29 November 2009

Good Has Its Shadow

This fallen, dualistic order has to maintain a balance. We are experiencing in a world of duality, where "the Pairs of Opposites" exist on all levels. Up, down, in, out, wealth, poverty, good, evil, etc. Everything that manifests in this fallen, dualistic order must have its opposite. Each pair of opposites are not really "opposite" but are two poles, two extremes of the same thing.

Each time we selfishly "do good", whether because it brings us praise, benefits mankind, or just "makes" us feel good, immediately the opposite pole, evil, has to respond in order to maintain the perfect balance between good and evil. Although we feel that we are helping the world when we "do good", we are actually encouraging it's opposite pole. Somewhere else in the world, someone will answer the urge to commit an evil act. This interaction maintains the "balance of powers", so to speak between this pair of opposites. Because we have lived ignorant of this fact, we continue to attempt to "help" when we are in all truth, just strengthening good's opposite pole, evil.

This concept was a hard one for me to accept at first. I couldn't understand how our "good" intentions actually serve the cause of "evil". But The New Call goes through it thoroughly and often, thankfully. All I can say is that if you can accept that there must be a balance between all Pairs of Opposites in this world, it will help you to understand the rest.

Again, quoting from http://www.thenewcall.org/ - Rare Insights - "Good and Evil"


... did you know that in a dualistic universe (the undivine part) if we swing to the positive side, then we will also necessarily be coerced at some time to swing back to the negative side?

The New Age groups ... prefer only to look to their interpretation of the positive side, and in doing so they remain themselves out of balance, guaranteeing for themselves a karmic visit from the dark side. This is the law; a law that so very few people in the world understand; an inescapable law: the law of cause and effect.

Both dark and light, negative and positive, arise from the 'tree of knowledge of good and evil': duality. If we eat of that tree at all, either good or evil, then we create karma.

Evil is the antipole of what mankind calls 'good'. Many human beings, judged by society's standards, are considered to be good, very good, humane, cultured and loving. However, such goodness might indeed be very good if only it had no antipole! All truly wise individuals have ever absolutely denied the Goodness of 'good', due to its black shadow, due to the dualistic nature of things. "Good is the smallest part of evil." - the Egyptian Avatar, Hermes Trismegistus.

Yet the vast majority of human beings, even today in our modern and cultivated society, have no comprehension whatsoever of this reality. The following statement of fact, therefore, will constitute a major revelation for most people if they are able to see its veracity: THE GOOD OF THIS WORLD MAINTAINS EVIL, JUST AS EVIL MAINTAINS GOODNESS.

Consequently, if humanity does not change, does not break through to a totally different spiritual attitude far above all commonplace and dualistic ideas of goodness, and if it does not achieve a fundamental rebirth in a new Sphere of existence separated from this world of polarity ("My Kingdom is not of this world"), then karma will continue to be created and so the hell-realm of duality will continue to exist; as long as man perseveres in his exploitation of his biological and primitive 'goodness', evil will ever accompany him.

If man does not totally revolutionise himself spiritually, then he will remain bound to the world of illusions despite all his solemn declarations of goodness, love and friendship. For worldly goodness has its shadow, and man maintains that shadow just as he maintains his very own undivine self.

"There is none good; no, not one". These words were once spoken by Jesus in reference to humanity on Earth, and they are among the most profound and true ever uttered


Hey, I told you guys that I had a paradigm shift once I came across this material. Empty yourself of everything that you think you know and these concepts will not seem "new" or "outrageous".

Remembrance will come.

All Love,

~~ G


Anonymous said...

Hello, do you still believe/adhere to the message of this post?

BrotherGee said...

This is a primal law of physical reality and will always hold true. Good is merely the smallest part of evil.

I will elaborate on this when I return to posting this week.

~ g