28 June 2012


Spiritualism - a system of belief or religious practice based on supposed communication with the spirits of the dead, esp. through mediums.

Mysticism -  (Christian Religious Writings / Theology) a system of contemplative prayer and spirituality aimed at achieving direct intuitive experience of the divine

Occultism - 1. The study of the supernatural. 2. A belief in occult powers and the possibility of bringing them under human control.

The three "isms" defined above are the main avenues taken by humans who are trying to re-link with the divine - or so the practitioners may think. These three "isms" actually do nothing to lead man towards the Divine but, in truth, only serve to effect a further binding with the reflection-sphere, the other half of the material-sphere / reflection-sphere duality.

The true and ancient Path that can lead man back to the Divine Kingdom is the path of the transfigurist. This is the pure doctrine that Jesus taught to his apostles and disciples. That doctrine has been watered-down, mangled, mis-interpreted, mis-understood and mis-applied to such an extent over the past 2,000 years that it communicates barely a fraction of what it once revealed to man. Now we have churches and bishops of all descriptions, acting as "intermediaries" for humanity, as if the way to Divine Salvation had to go through them. Rubbish.

Now, a bit about

Transfigurism - the art of raising up as Imperishable that which was sown as Perishable. The transformation of the mortal into the Immortal.


Our era is marked by three great transfiguristic movements: that of the gnostics at the beginning of our era (1 A.D.); that of the Manichaeans who originated directly from the gnostics, and that of the Cathars. A fourth movement is now in the process of development. Between these great movements, the work never ceased but was dispersed and always continued on a small scale. In every century, notable workers were actively practicing this royal art; Karl Von Eckhartshausen, for example, at the end of the 18th century and Johann Valentin Andraea in the 17th century. However, the writings left behind by these workers have been badly distorted by the two-fold classical enemy.

That is another signature of which you should take note. All the literature of transfiguristic movements has either disappeared or may still be found in just a few libraries in a distorted or very veiled form.

Mani was murdered in the year 277, chiefly at the instigation of Persian occultists. The later brotherhood of the Manichaeans spread over the whole of Asia Minor, Africa and Southern Europe during the 4th century. They survived until the 6th century but thousands of them were then murdered at the direction of the Christian bishops, the Church, and the Persian magicians. Their literature was destroyed as far as possible. The nucleus of this Brotherhood withdrew to the Brotherhood of Shamballa in the Gobi desert. The Cathars, too, fared the same, and so it will go in the future also, as long as this dualistic nature-order continues to exist.

The noble threefold transfiguristic craft of insight, professing and striving passes like a breath from the heart of the Gobi over the entire world. It is withdrawn only to be sent out anew. It does not struggle -- it works! It does not fight -- and yet, it triumphs! All opposition only accentuates the ultimate victory.

Finally, we want to show you the transfiguristic character of the classical Gnosis by means of a short explanation. May this lead to your sharing with us the universal insight, to your sealing of the universal confession in your heart's blood and bringing to reality the universal striving, so that together we may prove to be true gnostics, true rosicrucians and true freemasons.

The classical Gnosis is the direct servant of the Universal Brotherhood. It always steps to the forefront in world history immediately after every fresh impulse of the great universal teachers. In the wake of such an impulse, it is the task of the gnostics to propagate among those who are receptive, deeper insights into the inner coherence of the True, Original Life. That is why the world has known many gnostic systems which, although differing externally, were in essence the same, and fulfilled the same Calling.

So when we speak of a Christian gnosticism, there is no question of a new philosophy, but of a renewed philosophy, a renewed Gnosis; in other words, the one ancient, imperishable message, which has been brought into accord with the new Universal Impulse. The new impulse must be preserved as a living, vibrating reality for as long as possible. That is the essential, fundamental task of the gnostics: to preserve and to disseminate the Divine Impulse as a force and to re-vivify it again and again.

When we reflect on this, we are transported in spirit to a wonderful and gigantic battle scene. We see, in our mind's eye, the great and terrible strugle between the Universal Brotherhood and what has been call "the god of this world", or "the Prince of this world". The god of this world is not destroyed during a cosmic revolution, but his field of work is emptied, in a manner of speaking. He is deprived of his prey. When a new Day of Manifestation dawns, all entities who are once more subject to the turning of the Wheel, possess a free choice. Hence mankind at-large becomes the object of a struggle between the Universal Brotherhood and the god of this world.

The god of this world is a hierarchy of many mighty entities. In gnostic philosophy they are termed aeons. These aeons are parasites, maintaining themselves as long as there are people whom they can parasitize. They exploit the massess and use them like a great herd of cattle; they live on the etheric, astral and spinal forces of the masses. As soon as the masses are won for the New Life, the kingdom and the power of the aeons must also come to an end. All holy language gives detailed, albeit veiled, information on this.

From "Gnostics and Rosicrucians" - The Great Revolution - Jan van Rijckenborgh

To be continued...


Lincoln Cannon said...

Hi BrotherGee. How do science and technology relate to your interpretation of Transfigurism?

BrotherGee said...

Hi, Lincoln.

"Modern" science is estranged from the knowledge of the transfiguration process, which was not the case in ancient times and civilizations. Long ago, science and religion were one, as it was recognized that all phenomena has its root in the workings of the All-Manifestation, The Creator.

Even now, the evidence for transformation exists, but not in a form that people can recognize. For example, if you boil water it will become a vapor. If you freeze water it becomes a solid. In fact, if one applies a certain amount of force to any combination of atoms and molecules, that combination will transform into something else.

The physical and subtle vehicles of human beings are also a combination of atoms and molecules arranged in a certain way. Using the simple example given above as a basis, it should be clear to any thinking, rational person that if molecules of various substances can be made to change their arrangement via the agency of an applied energy, then the molecules of the human vehicle are not an exception to this process. As above, so below. As below, so above.

What is missing is that (1) no living person has ever seen this transformation take place, and (2) the energy source powerful enough to effect this transformation has not yet been identified or observed.

Well, both of those things are about to be proven to mankind. The Aquarian energies are already permeating this planet and the entire solar system. The Global Transformation will come as a complete surprise to many, but to those who have heard and understood The Call, it will stand as vindication of their unwavering faith and evidence of the Grace, Mercy, Power and Glory of the Divine Plan.

On the New Earth, science and religion will once again re-discover the Truth. With this Universal Truth as their new foundation, they will abandon their current positions as adversaries and once again join forces to provide aid and comfort for a New Humanity.

all love,

~ g

Lincoln Cannon said...

Thanks for the response, BrotherGee. Do you believe modern and emerging technology will play a role in the transformation? If so, what will be the nature of the role? If not, why not?

BrotherGee said...


"Modern" technology will not play a role in what is about to occur.

Humanity is being touched by a radiation-power that is not-of-this-world. There is nothing that physical world technology can do to initiate, affect or assist in this divine, cosmic intervention.

The human being already has everything necessary to complete this transformation built into its systems of vehicles and force-centers (chakras and plexuses). What humans do not have is knowledge of how to properly prepare their vehicles so that they will interact smoothly with the energies that are, even now, working to begin the process.

In a nutshell, the best way to prepare is to:

- fundamentaly reverse our self-centered state-of-consciousness

- be unselfish, unceasingly.

- cease focusing on the self and its desires.

- intelligently SERVE your brothers and sisters in whatever small way that you can.

Just as aeons of selfishness have brought humanity to the low conditions that we now see about us, so it is that Group Unity and unselfishness can pull us out of our self-created prison.

What is about to occur does not require the use of man-made technologies...it requires each individual to go within, and make the following Choice:

Self? Or Other-Selves?

All current technology has been utilized by humanity for selfish gain and profit only. It will not be until after the New World is birthed that man will be given access to technologies far in advance of what passes for such today. The difference then will be that The New Race will be taught to use these technologies in the service of humanity and the universe-at-large and to do no harm therewith.

~ g

dreamwalker said...

Stankov's work on the unified theory seems to reflect some of what you're saying here, G.

Are the aeons the same as archons, or is this a term intended to self-reference humanity?

The energetic particles sounds like adamantium, referenced by Plato.

thank you

BrotherGee said...


In my prior comment, "aeons" was a typo. I meant to write "eons", as in ages of time. However, i left the word in because it did not corrupt the point that was being made.

As for your question: the word "archons" stands for "arch-aeons". They are the chief rulers of the various aeons. There are said to be twelve main archons.

It must be remembered that the archons and aeons are not creatures with arms and legs, swords and shields, etc. They are tremendous thought-clouds that have been created by millions of years of erroneous and fearful thinking by billions of human entities. These huge thought-forms influence humanity on every level. Humans think that they have autonomy over their lives, but most do not. Humans do not live, they are lived by these archons and aeons.

Aeons constantly influence humans to think and feel in a certain way. Because humans are magnetic beings, we attract these aeonic energies and reflect them back to the aeons. Thus, a symbiotic relationship exists between us and our self-created "rulers". They feed off our negative energy and in turn, continue to send it back to us. A classic "closed loop".

Anytime one acts without thinking, he or she is under the control of an aeon. Anytime one "follows the crowd" or perform self-focused actions automatically without considering the consequences of those actions, one is under the control of the archons and the aeons.

The Christ Energy is here now to assist humanity in breaking the death-cycle of negative-energy exchange between ourselves and our self-created, invisible rulers. If we can clear our auric field of the low vibrational energy that these entities need to exist, they will starve due to lack of sustenance.

The highly allegorical 1999 movie "The Matrix" deals directly with this issue and portrays humanity's dilemma accurately, although in symbolic fashion.

Not so sure about the sequels, but the first Matrix carried a very, very important message for mankind. Unfortunately, most did not have the gnostic key necessary to unlock the message embedded in the film.

Now you do.

all love,

~ g

dreamwalker said...

Thank you G, I completely agree, and thank you for the clarification. You nailed it with the Matrix. That is actually literally what happened to me. The names and dates might be different, but the template (and in fact much of the detail) is the same. And it's happening right now.

I still haven't figured out how to jump off a skyscraper... but I'm not planning on testing that theory any time soon! ;-)