24 March 2011

...And Sin No More


1. transgression of divine law: the sin of Adam.

What is sin? Sin is man's error against divine law. The Law which holds that man must strive to treat his brother as himself. Both are One in essence. When we mistreat another, we do harm to ourselves. When we work selflessly for the benefit of another, due measure is returned.

For millenia, Man has had a very hard time understanding (or remembering) this cosmic fact.

Man is a servant to his sins. They keep us enslaved, as the karma generated by them chains us securely to the ever-rotating Wheel of Death-and-Rebirth. In order to hop off the merry-go-round, we must learn how to stop putting it in motion. The first step towards that goal is to cease to error against divine law.

Man is a willful creature. He does what he wishes. This is due, in part, to his exercising the divine grant of free choice. It is also due to the fact that man is ignorant of the divine laws and how to apply them in a harmonious and beneficial way. Mark this truly, Man will never achieve his Return to the Divine Kingdom if he continues to do what he wants to do. For his efforts in that direction, all he will receive is more knocks on the heads, more bruises to the heart, more sorrow, more pain, more births in the fallen kingdom we love to think of as "home".

Our continued presence on this planet serves no one's interest but Lucifer's, the dark lord, the prince of this fallen world. Our presence here is required in order to keep this entity "in business". That's why we are given all the rope we need to hang ourselves. Freedom to indulge ourselves in the mindless, never-ending quest for sensation. And really, that's all it is. We've fallen in love with the heavy, slow, dense vibrations of this lower plane of existence. We enjoy the sensations of sexual excitement, of anger and rage, of gloom, of violence against another, of pride, of eating too much or not enough, and on and on. We seek the sensation that our emotional (astral) bodies can extract from these experiences and we are intoxicated by them, infatuated with them. Man is drunk from the etheric emanations and slow vibrations of an undivine world. And so, we do not recognize that we are captives in a prison of careful construction. Even worse, we do not realize that we (like Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz") have carried within us the Keys to the cellblock door, all along.

How do we reverse this travesty? How do we escape this sham, this shattered reflection of an existence? How do we locate and use our Keys to the Kingdom?

First of all, we've got to stop indulging in the quest for sensation. Immediately. Whatever faults, whatever habits, whatever addictions one is laboring under, one must undertake the effort to eradicate them, to expunge them from his sphere of existence...NOW. If we say that "I can't", or "it's too hard", or "it's a disease" we will surely fail before we begin. If we say "we can't" then we won't. Because energy follows thought, and what is focused upon grows.

Second of all, we have to begin to humbly seek the truth about the power of The Christ and the Grace, the Christine radiations that are being presented to the planet here and now, at the end of this age. We are being offered divine assistance in overcoming our faults, addictions and bad habits. We are being offered the opportunity to have our karma taken on by The Christ. We don't have to "do it ourselves". Indeed, we can't. It takes a Power not of this world to fight the dark lords and their minions, on their turf. Those who wish to cleanse and prepare their "wedding garments" prior to The Great Transition should silently and humbly open their hearts and then ask the Christ to do the work within you, so that you may become a fit vessel for the service of mankind.

We can't say that we are not worthy. We can't say that we are weak. We can't say that we are undeserving. These are excuses. We are worthy. We are not weak. We are deserving of Divine Grace. That is the reason it is being offered to us yet again. We have always been the Father's children. He has been patiently waiting for us to turn away from the glamour of this fake existence and come Home.

Turn away from darkness. Ask The Christ to throw the moneychangers out of your temple, to cleanse the demons from your midst. Stand aside and do not interfere in the process. Cooperate in the effort by striving to not fall back into the old ways ever again.

Will you stumble? Possibly. Will you fall? Again, possibly. But as long as you make the continuous effort of will to continue to move away from what you were and towards what you wish to become, the divine link will strengthen, and your "enemies" will be brought down. Eventually, your eyes will begin to clear. Your emotional and mental vehicles will heal. You will start to see glimpses of the glory that lies ahead. The fallen world and its endless buffet of sensations will no longer hold your interest. You will realize that you have been living in a cesspool and loving it.

At that point, you will no longer be living for yourself. You will be living to do God's will. Allowing the divine to work through you will bring forth a bounty that can never be realized by selfishly working for yourself.

Not tomorrow. Today. Change. Prepare. Forgive yourself. Accept the Grace of an Age that is being offered to all who are wise enough to receive it.

Then go forth, and sin no more.

~ g


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