12 June 2012

Black Demonism And The Ending-Cycle

Although atrocities and crimes against humanity have been steadily on the rise for many years now, there has been a recent spate of horrific, cannibalistic attacks here in the States which seem to defy explanation.

Explanations follow.


The current change of the radiation conditions has consequences not only on the physical plane, as you will understand, but also on the astral and etheric planes. More complicated and more polluted than the physical plane is the etheric plane of life that is populated with myriads of beings. All life and activity in the etheric planes is being hounded by the new radiation values of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, causing all these beings in the tenuous planes to seek refuge in the physical plane.

On the one hand we have humanity, in which the etheric double is in the process of being vivified, but which, with a few exceptions, is totally unconscious of this vehicle of the personality. On the other hand, there are the forces and powers which are seeking a safe refuge and are swooping down on the developing etheric vehicles of the great masses. This is the only explanation for the senseless crimes being committed in all parts of the world and in all strata of society, apparently without any reasonable explanation.

It is not only great criminality that seeks our attention in this context; it is also all the strange, often illogical and impulsive behaviour that takes place on the edge of or just above the criminal or at least very questionable sphere.

From "The Central Position of the Etheric Body" - The Living Word - Catharose de Pietri


Fanning the flames of this collective psychosis are the film industry, the so-called "music" industry, the print media and the internet extensions of these industries-of-mass-mind-control which are designed to foster, inspire, inflame and sustain these demonic impulses. Read on...


In the astral field, in the astral fire, the ideas of human beings are etched.  And since thoughts are active forces, vortices arise in the astral substance from which processes of realization develop: creation.

You have access to this very special astral field, and that is what is so tragic! For it is precisely because of that, that you prevent your awakening from the embryonic state. For you are, and have always been, engaged in populating the astral sphere of the earth with all kinds of natural forces, with all kinds of demons. And it is in the nature of these demons, myriad of form and construction and active in a variety of spheres, to influence the ethers and the forms they manifest.

In this way, a fathomless, orderless chaos and degeneration has come into being in our earthly field of life. In this way, animal-men have come into existence, bound to their passions, afflicted by their self-created demons -- all those animal-human beings, swarming over each other like ants over an anthill. They kick and bite, they damage and violate each other. And from time to time, various demonic forces assert themselves in a very pronounced way, as is the case today, for instance, with the current wave of counter-natural sexuality with which the world is inundated. That is how it has always been in history: whenever a civilisation is perishing, whenever the earth is about to succumb to a Cosmic Night, the most ghastly demons arise out of the sewers of the astral field of fallen duality and the fiery flame of counter-natural sexuality erupts over mankind.

Counter-natural sexual practices are one issue. Promiscuity is quite another. Sexual energy is a creative force, one of the divine faculties with which man is equipped. The true destiny of this force, as it exists in the embryonic field of the earth, was to have been the development into the genuine, divine creative faculty, which is related to the throat chakra. So you can imagine that promiscuity is detrimental, in the first place, to the idea underlying sexuality.

As we said before, people kick and they bite, they damage and violate each other. And, above all that noise and swell, above that cacophony of misery, the cry of distress of seeking man reverberates: 'O unhappy man that I am, who will save me from the body of this death?'.

We live in a field of genesis in which the original, pure daemons, the original, pure, fiery astral forces still go on performing their task. However, through the misuse of astral forces of which all dualistic mankind is guilty, there comes a point when the earth's astral sphere becomes so dark, so full of devilishness, so laden with absurdity and depravity, and the material field of life degenerates into a region of so much blood and tears, that it can no longer be tolerated. For what develops in the astral sphere must manifest itself on earth. And when you become involved with a particular astral force, this has to be manifested in your life and in your body. The result is that, in the end, the earth, the creation-field of the world, has to be thoroughly purified, right from the astral sphere to the material-sphere. All the microcosms present in it are then emptied of their uncleanliness and brought into a state of forgetfulness. All microcosms are divested of their karma. They have to begin anew, for the Logos does not forsake the works of His hands.

From "Black Demonism" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Volume III - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Humanity is living beneath a canopy of delusion. The lower self has chosen to identify itself with the countless illusory personality definitions defined by this present civilization. Once you say the words, "I am this", or "I am that", you have bound yourself like glue to the delusion of separation which is the material-sphere. We are not a race, a creed, a nationality, a religion, a sexual orientation, a profession, or any of the other labels humans are so "proud" to pin upon their lapels. We are none of those things!

What we are, are lost sheep, divine sparks who have lost their way on the journey back home to the Father. We are all prodigal sons and daughters. Our One Goal is not to succesfully navigate this material-life, or to gain the respect of other deluded human beings, or to "be who I am" (when who "you" are is clearly not who you are meant to be). No. The One Goal of Humanity is firstly, to recognize that we are splashing around in a filthy cesspool of our own creation and then, secondly, armed with this insight, to begin walking the Path of Return that will lead us out of the mire and back to the divine spheres of Rest.

If this Path is not chosen, if the walk does not begin now, the microcosm will be scrubbed clean, all memories, all karma, all powers and abilities gained over millions of years of repeated incarnations will be erased. The microcosmic entity will have to begin again.

Pledge to avoid this fate. Turn your back on the demons that plague mankind. You are this-close to Salvation. Take the necessary steps. You will not be travelling alone.

~ g


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