17 November 2009


Humanity, we have a problem.

Our souls are the prisoners of some cunning and amoral beings. I recognize that all of Creator's creations are valid, but these guys...

To start with, we are not our body. The body is just a physical shell that is animated by impulses transmitted to our nervous system via the seven ductless glands (adrenals, spleen, pituitary, etc). The glands are transmitting impulses received from the chakras. The chakras are relaying impulses from higher densities. So, when you type a letter, the impetus to type doesn't come from the brain (which is simply a slab of meat masquerading as a "traffic cop"), it comes from somewhere outside of the physical realm.

This physical shell is designed to navigate the physical world, just as a deep-sea diver will use a diving suit, helmet, air tank, etc. to explore the ocean depths. Without it, the diver would drown. While the diver is undersea, the surface world does not disappear. It is still there and he may remain in contact via a tow-line or some other communication device.

Well, we are that diver. We leapt off the shore of our natural environment and are now fumbling around down here at the bottom of the ocean. Meanwhile, there are beings on the surface who are unable to explore the ocean depths. They do not have a license to deep-sea dive and have been forbidden to do so. Out of jealousy, envy, etc. they conspire to make the diver's life as difficult as possible.

This is an allegory for what is happening to us right now, what has been taking place for millenia. We are not free. We are Imprisoned. Physical Life is not an Experiential lark. It is a Tar-pit of Spiritual Death. Reincarnation is not a "learning tool", it is an "arrest warrant" that keeps us from freeing our Spirit and instead, returns us to "Jail" over and over.

We are lied to to keep us ignorant and constantly tempted to assist us in making the wrong choices that will land us back in Jail. Once we return to Jail we are raped and abused, just as we are while "Free". Who is doing this? Those jealous non-divers back on shore.

There are innumerable beings outside of 3rd density who cannot be seen by the human eye. The human eye is designed to see in a very narrow range. There are beings in the room where you are right now. Someone once said that if we knew how many invisible eyes were upon us when we think we are "alone" we might be more careful of what we do in "private".

Some of these beings are STO, others STS. Here, in this density, STS beings currently rule. Remember, Lucifer was "cast down to Earth". Down. This is his dominion. He and his cohorts know ALL the tricks, they've been at it for ages and ages. Although they are smart enough not to openly violate your Free Will, they are cunning enough to get you to use your God-given Free Will to make a mess of your Spirit and your Soul.

Look around you. What do you see? Blue sky, trees, grass, diversity, excitement, enticement...a literal smorgasbord for the Senses - yet the Soul goes hungry. Doesn't look much like a prison, does it? This was/is the design. To keep our little "diver-selves" busy with the "wonders" of the undersea "world" while forgetting that our air is running out.

These beings live to feed off your lower-vibrational energy. When you are angry, jealous, depressed, suicidal, in lust, remember that you are feeding discarnate entities. Our...emotions... are...their...food. This is why they must keep us trapped on the Hamster Wheel of Reincarnation...so that they may live. This is why we must guard our Thoughts, Desires and Emotions most carefully.

Because we cannot see them, many refuse to believe they exist.

These entities are very powerful (in this realm). However, they live in fear of us. They live in fear that we will figure out the game and starve them out of existence. How?

By replacing our Fears with Love.

Not the "love" that Hollywood has mis-taught us. The Love that manifests when we show care for a total stranger, when we choose to speak kindly of others, when we rush to offer assistance to our fellows without thought as to how much we stand to lose. Love. True Love. The Love that comes from caring about the next person as if that person were you. In truth, that person IS you, and you are that person. The Love that emanates in Fullness from our Creator.

When we eliminate all the things that we do out of Fear and Ego, these beings will be the ones suffering for a change. They will be losing their "food source" and we all know what happens when any of Creator's creations cannot nourish itself.

I haven't gone into details in this post. I don't know enough to give details. I can show you where to look. I just wanted to give an outline of what's going on behind-the-scenes. I just wanted to mention that although we have Free Will, we are not free and that by our own hand and with encouragement of an Unseen Hand, we imprison ourselves.

It is time to for us to withdraw from the Glamour of this Fallen World. I know it's hard to contemplate abandoning the "creature comforts" and the things that "make us human" but your Soul's future literally depends upon you being able to detach yourself from this Physical world. This has to be done while incarnate in order for it to count. There are myriad temptations available to all who set foot on Earth. The Test has always been to Transcend those temptations and return to the Higher Spheres from whence we came.

We are not "human". We are little more than animals endowed with Mind and infused by Spirit, endeavoring to balance our Lower and Higher natures in order to advance to the next rung in our Evolution.

More to come.

All Love,

~~ G