30 March 2011

Cab's Here!

From Rare Insights -
The Sifting Time.

"THERE are two kinds of division. There is the divisive or separative way of the ego, which is motivated by selfishness and fear, and then there is - and which is especially tangible in end-times periods - the sifting process of the divine Spirit, which is motivated by Love.

There are many righteous people in the world who recognise the greater and lesser injustices in our society and quite understandably become indignant and desirous to set things right. Some of them then "take up arms against a sea of troubles" and rally forth into a personal battle against evil and all that is wrong in the world. Yet when we place a charge on evil (or anything else) and proceed to engage it with any personal desire or aversion we actually strengthen the dualistic field within ourselves and in the world in which both 'good'* and evil thrive. This is why Jesus warned us to: "Resist not evil", lest in our resistance, in our personal battle with it, we feed it.

* In this world of duality, 'goodness' and evil keep one another alive. If we do good from our own self-willed ideas, then we are automatically fortifying the evil of this world, because the universe will always seek to balance itself. The poles of good and evil are perpetually swinging in duality, in maya, due to the ignorant free will of its bound creatures. True, divine Goodness - which has no opposite, for nothing can oppose it - is transcendent of both good and evil; the Christ-Light hidden from the eyes of the worldly is beyond both good and evil, and that is why it does not engage in the battle of the polarities. The Light of Christ-Wisdom will never feed either pole of duality.

Now, the battle of Armageddon is indeed intensifying in the world today as the long-prophesied and now approaching Light of Christ is pushing all unresolved karma and darkness to the surface from within. Therefore we shall all find that life on Earth is becoming more challenging as the forces of dualistic good and evil vie for our attention in an attempt to hold us in and to reinforce our binding to duality- and separation-consciousness, and this is how it seeks to feed itself, to maintain and to perpetuate itself, despite the inevitable approaching world-correction. Meanwhile the separating power of the Sword of Truth, the divine Truth - not personal truth or personal will - continues to effect the inevitable sifting process that leads to this age's end-time harvest of those souls who are able to rise above all duality and so enter the Ark of Christ before it leaves these shores for the New Kingdom. Therefore it is important to remain dispassionately vigilant in these times of world-acceleration because all and any persons who are not 100% centred and aligned in Spirit will act to some degree as a conduit for the expression of the dualistic powers, which are essentially the antichrist forces.

Such powers do have intelligence and are willfully galvanised and directed from the hidden worlds, and we shall be able to observe these expressing with greater desperation as well as greater cunning in these testing times, often through friends and family and those most dear to us, rather like Agent Smith was able to come through any human being who was plugged into the matrix in the deeply allegorical movie of the same name. This is why it is imperative to look always to the divine Spark in a person - what some may call the Soul - and not to the changing personality, with which we may easily become caught up in the dualistic drama of the last days: the great battle of Armageddon between the forces of 'good' and evil". (more...)

If one takes anything away from this post, let it be this: Resist Not Evil. Be neither for nor against anything. We live in a world of duality, of polarized opposites. Like a pendulum, the measure of swing to one side must always be balanced by the measure of swing to the opposite side. Whenever we focus upon any of the "seeming-and-oh-so-real" aspects of the fallen world that we are trapped in, we feed the illusion, we keep the pendulum in motion. This includes the 'good' parts as well as the bad. That is why the forbidden tree in the Garden was referred to as the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil". Ancient man "ate" from this tree, setting the Pendulum of Duality in motion, thus trapping Mankind and keeping us helplessly mired in our own karma.

The aim of the serious aspirant for liberation should be to escape from this never-ending dream (nightmare?). We should strive to not keep it alive with our thoughts, feelings and actions. The World is not what you have grown to believe it is. This is a false world. It is a counterfeit, a luciferic reflection of the true divine world that has always existed, but which is for now hidden from the sight of most. Sincere aspirants for liberation will seek to turn their attention away from the common occurrences, events and stimuli that this fallen, bizarro world unceasingly presents. Sincere aspirants will recognize the predicament that humanity is in and will seek to stop feeding the beast with their attention. Sincere aspirants will seek Right Knowledge, guided by their intuition. Sincere aspirants will endeavor to reject the personality and its incessant demand for reinforcement and validation. Sincere aspirants will hear The Call and respond without fear or trepidation.

Once one realizes the true nature of who and what we are, where we are, how long we have been here and how thoroughly we have been deceived and misled, the gilded lustre of this fallen world will begin to quickly fade. As Truth begins to dawn, the enlightened soul will crave just one thing - liberation.

Those who are willing and able must awaken immediately. It is time to for us to get the hell out of here. The cab is double-parked and the meter is running.

~ g 

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