The Supreme Being - The Absolute
No Beginning, no End. The Unknowable. The All. Ever-existing. Creates All That Is in alternating cycles of Activity and Rest spanning vast ages of what humans call "Time". In the diagram, The Absolute is represented by the uppermost triangle, residing on the First Cosmic Plane. It's three Aspects are Power, The Word (Logos) and Motion.
The Seven Great Logoi
Emanate from The Absolute at the dawn of every new Day of Manifestation. These Great Beings are charged with administering the Creation.
The Cosmic Planes
There are seven Cosmic Planes. Each is composed of matter which vibrates at a particular rate. This results in each Plane having matter of a different vibrational rate, or density*. From "Servers of the Divine Plan":
* The term 'density' denotes a vibrational frequency of consciousness or plane of existence. The occult structure of the lower part of the universe in which we reside - the Cosmic Physical Plane - is most often described using a septenary model, i.e., seven ascending levels from the most dense or most material at the bottom level to the least dense or quickest vibration at the top. Each major level, or plane, can then be divided again into seven sub-levels. However, such clear-cut divisions are for conceptual convenience only, for, in truth, one level cannot really be distinguished from the next since the whole spectrum of vibratory frequencies changes by extremely subtle gradations. The most prevalent level of consciousness amongst the mass of human beings on Earth today - using the septenary model - is that of third-density approaching fourth.
Each Cosmic Plane is sub-divided into seven divisions, or "sub-planes". The Universe that we are experiencing in, is located in the lowest Cosmic Plane, the 7th. To be more specific, we experience in the seventh sub-plane of the 7th Cosmic Plane. This lowest sub-plane contains The Physical World, which is itself divided into seven distinct worlds, or densities.
The Solar Logos
Is the divine head of a solar system. This is who Man refers to when he speaks of "God". It's three Aspects are Will, Love-Wisdom and Intelligent Activity. In this diagram, the Logos of this solar System is represented by the second triangle labeled "God". Following the pattern put forth by The Absolute, the Solar Logos emanates Seven Logoi to administer Its Creation. These Seven Logoi have been referenced throughout human history as the "Seven Spirits Before the Throne", "The Seven Rishis", "The Seven Rays", etc. They are responsible for building and maintaining the seven densities, or 'worlds', in which all the kingdoms of life will evolve in. They oversee the evolution of all life in this sector of the Cosmos.
This level, this seventh sub-plane of the 7th Cosmic Plane, is a fallen universe. It is considered fallen because the majority of the life-waves experiencing in this system do not vibrate in resonance with the Divine. This is where Man lives the never-ending cycle of Death and Rebirth. Man believes that he is repeatedly reborn in order to learn certain "lessons". While this is partially true, it is also true that no schooling lasts forever. At some point, the student must either drop out or graduate. Mankind has been stuck in freshman year for quite some time now. In order to 'graduate' from this lower density, Man must withdraw his attention from the lower worlds and focus his consciousness in the Higher.
Things to Note:
Notice that each of the original Seven Great Logoi spawn seven subsidiary Logoi, who in turn spawn seven more, and so forth. i haven't done the math, but by the time this activity reaches the 6th Cosmic Plane, the numbers are fairly high. Because this is only a diagram, an attempt to represent something we currently do not have direct knowledge of, the numbers should be looked upon as symbolic. On this 7th Cosmic Plane, each of these lesser Logoi are in charge of a Solar System. They are as suns. That is to say (taking the case of our solar system as an example), the Sun is the physical representative of the Solar Logos (just as our dense bodies are the physical representatives of our spiritual, true selves).
When you look up at the night sky, many of the stars you see are also Logoi in charge of a system. These will have from one to several planets orbiting them. The Original Pattern established by The Absolute is universal.
Note that our Solar Logos also emanates seven logoi. In the diagram, you will see that each of these Seven are identified as one of the seven sacred planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune. These represent the seven creative Hierarchies, entrusted with the Form side of creation.
That concludes this briefest of outlines regarding The Supreme Being and the Seven Cosmic Planes.
~ g
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