28 October 2014

Salvation For The Living

The religious systems of the world, although philosophically disparate and divergent, are pretty much united on one thing: that man's "eternal reward" lies in the "hereafter", to be bestowed upon him only after a life of "goodness".

These religions disingenuously neglect to inform you of the following:

- that the "hereafter" is actually the reflection-sphere, which is merely the other side of material existence.

- that the "eternal" stay in said "hereafter" is temporary. Your personality will eventually dissolve in the blissful "Summerland", leaving an emptied microcosm. So much for "goodness".

- that your microcosm, in total forgetfulness and with a completely new personality, will return to earth-life at some point doomed to blindly fumble through the life experience once again.

- to top things, off, you will incarnate in a family belonging to the same religion that misled the last personality to inhabit your microcosm

And thus, the circle is closed.

On the other hand, The Universal Doctrine, which teaches the gnostic Path of Liberation, departs from the above tenets. Most importantly in the following areas:

- there are two separate and distinct nature-orders, two universes. One is Divine, the Original Kingdom from which man fell. The other is undivine. It is the world that has been pulled over our eyes. It is the world which man struggles in desperate futility to "make better".

- "salvation" is not something that awaits those who die. The moment the Divine Spark has been touched and awakened, the Seeker is already Victorious. That is because he or she is then linked to the Living Body of the Gnosis which is linked to the divine Treasury of Light. All the Light-power of that Treasury is immediately made available to the Candidate, although in a stepped-down measure. Material man would not be able to withstand the full power of the Gnosis, an astral power not-of-this-world. He would burn as if lit afire. Instead, it is made available to each new Candidate in a measure that can be safely assimilated. No one is given more than he or she can bear. A First Step is taken. The next step is taken only when one is ready.

- the true gnostic Rosicrucian shuns the reflection-sphere, the "hereafter" of the churches. Even with all of its beautiful summerlands and blissfully sublime devachans, it remains an illusory venue, a astral region of loitering for disintegrating personalities and emptying microcosms.

- the true gnostic brother of the Rosycross recognizes that even "reincarnation" although a true fact of human existence, is a revolving door leading to nowhere.

- the true gnostic Rosicrucian would not be caught dead in a church, temple or mosque, nor belong to any religion of any kind, as he or she recognizes that they are but traps for the Soul.

- most importantly, the true gnostic Rosicrucian knows that the moment he or she sets foot on the Path, he or she is on the Road to true salvation and true eternal life. It is understood that after death the personality will not be routed to the ordinary reflection-sphere for recycling, but will instead take a glorious detour to Shamballa, where the divine processes of Transmutation and Transfiguration will continue to unfold until the Good End is realized.

Do you realize that the salvation you seek is not something to be deferred until after physical death? Everything you need to begin this Great Journey is available here and now, in the present! First you must gain the proper insight into your plight. You must then make the decision that you are no longer going to try and make this world a "paradise", but will instead withdraw from the ways of the world and follow the Way of the Stars. The first steps on this Path are: selfless service and self-surrender. Both work hand-in-hand. Both are foolproof if applied steadfastly in humility and honesty.

Your Salvation begins here, from below-upwards. The churches do not want you to know this, so they disparage and murder the gnostic messengers of times past and present, in order to discourage you from seeking and finding that which was left for you to find.

It is fear that prevents one from letting go of this world. It is knowledge, insight, that will enable one to muster the strength to let go of the world.

Begin the process of Salvation while here on earth. It is the only way to avoid the fate of personality-dissolution in the sham heaven beyond the veil. The moment you open your heart to the Gnosis, you are on your way to Freedom. Stay on the straight and narrow Path. You will be given all the Help you need to bring your journey to a Good End.

~ g

20 October 2014


"We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented."
 from "The Truman Show" 
Um, let's try not to, okay?
~ g

17 October 2014

The Meaning Of The Legendary Phoenix

The one who walks the Path of Liberation experiences both a loss and a gain. The awakening of the Divine Spark situated in the upper right ventricle of the human heart attracts a Divine vibration into the system. This Divine vibration, an energy not-of-this-world, "breaks into" the system, as it were and immediately links the candidate with the Gnosis. It is the beginning of the Return Home.

As the candidate persists in walking the Path, he or she undergoes the endura, which is a dying as to the self. This is characterized by self-surrender, which is the sacrifice of what the self wants in favor of what the Other One within requires in order to manifest Itself.

In this way, both a death and a birth take place. By way of a gradual alchemical metamorphosis, the old self "dies" while the New Spirit-Soul is born. If the Road Back is steadfastly followed to its glorious conclusion, then, at the moment the last vestige of the old self has been dissolved in the astral fires of Divine transmutation, the True Man will arise from its ashes.

And now you know the meaning behind the legend of the Phoenix.

~ g

15 October 2014

The Key To The Matrix

Morpheus: Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

Morpheus: What is real? How do you define 'real'? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

Oracle: Do you know what that means? [points to a banner] It means Know Thy Self. I wanna tell you a little secret, being The One is just like being in love. No one needs to tell you you are in love, you just know it, through and through.

The above quotes are from a movie that is required viewing for all those who are walking the transfiguristic Path of Return. That movie is The Matrix (1999).

Just like the New Testament, this motion picture is not what it first appears to be. On the surface, it is a slick, futuristic action movie with an intriguing plot and great special effects. But embedded beneath the surface shine is a deeply allegorical, step-by-step description of one man's journey on the Path to Liberation. A large portion of the dialogue carries a strong symbolic meaning that can and should be understood on a deeper level.

i do not know how this was done, or who was the true author. It certainly was not the Wachowski brothers. i'm not even sure if it was Sophia Stewart, who was recently awarded millions as a result of a plagiarism suit filed against the film's makers. Suffice it to say, when the Universal Brotherhood endeavors to send a message to mankind, it does whatever needs to be done.

Yes, there are a few errors, a couple of distortions, gunplay and gratuitous violence  (after all, we're dealing with Hollywood here), but those who carry a Spirit-Spark Atom that has been touched by the Gnosis should be able to recognize what is being revealed to humanity by this movie. The vast majority of humans viewed and enjoyed this motion picture on a superficial level only. Another group of humans has tried to decipher it and have failed to do so  successfully because they've formulated their interpretations within the context of this nature-order.

And then there are those on the Path who are able to interpret using the Gnostic Key. It's sort of like when you were little and your mom wanted you to take an aspirin. She knew you'd never take it if she handed it to you, so she'd hide it in a scoop of ice cream.

One of these days, take another look at The Matrix (1999). Don't bother with the sequels that followed it. The first movie is the one with The Message.

 Morpheus: Neo, sooner or later you're going to realize, just as I did, that there's a difference between knowing the Path and walking the Path.

~ g

14 October 2014

Splitting The Divine Atom

The Spirit-Spark atom, the infinitesimally small Divine Seed anchored in the center of our microcosm contains tremendous power within. Every seed carries within it all of the coding necessary to enable it to move through multiple stages of growth until it becomes an adult something. The environment in which the seed is planted is of great importance, as it provides the nutrition that the seed needs to accomplish this growth.

Slowly, gradually, imperceptibly the growing proceeds apace until one day, the twig is but a memory and the mighty tree stands before us.

The same can be said for the Spirit-Spark atom that lies dormant within our microcosm, waiting for the proper environment and nourishment so that it can begin its growth process. The environment? A true seeking human being who has made the decision to undergo the endura, the dissolution of the selfish self. The nourishment? The "four holy foods" that are ultimately attracted by those who choose to walk the Path of Liberation.

Atomic energy involves the forcible splitting of an atom in order to unleash the considerable power encapsulated within. Mankind has witnessed the unfortunate result of this forced splitting. The Spirit-Spark atom also contains tremendous energies and possibilities. However, it cannot safely release these potentials if it is split in a forcible way. It must be gently ignited and then nurtured. Like a Rose, it will unfold, petal by petal, until a sevenfold bloom is apparent. It is in this manner that the True Man will be able to make its appearance. It is by this divine fission that the Other One will be reborn.

~ g

10 October 2014

For Contemplation

O wondrous Mystery of the New Soul-State.
How majestic and beautiful are Your developments.
How true it is -  when it is said to the pupils of the
Spiritual Schools of all times:

I say to you, the Kingdom of God is within you.

The growing New Realm is in us.

And so we proceed, with the whole impetus of
our rational-moral consciousness to serve this
Glorious Process within us.

He who serves the Gnosis - serves himself.
He who serves the Gnosis - serves his fellow-men.
He who liberates the Kingdom within himself
can also help to free others from their death-garments.

Thus there is a life, which speeds to its end, never to return.
Thus there is at the same time a Life, which holds enclosed
within itself the foundations of Eternity.

The death-garments are discarded - as a leaf from a tree
And from the grave arises,
Imperishable and Beautiful:
The New Man.


08 October 2014

The New Body - Conclusion

'A House Not Made With Hands'


If you understand all this, then pay attention to the Sermon on the Mount for your further information. To the pupils who possess 'the Other One'' it is said:

'You have heard it said: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you, do not resist evil. If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also; and if anyone would sue you and take your coat, let him have your cloak as well'.

What the hordes of the Inquisition meant to achieve in the war against the Albigensians* was the destruction of the outer garment, of the outward appearance of the holy Cathars, for the Inquisitors were operating under the mystification that, beneath the cloak, the living heart of the Gnosis was beating. But with a laugh that resounded through the Pyrenees mountains, the Cathars left their enemies the dialectical cloak, after having fulfilled their task for as long as possible, and went up into the serene heights of the Sacred Stillness.

* a name used by the Pope's armies when referring to the Cathars

They ascended from tear-filled surroundings to a New Morning. They were already Brothers and Sisters of the Dawn, the possessed the bodies for it, but they remained as long as possible in the regions of the night in order to help the seekers in their darkness. But do you think they would fight for that?

They entered into the New Life because they knew that there would always be helpers, brothers and sisters. The chain of the serving Brotherhood on Earth will never be severed. Is there someone who wants to take the coat of one of them? He will leave his assailants his cloak as well. He will not provoke them saying: 'Please hurry up', for he knows his duty. But, spontaneously and naturally he longs for the moment of departure. And when the time of farewell comes, his place is immediately taken by a successor. Do you think this point-of-view is wrong? Then heed what Paul says in 2 Cor. 5:

'For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Here indeed we groan, and long to put on our heavenly dwelling. For while we are still in this tent we have only One Purpose; that we may not be found unclothed, and that what is mortal may be swallowed up by True Life'.

From Godliness (III) - The Coming New Man - Jan van Rijckenborgh


To walk the Path of Return, the Way of the Transfigurist, means that two soul bodies will inhabit the same microcosm, in the same space, at the same time. With steadfast devotion to the Gnosis, the New Soul will increase while the old, material soul body decreases in kind. For those who persevere, this Journey will end in Eternal Victory.

~ g

03 October 2014

The New Body - Part Two


When the Brotherhood speaks to you, it speaks to you as a microcosmic totality, it speaks to you and the Other One who, if you still do not possess it in the form of a personality, is still potentially present in you, in your microcosm, hidden as a 'seed'.

You can understand that it is of the greatest importance for the servants of the serving Brotherhood in our field of existence who already possess the New Being to maintain the old dialectical personality for as long as possible, for through this dialectical personality, contact can be made with dialectical people; unobtrusively and in a normal, natural manner, people can be fished from the sea of life in a fallen world. Therefore, they will, to this end, maintain their dialectical personality to the uttermost limits of what is practically attainable. Only when their time has come do they leave, without any ostentation, their old natural form. They die, but you will understand that this death is something quite different from that of any other person. This death is not the fruit of sin, no splitting of the personality whereby the remains move to the hereafter, but rather with this death the grave is found completely empty; only the cloak of the old nature remains. It is not a body that is abandoned, for this body was a disguise for many years, a cloak, a veil of Another Reality.

Normally, when someone dies, the remains of the personality are still present after the death of the body. But with the transfigurist initiate, the remains of the personality had long disappeared; they had long since 'died in Jesus the Lord', as the old Brotherhood of the Rosicrucians called it. What remained was just a disguise, the outward appearance of the old form of the body which was being used in the service of mankind for as long as possible. When, at a given moment, this old garment is thrown off it becomes apparent that nothing, absolutely nothing, remains of the old existence any longer, neither here nor in the hereafter.

This is why it is also said that the grave of Jesus the Lord was found completely empty. One saw nothing but a rolled-up shroud, namely the outer garment of the old form of the bodily figure. When Mary Magdalene wishes to see the Lord she has to look backwards. This 'looking backwards' is an ancient gnostic expression for gazing into the Original magnetic space, now new for her once more. There she sees Him whom she has always known in her innermost but whom she cannot approach, as she still exists in the old state of the ordinary nature. Therefore she is told: 'Don't touch me!' Here the same law is intended that caused Annanias and Sapphira to die. One cannot approach the 'entirely different' with what is dialectical, without causing a catastrophe.

If, in the light of the above, you now reflect on the ancient Cathars you will understand. A group of prisoners was walled in alive in a cave. A wall several feet thick lay between them and the outside world. The intention is clear: a slow death by starvation. Not a single chance of liberation. Do you think they would suffer for days, perhaps weeks, and then die in darkness and filth? No, for they who had long since made the sympathetic nervous system cerebro-spinal, they knew: now our time has come, now our task is fulfilled and with one small twist of the will to the nervus vagus they left the garment of their camouflage to meet Eternal Freedom, leaving the grave behind them, empty.

Another group of them, on top of the mountain of the cross at Foix, was fettered and thrown down into a ravine. Do you think they awaited the result of their fall? Contused, bleeding from terrible wounds, with broken limbs, dying under hellish pains? No, before they reached the ground they had left the garments of their camouflage and were winging their way up towards the clarity of the New Life! So it was, too, for those who went to the stake, for those who were cast into dungeons. As they no longer belonged to this world when the sacrilegious hand of dialectical violence reached out to them, they entered into their own Fatherland. This is the truth of the death of Jesus; this is the truth of the supposed 'suicide' of the ancient Cathars.

Those who do not know and cannot see, cast their hands before their faces in despair, saying: 'Oh, how terrible, what immeasurable suffering!' But all those who do know sing a hymn, a song of effervescent joy. For those who, while living, die the voluntary death of nature in the endura can no longer be harmed by the second death, the death of the camouflage body.

From Godliness (III) - The Coming New Man - Jan van Rijckenborgh


End Part Two

~ g

02 October 2014

The New Body - Part One


So far, we have extensively discussed the sevenfold path and at last seen that 'godliness' refers to a new, wondrous magnetic circuit of the power of the Holy Spirit in the nervus sympathicus, which, in the Universal Doctrine, is termed the second spinal cord, or the second serpent-fire. This second serpent-fire is the basis of all new human genesis. On this basis a new physical form, a new personality, is formed, the aspects and qualities of which we will extensively discuss when the time is ripe.

This concerns teachings regarding the Apostolic Circle, the Third Temple. Whoever, on the basis of his godliness, is able to enter this Third Temple, receives all necessary support to be able to learn:

1. how to nourish the new body
2. how to make the new body grow
3. how to conduct oneself in it
4. how to use it and
5. how, by means of a process, to take leave of the old body of nature.

Perhaps this information, in its conciseness, will throw some light on one of the greatest - and for the general public as yet shrouded - problems of the ancient Cathars, namely their supposed 'suicide'. The records report that the prisoners of the Inquisition during the medieval wars against the Cathars, seeing an end to their fate and being subjected to the most sophisticated methods of torture, forcibly left their bodies with a blissful smile on their lips and, by committing suicide, escaped their executioners. Their soulless bodies were found, with no sign of external injury and without a trace of poison, in absolute tranquility. What does this mean?

You know what suicide is. One dies by one's own hand, forces the death of the body, after which the remainder of the personality proceeds to the reflection-sphere. In certain regions of the hereafter, the personality must endure an intensely miserable and sorrowful time until the moment arrives in which death would normally have come. Reincarnation follows immediately afterwards, whereby the forcibly broken thread of life must be picked up again under aggravated circumstances.

You will doubtless understand that not a single Cathar ever committed such a deed, which, apart from the further consequences of suicide, would eliminate an existing chance of real Liberation from the Wheel. No, the holy Cathars possessed the new body, the new personality. From their experiences we can gain clear insight, which is in complete accord with the lawfulness of the transfiguristic process.

For the candidate, by means of the gnostic serpent-fire in the sympathicus, builds up a new personality fully equipped with the building materials of the Gnosis and absolutely free of and unfettered by this nature. It is a personality which develops in a totally different magnetic field of life while still occupying the same space as the dialectical personality. Thus, at a given moment there are, besides the auric personality, two further personalities in the micros of the candidate: the personality of the old nature and that of the New one. Consequently there are also two nuclei of consciousness, two I-beings, in this state.

Never make the mistake of thinking that your normal I will be transferred to the new body so that you yourself, as a dialectical center of consciousness, participate in the New Life. Your consciousness as a dialectical being, belongs to the phenomena of this nature. It will disappear, it will one day cease to exist when you go the Path. The Other One must increase, you yourself will perish.

From Godliness (III) - The Coming New Man - Jan van Rijckenborgh


 End Part One

~ g

01 October 2014

From The House Of Death To A New Abode


We know that there is a self-contained nature-of-death, that is: together with our fellow human beings we exist in a sick, unnatural part of the universal cosmos. This nature-of-death, Jacob Boehme says, belongs to the House of God, to the great Universal Body of God, although we must consider it as the old body. And the holy, Divine birth, the continuously renewing Divine love, has separated this sick part, this isolated body of the house of death, from the rest.

We can say: one part of the Universal Body, having become sick, has been isolated. Everything visible, Jacob Boehme says, belongs to the house of death, just as an inner, invisible host of stars belongs to the holy Divine birth. The house of death has been replaced, as it were, has been replicated by a new part. The sick part already exists simultaneously with the old abode, with the house of death, and gradually the new part is vivified and constructed and gradually the entities from the nature-of-death are transferred to the new abode. This new abode is the Immovable Kingdom, to which we have been called. As soon as all those who are candidates for it have been transferred to the New Kingdom, and the others who are not candidates for it have been transferred to a subhuman kingdom, or have possibly been dissolved, the old body of the nature-of-death will be dissolved and the wound in the Universal Body will have been healed.

Therefore, there are three possibilities: ascent into the Immovable Kingdom, which means returning to the Original abode, or being changed into a completely new type of being, or being dissolved. And this dissolution should not be seen as something terrible, as the worst thing that can happen to an entity, but this dissolution is in itself a mercy also. Imagine that you could choose between an existence in a dreadful, horrible demonism, being conscious of it in woeful grief, in dreadful hatred and the dissolution of the whole sevenfold system with the return of its seed atoms into the universal Body. Then you would certainly choose the latter.

In these three ways the wound in the Universal Body is being cured. In other words, not a soul is lost: either it returns to the Immovable Kingdom, the Primary Goal, or it is changed into a new type, or it is dissolved. To this end the Original Life breaks into our existence. The Original Life is manifested and conquers death.

From "The Blood Soul" - Working In The Service Of Mankind - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Three possibilities, three choices. One leads to Eternal Life, one leads to an eternity, many millions of years of continued misery and one leads to oblivion.

A no-brainer..for those who are ready.

~ g