31 December 2009

Just Breathe

Imagine that there was a World where the One Truth was that all beings must breathe Air to remain in touch with The Creator. Then, imagine that somehow that Truth gets distorted and a portion of the inhabitants are taught that in order to maintain contact with The Creator, they must breathe their air through a tube. Then, another faction springs up and says that true contact comes from breathing air through a tube filled with water. Then another comes up with the doctrine which agrees that air must be breathed through a tube with water, but the water must be filtered.

Can you see where this is headed?

One day, Someone comes along and says "These factions are nonsense. All you have to do to reach contact with The Creator is to...just...breathe". The populace reacts with astonishment, anger and fury. They can't accept that they've been led astray, and so, they attack the Messenger of Truth. This scenario has been repeated over and over down through the millenia.

Here is where i enter my opinion:

Religious dogma is B.S.

Speak directly to The Christ.

Just Breathe.

All Love,

~~ G

28 December 2009

Science vs. Divinity

I'm listening to the radio and some "neuro-science guy" is attempting to prove that there is no "essence" behind physical phenomena. Well-spoken, (very) fast-talker, big-words, pompous, etc. Shoots down all callers, dismisses Divinity. He's able to nimbly sidestep answering the question of what is behind physical phenomena. I refuse to call in because an argument would not be useful.

He just admitted that he's an atheist. That explains a lot.

My definition of atheism? A soul that is having too much fun pretending to be separate from The Divine.

How can one believe that there is no Divine Creator? If we are all accidents of Darwinian "evolution", then can someone please tell me how long will it take for the mold in my refrigerator to win a Nobel Prize?

An atheist is a fool, blindfolded in dark room, with a loaded gun.

Some scientists are atheists.

Ergo, some scientists are fools.

Query: should one blindly follow fools?

Let the dead bury their dead. Don't fall for the "okey-doke", friends. The ones with the biggest titles, degrees, honors, etc. are the very ones whose singular purpose is to lead us away from True Overstanding.

~~ G

25 December 2009

Atlantis Revisited

From "The New Call" website's "Q & A" section (all italics and other emphasis are mine):


Q. Why is there so much distortion and egotism in the New Age arena?

A. The common New Age attitudes of denial, pride, glamour, etc. that we may observe all around the world today are to a large degree a result of the resurrection of the same wayward souls who were alive on Earth in Atlantean times and who helped bring the great cataclysms to the world at that time due to their cooperation with evil forces.

So the New Age mindset, having been stuck on the wheel here for a very long time and having contributed to and seen the fall of Atlantis, is doing the same again in this time. And the ultimate result will be the same.

A great number of those who are here today as starseeds and lightworkers were in old Atlantis, and contributed towards the great disaster that sunk the continent.

Ancient habits die hard, and these laggard souls are repeating exactly the same patterns of psychology and selfish occultism as they did long ago. Hence all the psychism and lesser magic posing as spirituality. The New Age scene is saturated with it. I cannot emphasize enough that these people are repeating exactly the same activities of lower occultism as they did in Atlantis. And it was at that time that cosmic astral evil entered this world resulting in the necessary closing down of the planet's chakra system and thus slowing the earth's vibration even more, making it an even more secure prison for consciousness. Disease has thrived since that time in the far more grosser atmosphere of the planet.

The very same evil forces - of course, posing as good and true - are being served and worshipped today, all in the name of New Age ascension-spirituality. St John gained insight into these things and that is how he was able to write the Book of Revelation. For evil does not give up without a fight, and today the collective antichrist consciousness is recruiting its army from every corner of the world in preparation for the great battle of Armageddon. And those being drafted - even though most of them are incognito themselves, unconscious puppets that they are - may be recognized by the very characteristics that we have been discussing. Look carefully and you will see a devilish fire burning behind their eyes when provoked.

These automaton-souls that are not of the Light but of the dark, work in the most esteemed offices of society, in the law courts, in the military, in politics, in education, in the media and movie industry, etc., etc. And they are strewn throughout the New Age movement, which is generally a great distortion of and distraction from the truly spiritual life: part of the plan of the antichrist. And unfortunately that plan has become all too successful for many millions of souls who have been taken in by it, occultly possessed by it, recruited by it. The enormous and pervasive gravity and extent of this spiritual tragedy will be revealed to all mankind very soon...

Pride and selfish desire for light were the diseases of those days towards the end of Atlantis, and it was these that brought down the ' wrath of God ' (lawful destruction via the agency of cosmic forces), and so they will again in these end times.

Energizing the earth grid, activating personal DNA, developing the light body/merkaba, prayers and visualizations for world peace, opening stargates, etc., etc. are all a part of the Atlantean occult practises that led to the great flood. They are a manipulation of the unholy world and the unholy self for the benefit of self. This is precisely the definition of black magic.

Those with karma from those times are often still in denial today and so with alacrity hide behind the New Age psychology of 'I AM' etc. because it is familiar and so easy for them to do so. But they are seen and known by those who See and Know, even though they, the culprits themselves, are oblivious as to what they serve and where they are going .

These Atlantean types may be recognized by their underdeveloped conscience, and great dependency upon high intellectual/complex spiritual knowledge. Such qualities, of course, make the perfect foundation for treading the left-hand path, the path of sorcery. And it was the dark sorcerers who were mostly responsible for using and corrupting the Earth grid and chakras/vortexes back then, and they are doing it again today.

In Atlantis before the fall, mankind was warned, both from within and from physically-incarnated teachers who came to help. They were called to join the true Souls in the genuine spiritual Work, just as mankind is again being warned and called today in these even more critical times. Yet once again relatively few are listening , and yet again these Atlantean souls are camouflaging their dark activities while persecuting, or at best denying, the true Spirit of Christ.


[BG]: Be wary of all New Age practices. They are designed to fool and mislead us. This may be hard to accept or believe, but it is true. No "self-improvement" techniques will benefit any Soul, as the "self" is the thing that must actually be surrendered, not preserved (see Surrender I, Surrender II). For now, remember that no matter how well-intentioned, "New Age" teachings, trainings and methods are a trap for the Soul.

All Love,

~~ G

20 December 2009

12 December 2009

The Tar Baby

The following fragment of the "Tar Baby" fable is an excerpt from American Folklore:


Well now, that rascal Brer Fox hated Brer Rabbit on account of he was always cutting capers and bossing everyone around. So Brer Fox decided to capture and kill Brer Rabbit if it was the last thing he ever did! He thought and he thought until he came up with a plan. He would make a tar baby! Brer Fox went and got some tar and he mixed it with some turpentine and he sculpted it into the figure of a cute little baby. Then he stuck a hat on the Tar Baby and sat her in the middle of the road.

Brer Fox hid himself in the bushes near the road and he waited and waited for Brer Rabbit to come along. At long last, he heard someone whistling and chuckling to himself, and he knew that Brer Rabbit was coming up over the hill. As he reached the top, Brer Rabbit spotted the cute little Tar Baby. Brer Rabbit was surprised. He stopped and stared at this strange creature. He had never seen anything like it before!

"Good Morning," said Brer Rabbit, doffing his hat. "Nice weather we're having."

The Tar Baby said nothing. Brer Fox laid low and grinned an evil grin.

Brer Rabbit tried again. "And how are you feeling this fine day?"

The Tar Baby, she said nothing. Brer Fox grinned an evil grin and lay low in the bushes.

Brer Rabbit frowned. This strange creature was not very polite. It was beginning to make him mad.

"Ahem!" said Brer Rabbit loudly, wondering if the Tar Baby were deaf. "I said 'HOW ARE YOU THIS MORNING?"

The Tar Baby said nothing. Brer Fox curled up into a ball to hide his laugher. His plan was working perfectly!

"Are you deaf or just rude?" demanded Brer Rabbit, losing his temper. "I can't stand folks that are stuck up! You take off that hat and say 'Howdy-do' or I'm going to give you such a lickin'!"

The Tar Baby just sat in the middle of the road looking as cute as a button and saying nothing at all. Brer Fox rolled over and over under the bushes, fit to bust because he didn't dare laugh out loud.

"I'll learn ya!" Brer Rabbit yelled. He took a swing at the cute little Tar Baby and his paw got stuck in the tar.

"Lemme go or I'll hit you again," shouted Brer Rabbit. The Tar Baby, she said nothing.

"Fine! Be that way," said Brer Rabbit, swinging at the Tar Baby with his free paw. Now both his paws were stuck in the tar, and Brer Fox danced with glee behind the bushes.

"I'm gonna kick the stuffin' out of you," Brer Rabbit said and pounced on the Tar Baby with both feet. They sank deep into the Tar Baby. Brer Rabbit was so furious he head-butted the cute little creature until he was completely covered with tar and unable to move.

Brer Fox leapt out of the bushes and strolled over to Brer Rabbit. "Well, well, what have we here?" he asked, grinning an evil grin.


Cast of Characters

Brer Rabbit..................Humanity
Brer Fox.......................
The Archons and Aeons
The Tar Baby...............
Duality (3D exsistence)

Humanity is mired in a deep trap of its own making. The more we cling to the things that "make us human", the more we bind ourselves to the endless cycle of death-rebirth-death-rebirth. We are the proverbial Brer Rabbit, mindlessly flailing away at the Tar Baby of 3D earth life. Little do we realize that by doing so we are simply continuing to dig our own graves.

Here, at this end of a major world cycle, an Opportunity is being offered which can assist us in getting off the "hamster-wheel". But it will not be forced upon anyone. Either one will choose to take advantage of what is being offered, or one will choose to remain "only human".

For those who wish to escape, they should work to disengage from all earthly pleasures and pains. Set the heart's aspiration and focus on returning to a higher Field of Existence and escaping this prison of self-made chains, forever.

The How-to is provided here:

~~ G

P.S.: By the way, ol' Brer Rabbit does manage to outwit Brer Fox and make his escape. Will you? :-)

30 November 2009

The Once and Future Direction of This Blog

Pardon this interruption. A personal message follows:

I started this blog because I had learned some things about our immediate future and wanted to let others know. I wanted to help people to prepare themselves on a spiritual level to qualify themselves for The Harvest. I knew that I didn't have all the answers, but recognized the signs. In my human desire to "help", I threw everything that I thought I knew into this blog.

Then, purely by "chance", I stumbled across a website that actually had the answers to questions that I myself had asked all my life. Answers that made perfect sense, finally. Right away, I knew that this website
The New Call, should be made available to as many as possible, so that people could get answers from those who know, not from a guy like me who had only been able to partially piece it together. This is why I now post from a different aspect, utilizing quotes from TNC and recommending readers to go there for examination. In my original profile, I expressed an urge to "point the way". As such, a choice has been made to point focus away from what I think and towards the Truths that The New Call has to offer.

Ironically, these new revelations may force me to give up this blog. My initial purpose for starting this blog was to "help". However, in light of this new Knowledge and in looking back on some earlier posts, I can see that they fell within the category of not helping at all. Although I acted out of Sincerity, I was also immersed in Ignorance of the true nature of our fallen, undivine reality. That all changed this past
July 25th.

This blog's purpose will have to be aligned with The Divine Plan or it may have to shut down. There's no way that I want to mislead anyone, or add to this world's blind misery.

We'll see what happens.

All Love,

~~ G

29 November 2009

Good Has Its Shadow

This fallen, dualistic order has to maintain a balance. We are experiencing in a world of duality, where "the Pairs of Opposites" exist on all levels. Up, down, in, out, wealth, poverty, good, evil, etc. Everything that manifests in this fallen, dualistic order must have its opposite. Each pair of opposites are not really "opposite" but are two poles, two extremes of the same thing.

Each time we selfishly "do good", whether because it brings us praise, benefits mankind, or just "makes" us feel good, immediately the opposite pole, evil, has to respond in order to maintain the perfect balance between good and evil. Although we feel that we are helping the world when we "do good", we are actually encouraging it's opposite pole. Somewhere else in the world, someone will answer the urge to commit an evil act. This interaction maintains the "balance of powers", so to speak between this pair of opposites. Because we have lived ignorant of this fact, we continue to attempt to "help" when we are in all truth, just strengthening good's opposite pole, evil.

This concept was a hard one for me to accept at first. I couldn't understand how our "good" intentions actually serve the cause of "evil". But The New Call goes through it thoroughly and often, thankfully. All I can say is that if you can accept that there must be a balance between all Pairs of Opposites in this world, it will help you to understand the rest.

Again, quoting from http://www.thenewcall.org/ - Rare Insights - "Good and Evil"


... did you know that in a dualistic universe (the undivine part) if we swing to the positive side, then we will also necessarily be coerced at some time to swing back to the negative side?

The New Age groups ... prefer only to look to their interpretation of the positive side, and in doing so they remain themselves out of balance, guaranteeing for themselves a karmic visit from the dark side. This is the law; a law that so very few people in the world understand; an inescapable law: the law of cause and effect.

Both dark and light, negative and positive, arise from the 'tree of knowledge of good and evil': duality. If we eat of that tree at all, either good or evil, then we create karma.

Evil is the antipole of what mankind calls 'good'. Many human beings, judged by society's standards, are considered to be good, very good, humane, cultured and loving. However, such goodness might indeed be very good if only it had no antipole! All truly wise individuals have ever absolutely denied the Goodness of 'good', due to its black shadow, due to the dualistic nature of things. "Good is the smallest part of evil." - the Egyptian Avatar, Hermes Trismegistus.

Yet the vast majority of human beings, even today in our modern and cultivated society, have no comprehension whatsoever of this reality. The following statement of fact, therefore, will constitute a major revelation for most people if they are able to see its veracity: THE GOOD OF THIS WORLD MAINTAINS EVIL, JUST AS EVIL MAINTAINS GOODNESS.

Consequently, if humanity does not change, does not break through to a totally different spiritual attitude far above all commonplace and dualistic ideas of goodness, and if it does not achieve a fundamental rebirth in a new Sphere of existence separated from this world of polarity ("My Kingdom is not of this world"), then karma will continue to be created and so the hell-realm of duality will continue to exist; as long as man perseveres in his exploitation of his biological and primitive 'goodness', evil will ever accompany him.

If man does not totally revolutionise himself spiritually, then he will remain bound to the world of illusions despite all his solemn declarations of goodness, love and friendship. For worldly goodness has its shadow, and man maintains that shadow just as he maintains his very own undivine self.

"There is none good; no, not one". These words were once spoken by Jesus in reference to humanity on Earth, and they are among the most profound and true ever uttered


Hey, I told you guys that I had a paradigm shift once I came across this material. Empty yourself of everything that you think you know and these concepts will not seem "new" or "outrageous".

Remembrance will come.

All Love,

~~ G

23 November 2009

Archons, the Rulers

From The New Call - Rare Insights - End Times Prophecy of The Great Pyramid of Giza.


* Archon is a Gnostic term given to an entity in the subtle worlds who perpetrates evil. The archons are incorporeal beings who are bent upon world domination and control. They have victimised humanity from the hidden side of life for long ages. Their collective evil constitutes the plan of the 'antichrist' since they willfully oppose the Divine Plan of Salvation, which is implemented by the Cosmic Christ.

The Archons are rulers of the aeons; the hierarchic group who dominate time and space. The archons and aeons constitute great metaphysical powers which are fed by ignorant mankind and which abuse all of fallen** nature including mankind, driving them to an unholy activity for selfish benefit. At the cost of appalling human anguish, these entities have acquired freedom from the wheel of birth and death; a freedom which they, in their boundless self-maintaining need, can only retain by unrestrictedly increasing and maintaining the suffering of the world.

In their collectivity, they are sometimes also designated as the dualistic hierarchy, or 'the prince of this world'. The vast majority of psychics, mediums (channellers) and 'spiritual' people in the world today receive impressions and 'guidance' from the dualistic hierarchy and not, as most prefer to believe, from the Fellowship of Christ.

** In the Holy Language of all times, the world in which man exists is always called a sunken, fallen world. Man is undivine, fallen from Grace and so subject to the laws of birth and death. This verity was assured by the Buddha who stated: All of life in samsara [this world of illusions] is suffering, and also by Jesus, the Piscean Christ, in the words: My Kingdom is not of this world.


Perhaps the above can help man to understand more clearly the following warning given by the apostle Paul:

12: For your conflict is not only with flesh and blood, but with the aeons, and with powers, with the rulers of this world of darkness, and with the evil spirits under the heavens. Ephesians 6:12

Why is any of this relevant or important? Because if man is not knowledgeable about what lurks behind the veil, even the wise will be misled by the cunning deceptions put forth by these powers of darkness.

In preparing for The Harvest that is just around the corner, one cannot afford to get waylaid by the dark forces who are not eager to let us go" quietly into that good night". All desires should be weighed most carefully, all choices should be aligned with the Christ energy.

Kindness. Caring. Giving. Unselfishness.

 ~~ G

20 November 2009

The "Jesus" Aeon

Before embarking on the following, a few fundamental facts should be kept in mind:

Christ is not Jesus. Jesus is not God. "God" did not die on the cross and the sins
of future humans were not forgiven by the crucifixion. Our sins are our responsibility.

Jesus was a mortal. A highly-developed mortal, but still mortal. Christ is a Consciousness, an energy-field of cosmic Love. Jesus was able to completely open himself up to the Christ and allowed himself to become a vehicle for the Christ to communicate through. Anything that Jesus says after the baptism in Jordan is actually the Christ speaking through him. The church has purposely never made this clear because their desire is to fool and confuse one segment of unsuspecting mankind while inviting ridicule from the other.

As stated in Rare Insights, 'Jesus did not say that "Jesus was the Son of God" or that "Jesus is Lord" as the distorted church doctrines aver, but that Christ was/IS. "I am the Son of God" is Christ speaking through Jesus and not Jesus speaking about himself'.

With this knowledge, one can go back and read any of the 4 gospels and find that things will finally make some sense. That said, let us continue...

http://www.thenewcall.org/ -- Rare Insights - The Requirements For Victory


...today the Jesus-aeon is still very much alive and active within the consciousness of all people who cling selfishly to the Jesus-image for their own 'safety' and personal salvation. It is wholly invested in maintaining itself and in augmenting its temporal power and influence in this world by inciting religious fundamentalists to attack or defend on behalf of the Jesus-idea, on behalf, therefore, of separation, ignorance and selfishness.

So should we be surprised when the fundamentalists cry 'heathen' or 'fear monger' when such facts are revealed in order to help them to understand and to free themselves of detrimental aeonic influence? Of course not, for the servants (or puppets) of the aeons means life-insurance for them, and so when the very foundation of the counterfeit life of the aeons is threatened by way of revealing the truth (together with the peculiar attitudes and belief systems it promotes within the consciousness of its human subordinates), fear will naturally arise, and most often it is projected directly onto the messenger who is only holding up a mirror by simply being true. This explains the great hatred (fear) of Jesus that led to his crucifixion, a hatred and fear that has not abated in this world today and which is galvanized far beyond its natural human range by the hidden forces of darkness, by the aeons and their controlling archons, of which the uninitiated man understands very little if anything at all and so is why he can be duped, even and often under religious pretences.

Essentially, any man who cleaves to Jesus for personal reasons will automatically be hooked up to the 2,000 year-old now powerful and hungry Jesus-aeon by way of his own quality of thought and desire, while the one who reveres Jesus for his life-demonstration in humble devotion to the universal principle that he exemplified will transcend the need to identify with the Jesus-personality altogether and evoke a response from the formless Divinity (Christ) Itself. And this is the beginning of the path that leads to Deliverance.


Basically, one can apply the foregoing concept to any "religion", large or small, operating upon the face of the earth today and not be in error. It is important to be aware of these things in order to begin taking steps towards Liberation. This was the veiled message of The Wizard of Oz behind Dorothy, Tin Man, Scarecrow, et al uncovering "the man behind the curtain".

Rather, the Archons and Aeons behind the curtain.

All Love,

~~ G

19 November 2009

How Aeons Are Created

From The New Call -- Rare Insights (all italics are mine)


[Note: Aeon is a Gnostic term for semi-intelligent, monstrous formations of unholy powers which, in the course of time, were called into existence by the ignorance and fear of mankind. They are irresistible powers of self-maintenance, urging humanity to continue upon its self-created, wayward paths, thus securing mankind's binding in duality to the ever-turning wheel of birth and death.]

Every human being possesses an individual magnetic radiation field (aura), which is populated by that person’s thoughts and desires, colored by the quality and nature of the thought and desire that fills it, and this personal field, being magnetic, both attracts and repels certain powers and forces from the surrounding planetary aura. This is the nature of the human microcosm - man is an electromagnetic being.

When a person reacts upon an impulse or idea, the result of such a reaction - be it a thought, a wish, a fear, an expression of jealousy or ire, etc. - lingers in the creator's immediate atmosphere and possesses a potency and longevity that is directly proportional to the measure or intensity of the reaction. If this reaction is repeated, the force radiated by it is strengthened, ad infinitum.

Collectively, mankind constitutes a much larger thinking-desiring organism, and the sum total of the thoughts and desires in the auras of all the people that together make up mankind, interpenetrate and form what might be termed a 'radiation cloud' around the planet. This cloud is replete with the results of all human thinking, feeling and desiring, not only from causes created in the present but also from the past, for thought and astral energy creates certain elemental forms that can and do survive their creator in the flesh. There is, then, clearly an interaction between human beings and the planetary atmosphere; the human beings contribute toward the quality of subtle substance of the planetary aura in the form of mental, astral and etheric matter. In the beginning phase of man's spiritual descent, or 'Fall from Grace' (the Garden of Eden days) the psychic atmosphere of this world was still virginal, void of these human emanations. However, with the passage of time they came into manifestation and are forever being strengthened by mankind's incessant ignorant and selfish activity.

Now what happens when many hundreds, sometimes many thousands, or even, over time, billions of people continuously project similar selfish or fear-based thoughts and desires (which include religious desires for personal salvation, personal empowerment, personal happiness, etc.)? Just think of the selfish prayers repeated endlessly in the churches; the wild enthusiasm of the crowds at football games; the mass outbursts of passion during blood-stirring political demonstrations or evangelistic speeches; the daily repeated negative suggestions in the media that are supposedly formulated in order to enlighten the masses and the millions of people who are all tuned in to the same violent TV programs simultaneously!

Like attracts like, and the corresponding vibrations thus launched into the atmosphere coalesce to form one great cloud of unwholesome energy. It is an elementary esoteric fact that when, over time, many people fix their minds upon one idea, a mighty astral image of that idea develops. The astral world possesses specific possibilities of reflection. So when the minds of many of us are continually fixed upon one and the same idea, then we shall discover that at a given moment a huge astral image has been generated, which is becoming clear and well-defined, and with which we are connected and in communication because we created it ourselves. It is thus that a collective spirit, a collective idea, a collective thought-form or a collective image is created and continuously fed by people of similar disposition and/or belief.

Over centuries such an image can and does become so fortified that it acquires consciousness and becomes an intelligent, self-directing being; a huge, living, feeding elemental being that has an agenda - namely to perpetuate and fortify its own existence and nature. This it proceeds to do by inciting mankind, via mental and astral impression, to continue producing ethers of a like quality on which it can feed, on which it can grow. At first it is an image 'with dead eyes', but the moment comes when this image gains life and begins to hunger for more of the peculiar type of energy that spawned it. This is when it starts actually dominating us, when certain powers radiate from it and when it is even capable of attracting all kinds of undivine forces and of pouring these down onto the people. This is the way in which pseudo-religious beings (false gods) come into being. Such gigantic elemental beings can be and are utilized by the 'archons', entities residing in the subtle worlds who, with selfish and malefic intent, control and manipulate the mass-consciousness of humanity on earth by way of the images that man himself created.

This fact is explained in the metaphysical literature of all times. These elemental beings are sometimes called 'aeons', and they group themselves into different aspects. If, for example, a person wishes for financial wealth and radiates this desire into the atmosphere by means of his auric field, then this radiation will unite with the corresponding radiations of all other people in the world who want to be wealthy. In this way, an increasingly powerful aeon of wealth develops in the atmosphere, and will then naturally endeavor to influence all humanity continually.

There are many kinds of aeons, and the religious type is particularly large, powerful and inimical because it bestows upon its servants both psychic stimulation (which may lead to astral visions that are quite convincing to the uninitiated) as well as a sense of being a part of something larger and more important than the individual. There was an aeon behind the Roman Catholic Inquisition, the Crusades, the witch-burnings and all the other atrocities perpetrated by the Church in the name of Jesus!


Next: The "Jesus" Aeon

It is time to move away from Ignorance and towards Knowing.

All Love,

~~ G

17 November 2009


Humanity, we have a problem.

Our souls are the prisoners of some cunning and amoral beings. I recognize that all of Creator's creations are valid, but these guys...

To start with, we are not our body. The body is just a physical shell that is animated by impulses transmitted to our nervous system via the seven ductless glands (adrenals, spleen, pituitary, etc). The glands are transmitting impulses received from the chakras. The chakras are relaying impulses from higher densities. So, when you type a letter, the impetus to type doesn't come from the brain (which is simply a slab of meat masquerading as a "traffic cop"), it comes from somewhere outside of the physical realm.

This physical shell is designed to navigate the physical world, just as a deep-sea diver will use a diving suit, helmet, air tank, etc. to explore the ocean depths. Without it, the diver would drown. While the diver is undersea, the surface world does not disappear. It is still there and he may remain in contact via a tow-line or some other communication device.

Well, we are that diver. We leapt off the shore of our natural environment and are now fumbling around down here at the bottom of the ocean. Meanwhile, there are beings on the surface who are unable to explore the ocean depths. They do not have a license to deep-sea dive and have been forbidden to do so. Out of jealousy, envy, etc. they conspire to make the diver's life as difficult as possible.

This is an allegory for what is happening to us right now, what has been taking place for millenia. We are not free. We are Imprisoned. Physical Life is not an Experiential lark. It is a Tar-pit of Spiritual Death. Reincarnation is not a "learning tool", it is an "arrest warrant" that keeps us from freeing our Spirit and instead, returns us to "Jail" over and over.

We are lied to to keep us ignorant and constantly tempted to assist us in making the wrong choices that will land us back in Jail. Once we return to Jail we are raped and abused, just as we are while "Free". Who is doing this? Those jealous non-divers back on shore.

There are innumerable beings outside of 3rd density who cannot be seen by the human eye. The human eye is designed to see in a very narrow range. There are beings in the room where you are right now. Someone once said that if we knew how many invisible eyes were upon us when we think we are "alone" we might be more careful of what we do in "private".

Some of these beings are STO, others STS. Here, in this density, STS beings currently rule. Remember, Lucifer was "cast down to Earth". Down. This is his dominion. He and his cohorts know ALL the tricks, they've been at it for ages and ages. Although they are smart enough not to openly violate your Free Will, they are cunning enough to get you to use your God-given Free Will to make a mess of your Spirit and your Soul.

Look around you. What do you see? Blue sky, trees, grass, diversity, excitement, enticement...a literal smorgasbord for the Senses - yet the Soul goes hungry. Doesn't look much like a prison, does it? This was/is the design. To keep our little "diver-selves" busy with the "wonders" of the undersea "world" while forgetting that our air is running out.

These beings live to feed off your lower-vibrational energy. When you are angry, jealous, depressed, suicidal, in lust, remember that you are feeding discarnate entities. Our...emotions... are...their...food. This is why they must keep us trapped on the Hamster Wheel of Reincarnation...so that they may live. This is why we must guard our Thoughts, Desires and Emotions most carefully.

Because we cannot see them, many refuse to believe they exist.

These entities are very powerful (in this realm). However, they live in fear of us. They live in fear that we will figure out the game and starve them out of existence. How?

By replacing our Fears with Love.

Not the "love" that Hollywood has mis-taught us. The Love that manifests when we show care for a total stranger, when we choose to speak kindly of others, when we rush to offer assistance to our fellows without thought as to how much we stand to lose. Love. True Love. The Love that comes from caring about the next person as if that person were you. In truth, that person IS you, and you are that person. The Love that emanates in Fullness from our Creator.

When we eliminate all the things that we do out of Fear and Ego, these beings will be the ones suffering for a change. They will be losing their "food source" and we all know what happens when any of Creator's creations cannot nourish itself.

I haven't gone into details in this post. I don't know enough to give details. I can show you where to look. I just wanted to give an outline of what's going on behind-the-scenes. I just wanted to mention that although we have Free Will, we are not free and that by our own hand and with encouragement of an Unseen Hand, we imprison ourselves.

It is time to for us to withdraw from the Glamour of this Fallen World. I know it's hard to contemplate abandoning the "creature comforts" and the things that "make us human" but your Soul's future literally depends upon you being able to detach yourself from this Physical world. This has to be done while incarnate in order for it to count. There are myriad temptations available to all who set foot on Earth. The Test has always been to Transcend those temptations and return to the Higher Spheres from whence we came.

We are not "human". We are little more than animals endowed with Mind and infused by Spirit, endeavoring to balance our Lower and Higher natures in order to advance to the next rung in our Evolution.

More to come.

All Love,

~~ G

11 November 2009

Fallen Angel

The following is opinion/thought/belief is not to be construed as the Truth. You will have to ferret that out for yourself.

The One, Infinite Creator is neither "good" nor "bad". The Creator simply "IS". The Creator wished to Experience and so it "thought out" the Universe. All actions are beneficial, as all actions bring back to Creator an Experience and Awareness of Itself.

"Good" and "Bad" are constructs that we have defined for ourselves in this Dimension of Duality. I have stated previously that there is a "Christ Consciousness" that pervades this Universe. There is also a "anti-Christ" or "Luciferian Consciousness" that counters The Christ. We've been raised to believe that Lucifer is "evil". If one digs deeper, one may find that things are not as simple as that.

Lucifer serves the Creator and has a purpose. Before Lucifer "rebelled", all Angels gladly executed the Will of The Creator. When Creator decided to build a segment of the Universe that would pretend to be SEPARATE from the Creation and allow complete Freedom of Choice, It realized that something would have to provide Opposition. Opposition is simply the presentation of a choice that does not align with Christ Consciousness.

In order for You and I to experience CHOICE in this Dimension, something had to present an alternative to Christ Consciousness. That "something" was Lucifer.

The following is posted without further comment.

From "The Mission of The One Star" by Alloya


Overwhelmed by each other's presence, these angels of Light embraced in energetic rapture, living in a permanently exalted state of rhapsody. They experienced no separation from the hearts of those they loved. Saturated in the sweet honey of Love and Adoration, two such beings cherished and honored each other's presence, intoxicated and entranced by each other's love, each an intrinsic part of the other. Two beings, identical, from the same mould, twin flames of true power and unconditional love. Never had they been separated, not even in form. So intrinsically entwined were their energies, that the distinction between them could not be seen. Each one was the rhythm of the other, each one the other's heart song.

For how long they enjoyed this unbroken, unified existence no one could really tell. Time from their perspective was only a concept, not as of yet a reality. Others had told them about the dimensions below and the effects these dense vibrations were having on those that traveled through them on their journeys of Discovery.

So, when an impulse, an idea, came from the Source of all Light, the Star, there were many eager to follow a new and exciting endeavor. In the entire universe there was not a place where the inhabitants did not realize that within each and every one of them, they held the Key to all life, the original seed from the Source. The idea was to create a place of such density, such Darkness that the love of the Source could not penetrate. What would appear as a harsh opportunity for Growth was seen by some of the angels as a challenge, an Adventure that simply could not be denied.

The entwined and unified Souls of Light readied themselves in preparation for such a challenge. Excited and inspired by the idea, the Challenge, they began to disentangle their energies from each other, separating themselves from their eternal moments of lovemaking. A flame of passion kindled in their hearts as they gazed at each other's face. They watched and waited.

Soul to soul, heart to heart, looking deep within each other, they vowed to always hold the other within their heart so that no distance would truly separate them. One was to leave to go on a journey of discovery to complete the task of creating a place of forgetting. The other would stay behind in the light planes, holding the idea of the other's true form, in readiness for a time when it, too, would dive into the dimensions below .to create a journey of its own that would ultimately lead it to the discovery and the reunion of the other.

One stood poised on the edge, readying itself for its leap into the unknown. Male in energy, he proudly stretched and flexed his mighty wings to take flight. Fearless and strong he willingly and excitedly awaited his descent into the cloudy realms below him. She, with bated breath, watched and waited. She, too, was excited and eager to watch the splendor that this challenge would create.

Never had there been any distance between them. Never before had they been separated by time and space. He was to fall as fast and as long as he could until he hit upon a dimension that was so dense that it was capable of housing The Place of Forgetting. He was to sleep and clothe himself in the matter, becoming dense in form, taking the light into a place that would forget its origins. All that lived upon it would live a strange life devoid of the Light of the Source. He was to hold the idea of the Source deep within himself until he was awakened by the sweet kiss of his one true love.

She was to remain behind in the Planes of Light until such a time when the impulse from above would come for her to carry the seed of Consciousness. Then she would search the dimensions below for her true love. With one final loving glance, he spread his wings and dove from the precipice. She watched him fall. At first he rode the currents of energy.

The dimensions below pulled and tugged at his wings. He tried to ride them but, much to his dismay, the currents beneath the shallows were overwhelming. He soon realized that he was being pulled into the unknown. She watched with curiosity, but as the distress and anguish began to show on his face, she, too, realized exactly what parting really meant. She reached out to touch him, longing to hold him once more. Her hands of Light passed straight through his body, already denser in form. No longer were they of the same kind.

He surrendered his Love and folded his mighty wings about him. He closed his eyes and plummeted down into the murky depths, spiraling down like a stone into a pool of still water. He spiraled down and down. The clouds of density forming around him suffocated him as they ripped at his very soul.

He was ill prepared for what awaited him. Instead of gliding and swooping gracefully to his destination below, he fell and fell. Out of control, surrendering to the experience, his fragile heart pounded in his chest. The density closed in about him and The Forgetting took over until he seemed like a diamond trapped within a solid and hard rock.

Heavy like a rock he dropped, the dreams of forgetting surrounding him until his awareness began to become sleepy and with one last conscious thought, he fell asleep. Now he resembled a dark mass. He would sleep here, dreaming until he would be awakened within once more.

Q: So Lucifer was not banished from Heaven but volunteered to go. In the Bible it says that 'iniquity' was found in Lucifer. What was this 'iniquity' that made Lucifer imperfect?

A: (Lucifer "speaking"...)

"Those of you who experience The Separation cannot comprehend any Being wanting to remove itself from God's Love. No Being would want to subject itself to such torment and torture. Yet you are here are you not? You must bring the story within yourself, understand it from a symbolic perspective. I am the aspect of you that is lost, cut off from God. Separate.

I was not always like this. I, too, bathed in the Love and Light of the Source of all Creation. I, too, was a Being of Light and Love. I, too, knew myself as an Aspect of God. I, too, knew myself as God. Do not mistake my arrogance as unique to myself. All Beings outside of your polarized thinking experience themselves as the spark of the Creator. For God has many faces.

It is only Beings in the Polarity of good and bad that can possibly see Creation as anything else. I must take credit for holding you in this mode of expression. As the story tells, my job was to hold The Forgetting. It was a challenge for beings such as myself to move into the void and create a space that was outside of God. Could it be done? We were curious to try. God granted us free will, the power to decide, to create a choice. I stood at the crossroads and God gave me a choice, to go one way or the other.

The signs said,

To God, this way. To Darkness, this way.

I had to choose. I knew that to choose the path back to God was the choice of God. But the overall plans were to deny God within myself and move beyond. I took a deep breath and curiously stepped into the darkness.

The rebellion was real, yet created by God itself. One third of the angels followed me in rebellion against God. Any came, brave and curious Aspects of God, falling into the darkness, the unconscious part of God' s creation. We fell into the Void to hold The Forgetting, to create space for the intense growth of all.

So, my Lawlessness was encouraged, my Rebellion smiled upon by a loving God."


~~ G

26 October 2009

"Me, We"

Those are the words to the world's shortest poem, spoken by boxing champion Muhammad Ali to a Harvard graduating class back in the late Sixties.

They are recalled today as the following is contemplated.

Man is an ingenious lump of flesh infused with Spirit. When Spirit takes residence, the flesh moves, "thinks" and appears to act intelligently (or not, as the case may be). When Spirit withdraws, the flesh lays abandoned, as lifeless as a rag doll. So, where was the true "life"? Was it in the flesh, which could only "live" while Spirit desired it to? Or is it in the Spirit, which continues to persist after its withdrawal from the physical realm?

Spirit, of course.

This serves to illuminate the idea that "Man has a body. Man is not his body". The body is a temporary tool that Spirit uses as an aid to experiencing and expressing itself in the physical. The same way that a deep-sea diver must don a heavy suit and air tanks in order to explore the ocean depths. When the diver returns to his surface "realm", he drops the heavy diving equipment to move and breathe freely once more.

In addition to the body, the physical apparatus that Man needs to explore this world, there is also a more subtle vehicle, which is just as significant. That vehicle is the "Ego", "the Personality". That "thing" that one thinks of when one says "I" and "Me". The majority of Humanity live their Earth lives believing that, just as they are their body, their ego/personality is "who they are" inside.

Attachment to the ego/personality enforces the false belief that we are "separate" from each other and "separate" from The Infinite Creator. One of our most difficult and daunting tasks while incarnate is to exercise control over and ultimately dissolve our ego/personality. Due to The Veil, this is extremely difficult for many to contemplate, much less act upon, while submerged in The Great Illusion. The separative Ego is literally its own entity, with a strong desire to continue on, to persist. It will fight all of our attempts to subjugate it and/or eliminate it. Its greatest weapon will be the Fear it can engender in a human being.

The Fear of "ego annihilation" is effective only as long as Man insists on identifying himself as being "the body" and "the personality". As long as we maintain that "this is who I am" or "I like being me", we will continue to feed the false, separative ego/personality that helps to chain us to The Wheel of Rebirth in this Fallen World.

A New Call Q & A entry on "Personality" relates the following:


There is nothing whatsoever worth knowing about the world of the personality other than that it is an illusion that begets pain and suffering. If we look to the personality, we can never know an individual's heart, and such a horizontal focus will contribute toward the delay of the manifestation of Light in you. We should ever be vigilant with regard to 'you' and 'me' (ego) attitudes. If we are truly aware of the need of the hour and what is at stake, we will not wish to waste time and create glamour by complimenting or even regarding one another as personalities, for there is no spiritual value in it (since there is no Truth in it); but there is a very real occult danger.

Rather we shall wish to forge ahead free from the multifarious distractions and delusions created by personality identification, in intelligent collaboration for universal Good. As long as we think in terms of 'you' and 'I' (even in the so-called 'master and disciple' attitude), unity-consciousness will evade us. To think of ourselves as separate lives perpetuates the fallen condition and feeds ignorance as well as the world evil. Our thoughts affect our consciousness. We may only invoke the Christ-Consciousness when we begin to think in terms of 'we', that is, impersonally and inclusively, and thus think as God thinks. This is how we may transmute our vehicles to vibrate in resonance with the light-ethers of the cosmic sphere of Christ-Love. Such a vertical focus leads to transfiguration.

It is wise to begin to nurture this good habit immediately. Very few are able to fulfil the requirements of the Path, for it terrifies the ego, which the mass of men choose to identify with as themselves, and this is why so few can be a part of any real and liberating spiritual work. It is also how so many will see themselves in the mirror of Truth should they approach a genuine divine Work. Most flee from their own true reflection, or attack the mirror! Sincere aspirants and servants of Christ should live and work together for as long as is necessary in order to realize a divine solidarity. Once a true group consciousness has been established, then - and only then - it shall be possible for members of the group to be on opposite sides of the universe, even walking in opposite directions, yet remain side by side for the One Universal Cause.



Or in the words of Muhammad Ali...

"Me, We".

All Love,

~~ G

Thought - The Horse That Draws The Cart

The One True Creator is Infinite Mind. Creator, in its omnipotence, imagined all of Creation into existence. If Creator were to stop its imaginings for but a moment, you and I would cease to exist.

We are the product of the Creator's Mind imaginings. We are a product of Creator's thinking.

We, in turn, were Created in the image of the Omnipotent All. We, too, have the ability to imagine into existence whatever it is that we desire. Sadly, Man's imaginings are consistently faulty; based on Lies, Deceptions and Selfish Desires. Therefore, what we imagine is a horrid reflection of what should be. Collectively, Humanity has imagined the circumstances of the crippled, False World that it has inherited.

It cannot be emphasized enough:

a. Thoughts are things. They GO somewhere.

b. Energy follows Thought. What we Focus upon GROWS.

c. Thought is the Horse that draws the Cart. Every, single action that we perform is preceded by a Thought. No exceptions. Go ahead, try to do something right now without thinking about it first. Impossible. Man's THOUGHTS drive his Actions, shape his Experience and all too frequently nourish discarnate aeons and archons.

It is time to take Responsibility for what we think. It is time to Encourage others to do the same. Although the hour is late for Humanity, it is not too late for Humanity to make the Corrections in Thinking necessary for Positive advancement.

Once one learns to control their thoughts and to align their desires with Christ Consciousness, one will begin to learn and properly live the pregnant truth behind the shop-worn phrase "creating your own reality".

All Love,

~~ G

23 October 2009

The Emergency Order - The Fallen Earth

The New Call and Servers of the Divine Plan teaches that this dualistic World is a false Reality. We are strongly advised to detach ourselves from this Duality. The personality, the Ego, must be transformed and its focus shifted from "I" and "me" to "Thy Will Be Done, Father". From their Q & A, information about our Fallen Earth, also known as:



Q. What is the nature of this world in which there is so much suffering and war?

A. The lower illusory worlds are formed by ignorant thought-currents over many ages. These worlds are unreal in relation to the divine Universe, and because they are unreal - temporal, rising, glimmering and fading - identification with and attachment to or investment in anything within them creates pain and suffering. Pain may be regarded in its truest purpose as a kind of teacher that urges us to re-establish right focus, and when we do that and maintain such a focus, we eventually find ourselves back Home vibrating in Reality. In that last sentence you have the whole of true religion, all the rest of what we have been told is but commentary. Since what we focus upon grows, to give attention to anything illusory is to strengthen it, to perpetuate it. So many well-intentioned individuals today are earnestly forging ahead with the deluded notion that they can improve and ultimately perfect the illusory world. This is impossible because that which is born of ignorance can never be modified to produce anything other than more illusion, and hence more pain and suffering. The fallen self - the 'I' - is illusory too, made from the same fallen, undivine matter as the fallen world. Yet just look at all the human beings who strive after self-improvement, self-empowerment, self-healing, self-liberation, ad infinitum.

Are you beginning to see here man's dreadful delusion and hopeless, endless pursuit within his self-created hell? And are you seeing how it all has to end; to be dissipated and recycled in order that all those souls who do not make the grade at the Harvest Time may start all over again in a purged world, in a relative Garden of Eden (though still, of course, fallen). This is why the Buddha commented thus (paraphrased):

If this Earth were all that the poets dreamed of, if all disaster were swept away, every pain brought to an end, every joy made more profound, every beauty made more sublime, even if everything here were raised to the summit of perfection, the soul would still be weary of it all and, freed from all lesser desires, it would turn away there from.

This fallen Earth has then become a prison for the soul and however nicely it may be adorned, the soul longs for the free and unlimited atmosphere beyond the surrounding walls. And the so-called heavenly world of the astral plane has for it as little attraction as the material sphere, the soul becomes tired of this also. These celestial joys have entirely lost their power of attraction. One's mental and emotional enjoyments do not give even the slightest satisfaction any more. Indeed they also come and go, transitory as they are, just as do the perception of the senses; they are limited, passing, unsatisfactory, bubbles on the ocean. The soul is tired of all these changes, and it is out of this tiredness that it cries loudly for Liberation.

Since an illusion is born, it must also die. That which is unreal cannot possibly be transformed into that which is Real. Since, however, this latter project is one which the vast majority of unsuspecting and well-intentioned reformers, statesman, teachers, etc. in the world are engaged in today in their oft enthusiastic worldly investments, and since everything on our planet is speeding up in accord with the behests of the divine Will for Earth and mankind, is it any surprise that more and more tension and pain is being experienced in the world?

May I let you in on a little secret which you may not have considered yet? This undivine world-order was actually established by the Elohim long ago as an emergency order so that fallen mankind might be saved from ultimate dissolution. The emergency order was created by divine Fiat not in order to make a heaven here which, as I have explained, is quite impossible, but which ignorant humanity has been attempting to do for eons. No. The emergency order, which is undivine or fallen due to its multifarious illusions and unintegrated matter, was established as a last resort so that man might realize where, in fact, he actually was and so wisely choose to return to Life. Hence you may begin to see that the sole purpose for creating an emergency order in the first place was only that mankind might transcend it, via the process of transfiguration exemplified by all the Avatars: "What all men must do, I must also do." - Jesus. Hence the sole purpose of our being here is actually to resolve our ignorance-born karma and return Home - or find God, as some might say.

If we investigate the wisdom of all truly Enlightened beings throughout history, we shall observe how their ultimate service and spiritual duty to the 'little ones' was to help mankind free itself from the emergency order of illusion completely and return to God's Kingdom. This is the sole purpose of every single fallen incarnation and it has been called among other things: Salvation, Redemption, Deliverance, Liberation or Ascension. Salvation, then, is the ultimate goal of every fallen life; not to earn money, not to struggle to survive in the emergency order, not to be happy and 'successful' on Earth and so remain complacently lost forever on the wheel of reincarnation, but to return Home.

So can you now see how to focus upon or identify with anything of the emergency order* - that so painful illusion of separation from God - is actually to vivify it? Can you understand why the Buddha advised us to "Seek the solitary cave or forest and meditate, for all life [in the emergency order] is suffering"?

* Including the long-cultivated dark forces and all the problems which they repeatedly create on purpose just to distract us from the Lighted Way leading Home and so maintain us in the fallen world so that they may continue indefinitely to feed upon our ignorance-generated ether-bleedings.

In a free-will system such as ours, as long as we choose to focus upon the illusion* and endeavor to find gratification or purpose there, we are actually saying to God: 'I wish to remain in this emergency order, Lord; I have not yet understood the Truth or my purpose here on Earth. Therefore, please send me further painful lessons; please nail me even more firmly to the ever-rotating wheel of birth and death in order to learn my lessons, for I am not yet ready to come Home!'

* As nearly 6 billion physically-incarnated human beings do naturally and perpetually in this world, not to mention those trillions of incorporeal entities who dwell upon the hidden side of life and who are doing exactly the same.

So can God be blamed for granting humanity its wish? No, because the Law of Free Will is divinely-given and - up to a point of collective contamination (which we have reached as a race today on Earth) - cannot be interfered with; it is a vital part of the Divine Plan and so must be honored. And how long does the wheel keep turning in the illusory world of pain? Indefinitely if man so chooses. Indeed, fallen mankind has already been on the wheel for eons just on this little planet alone!

Please do note that this wheel of birth and death only rotates on one plane; it does not spiral; it goes nowhere but round and round and round and round (have you ever had deja vu?) until each fallen soul, through the repeated experience of pain and separation, says: 'I have had enough. I am a fool. Without Christ, my real Self, I can do nothing. Without you, Lord, I am nothing. Thy will be done, Lord, not mine; I am Yours!'

And then there is great rejoicing in Heaven, for if even one single prodigal son returns to God's Kingdom, all the hosts of Heaven rush to greet him and to share in the good news. Such is the nature of divine Love. Such a wondrous Return is about to be again realized by a number of successful souls in our times here on Earth due to the Christine intervention, which always ensues at the end of cycles.

It has happened many times before - during the Hyperborean era, the Lemurian era, the Atlantean era and also thirty-two times during the present era - that a kind of separation has taken place between the 'righteous' and the 'unrighteous', between those who worship the earthly things of the emergency order and those seeking the Gateway to the eternal Kingdom of Grace, in order to enter through it into the blessedness of the original Freedom. Today, once again, mankind stands before such a separation. Will it allow itself to be dragged along in the circular course of illusory, fallen nature, chained to the treadmill of birth, suffering and death? Or will it follow the Path of Salvation and receive the New Spirit by applying and actualizing the Holy Science of Transfiguration?

From Servers of the Divine Plan:

"At the Time of Harvest, those successful souls who have chosen to leave the Earth spheres will ascend through various worlds and densities on their homeward journey. Having previously reunited with numerous other incarnations of their group upon the physical plane in order to realise together the consummation of the terrestrial element of their grand mission, the most accomplished souls will pass up from third-density Earthly experience in group formation and through the fourth and fifth densities as they are greeted with unprecedented veneration and praise by legions of Celestial Hosts within the unseen worlds, and as they partake in the ineffable glories of the long-promised Great Rejoicing. Continuing onward and upward through the Christed frequency (the sixth density), they will journey on into the seventh sphere - the Buddha realms - where the most exalted Lives within our Cosmic Physical Plane are waiting to move up into the next Octave of evolutionary experience - the Cosmic Astral Plane - an unplumbed region of Infinity where a bright new chapter in the Story of Creation is about to begin.

The reality of such a triumphant return is supernally metaphysical and subtle beyond utterance; the divine reward and supreme exultation awaiting those successful souls who will once again become transfigured and absorbed into the transcendental refulgence of one perfectly united spiritual consciousness are incomprehensible and inexpressible in words or concepts. Their well-earned prize will be most befitting, for the final liberation of Mother Earth to which they have consecrated themselves - mind, body and spirit - will produce such a tremendous release of divine force in our solar system that the entire universe will quiver in grateful response; all Creation will be positively affected as every single life throughout the boundless Cosmos will, on some level, be gracefully and irreversibly touched."

Considering well all of the above - which your heart knows to be true - is it any wonder, then, that at the end of world cycles such as the one we are currently experiencing, the teacher called 'pain' necessarily intensifies his lessons to all those of humanity who choose not to accept the saving Grace of Christ and so return Home? The pain is a last-resort symptom of Christ's great Compassion and wish for as many souls as possible to attain the Harvest on the metaphorical 'Judgement Day'.


Information on the Emergency Order and a host of other important and pertinent topics can be found on The New Call website at www.thenewcall.org

All Love,

~~ G

18 October 2009

To Whom This May Concern

Passing this on, to whom it may concern...


~~ G

13 October 2009

Man, Control Thy Thoughts - More On Aeons

There are times when humans will commit acts without really thinking about why they chose to commit them. Few recognize that invisible, human-created and human-nourished entities known as aeons are responsible for surreptitiously goading them to act against their better interests.

"Why did I yell, scream and curse at that driver?" -- The Rage Aeon
"Why did I have that jelly donut even though I know that I am diabetic?" -- The Glutton Aeon
"Why did I sleep with that complete stranger - unprotected?" -- The Lust Aeon
"Why do I hate <________________>? (insert any number of racial groupings, creeds, political and national affiliations, etc.)" -- The Superiority Aeon
"Why do I go to church on Sunday, thanking Jesus for 'forgiving' my sins (in advance)?" -- The Jesus Aeon

To review, an aeon is a gianormous thought-cloud created by the strong, persistent thoughts of human beings. Once thought-forms are discarded by one human they can be picked up by
another, where its life is renewed and possibly strengthened. Eventually, these thoughts, through "like attraction" find their way back to their particular Aeon, which are in turned nourished and strengthened by the vibratory energy field of the human's discarded thought-form. The Aeon grows more powerful and its energies become more insistent, reaching more humans. On a higher level are the Archons, who control the aeons and nourish themselves from the lower vibrations collected by them.

Aeons surround the planetary sphere. They constantly bombard humanity with their inimicable impulses, probing and searching for humans susceptible to their peculiar energies. For example, during a traffic jam, there is a collective tension/frustration/aggravation among drivers. These vibrations serve to attract negative aeonic forces. Let's call this one "The Rage Aeon". Not everyone responds to it, thankfully. But if it finds two drivers who unconsciously seek the "energy" of Anger and Rage, the auric fields of both drivers will pick up the vibration of the Rage Aeon and next thing you know, there's yelling, physical assault or worse.

Most people are remorseful after a road-rage incident and frequently will acknowledge that they "don't know why" they did that.

The above holds true for the Diabetic Donut-eater, the Reckless One-Night-Stander, the Racist/Bigot/Nationalist, etc. They will commit acts that are completely to the detriment of their physical health or spiritual growth out of ignorance. Ignorance of the fact that they are attracting and nurturing invisible energies which are designed to influence humans to act out their lowest, basest desires.

Think of any crowd situation you've been in. Aeons are at attendance there as well. Whether it is a hockey game, a rock concert, a political rally or a religious service, a gathering of humans with a more-or-less common focus will attract the corresponding aeon (in these cases the Sports Fanatic Aeon, the Satanic Forms Aeon, the Political Fanatic Aeon, the Religious Aeon). At such events, aeons are able to feast on a veritable smorgasbord of nourishing energies, all multiplied exponentially by the rising crescendo of the particular gathering.

Actually, physical proximity is not really necessary. The recent death of Michael Jackson was yet another opportunity for the Global Mourning Aeon to gorge itself on humans cluelessly expressing grief for Michael's passing. If only they realized that "Death" is not the end of anything and that Mr. Jackson is fine and well beyond the veil. In fact, the strength of the world out-pouring of grief actually poses a hindrance to the departed's ability to move on, as it will still feel the strong tug pf materiality each time his name is invoked. It is quite possible that there is a Michael Jackson aeon already in existence, created via years of sold-out concerts and world-wide adoration (or not) for this iconic human figure.

Think of how humans behave in the few scenarios laid out above. Hockey games, rock concerts, political rallies, religious ceremonies, anything having to do with MJ. What is the common denominator for behavior in these scenarios?


fren·zy (frěn')

1. A state of violent mental agitation or wild excitement.
2. Temporary madness or delirium.
3. A mania; a craze

The Matrix Connection

Returning to "The Matrix", that allegorical gift left to Mankind to help us to remember the Truth during these Ending Cycles. Remember how the humans were enclosed in pods, floating in liquid and hooked up at the base of the skull to The Matrix? Remember the tentacled "machine-creatures" that came to tend these pods and secure energy from them? It would appear that

Aeons = The Matrix
Archons = the Tentacled Uglies

As long as the humans were hooked up and dreamily reacting to the pumped-in stimuli (aeonic forces), the machines had all the energy they could ever want. But once a human was "un-plugged", The Matrix would immediately detect this and take measures to destroy the "rebel". This same modus operandi takes effect in our current "reality". As soon as someone makes a conscious decision to to dispassionately divorce themselves from reacting to the constant bombardment of stimuli afforded to humans, as soon as one makes the decision to "stop feeding" these aeons, that human will be mercilessly attacked in an attempt to "whip" the human back into conformity.

Once we become aware of how we are coerced into thinkng and acting in a negative manner, once we realize that our dark thoughts and lower desires are feeding unseen enitities whose goal is to keep human souls enslaved for ages, we may begin to take care to choose our thoughts a bit more carefully. It helps if we try to think and act in accordance with the Will of the Creator. This is no easy task, as humans are accustomed to reckless Abuse of Free Will and, as such, we basically feel that we have the "right" to do whatever the heck we want. Well, we can see where that mindset has gotten us, can we not?

Perhaps it's time to give Dispassion, Detachment and Discrimination a try.

For more on this subject, read "The Invisible War on Humanity" http://www.thenewcall.org/ri_invisible_war.htm. See also, my post dated September 22nd.

All Love,

~~ G

Six, Six, Six / "The Beast" / The Anti-Christ

The following musings emanate from the mind of BrotherGee. They could be as wrong as the day is long. Still wanted to share.

Who, or what, is "The Beast"?.

"The Beast" is Man. More specifically, "The Beast" is Man's lower nature and selfish desires. In turn, these lower thoughts and desires are accumulated to feed the invisible "aeons"; enormous thought-forms whose job it is to endlessly incite and inflame collective Humanity's desire nature.

Who, or what is "The Anti-Christ"?

When we indulge these lower desires, we serve the Self and thereby do not serve Christ Consciousness. This is the true meaning of "Anti-Christ"... any act that goes against Christ Consciousness.

What is the meaning of "666"?

The number six is a spiral that turns inward. This symbolizes selfishness. Three times six represents extreme selfishness.

Man has always been Man's own worst enemy. It is time for Man to overcome "The Beast".

All Love,

~~ G

06 October 2009

How to Prepare - Demonstration of Choice

From Zeta Talk: Short Cuts, March 15, 1996


The spiritual lesson of 3rd Density, that of choosing one's spiritual orientation, is not the simple decision that humans assume. Individual choices, during a lifetime, can be made quickly and simply, but the overall orientation is one that grows slowly, and is compounded by millions of choices, over thousands of lifetimes. A single choice does not suffice, although when the entity is close to completing its determination this may weight in so that the choice has been completed. Likewise, this is not an intellectual decision, but one based on the actions taken.

A mother, loving her children almost more than herself, may find she can sacrifice for their betterment without regret, but when faced with a stranger in need, hesitates. A husband, feeling protective of his wife to the point of placing himself in harms way in order to shield her, finds himself looking the other way when a stranger on the street is under attack. A neighbor, watching another struggling to clear brush, may rush out to assist and enjoy the sense of bonding and camaraderie that ensues, but when away from home isolates himself from similar opportunities because payback is unlikely to come from a stranger.

A human may think themselves to have made the determination to be Service-to-Other, but the many tests in the arena of life prove otherwise. Since the lessons of higher densities cannot progress without a separation of the orientations, those who have not yet decided must stick to their lesson until it is completed. No short-cuts allowed.


Simply put: don't talk about it, be about it.

Demonstrate your Choice via your Acts.

~~ G

05 October 2009

How to Prepare - Receiving the Aquarian Energies

Bold emphasis and italics inserted by BG.


The controlled imagination is a powerful creative force, for every thought to which we give birth becomes a living, semi-intelligent entity (sometimes called an elemental) upon the other side of the veil between the third density and the next, influencing humanity for good or for ill. All of the activities that we might call evil, whether unholy thoughts or negative emotions, invariably manifest themselves as vibrations in the more coarse matter upon subtle planes, whilst good and unselfish thought or emotion sets in vibration the higher types of matter. As finer matter is much more readily stirred into responsive activity than is coarse, it follows that a given amount of force spent in good thought or feeling produces a result that is many times greater than the same amount of force projected into coarser matter. In terms of value and lasting positive effect, just one unselfish and loving thought may contain the potency of a hundred negative thoughts.

It will be especially advantageous in the years ahead for everyone to understand well that if there is in the human aura no matter (vibration) capable of response, then negative thought-currents cannot permanently affect that person at all. A pure heart and mind are the best protection against inimical assaults of thought and feeling. However, mankind may take one step beyond mere self-protection, for the vibration of Love is both the greatest protector and benefactor in the whole universe. With spiritual understanding, therefore, humanity may begin to use its natural capacity to generate thought-force for the benefit and upliftment of all life.

... it is most apparent that there is much discord and tension predominating generally in the world today. As was indicated previously, our environs inevitably affect our consciousness, and this is so particularly for those who are sensitive. As tension rises within the mind and emotions of a man, his subtle energy fields become inflamed and so are much more likely to impinge detrimentally upon the auras and, therefore, the consciousness of others around him. Auric contamination is especially intensified in cities and other highly populated areas for obvious reasons. Additionally, as sensitivity is heightened for all humanity in accord with the ongoing changes, toxic emanations such as electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), air and noise pollution, and unnatural and noxious substances like chemical additives in foods, etc., are causing greater adversity for the reactive majority.

A fundamental understanding of the inner constitution of man will be extremely helpful in accepting and living optimistically amidst the inevitable transformations that are already today affecting everyone on various
The etheric (subtle energy) body, that partly constitutes the human aura, is a receiver (and transmitter) of vibrational forces and energies, and is inseparably linked to its etheric chakras (energy centres) through which flow the new Aquarian frequencies from the higher planes. Each chakra, in turn, is directly associated with an endocrine gland and certain nerve plexuses in the physical body. Due to their close relationship with the chakras, the endocrine and nervous systems of mankind are today undergoing radical changes: a process of transmutation. The intensification of subtle energies upon Earth, both externally and from within, necessitates a complete rewiring of the physical and subtle nervous systems. Additionally, the organs and glands in the physical body are being upgraded in order that they too may sustain the increased frequencies that are steadily streaming into the planet in preparation for the Great Shift. Humanity, then, is being reorganised upon cellular, atomic, subatomic and ethereal levels.

Within the human vehicles of consciousness (which include many layers of subtle energy in the aura), there exists a great storehouse of biological data which is being stimulated and released by today's higher frequencies. The new energies are also activating previously dormant areas of the brain (including the pineal and pituitary glands) as they are simultaneously affecting the chromosomes and DNA/RNA in each cell, consequently opening up latent intuitive faculties and activating miscellaneous subtle stimuli which are eliciting psychic awakenings in many.

Certain levels of the human constitution will be affected more than others at different times as the planetary shifts ensue. Many observable symptoms of the ongoing changes are transpiring today for humanity, and these include: anxiety, irritability, tension, nervousness, restlessness, depression, confusion, worry, fear, forgetfulness, insomnia, visionary experiences, various changes in awareness, lucid-dreaming, unexpected and often uncontrollable catharsis, e.g., sorrow, laughter, exhilaration, etc. Physical symptoms may include: headaches, muscle soreness, joint pains, disruptive digestion, loss of appetite, fatigue, stomach-ache, heart palpitations, muscle spasms, allergies, etc. Sometimes the human vehicles will expend energy at irregular rates, oscillating between hyperactivity and unusual sluggishness. At times the physical body may require certain nutrients in quantities that it did not need previously, and many people today are feeling a demand to change their diet to lighter, unrefined, raw and more vital foodstuffs.

Positive thoughts and healthy emotions react most favourably upon both the subtle and physical bodies of man and improve their ability to assimilate life-force and to receive other beneficial energies. The endocrine system is responsible for secreting hormones and other substances into the bloodstream, and such natural activity is increased in response to emotional reactions to life experience; an experience which is today growing more intense for everyone. Our inner biological pharmacopoeia is triggered in accordance with the unique events passed through and the subsequent choices made by each individual. For example, anger releases adrenalin, while elation releases endorphins. As new energies are received, translated by each person's awareness and consequently expressed in a unique way, one's positive or negative responses will determine subtle and physical reactions that shall precipitate the corresponding beneficial or detrimental effects upon all levels of one's constitution.

As the physical, etheric, emotional, mental and higher vehicles of consciousness are all interconnected, an effect in any one of them will generally influence the others to some degree. Favourable chemical release will serve to catalyse higher vibratory rates in the human vehicles and so assist with the transition into a more elevated and expanded awareness. It may be helpful to compare the aforementioned effects with those of psychoactive drugs, which function in the same way and may consequently induce similar but temporary results in consciousness. However, the effects elicited by the waves of energy during the birth of the New World will be naturally induced and permanent.

Negative reactions to symptoms of purification, i.e., antagonistic thoughts and emotions, will result in the introduction of toxins into the bloodstream, and in causing chemical imbalances these will, of course, hinder the important process of positive transformation. The secretion and circulation of poisons in the physical body will effect a corresponding lowering of vibration in the vehicles of consciousness, and this will contribute significantly toward an increased susceptibility to adverse environmental influences of all kinds, for like attracts like. In order to be received, the inflowing Aquarian energies demand humble, open and surrendered channels. Humanity must therefore be informed and aware at this time in order that prudent choices may be made in response to global processes rather than unwitting reactions.

Clearly, then, there may be one of two possible responses of consequence to the influx of the new energies:

1) Those who choose, with awareness, discrimination and trust, to attune to the higher energies will experience purification, transmutation, expeditious inner growth, positive expansions of consciousness and spiritual unfoldment as they are aided by the rising Aquarian frequencies and as they are catalysed into awakening. Such discerning persons will behold their consciousness rising naturally to new heights of experience and expression, and they will enjoy the greatest freedom and capacity for love that they have ever known in their lives. Eventually, together with the discovery of a marvellous new agility and vitality born within their finely-tuned bodies, they will open up to a much greater flow of spiritual energy via their refined nervous systems, and they will finally graduate most joyfully during the impending Harvest Time.

2) Those who are unwilling or unable to release old and deleterious character-patterns shall witness an unpleasant accumulation of blocked energy in their bodies, and this may culminate in the gross magnification of previously-tempered or suppressed personality traits, these latter being discharged with increasingly uncontrolled furor to the detriment of themselves and others around them.

The human dense and subtle energy systems are inseparably linked to those of the Earth. Therefore, as humanity is purified and transformed, our whole globe is concurrently and similarly affected, and vice-versa. The planetary energy grid (the Earth's nervous system) and its vortex network (the chakra system of the planet) are today undergoing a process of fundamental change. Some old vortexes are atrophying and dying, whilst others are being vivified, and even new vortexes are appearing, all in accord with the Divine Plan for our planet, which shall ensure the successful emergence of the New World Consciousness for planet Earth.

...excerpted from "The New and the Old" [The New Call at
http://www.thenewcall.org/] This chapter and the entire book bear reading...and re-reading. This website is highly recommended for the earnest and serious Seeker. These folks know what they are talking about. They came to present information that could assist those who wish to know who they really "are" and possibly help them to remember their Missions.


Hate to cut-and-paste such a large nugget of Information, but felt it necessary. There is an in-streaming Energy flooding the planet during this ending-cycle and many are completely unaware. This Aquarian Energy is available to all. The transmutations effected by it (or not) will depend on the quality of the physical, etheric, emotional and mental vibrations of the Individual.

Be at Peace. Be Optimistic. Confrontation and Disagreement should no longer be a part of Life. Be Compassionate. Be Understanding. Be Kind. Be Charitible. See the Creator in all Others. Love all, including those who care not for us.

Take care of the Physical vehicle - eat right, exercise.

Take care of our Emotional vehicle - maintain a pleasant state of Peaceful Contentment. Do not wildy swing from Happiness to Sorrow and back again. Monitor our desires for signs of Selfishness.

Take care of our Mental vehicle - establish "right thinking"; employ thoughts of a Higher and Loving nature in every situation. Think "we" in place of "I".

Grace is being offered. Turn not away.

All Love,

~~ G