15 June 2012

Like A Fish Out Of Water

When a fish swims in its natural habitat, does it "see" the water? i maintain that it does not, just as we do not "see" air, the medium through which we move about. The fish knows only the environment it is in. That environment nourishes the fish, permeates its physical body, provides it with a region of space in which to develop and grow. Even though its watery environment may be polluted with mercury, oil and heavy metals, the fish does not care, because it cannot change those things. Besides, the water is 'home'. To the fish, it is the known universe.

The fish knows only the ocean and what is in it. It has no idea or conception of a 'surface-world', of 'dry land', or 'fresh air'. To the fish, these things do not exist, because it has no personal knowledge of them.

However, some aquatic species are able to break the surface of the water, albeit for brief periods of time. Whales, porpoises, dolphins, etc., are a few examples. These creatures are not classified as fish, but rather, as mammals. There is a slight difference between them and their ocean-bound brothers...the ability to breathe in and directly assimilate oxygen-laden air.

One wonders if the whales, dolphins and porpoises somehow manage to spread the news of what is above to their brethren below the waves? Because beasts, fish and fowl are naturally telepathic, i would imagine that they do. This would make them prophets, of a sort, for although they cannot live on the surface, they have been able to breathe its air and capture glimpses of an environment completely foreign to and outside of their own.

Most humans, here on earth, have no idea or conception of what the Divine Kingdom is, where it is located or how to get there. As in the above analogy regarding the fish, many are not even aware that such a Field of true Life exists. The earth, with its material- and reflection-spheres, are all they know. They are unaware of the factual existence of two separate and distinct nature-orders: this fallen, un-divine order and the Original, Divine Field of Life. Man is just as the fish in the analogy above. He would have no inkling of another nature-order if it were not for certain entities whose task it is to communicate this information to their less-informed brothers. In human terms, we refer to these unselfish, selfless entities as avatars, prophets, messengers, emissaries of the Light, "sent ones", servers of the divine plan. Their purpose is to reveal to Man, at the proper moment, that which he will need to know to begin his Great Journey Home.

That moment in time has come. The revealing, the apocalypse is now taking place.

There is a nature order separate and apart from the one that we are now experiencing in. In order to participate in that nature order,

- we must first be made aware of its existence.
- we must then have faith in our ability to migrate to this divine nature-order
- we must set ourselves to the task of doing what is required to walk the Path of Return

- we must develop properly purified vehicles so that we will be able to breathe and function in this "pure air"

A fish cannot live out of water. Humanity cannot live outside of this fallen sphere unless it develops the necessary organs and vehicles for doing so. The wonder of it all is that we already possess these organs and vehicles, but they are either in a state of latency (the chakras) or pollution (the astral and etheric vehicles). Thankfully, through the Grace of the Logos, a great, cyclic, Cosmic Radiation - the radiation of Christ Consciousness - is now being poured out over humanity at this time, in an attempt to assist mankind in preparing to make this Great Leap in evolution. We can help the process along by not fighting the process, but going with it.

Purify your thoughts.
Neutralize your desires.
Guard your speech, speak sparingly. Do not gossip or criticize.
Listen to your body and give it what it requests, not what the "I" desires. 
Obtain insight into what it takes to begin walking the Path.
Walk away from what is popular, trendy, or approved by the masses. In humanity's current state, what is popular will most assuredly lead you away from what is divine.

Release your attachment to the material-world.

If something were to come along and drain all the oceans of the world, only those fish who knew how to breathe would have a chance at survival. Similarly, our earth is undergoing a transformation. All those who can transform with her will continue their existence fully conscious in a new, higher sphere of Life.

Give yourself a chance.


~ g


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