30 May 2012

The Moment of Global Enlightenment


We know only too well that there are obstacles without number.  There are countless difficulties -- we experience them. And we know, too, that in the present chaos, in this period of transition which is unfolding inexorably, countless people are subject to psychological disorders. We also know that the powers and abilities that have served man until now, and which he is still trying to use, offer not a single hope of solution, not one prospect of healing for all the ills which threaten his destruction. That is the lesson mankind now has to learn, from bitter experience and in the face of extremely painful facts. The saying: 'He who is not willing to hear, must feel', applies not only to child-rearing but is also a law of man's course of development.

So the trials at the border, the affliction of the time in which we are living, are intended to make you profoundly aware that both the world order and the human system mankind has created are totally unsound and are the results of a mistaken course of development, in total disregard to the cosmic order and therefore in conflict with it. Socially, economically, scientifically, religiously, in short, in every field of our society, mankind has reached a total deadlock, or is rapidly approaching one. 

In full awareness, you will need to understand what this experience has to tell you, what it seeks to teach you; you will need to feel and experience profoundly the pain of it. And when you have passed through this inevitable ordeal, when you are really working hard at the inner realization of its lessons, and the how and why of it all is beginning to glimmer in your consciousness, you will discover that neither communism, nor socialism, nor democracy, nor fascism, nor any natural-religious or aesthetic form of life has any sense at all. And you will realize that no form of advancement is possible on the basis of the lying, quibbling practices that prevail between men and nations.

And then the Sevenfold World Brotherhood will take its great initiative, in order to give new direction to the world's course of development, which has reached a state of total stagnation and deadlock. And imprisoned mankind, diseased and ill to the very core, will be set free by this initiative.

How? By what initiative? Certainly not an international appeal or action, or some large-scale media campaign. And certainly not by opening special temples  here and there, although naturally, many temples will still retain their value.

No, the Brotherhood will work through an initiative that can be experienced simultaneously by the whole of mankind, including the most primitive and even the most criminal and hardened people. An initiative, then, that no-one will be able to deny or repudiate. It will be a manifestation that will last at least twenty-four hours in one of the most subtle of the material domains, the stratosphere, and it will happen in such a way that every eye shall see it, every ear shall hear it and all the senses man possesses will react to it. It will be a manifestation of the Sevenfold World Brotherhood intended for all people and all races. All Brotherhoods participating in the Universal Chain will contribute. This manifestation will be accompanied by an intense outpouring of electromagnetic energy which will affect the entire human system and bring about a profound reaction in every human being. Among other things, this reaction will, for a time, bring about a certain condition in the head sanctuary of every human being comparable with what we call the spirit-soul state.

As a result, human beings will temporarily have access to a certain amount of first-hand knowledge and will have an active third-eye at their disposal. They will thus become temporarily visionary, and behold the plan of God for the world and mankind. They will begin to understand their true task and calling, and also what will happen if they refuse it.

It will now not be difficult for you to form an idea of the reaction of the greater part of mankind to this manifestation of the Universal Brotherhood. In the radiative power of this temporary enlightenment, mankind will need to make some very radical decisions. If necessary, this manifestation will take place three times in all, in order to ensure that even the most primitive will be able to understand what is required of them.

In this way, the door to the New Life will be opened wide. You will perhaps realize that not only will the individual psyche be restored as far as possible, but an amazing purification will also be brought about in all human beings, in all spheres of life as a result of this experience and the effects of this mighty light-power.

The result will be a social revolution so grandiose and impressive that literally nothing in our current existence can be compared with it. Mankind will be guided into seven new courses of development involving all races, and no area will remain unaffected by this Great Transformation.

The Spirit-soul will be able to descend, as a result of which man will be able to grow day-by-day in his discernment of good and evil, in his ability to determine what is in keeping with the Divine Plan and what is not. The religions will no longer blunder and grope, and theology as a science will disappear entirely while, needless to say, numerous other fields of science will change considerably.

Try to imagine this, for instance, in relation to morality, in relation to scientific goals, in relation  to inner-city life and everything connected with it. In short, a mighty world revolution will take place that will leave scarcely a single spot on earth untouched.

From The Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross, Vol II - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Hold onto these words. These events are guaranteed to take place in our very near future. There is a Divine Plan for the earth and mankind. It is the Plan of the Logos, administered by the Universal Brotherhood. It therefore cannot, and will not, fail.

Prepare ye.

~ g

27 May 2012

The Nadir Of Materiality

Each one of the seven periods above consists of seven revolutions around seven globes. Each globe represents the earth in different states-of-being, or fields of manifestation. These seven periods are the Seven Great Days of Manifestation. The entire chart represents the 7th Cosmic Plane, the lowest and most dense of all the divine planes.

We have just passed the halfway point of the fourth round, Globe D, Earth Period. This means we have reached the midpoint of seven rounds (3.5) of the middle globe(globe 'D') in the middle period (Earth Period).

This is the absolute nadir of materiality. Absolute "rock-bottom", some would call it.

In Globes A, B and C, humanity was on a descending path, involving itself into matter, moving away from spirit. We have now reached the maximum level of crystallization. It is time for the cycle to turn upwards, in an evolutionary direction, as a segment of humanity makes its way back to re-connect with spirit. This part of the journey will take place on globes E, F and G.

Each of the Seven World Periods encompass hundreds of billions of years of time. The human life-wave, as virgin-spirits, 'fell' into this region - the 7th Cosmic Plane - way back in The Saturn Period, the very first period on the chart above. Since then, humanity has been ensnared in matter, diving deeper and deeper into the delusion. At the time of the fall, the Divine Plan of Salvation was formulated for the purpose of awakening those members of humanity who could hear The Call and guiding them safely back to the divine spheres - the 6th Cosmic Plane. 

Trillions of years. We, as microcosms repeatedly manifesting as personalities, have been wallowing in this cesspool-reality for Trillions of years. Over that time-span, some courageous and determined souls have been able to fulfill The One Goal of Humanity and free themselves from the Wheel of Death and Rebirth. In their boundless love and compassion, these ones have stayed on, in order to reach back and extend a hand up to the rest of us. Now, we have reached the midpoint of this entire Scheme of Evolution. This is a critical time for all present members of fallen humanity.

Why? Because prior to this point, during the downward, involutionary arc, souls worked to achieve liberation on a more or less individual basis. But now, because this entire Scheme is about to embark on its upward, evolutionary turn, the entire human-life wave will have to make a decision. The entire human life-wave - and this includes the entities we consider as 'dead' - must choose to raise their vibration to a level which will be sufficient enough for them to make this transition or else they will perish in the astral fire that is just over the horizon. Planet earth is returning to a higher level of existence, comparable with Globe 'E' in the diagram above, which is situated on the etheric level. We will need our etheric body to navigate this etheric realm. The material body must be discarded. It is the vital body, man's etheric double, that must be purified to level that will allow a smooth transition into the New Earth.

It has been a long, long journey. Trillions of years of futility stretch out behind us. Man is now being given a Grand Opportunity to take a giant leap forward. Are we going to waste the Grace of an Age because we are tied to the material-sphere and the things of this world? We must wake up, and wake up now! These are not common times, these are very uncommon times. All that we have to do is change our attitude of life from one of selfishness and 'me-firstness' to one of service to our fellow souls and to the planet. Live to give, not to acquire and hoard for oneself.

Turn around. Change your attitude of life. Reverse your focus from self to other-selves. Remember that when you serve yourself, you serve only yourself. But when you serve the group, you serve the self, by default.

Our earth's field of manifestation is changing. We must change with it, if we wish to continue our Journey on the next rung of the ladder of divine evolution. Humanity has come so far. After ages of suffering and sorrow, salvation beckons us.

The Time of Choice has arrived.

all love,

~ g

25 May 2012

Transformation, Atlantean Style


For a number of years humanity has been taken up in a mighty intercosmic turmoil, the turmoil of the Great Transfiguration, which is taking place in several stages.  It is a turmoil that touches all of humanity, passing nobody over. It confronts each of us with a great choice: resurrection or de-naturation.

An example from the past will illustrate what we mean. In the days of Atlantis the atmosphere of the earth was much heavier and denser than it is today. It was something between air and water, and respiration as we know it today was then organically impossible. At the time, two organs lying to the right and left of the next  and co-operating with the thyroid gland inhaled the water vapor together with the oxygen and separated them into air and water. In this way the excess water was eliminated from the system.

Lungs as we possess them today had not yet developed and were present in the body only as the germs of a new respiratory system. Only when the earthly atmosphere began to change, becoming much thinner, more tenuous and brighter, and the sun began to break through the thick layers of cloud,  did the pulmonary system become necessary for maintaining life in the new atmosphere. All those who had not adapted themselves to this fundamental change in the earthly atmosphere in time had to perish, or at the very least, to degenerate.The present intercosmic turmoil has in fact an identical purpose, albeit on a different plane.

The Atlantean intercosmic turmoil  was, among other things, intended to free and cleanse the human head  sanctuary of the excess water with which it was filled to the brim as a consequence of the atmospheric condition as prevalent at that time.After this cleansing, the human thinking faculty was liberated and from then on the human being became more and more conscious of the nadir of materiality. When the first Atlantean refugees arrived in great numbers in the, at that time uninhabited, continents, humanity reached the lowest point of its involution through a process, and it had to become fully conscious of this. For this reason a multi-faceted cultural period developed after Atlantis in order to make humanity conscious of all aspects and characteristics of this nadir. In this way, the world and humanity gradually approached the state of a totally different and new Apocalypse, namely the period of the Great Resurrection.

From The Mighty Signs Of God's Counsel - Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose de Pietri


After many thousands of years, mankind is ready to take another developmental leap, this time, in an upward, evolutionary, direction (as opposed to the downward, involutionary direction of the past). We have sunk as low as we can possibly sink in this nature-order. The time has now come for humanity to begin its upward climb towards Home. Just as in the days of old Atlantis, some are preparing, other are not. This post speaks for itself.

Do not be caught naked. Keep your lamps lit.

all love,

~ g

23 May 2012

A New Solar System


You know that this solar system, to which our earth belongs, forms a unity co-operating in all its aspects. The radiations of this system can be completely defined and foreseen as to their influences and their effects. Together, all those mighty radiations of our well-known solar system have, among other things, given birth to the human being as we know him today on our earthly plane. We are speaking here about the human being in his physical appearance, his sevenfold personality, equipped with great power and talents, with the nadir of matter as the limit of his achievements.

But you know that the human being is called to rise above this field of life, which has become a prison to him, and that later on, he will have to possess a new personality for this, a personality that has been transfigured and that is generally called the soul human being. So you will have to achieve resurrection and continue after this resurrection. You understand that achieving resurrection in and with the old personality, in and with the personality you now possess, is completely impossible. Therefore, rebirth is necessary. And because every rebirth takes place through radiations, through intercosmic radiations, for which until now, among other things, the planetary radiations of our solar system have served, it is clear that for the necessary resurrection that we are now approaching different radiations are needed from those we have at our disposal now.

That is why a different solar system will now appear and become active in the human life: a different sun, other planets and another zodiac. That is why it is said in the veiled and prophetic language of Revelation 21:

'I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and the sea was no more'.

This great change is already fully under way. The complete revolution of the whole universe is now in progress. And we have often spoken in our School about the three mystery planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, three planets belonging to the new solar system that will assist us in the coming development.

These three planetary influences will in the coming years, but within the foreseeable future, be joined by three other planetary powers, three influences not yet active for humanity and therefore still unknown.

Accordingly, six mystery planets will make themselves felt in the future. They will constitute the six steps of the path that the New Man will have to ascend. Together, these six will form the seventh aspect that the New Man will have to realize.

Every pupil will have to take seven steps, will have to ascend seven rungs, will have to attune himself harmoniously to seven mighty new influences. And the fact that we are gathered here explains why we are going to reflect on the third mystery planet, Pluto. For Pluto occupies a key position in the sevenfold series, and will change the appearance of the whole world, of the whole of humanity.

We will not be given free choice in this, as was the case in the past. In the past, we could be religious, or not. In the past, we could choose between different faiths. In the past, humanity wandered in the nadir of materiality and was kept in equilibrium as well as possible by our well-known solar system.

But all of this is going to change now. The whole of humanity is being driven in a particular direction. And the point is whether you want to follow, or not. If you decide, as the old human being sometimes did, to wait a little longer, to sit on the fence for a few more years, you will regret it later, because such a delay will cause great damage.

We can and must say to you: that is what is going to happen! It has been granted to us to prove this to you in the coming days.

"A New Solar System" from The Mighty Signs Of God's Counsel - Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose de Pietri (August 1965)



18 May 2012

One Flew Over

Vintery, mintery, cutery, corn,
Apple seed and apple thorn;
Wire, briar, limber lock,
Three geese in a flock.
One flew east,
And one flew west,
And one flew over the cuckoo's nest.

- Children's Folk Rhyme -

08 May 2012

Keep On Walking, Don't Look Back

The Path to True Life can appear to be a lonely one, at times. The mass of humanity are totally oblivious to it. They are happily engrossed in the endless variety of delusions that the material-sphere offers. Good or bad, the sensation of "living" is what they crave. They have no idea that, in truth, they do not live but are actually 'living dead'.

Just as when we were children and were forced to stay home and study while the 'cool kids' hung out on the block, those who are sincerely trying to walk The Path may now and then have moments of melancholy, perhaps tinged with a bit of envy. "How come they get to play outside and I don't?", we would whine. And what would our mothers say in reply? "There's nothing out there for you in those streets. You're going to study so that you can grow up to be somebody!" (or words to that effect). If we look back on our lives, we can kind of see that our parents were mostly right. The 'cool kids' aren't so cool anymore, as they struggle through life. We struggle as well, but in a slightly different manner.

We struggle because we have come to understand that even the idea of "making something out of ourselves" on the physical plane is a false ideal, destined to trap us into one of the many imprisoning social roles that duality has defined for us to inhabit. We have come to realize that nothing in this material realm is lasting --- nothing. "All is vexation and vanity", as the Buddha so succinctly put it.

Now that the trappings of earth-life have been stripped away and revealed for what they truly are, it's normal for one to occasionally feel a bit out-of-sorts. After all, the only things that brought one any sort of  'enjoyment' at all in this nature-order have now been exposed, unmasked, so that in essence, there's nothing left. Well, almost nothing left. We are still left with the un-appealing prospect of indulging in the fruitless struggle between 'good' and 'evil' until we reach the end of this life, only to pass over to the reflection-sphere for a time before returning by birth, yet again, to this same Treadmill of Futility. The hand-maidens of duality, 'good' and 'evil' both serve one and the the same purpose, although in markedly different ways. They serve to bind us here, bind us to a delusion.

One feels lonely and out-of-sorts only because one does not yet have a strong enough faith in the Path, does not yet truly believe in the journey of the rose and the cross. The gnawing question becomes, "what now?". There's nothing for us in this nature-order, yet the Original Realm for which we are yearning cannot be perceived, physically. It can only be felt, but not if we maintain our attraction to the old kingdom. We must endeavor to live by what has been revealed to us, by what our hearts have resonated to, and have faith that all that has been revealed to us is true. With this faith, we will persevere, resolutely moving forward, not stopping to look back. Moving ever closer to The Goal, and farther from that which lies behind us, we will develop the ability to "see" where it is we are headed. The Truth will shine forth as a mighty beacon whose illuminating Light will erase all of our lingering doubts and fears.

Self-forgetfulness is the key. We should lose ourselves in service to others, no matter how small, insignificant or anonymous that service may be. The less time we spend thinking about our own perceived 'troubles', the less likely we are to be affected by those thought-forms which seek to drag us back into the mire we are trying to escape.

Loneliness? Do not waste precious time in self-pity and hand-wringing! Look ahead! Look closely! Can’t you see? Our true friends and relations have all gathered at the Great Gate, where they have been waiting for, literally, eons. Waiting with infinite patience and love for us to arrive safely Home from a long, long journey in a distant, foreign land. That long vigil is nearly over. The Great Reunion is upon us. We are almost there.

Keep on walking, don't look back.

~ g

07 May 2012

A New State-Of-Being


Once a human being has drunk deeply enough from the cup of bitterness, and has eaten long enough from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, a new inner need develops, a powerful urge to discover the purpose of life, the plan that lies at the foundation of his existence.

The more he understands that plan, and the more his desire, his heart, is fed with that understanding, the more his heart becomes accessible to the light of the Gnosis. This is the state of illumination, which opens the way to the miraculous fulfillment. The rose begins to flower and the higher human being, which encompasses the pupil as a microcosm, begins to speak to him. In this way the candidate enters what we, along with many of the ancients, refer to as the phase of mystical illumination, of the nurturing of the plan touching him.

In that fundamental, new state of being which is now emerging, the person's attitude to life will change; the standards by which he evaluates things will alter. Everything which, until now, he considered important, will fade into insignificance in the light of the New Day, because a new rational-moral faculty is being set free within him. We call it 'rational' as well as 'moral' because, now that this change is underway, the head sanctuary, as well as the heart sanctuary, can begin to perform its true function again. So head and heart, heart and head, work together in an illumined, rational-moral state of being. Now the Great Work can begin. After knowing oneself, one must embark on the process of overcoming oneself. What does that mean?

The human race is standing at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, which means that the ages of Aries and Pisces now lie behind it. This means that, since your microcosm takes on a new personality once in every 700 years on average, it has experienced around six lives in the last four thousand years, and is now in its sixth or seventh life since the beginning of the Aries era (g: each zodiacal age spans 2,160 years). So in the sense of your material existence, you must already have received and experienced the message about your vocation, far back in the past. Subsequently, the way to follow that path of salvation must have been illustrated and exemplified for you. That is why it is time, now, for you to put that mighty task into practice.

What we mean to say is that, until now, the pupils of our School (g: this goes for you, as well) have not fully utilized the countless opportunities for liberation given them during the past periods of existence. Perhaps they even knew some of those great forerunners and their servants personally, and heard them speak, but without making any use of that opportunity. Perhaps, during their last lifetime, it was the mighty movement of the Cathar Gnosis that called them.

Throughout that whole series of past existences, they may not yet have been mature enough to follow the Path of Victory. Let us assume that you are determined to follow that Path -- because that is the most important thing! If only you are willing to persevere, you will be able to accomplish everything, for all the necessary abilities are present within you. Then all you will need to do is make sure that your head and heart remain in that new state-of-being. You will need to keep your heart and head 'in the light', as we often put it, and not allow yourself to be handicapped by the grip of nature. Then you will be able to accomplish the process.

If you keep your heart and head in the light, in that state of illumination, this will create the optimal conditions for connecting the microcosm with the personality. The connecting power, the uniting element, will then manifest the soul. In other words, when the microcosm and the personality  are connected, the soul arises in between the two, as a new body.  For when the personality-system is kept in the light of the Gnosis, its radiation is able to connect more and more closely with that of the microcosm, and in this way, together, they weave the living soul. That soul-body has an existence which is in the world, but no longer of the world. So by bringing the soul into existence, the human being is able to enter the Path of Transfiguration.


From "He Who Overcomes Himself Is Omnipotent - The Chinese Gnosis - Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose de Pietri


05 May 2012



The occultist has many strings in his bow, such as astrology, the tarot, the cabala, and hand-reading. We have found that the way to self-knowledge is quite different.

It would be wonderful if you could realize this, for then you could be spared a long road of experience, accompanied by much trouble and sorrow. At the heart of all this is the need for you to uncover a mystery, which consists of the following steps:

- the first is knowing oneself, through which one attains illumination;

- the second is overcoming oneself, through which one becomes omnipotent;

- the third is unlocking a new form of energy, through which the magic faculty  of the will is generated,

- and the fourth is entry into the everlasting new life, which happens when the end of the journey through matter has been reached.

You would do well to study this formula, and try to put it into practice so that you can taste the fruits of it. It is a formula that comes to you from the primordial past, bringing with it the glory of infallibility. The question is, how does one attain self-knowledge, and so become illumined? And what does it mean to be illumined?

To find real answers to these questions, one needs to have had a certain measure of experience; one needs to have drunk from the bitter cup of suffering. For it is experience that makes such questions well up in the human heart, questions like: 'What is the purpose of my life? What does it really mean to be human? What is the destiny of humankind?'.

If you do not ask these questions in an intellectual way, but because you are driven by an inner need, because these issues are really a problem for you; if these questions well up from the deepest depths of your being, then the urge to seek will emerge in you of its own accord. It is an urge that will be felt as a vital need, as a 'to be or not to be'. Then, the whole of the Universal Doctrine will open for you, the whole of the Divine Plan for the world and humankind.

This process of seeking is made very much easier for pupils, for all the literature of the School of the Rosycross is available to them, and they study it, driven by an inner need. And because this urge to know is founded on an inner need, the process of study is quite different from what is ordinarily understood by the term.

This study leads to the discovery that the I-consciousness is only a motoric activity whose function is to keep the personality alive and well, and that the personality is only a part of the whole Creation, intended to serve as the basis for the development of the True Human Being. Furthermore, one learns that the life of the personality, as one knows it, is not life in the ultimate sense of the word, which has to do with the True Human Being, but is a purely animal existence.

When the student understands that -- and it will be understood if he or she is motivated by an inner need -- a point of contact latent in the personality will awaken and begin to bloom: a point known as the 'rose of the heart'. From within the rose, a voice will begin to speak, the voice of the monadic flame, which is the part of the higher human being that must be connected with the lower human being via the soul, as a result of which the composition of the lower human being will be changed and transfigured.

When the pupil begins to be inwardly aware of that plan, when it opens up for him and is no longer understood merely as an intellectual concept, he will begin to live and grow in the direction intended for him by the Divine Plan. That is what it means to be illumined. Only then will there be knowledge of the self, and knowledge of God. Then one really knows that 'the Kingdom of God is within you'.

So that is what illumination means. In the light of that knowledge, the Path of Victory, the Path of Self-conquest, can be walked.

From "He Who Knows Himself Is Illumined" - The Chinese Gnosis - Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose de Pietri


"...the higher human being that must be connected with the lower human being via the soul, as a result of which the composition of the lower human being will be changed and transfigured".

That is what this is about in a nutshell. The linkage of the divine Spirit with material Body via the re-born Soul, or Microcosm. The result, a transfigured material body surrounded by a purified microcosm, eternally linked to the Power of the All and dedicated to carrying out Its Mighty Will. 

Illuminated. Liberated.

~ g

03 May 2012

Heaven And Earth Will Unite - Part II


But now, let us go further. Let us suppose you are approaching Tao, the Original Foundation of all things, and that as a result the soul is growing in you. Let us assume your approach to life is attuned to Tao, right down to the finest detail, so that your whole existence is becoming open to the spirit. The result will be that your radius of action and your state of consciousness will gradually expand, and in this way, you will be guided further and further along The Path, day by day.

Clearly this is bound to have a profound effect on your mental activity. The time will come when you will think in quite a different way than others do. What is of great interest to them will not be important to you. You will even lose the ability to concentrate on such things. Perhaps you have experienced
 that already, in which case it is proof that you have died to that part of the reflection-sphere we call the mental sphere. It is as if you have bored a kind of shaft through the mental part of the reflection-sphere. Then you can pass through the mental sphere without being a part of it. Or, to use terminology of the gnostic gospel of the Pistis Sophia, you can travel through it, without the powers and aeons of that sphere being aware of it.

The next indication of your progress on The Path will be a transformation in your desire-life.  Many pupils worry about their desires. However, if you are genuinely focused on Tao, in the deepest sense of the word, your desires will change fundamentally, so fundamentally that in this sense, too, you will become unworldly.

This alteration involves not only your inner orientation and soul-development., but also your physical well-being. Your bodily needs will change, too, and if you do not adapt yourself to these changes, your body is likely to become ill. So if you have any physical problems, it might be worthwhile to consider them from this angle.

All this is proof that your astral body is changing in a fundamental way, so that the chakras no longer rotate in the same way as they did before. Instead of turning from left to right, all the greater and lesser wheels of the chakra system have started to turn in the opposite direction, from right to left. When that happens, you can pass through all the astral planes of the reflection-sphere, without the forces of those spheres being able to influence or restrain you. Indeed, they will no longer even be able to perceive you.

The same process takes place in the etheric body and the etheric sphere, so that ultimately you will have bore a shaft right through all the dualistic etheric spheres, and your threefold self of spirit, soul and body will have become a unity.

That is the fundamental principle of gnostic magic: making yourself personally free from the etheric spheres of ordinary nature. How does one do that? By being exclusively focused on Tao, and accepting all the consequences. As a result, your needs and interests will change fundamentally, and you will bore a shaft through all the domains on the archons and the aeons of the reflection-sphere.

Then, as we said just now, a unity will arise between the threefold spirit, soul and personality-state, and, through that unity in you, the Spirit will be connected with humanity, with the world, in its hour of desperate need. From that moment onwards, the lower nature will yield to the governance of your renewed, true Self. Then you will be able to apply gnostic magic, for you will have become capable -- if we may put it in a somewhat old-fashioned way -- of practicing the highest yoga God has given to His children.

Excerpted from "Heaven and Earth Will Unite" - The Chinese Gnosis - Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose de Pietri

02 May 2012

Heaven And Earth Will Unite

Tao is eternal and has no name.

Its essence is simple and small, yet not even the world in its entirety would dare to seek governance over it.

If princes and kings were able to sustain it, the ten thousand beings and things would enter harmony  spontaneously, without needing to be told.

When Tao was apportioned, it was given a name.

With that name, one has to know how to contain oneself.

He who can contain himself will not enter into danger.

Tao will be spread throughout the All.

All things will return to Tao, like mountain streams, which return to the rivers and then to the sea.

Tao Te Ching, chapter 32


We would like to consider chapter 32 of the Tao Te Ching , for this testimony, communicated by an entity of the highest eminence and handed down to us in a remarkably unspoiled condition despite its great antiquity, confirms the words of the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross. We have been telling you about the need for gnostic magic, and about how a priesthood and a new temple-structure will be necessary if gnostic magic is to achieve it full potential in the temples of the Rosycross.

That is why we are speaking about this ancient prophecy of Lao Tzu, because the world is entering a time of total transformation, and humanity is standing on the threshold of a new Age.

'Tao', 'It', the power we call 'God', is transcendent with respect to what it has created, but at the same time it is the power which moves and governs the entire All. All created things, yes, all creatures, bear the awareness of Tao at the core of every atom of their being. So nothing is closer to us than Tao, the divine power which comes to judge the living and the dead, but which is also the power that leads to blessedness.

Humanity experiences Tao's power of judgment throughout almost every moment of its existence. The question now is whether this divine power of judgment can be transformed into the divine power that leads to blessedness, to fulfillment. That is the great problem facing humankind. If you are a serious pupil of the sevenfold Spiritual School, you will know that together, as a group of fellow pupils of the Rosycross, we can solve this problem for ourselves and our fellow human beings with the aid of gnostic magic.

So it is crucial that you keep on examining, every single day of your life, what the elements of gnostic magic are, and whether your approach to life is really in harmony with them. For the salvation of the whole human race -- right now, in the present -- depends on it. If only a relatively small group of human beings were able to sustain Tao in dualistic  nature, as a radiative factor of the kind meant by Lao Tzu, then the whole of humanity would have to submit to it. What is more, heaven and earth would unite and cause a gentle dew to fall, and the people would enter harmony spontaneously, without needing to be told.

We understand this, and that is why we would like to go on deepening our perspective of gnostic magic. We need to begin by stating that Tao needs to be the core essence, the underlying foundation of all gnostic magic. No other power exists, no other influence, neither in the material-sphere nor in the reflection-sphere, that could take the place of Tao.

The pupil also needs to understand the need for a vehicle which is in harmony with Tao, and is therefore capable of transmitting and working with it. He will need to know that vehicle, to possess and experience it, as the soul. So the pupil's first priority after having gained wisdom and insight should be to attain the soul, the soul-body. One may safely say that all pupils possess a powerful soul-principle and most already have a soul-body. So they ought to be able to practice gnostic magic.

But it is especially those in whom is growing that so remarkable, necessary and sensitive vehicle we call the soul, who need to exercise the utmost care and attention with respect to their approach to life. For surely you know the words: 'The soul that sins must die'? This saying should not be regarded as a kind of mystical slogan no longer meaningful in a world like ours, but as an unavoidable fact applicable to anyone who has gained some soul quality.

When a person gains soul-power, the spirit, Tao, is always immediately attracted and activated in that person's life, because of the magnetic power which is one of the soul's attributes. Where the soul is, there the spirit is, also. So it is clear that, whenever the person in whom soul-power is present reverts, even momentarily, to the mundane approach to life, the spirit, Tao, is not able to function as a renewing power, as a divine power which imparts blessedness, but only as a disintegrating power, a fire of judgment.

Let us assume for the moment that you possess soul-quality, and that you are therefore approaching Tao, in whatever way. At times there may be only a few minor details of your approach to life which are attuned to the ordinary, mundane level. Nevertheless, Tao will then always function as a fire of judgment. The stronger the current, the stronger the shock. This is such a simple truth that even a child could understand it.

The power of judgment always acts correctively. That is why those who are approaching the fundamental power underlying gnostic magic, those who genuinely long for that divine power which leads to blessedness, need to be exceptionally alert with respect to their approach to life, in order to avert the fire of judgment. For they are entering the phase of transfiguration and are therefore arousing all the phenomena connected with the soul. So they need to transform the fire of judgment into the grace which imparts the blessedness of the children of God.

Your approach to life needs to be attuned to the intentions of the spirit right down to the finest detail. Only in that way can you avoid all those familiar, and perhaps, as yet, unfamiliar afflictions and situations that could delay your progress on The Path. Even more importantly, only in that way will you become suitable and worthy to practice gnostic magic which has become so urgently necessary.


Excerpted from "Heaven and Earth Will Unite" - The Chinese Gnosis - Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose de Pietri