law on which his being was founded.

With his tremendous capacities, he stepped outside the law. He experimented with his divine faculties and thus entered into 'denial'. In this way, crystallizations developed, densifications; the results of infringing the law made themselves felt. Other, false astral fires began to burn, and denial, the sin of ignorance, was succeeded by death. In other words, in the early stages, the crystallizations, the alien configurations of the elements and forces were broken up and destroyed as soon as they had reached their culmination. Man witnessed the eventual collapse and destruction of everything he had built up.

But with the continuation of the primary sin of denial, the soul-spirit nucleus (the Rose of the Heart) lost the ability to manifest itself. In this way, the divine human being, the Spirit-Man, disappeared as the manifestation of the soul-spirit nucleus, and its structure of lines of force was re-absorbed into the nucleus. The divine human being had vanished; while living, he had died. As 'the image with dead eyes', to use Gustav Meyrink's term, he had returned into the principle of the soul. The microcosm, God's eternal creation, had been emptied and was no longer capable of manifesting itself from within.

But we know that 'God never forsakes the works of His hands', and that is why the emergency order was founded. We will not explain, here, how that emergency order came into being, but will confine ourselves to stating that mortal entities, born through the earthly process of maintenance , were allied with and introduced into emptied microcosms, with the aim of awakening the microcosms' former soul-spirit nucleus from its sleep of death and thus revivifying  the image with the dead eyes.

Those who accomplish this grand and glorious work undergo that wonderful change we call transfiguration, that is, the unification of the nature-born lower self with the revivifying true or higher self.

Here, a warning is called for. There also exists a false higher self in the microcosm, which has already claimed countless victims. It is the product of the many nature-born beings who inhabited your microcosm before you. It is the karmic self, or auric being. Millions of anthroposophically, theosophically and religiously inclined people have been and are being victimized by the karmic self.

Every nature-born human being leaves its traces in the auric being, the results of its unholy life. This karma, these traces, accumulate. Every nature-born being who begins to walk the Great Path of Liberation is therefore faced, alas, with a dual task. Before he can set foot on the Path of Transfiguration, he must first liquidate the karma, the karmic self. Remember Jesus the Lord when he was tempted in the desert. He, too, first had to settle accounts with the karmic self.

To a certain extent, this karma is vivified in one's own self. It is the microcosmic adversary, which must be recognized and overcome. But I-centered people are without exception victimized by it time and time again, for the karmic self depends for its existence on the cultivation of the mortal personality.

We are participants in the young Gnosis, who are united in the Living Body and who wish to follow anew the age-old path of the Holy Grail. By virtue of our professing pupilship we are linked again with the wondrous nucleus of our microcosm. That ancient nucleus, which has been slumbering in our system for such an inexpressibly long time, is beginning to open again for us, who have devoted ourselves to the holy Rosycross. This immortal soul, this wondrous divine nucleus of the microcosm, speaks again to our nature-born soul: the image with the dead eyes is beginning to stare at us, with a deeply penetrating gaze, so that we can no longer be at peace, by day or by night. In this way, together, we stand once more at the threshold of the Path of Return to the Father's House.

And what is necessary now? Firstly, rebirth, the re-animation of the Original Soul. Secondly, our own transfiguration. Thirdly, the union of the two, of the Original Soul, the true higher self, with the nature-born lower self, the unification of the transfigured nature-born human being with the Original Soul-Man.

From "Man On The Path" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis Vol III - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Try to understand. In the beginning, the Original Soul, the True Human Being, manifested a mighty personality for itself out of the Power that resides in the microscosmic nucleus, the Rose of the Heart. There was no need for copulation, sexual reproduction, or birth as we experience it today. The Soul was
self-realizing, and this is the true, gnostic meaning of what is meant by the term 'self-realization'.

When we transgressed against the laws of the Divine, we lost the ability to self-realize. The mortal means of reproduction became necessary once we lost this ability and descended into the emergency-order of death, the physical realm. That seed-atom, that nucleus, now lies slumbering in the hearts of those who bear this spirit-spark atom. If we can awaken it, it will attract once again the pure, holy ethers that are needed to purify the microcosm and prepare it as a habitation for the New Soul. If, no, when we are successful, the microcosm will regain its ability to self-realize.

And what will happen to "us", the current personalities inhabiting our microcosms?

Remember, buried in our microcosm is the complete, detailed memory of all the experiences of all the personalities that preceded us. Some of these lives were quite horrific, some were boring and mundane, while yet some others were soaringly magnificent in relation to the amount of knowledge and power we had at our disposal! Although it is more than likely that these personalities probably abused these attributes in the distant past, the experiences are still there, buried in the auric being of our microcosm.

When the New Spirit-Soul is reborn, remembrance will come with it. The microcosm's current personality (that's you and me) will merge the experiences of all the prior personalities into its consciousness, essentially becoming one with all that we were and availing the microcosm of access to a tremendous amount of Wisdom. Spirit, 'the bridegroom', will descend into this purified microcosm and unite with its 'bride', the New Soul and, together with the newly Transfigured (etheric, vital) Body, the Tri-unity - the Heavenly Man - will be re-born, in full remembrance, raised in power.

'Snow White', 'Sleeping Beauty', 'Pinocchio'. Myths of all ages have tried to tell mankind the same tale: that which was asleep, can be awakened by a kiss, or by service-to-others. These myths lost their true meaning for humanity long ago.

If you have understood any of what you've just read, then the Truth behind those fables should now be apparent. These are not children's fairy tales. These are stories of humanity's Fall from Grace and the Path of Return.

These are the tales of our past and, even more importantly, our present.

~ g

05 June 2012

Death, Where Is Thy Victory?

Stick with this post, it will pay off in the end - g


We quote Corinthians 15: 35-49:

"But someone will ask, 'How are the dead raised? With what kind of body do they come?' You foolish man! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. And what you sow is not the body which is to be, but a bare kernel, perhaps of wheat or some other grain. But God gives it a body as He has chosen, and to each kind of seed its own body. For not all flesh is alike, but there is one kind for men, another kind for animals, another for birds, another for fish. There are celestial bodies and there are terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon , and another glory of the stars; for star differs from star in glory.

So it is with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown in a physical body, it is raised in a spiritual body. If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual body.

Thus it is written, 'The first man Adam became a living being'; the last Adam became a life-giving Spirit. But it is not the spiritual which is first but the physical, and then the spiritual. 

The first man was from the earth, a man of dust; the second man is from heaven. As was the man of dust, so are those who are of dust; and as is the man of heaven, so are those who are of heaven. Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven."

Having read this you will certainly not ask the question pre-supposed in the letter to the Corinthians: 'But some one will ask 'How are the dead raised?'  For now you know that it is absolutely impossible to raise a dualistic soul, a dualistic ego and a dualistic personality imperishably.

Every living entity in these realms of the nature of death, every living organism, be it plant, animal or human being, obeys one and the same law, namely that the fluid which ensouls it is a certain state of the magnetic forces of duality. And not one of these entities, irrespective of the situation in which it might be, can be compared in any respect whatsoever to manifestations in, out of and by the Gnosis. Whatever awakens out of the Gnosis can manifest itself only when all that was, has first been crucified, has died, has been buried, and can never be brought to life again.

When Paul says that one day we shall bear the image of the heavenly human being, he doesn't mean that you, as a dualistic ego, will one day enter that state of renewal. No, he means that after the rebirth of the soul, i.e. after the rebirth of the ego -- the three-fold "I" of thinking, willing and feeling -- your personality, your vehicles, will temporarily bear the new soul and the new I, just as Jesus the Lord did after his resurrection. In that phase you will have lain aside the image of the physical human being, and you, i.e. your vehicles, will then bear the image of the heavenly man.

This is why Paul goes on in 1 Corinthians 15:50 by emphasizing that 'flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God'. What is sown is perishable, dishonourable and weak, but what is raised is the soul truly living in the Gnosis. That is the Great Mystery of Salvation: your dualistic personality can be the basis for the tremendous initial process of transfiguration. The main thing is that the pupil understands this Mystery of Salvation, that he enters into the process, and that he breaks through to the The Goal.

Whoever starts off on The Path, very seriously and with great dedication, is linked to the Gnosis, as you know, and something of the immortal state will immediately manifest itself in him.

If the personality of such a brother or sister dies during this process of preparation, they will lay down their physical body in the usual way. Yet there is a mystery connected with such a pupil, for the seed of immortality was already active and had already started making progress. Therefore this deceased pupil will not be totally dissolved like all the phenomena of ordinary nature, but will continue the process of salvation in that part of the Magnetic Body of the Spiritual School that we can call the sanctified soul-ether field. Hence, all our dead ones, who die in the Lord in this way, will one day be raised imperishably.

You still have your personality, and although it is one of dishonour, weakness and perishability, you can already partake in the rebirth of the soul, and you can gain all the advantages of this.

And so there is a two-fold mystery. Whoever commences The Path can completely rest assured. Either he will die naturally and awaken later in the soul-liberating Field of Life, or he will already be resurrected in the new soul-state in the present. In both situations, the resurrection is certain and absolute.

Therefore there is a glorious certainty for all who truly walk The Path of the Mysteries that the real death of absolute termination is vanquished right from the start. And so every pupil can joyfully exclaim:

Death is swallowed up in Victory. O death, where is thy sting? The sting of the living death of nature has been removed.

O, death, where is thy victory? The victory of death has been rescinded.

Therefore be steadfast, unwavering, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not and never will be in vain

From The Living Word -- Catharose de Pietri


Does a seed always remain a seed? Only if it is not cared for. The physical human being carries a divine seed. It is the spirit-spark atom, the Rosebud, the divine spark. This divine seed must be brought forth, it must germinate and bloom. When it does, the physical human being, just as the husk of any seed, will no longer be. In its place will be The Other One, the Spirit-Soul-Body tri-unity. The perishable shall have put on the imperishable.

There is a Great Purpose to this common life, which appears to be pointless to so many. It is to give birth to the Heavenly Man! We do this by yearning for salvation, gaining insight, opening the Rose of the Heart and surrendering the self.

The human being is a Great Mystery. However, now, at the end of this major world-cycle, the Key to this Mystery is being revealed to all who have ears to hear, so that the Harvest may be abundant. All of you, no matter what your station in life, or your past transgressions and failures, can qualify for this rebirth and resurrection. As we leave the Piscean Age and enter the Age of Aquarius,  the Great Mercy of the Logos is now being poured over mankind. That is the true, symbolic meaning of Aquarius, the Water-Bearer.

The Call is being resounded, the Ark is now boarding! Hearken and respond! Shake off your delusion, throw off your shackles! Take up your responsibility and begin to fulfill your divine Destiny. Victory is assured, for Death is no match for the Gnosis.

Immortality beckons. We pray that you will answer its Call.

~ g