23 November 2009

Archons, the Rulers

From The New Call - Rare Insights - End Times Prophecy of The Great Pyramid of Giza.


* Archon is a Gnostic term given to an entity in the subtle worlds who perpetrates evil. The archons are incorporeal beings who are bent upon world domination and control. They have victimised humanity from the hidden side of life for long ages. Their collective evil constitutes the plan of the 'antichrist' since they willfully oppose the Divine Plan of Salvation, which is implemented by the Cosmic Christ.

The Archons are rulers of the aeons; the hierarchic group who dominate time and space. The archons and aeons constitute great metaphysical powers which are fed by ignorant mankind and which abuse all of fallen** nature including mankind, driving them to an unholy activity for selfish benefit. At the cost of appalling human anguish, these entities have acquired freedom from the wheel of birth and death; a freedom which they, in their boundless self-maintaining need, can only retain by unrestrictedly increasing and maintaining the suffering of the world.

In their collectivity, they are sometimes also designated as the dualistic hierarchy, or 'the prince of this world'. The vast majority of psychics, mediums (channellers) and 'spiritual' people in the world today receive impressions and 'guidance' from the dualistic hierarchy and not, as most prefer to believe, from the Fellowship of Christ.

** In the Holy Language of all times, the world in which man exists is always called a sunken, fallen world. Man is undivine, fallen from Grace and so subject to the laws of birth and death. This verity was assured by the Buddha who stated: All of life in samsara [this world of illusions] is suffering, and also by Jesus, the Piscean Christ, in the words: My Kingdom is not of this world.


Perhaps the above can help man to understand more clearly the following warning given by the apostle Paul:

12: For your conflict is not only with flesh and blood, but with the aeons, and with powers, with the rulers of this world of darkness, and with the evil spirits under the heavens. Ephesians 6:12

Why is any of this relevant or important? Because if man is not knowledgeable about what lurks behind the veil, even the wise will be misled by the cunning deceptions put forth by these powers of darkness.

In preparing for The Harvest that is just around the corner, one cannot afford to get waylaid by the dark forces who are not eager to let us go" quietly into that good night". All desires should be weighed most carefully, all choices should be aligned with the Christ energy.

Kindness. Caring. Giving. Unselfishness.

 ~~ G


Kevin said...

Hi Brother Gee

The astonishing Truth about thanksgiving is the fact that the thanksgiving archons and aeons are being fed today, oh yes and so is the football aeon.

Knowing this - We will not contribute to the unholy feast.

To the Final Liberation...

BrotherGee said...

And Christmas is 'round the corner, Brother Kevin. This world sure takes on a different hue when peered at through the Lens of Truth.

Dispassion. Intelligent Detachment. Indifference.

To Final Liberation.