28 October 2014

Salvation For The Living

The religious systems of the world, although philosophically disparate and divergent, are pretty much united on one thing: that man's "eternal reward" lies in the "hereafter", to be bestowed upon him only after a life of "goodness".

These religions disingenuously neglect to inform you of the following:

- that the "hereafter" is actually the reflection-sphere, which is merely the other side of material existence.

- that the "eternal" stay in said "hereafter" is temporary. Your personality will eventually dissolve in the blissful "Summerland", leaving an emptied microcosm. So much for "goodness".

- that your microcosm, in total forgetfulness and with a completely new personality, will return to earth-life at some point doomed to blindly fumble through the life experience once again.

- to top things, off, you will incarnate in a family belonging to the same religion that misled the last personality to inhabit your microcosm

And thus, the circle is closed.

On the other hand, The Universal Doctrine, which teaches the gnostic Path of Liberation, departs from the above tenets. Most importantly in the following areas:

- there are two separate and distinct nature-orders, two universes. One is Divine, the Original Kingdom from which man fell. The other is undivine. It is the world that has been pulled over our eyes. It is the world which man struggles in desperate futility to "make better".

- "salvation" is not something that awaits those who die. The moment the Divine Spark has been touched and awakened, the Seeker is already Victorious. That is because he or she is then linked to the Living Body of the Gnosis which is linked to the divine Treasury of Light. All the Light-power of that Treasury is immediately made available to the Candidate, although in a stepped-down measure. Material man would not be able to withstand the full power of the Gnosis, an astral power not-of-this-world. He would burn as if lit afire. Instead, it is made available to each new Candidate in a measure that can be safely assimilated. No one is given more than he or she can bear. A First Step is taken. The next step is taken only when one is ready.

- the true gnostic Rosicrucian shuns the reflection-sphere, the "hereafter" of the churches. Even with all of its beautiful summerlands and blissfully sublime devachans, it remains an illusory venue, a astral region of loitering for disintegrating personalities and emptying microcosms.

- the true gnostic brother of the Rosycross recognizes that even "reincarnation" although a true fact of human existence, is a revolving door leading to nowhere.

- the true gnostic Rosicrucian would not be caught dead in a church, temple or mosque, nor belong to any religion of any kind, as he or she recognizes that they are but traps for the Soul.

- most importantly, the true gnostic Rosicrucian knows that the moment he or she sets foot on the Path, he or she is on the Road to true salvation and true eternal life. It is understood that after death the personality will not be routed to the ordinary reflection-sphere for recycling, but will instead take a glorious detour to Shamballa, where the divine processes of Transmutation and Transfiguration will continue to unfold until the Good End is realized.

Do you realize that the salvation you seek is not something to be deferred until after physical death? Everything you need to begin this Great Journey is available here and now, in the present! First you must gain the proper insight into your plight. You must then make the decision that you are no longer going to try and make this world a "paradise", but will instead withdraw from the ways of the world and follow the Way of the Stars. The first steps on this Path are: selfless service and self-surrender. Both work hand-in-hand. Both are foolproof if applied steadfastly in humility and honesty.

Your Salvation begins here, from below-upwards. The churches do not want you to know this, so they disparage and murder the gnostic messengers of times past and present, in order to discourage you from seeking and finding that which was left for you to find.

It is fear that prevents one from letting go of this world. It is knowledge, insight, that will enable one to muster the strength to let go of the world.

Begin the process of Salvation while here on earth. It is the only way to avoid the fate of personality-dissolution in the sham heaven beyond the veil. The moment you open your heart to the Gnosis, you are on your way to Freedom. Stay on the straight and narrow Path. You will be given all the Help you need to bring your journey to a Good End.

~ g

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