23 June 2012

So, What Now?


So now a Great Mystery has been revealed to you. Ages ago, the teachings just posted would've have been made available only to those who were confirmed as being dedicated to walking the Path. That was the purpose of the ancient mystery schools of all times. However, since we are in the very final moments of this major world-cycle, the word has gone forth that the Truth must be proclaimed to the four winds of the earth, so that all men may know the Truth and so, make their Choice accordingly.

Because we are so accustomed to the idea of separation from others, to the delusion of our being an "I" that is unique and apart from other "I"'s, the prospect of "merging" with a Higher Being may invoke nervousness, or even fear. This is because the "I" is always afraid of being dissolved, of losing its "I"-dentity. The Mercy and the Grace of the Divine Plan is that if we follow the Path to the end, we, as our current mortal personalities, will not taste death, but will live to share in the Divine Life with a resurrected, liberated Higher Being. This means that you do not stand to lose anything by walking the Path, but will instead gain, among other things,  access to all the Knowledge, Wisdom and Power that this Higher Being employed prior to the Fall of its human microcosm.

As Jesus stated, without a hint of deceit or folly:  

"Know ye not that ye are gods?".

What he meant was that our microcosms were once divine and, with our help, have the capability to obtain Divinity once more!

Instead of being afraid of taking this Great Step, we should be rushing towards it with open arms. Indeed, a small portion of humanity is preparing to take this Step. There is a larger portion consisting of those who are capable, but may not have the Knowledge or the right conditions to complete the Task. There are those who are completely unaware of the Path of Transfiguration, and finally, there are those who, in their blind delusion, are quite happy with their "living" in the material-sphere. Thus, the cyclic, Christine Radiations have come again during the end of this world-age so that those who wish to take this Step may be helped, while those who are indifferent or opposed will be wiped away. 

The Harvest will select all those who are either ready, or actively preparing to take this Great Step forward. This means that if you begin right now, today, to take those first steps on the Path, and if you continue to work at it in dedication and sincerity, you will not perish in the coming Tribulations, but will be protected as one of the multitude who bear the "sign of the Son of Man" upon their foreheads. Next stop for these blessed ones: the New Heaven/Earth.

Your "past" does not matter! What matters is The Choice you make right now and going forward!

Therefore, do not be afraid to surrender the self. Remember that in order for The Other One to increase, our "I" must decrease. Again, from the Christ (speaking through Jesus): 

"He who loses his life for My sake, shall find it".

What is "it"?

"It" is eternal life in the Original, Immovable, Divine Kingdom.

May God grant you all the ability to see the Truth, the wisdom to make the right Choice and the strength to walk the Great Path of Liberation from matter.

all love,

~ g 


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