29 July 2011

From The Hollies

The road is long
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
Who knows when
But I'm strong
Strong enough to carry him
He ain't heavy, he's my brother

So on we go
His welfare is of my concern
No burden is he to bear
We'll get there
For I know
He would not encumber me
He ain't heavy, he's my brother

If I'm laden at all
I'm laden with sadness
That everyone's heart
Isn't filled with the gladness
Of love for one another

It's a long, long road
From which there is no return
While we're on the way to there
Why not share?

And the load
Doesn't weigh me down at all
He ain't heavy, he's my brother

He's my brother
He ain't heavy, he's my brother...

"He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother"
(B. Scott and B. Russell)


27 July 2011

Invisibility And Impossibility

There are those who do not believe in a Supreme Being. There are those who do not believe that man, in addition to his visible dense body, has subtler bodies as well, that reside and function on subtler planes of matter. There are those who do not believe that thoughts are tangible things, that can be projected, directed or accumulated.

There are those who do not believe that the entire creation is composed of countless, innumerable levels of vibration. They do not believe that there are etheric worlds, astral worlds, mental worlds, etc.

They do not believe these things because they do not see them. To such people, if it cannot be seen, heard, tasted, smelled or touched, then it doesn't exist.

Then what about the effect of the invisible rays of the Sun on all creatures, great and small? What about the medium that constantly invades our nostrils and lungs, carrying the molecules of oxygen that we cannot see? What about the thoughts we have that ramble (some may say, rattle) through our brain? All invisible! But we know they are there. What about carbon monoxide, the deadly colorless, odorless gas?

How can we accept that these things, though unseen, do indeed exist and yet the phenomena of the invisible worlds does not? You can't have one without the other. You can't say that some invisible things can be and then, in the same breath, say that others cannot be. Invisibility has already proven itself to be a factor in this physical world (see above examples). The existence of even a single instance of invisibility opens a door that cannot be closed: the possibility of infinite occurrences of invisibility.

Much talk has been postulated about "parallel worlds" and "parallel universes". Science fiction, wishful thinking, bunk, right? Well, not if we accept what is being written here. Human "science" is on the right track. However, science's greatest drawback is its inflexible requirement that everything must be "proven" before it can be accepted. Well, some things cannot be physically proven, especially if those things do not exist in the physical world.

Entire planets, solar systems, star systems and galaxies surround us right this very minute. We cannot see them because they exist in subtler realms that our physical senses cannot pierce. We must develop the sense organs appropriate to these higher realms in order to view what takes place there. When this happens, we will be able to see and function in, say, the astral or mental worlds just as we currently do here in this physical world. Everything will be clearly defined and possess a solidity, just as things appear to us here.

For many, these abilities are a long way off. But these abilities are man's birthright. They are guaranteed to all those who persevere. Mankind's destiny is to advance from the lower worlds to the higher, to evolve from humanity to Divinity ("From clod to god", as the saying goes). Humanity (those who prove themselves fit) is about to take an important first step towards being able to consciously live and function in higher spheres of existence. The difference in living between where we are now and where we are going is like comparing a gopher hole to the Grand Canyon.

Trust, you will want to be on board when this ship sails for distant shores. Prepare yourselves now for what is to be. Do what is needful. Forget about the naysayers, the cat-callers and those who may ridicule or dismiss your take on things. They laughed at Noah, too. Rely on your intuitive convictions. In your heart, you will find what is true. Hold onto that and to the Knowledge that the Truth lies within you, nowhere else. Love, Serve, Purify, Prepare.

Invisibility? Simply matter in a different state.

Impossibility? Things are only impossible until they are not.

~ g

26 July 2011

The Smog Of Evil - Epilogue

Left out of the previous post due to length considerations, the following:

The major reason for the current world-wide escalation of violence, depravity, dishonesty, self-indulgence, etc. is the effect that the in-streaming Christine energies are having upon the subtle vehicles of humanity (etheric, astral and mental bodies). These energies are neither positive or negative, rather, they span the entire spectrum of vibration, from ultimate negativity to vibrations of the highest and finest character. 'Neutral' is not quite the word to be used here for these divine energies. 'All-encompassing' will have to do for now.

As these all-encompassing vibrations stream through and stimulate the subtle vehicles of ever sentient being on the planet, man feels their impact (unconsciously, for most) and reacts to them in specific ways, depending upon the nature of the impacts and the nature of his own aura. To give a crude example, if a man's nature is one of low, coarse desires or one of violence (real or imagined), these low, coarse tendencies will be stimulated by the negative, repulsive aspect of the energies that are sweeping the planet. Conversely, those who are devotional, who aspire to truth, purity, love, service, etc. will respond to the higher range of frequencies carried by these in-streaming energies. These ones are stimulated by the positive, attractive aspect which can assist them as they try to attain even higher heights of aspiration.

Thus, when we see the senseless and seemingly unexplainable mass killings, the rampant greed and deception, the global exploitation of those who have less, the over-the-top glorification of the human body, etc., we are seeing the worst tendencies that mankind possesses being stimulated into an orgy of depravity. This because many humans are either unable, or unwilling, to resist these stimulations and follow a nobler path.

This is as it should be. We are deep into the period known as The Great Separation, where "the sheep shall be separated from the goats". The only way to do this is to see who responds to what. Where do men's choices lie? Which rate of vibration will men choose to resonate to? Souls are now making that choice on a daily basis. Our global communications media, the tool of the luciferic forces, is intent on showing us only those acts which reflect the degenerate side of man's nature. This, to inspire hopelessness and fear, thereby strengthening and reinforcing the relentless bombardment of negativity upon the tortured souls of humankind.

Stay above the fray. There are divine energies being made available to the planet that EVERYONE has the freedom to accept, welcome, utilize and benefit from. The prerequisite is that we must choose to resonate with these higher energies and not with the lower. Among other things, great healings can be effected by allowing these divine energies to make a home within your heart. Purification of the auric field will lead to the unfolding of new abilities and understandings. With consecration and devotion, we can potentially cleanse our subtle bodies to such a high degree that we become an invocative channel for these forces, with the companion ability to radiate/distribute them to our fellow souls. The benefits of aligning one's lower vehicles with the Aquarian energies are truly limitless.

So, do not be disheartened or afraid of what appears to be global chaos. We are simply witnessing the effects of a greater Cause. That Cause being the powerful caress of The Christ as the very outer edge of Its influence bathes the planet in Its Light. All will be touched. All will respond according to their nature. And soon, all will be Transformed.

~ g

23 July 2011

The Smog Of Evil

Yesterday, a Norwegian man allegedly set off a bomb in downtown Oslo and then went on a shooting spree at a nearby young person's retreat. Here, we are presented with two acts that in today's world send shivers down the spines of millions, while sending millions of others into fits of seething, helpless rage: bombings in public places and violence against the young.

We were warned that before the end of this cycle, evil would have its day. By the looks of things, this prophecy appears to be in the process of being fulfilled.

Why? Why the unexplainable, senseless, horrific attacks on child and man alike?

It helps if we try to remember that we live on a mixed-vibration planet. On a mixed-vibration world, a wide range of thoughts and emotions are allowed to co-exist. Allowed.

All souls vibrate at an overall frequency which is a combination of the all the different vibrations present in that soul's etheric, emotional and mental bodies. When, via the Law of Atttraction (like attracts like) a particular vibration encounters an equal or similar vibration, it will increase in strength and will become that much more able to respond to like vibrations in the future. Thus, if one has hatred in their heart and that flame of hatred is continually fed, then each time a vibration of hate comes within that one's aura, the fire will grow and the actions of that soul will reflect the intensity of that fire.

Due to mankind's consistent wrong thinking and wrong actions over many thousands of years, huge thought-clouds embodying negativity of every description have been created. These thought-clouds circulate in the subtle regions of earth's atmosphere, like an invisible smog of evil. They are known as aeons. You cannot see these aeons, but they are there. They surround us daily, pass through our etheric, emotional and mental bodies every second, always probing, always searching for that like vibration within us that will give it a home.

It is to these aeonic influences that mankind unwittingly and unceasingly responds to while incarnate here on Earth. You're depressed. Why are you depressed? Because something in your aura resonates to the vibrations of the Aeon of Depression. You feel anger. Why do you feel anger? Because something in your aura vibrates to the frequencies being emanated by the Aeons of Anger. You feel hatred for this, that or the other person, place or thing? It is because within your aura are the vibrations that match those of the man-made Aeon of Indiscriminate Hatred Of All Life.

It is said, and rightly so, that "man does not live, he is lived". Through the agency of these aeons, even more nefarious beings called archons siphon from man the low, coarse, dark energies that they need to survive. You were given a hint of how the process works in the highly allegorical movie "The Matrix (Part One)", where mankind is asleep, plugged into a false reality while their true selves are imprisoned and used for food by hideous non-human creatures. Most have no idea how dead-on correct this allegory is, nor do they comprehend the important (but veiled) message that this movie was cleverly designed to impart. You may want to rent that DVD again.

When senseless things happen such as what occurred in Norway yesterday, they are either

a. the result of a human responding to negative vibrations that have reached a breaking point

b. planned and executed by dark forces who work to provide to these aeons and archons the low-quality vibrations necessary for their very survival. Vibrations that result from the predictable grief, anger and fear radiated by clueless, ignorant humanity.

In either case, for the archons and the dark brotherhood, it is a "smorgasbord of fear" composed of all the negative tasties that they love, crave and literally require in order to maintain their existence.

The correct way to respond to atrocities such as the Norway situation - or to any act of evil - is to remain detached from the event. Does this mean that we lose our ability to empathize with humanity's suffering? NO! It means that we learn to view the happenings of the phenomenal world from a higher vantage point. We learn to not simply react blindly to everything that happens, but to try and recognize what lies beneath many of the negative events that are presented for us to process. We must try to remember that there is always something more going on than what meets the physical eye. All physical events are simply the visible effects of some inner, invisible cause(s).

By taking on an attitude of divine indifference we do two things:

1. prevent the contamination of our aura by negative vibrations looking for a home

2. cease to provide the archons and aeons with the substances they need to continue their existence

3. Purify our auric fields, thereby assisting in the purification of the Earth's auric fields as well, due to our inherent connectedness to the planet's etheric, emotional and mental bodies.

Scoff if you will, but perhaps .000005 percent of the entire world's population have an awareness of the things just written. The majority of humanity has no clue as to how this world really works and the unwitting role that we play as fuel for dark energies. Have you heard of the phrase "Food Of The Gods"? Do you know what that 'food' is? It is us. It is the negative thoughts, emotions and etheric emanations of humankind. We, the prisoners, feed and sustain our jailers. Can't make it any more plain than that.

To summarize: be aware that we are completely surrounded by and submerged in a putrid smog of evil. Practice an attitude of detached indifference to the stimuli that constantly bombard you. Develop the higher, finer vibrations in your own aura by living lives of intelligent Seeking, unconditional Love and selfless Service. If we successfully elevate our auric vibration by incorporating the higher spiritual energies, we will cease to vibrate to the lower ones and will essentially be able to move through life unfazed by their attempts to influence us. In addition, we will starve our controllers that much more by depriving them of yet another potential food source.

Take the most fantastic science fiction book or film you've ever come across and it will always pale miserably in comparison to what is taking place in the Reality that is currently hidden from our view. But Knowledge is indeed Power. We must learn all that we can about our adversary, because they damn sure know everything about us.

~ g

19 July 2011


Feeling like a story right about now...

WHEN the war-filled days had passed, Herthew withdrew to the place where Habaris made the bright battleblade, and already he had taught the mysteries of their making to others, sealing their mouths with magic. But Herthew was less concerned with the weaponry of war than with the mysteries of life and the battles of the Spirit beset by mortality. So while his workmen drew bright blades from the thunderstones, Habaris taught Herthew and his battlebrothers, and these were the things they learned from his mouth.

"Beyond God there is an Absolute which no man should try to understand, for it exists and has always existed in a state beyond man's finite comprehension. It is from this Absolute that God, The Ultimate in all Perfections, was engendered".

"To create, God first visualized in thought, then He produced an outflowing wave of power which, in a manner of speaking, solidified what might be called building stones. The outflowing power also produced the Celestial Hymn which brought the building stones together in harmonious forms. So it is truly said that all creation is the harp of God and it responds to His song and manipulations. It is an everlasting unfoldment. The voice of God can also be heard in the voice of His beautiful daughter who endows all growing things with life and beauty".

"There is a divine purpose in creation which may be known only to the few, this knowledge is the key to all unanswered questions. Acquiring it is like the drawing back of heavy curtains which have kept a room in gloomy half light, so all things suddenly became clear and distinct. He who gains this knowledge knows the Grand Secret, the answer to the riddle of the ages, and knows beyond a shadow of a doubt. This divine purpose, and the divine secret concerning it, is called Gwenkelva".

"Apart from Gwenkelva, God gains nothing from His creation, except that as a Being possessing infinite love and goodness He must have something to receive the gift of love and respond to it. Even among mortal beings, who is there that could find satisfactory fulfillment in self-love? Also, He needed something wherewith He could contract Himself, some medium wherein He could perform, and this is creation".

"Creation is also, for mortals, the school of life. The training ground for godhood. There are Three Circles of Reality, three realms, three stages of existence. They are: Heaven, where perfection visualized on Earth may be realized and desires and ideals materialized; where hard-striven-for aspirations are attained; it is the place where all the properly developed spiritual potential latent in man reaches maturity and fulfillment. Earth, the place of training, development and preparation, the testing ground, the battlefield where men discover their true natures when confronted by life's challenges, contests and contentions; where competition and controversy are the rule.

It is here that aims and objectives are conceived and thought-out for realization later in the proper place. It is a starting point, the beginning of the journey; it is here that the proper road must be wisely chosen. Then there is the Realm of the Misty Horizon, the intermediate place, the place of spirits, where those above can commune with those below and where free spirits wander within their limitations".

These things which Habaris taught in those far off days have been rewritten in transmission to accord with our understanding, but it is unwise to voice them in these troublesome days, when words become snares to entrap the unwary.


Note the apparent separation between The Absolute and God. That's not a typo, it is a golden nugget of Truth. And no, i've not the slightest idea as to what "Gwenkelva" actually means. It is a word that is lost to time, although its eternal meaning will always be with us, waiting to be re-discovered.


~ g

Critical Mass

critical mass 


1. an amount necessary or sufficient to have a significant effect or to achieve a result

The following is from "The Planetary Deadline" - Servers of the Divine Plan. All emphasis and underlines were inserted by this writer.

THE BIO-ENERGETIC NETWORK of every human being (g: your etheric double) is inseparably linked to that of the planetary grid (g: Earth's etheric double). Therefore, as our whole globe is purged and transformed, mankind is concurrently and similarly affected. All these important changes are being made in preparation for a Great World Transition that will culminate in the major release of powerful forces upon the planet and will mark the birth of the New World. This glorious event will represent a vital part of the Divine Plan for Earth in its current phase and will be experienced by all who successfully pass the forthcoming trials which necessarily precede such a momentous occasion.

Those divine Intelligences who are principally in charge of the regulation and distribution of karmic effects upon Earth are, in their great compassion, concerned for mankind in that it may be as prepared as possible to receive safely and beneficially the influx of light-energy that will be shortly introduced from the higher planes by way of the modified planetary grid and vortex system (g: again, this constitutes Earth's etheric body, which, by extension, means your etheric body). In past, the influx of energies have been controlled and stepped down by these incorporeal Servers in accord with humanity's ability to receive the higher vibrational forces. Mankind has, therefore, been given sufficient opportunity to prepare in order to successfully integrate the corresponding transformations that these new frequencies necessitate. However, the global crisis today is so advanced, the Earth is in such a critical condition, and the planetary deadline is now so imminent that very soon the new energy grid will necessarily be activated, regardless of the proportion of humanity that is ready. Due to the present world crisis, further delay has become inexpedient. Mother Earth has entered the early stages of her labour, the moment of complete planetary alignment with a new density is now rapidly approaching; the New World is about to be born and every true soul will know its salvation.

The dedicated collaboration of a minimal number amongst humanity is required for The Great Shift to be achieved; yet due to the fact that in the past the number of souls required to constitute the critical mass* could not be mustered, the planetary Hierarchy has been forced to make necessary postponements; humanity has not been ready to co-operate with its spiritual Elders for the important cause of its own liberation. To date, this is generally still the case, and so more and more Servers have been incarnating upon the physical plane during the last few decades in order to satisfy planetary karmic law by contributing toward the critical mass, thus accepting the same grand opportunity which the majority of human beings have thus far ignored. However, each day the planetary deadline draws closer and every person will soon find that they are coerced by the intensifying world conditions to brace themselves in preparation for the veritable tidal waves of divine force that are about to radically alter life on Earth. The frequency of the planetary vibration is presently escalating; everything in the world today is speeding up in readiness to receive the forthcoming torrents of vital energy, and this inevitable process has been prophetically termed 'The Quickening'.

* Esoterically speaking, the critical mass is not a number of individual souls but rather a minimal Light-quotient able to be infused into the planetary grid by way of the invocation and reception of divine Light by viable souls who are incarnate on Earth. The rise of Indigo and Crystal incarnations over the last decade is part of a plan to meet the minimal Light-quotient for the planet.

Many Servers who are presently in incarnation have been preparing over numerous lifetimes for their impending final success and subsequent release from the grossness of the old Earth. For them the birth of the New World will signify the long-awaited fulfilment of a grand mission that began ages ago, while for a number of other 'younger' souls, it will throw open for the very first time the Portal of Initiation inviting them to cross the threshold dividing the physical plane from the higher worlds. This unparalleled opportunity for the ascension of consciousness will be expedited for many human beings as awakened Servers guide and accompany them into the New World in group formation, and in thus precipitating a much brighter awareness globally, the ensuing collective awakening of mankind will ultimately facilitate the prophesied return of the Christ-Consciousness upon Earth.

It is imperative that Servers awaken and take up their positions before the planetary deadline is reached, or face the grim prospect of failing their duty. The day of opportunity is with us - both for Servers and humanity - but it has its term. Today's unprecedented occasion, full of grace, is not forever lasting and will not dawn again for all those rejected souls for many thousands of years. The goals and purposes of the Divine Plan for this closing period of the Piscean age will come to an ultimate conclusion, and soon. The planetary time-clock will presently strike the hour, sounding the end of this cycle. At that moment, those who are ready to receive the descent of higher frequencies of spiritual energy will rise and prevail as they pass with the Earth into a more expansive dimension.

The Divine Plan for planet Earth cannot fail, for it is in line with the Great Scheme of Evolution designed by the One Creative Universal Intelligence; therefore it must and will go ahead. The Aquarian age will bring in a civilization, culture and fresh spirituality that will be utterly different to anything hitherto known. All those of humanity who, along with Servers, aspire to take their rightful place before the presently widening portal of opportunity that leads to the New World, should ensure today that they are informed, aware, dedicated and so prepared to confidently welcome the imminent planetary deadline and to consequently greet the New Dawn with a song of gratitude and joy.

Servers are the Divine's version of Special Forces. They are the experienced Delta Force, Green Berets, Navy SEALS, what have you. Servers are akin to "sleeper cells" who have been dropped behind enemy lines with no map and a mission. Instructions to be revealed on a "need-to-know" basis only. The objective: to support the implementation of the Divine Plan of Salvation for the Earth at the end of this major cycle. The mission: to attract and then radiate as much of the incoming Christine Energies as we possibly can. We are to do this via the twin "weapons" of Love and Service. Those humans who voluntarily respond to The Call, we are to assist in their awakening. Those who do not, or refuse to hear The Call, are to be left to their own soul choices. Servers are to remain alert, prepared, purified and vibrating at as high a frequency as they can achieve. They must remain intuitively alert at all times. When The Shift begins, there may have little to no warning.

As outlined above in the preceding passage from SDP, when critical mass - the trigger level of light-energy - is reached here on the physical plane, the sluice gates will open and the Divine energies will come pouring through. All Servers must be awake and in position prior to that time. To do otherwise is to fail the mission.

For anyone who ever thought that their life had no purpose, you are hereby strongly advised that it most definitely does have a purpose. A very, very significant one. You volunteered to be a part of this mission because you were confident in your ability to complete your assignment. Awaken, then! Shake off the spiritual fog and cobwebs of negativity and materialism accumulated from years of living undercover in the belly of the beast. Dust off your armor, polish your shield, go within to recover your instructions. Continue to re-educate yourself regarding The Plan and its objectives. Maintain an attitude of uunwavering Love and Service to fellow souls who are still helplessly blinded and spiritually-imprisoned.

Stay camouflaged, stay ready. Things are about to get pretty darn exciting around here. When the curtain rises and the final act begins, you must be ready.

~ g


So, what happens after we die (transition)?

Nothing, that's what. Well, not exactly "nothing".

First off, this writer is not an expert on these matters. The following relates portions of that which has been heard...

You pretty much "wake up" on the other side of the veil, in the astral realms, in your astral body. The first thing you'll probably notice is that you're looking at your own lifeless dense, physical body. The second thing you'll notice is that no one can hear or see you. The third thing you'll notice is that no matter how painful your transition may have been, you feel perfectly healthy, never felt better.

You're no smarter or wiser, you don't sprout wings or head to the Fire Pit. You're the same as you were five minutes ago, except that you are now using your astral counterpart to get around in. You'll spend some time coming to grips with where you are. Usually, a spirit guide or helper is sent to help the newly-transitioned to get adjusted because it takes a while for most to figure out that they are indeed, "dead".

But you are not "dead", except to those looking at your abandoned physical vehicle in the physical world. You are most definitely still alive. Your consciousness is in the process of withdrawing its focus from the physical world. While the higher parts of your etheric vehicle are for the moment still vital, the lower ethers (chemical and life ethers) remain with the physical body as it begins the early stages of dispersal, or what man calls decay.

You will go through the process of life review (the phenomena of one's life "passing before one's eyes"). This usually takes about 72 hours of earth time, which is why we are advised to leave the body alone for at least this amount of time after death. This allows the soul to focus on the life review instead of on the medical examiner hacking up the body or the funeral director pumping formaldehyde into the lifeless physical vehicle. Although one may be free of the dense body, there is naturally still a bit of attachment to it, and such scenes may be a bit disturbing.

One of the purposes of the life review is to allow the soul to see for itself the causes that produced the experiences in the life just led. Because the review is run backwards, in reverse, one first sees the experience and is able to trace it back to its root cause. Very effective and very necessary for the evolution of the soul.

It is said that one is offered the option of eavesdropping on their own funeral. Serves to give one an idea of what others may have thought about a person during life, and the impact one's passing may have had upon others.

The astral world has many levels, much like the physical. They range from the coarse, dense lower regions to the higher, finer realms. Where one initially ends up depends upon one's level of vibration at the time of transition. The lower regions are not where one wants to be. As ever, like attracts like. Whatever you were in life, or whatever you (over-?)indulged in by way of habit or addiction will still be desired but will not be available to you in these lower regions. You will be with other souls with similar coarse cravings and desires but there will be no way to satisfy them. How can a drunkard drink when there is no physical body to taste the liquor, smell the alcohol, feel the "buzz"? How can one "get high" off of dope if there is no physical brain to get scrambled by the chemicals? How can one enjoy wanton, lusty sex if there is no physical genitalia with its network of nerves and bloodflow to give one that sense of pleasure?

To have strong desires without a means of satisfying them. That, my friends, is what hell is. A very personal, custom-made hell created by the way we lived our just-ended life. Those who are consigned to this fate must remain in this agitated state until they release their focus on these habits and desires. They can ascend no higher than the lower astral until they cease to resonate with such low, coarse vibrations.

This is where the concept of purgatory originates from. Although now grossly distorted to imply indefinite suffering and punishment, it is simply a necessary part of the after-life. One must be purged of all lower desires before one can begin the ascent to the higher astral realms and then, the heaven-worlds. The suffering and punishment are the effects of causes that we put into motion during the earth-life just lived.

When it comes to death, people are afraid of three things, mostly:

- the pain associated with transition
- never seeing their loved ones again
- permanent loss of consciousness, ceasing to exist

Pain is something one may or may not experience, depending upon their personal karmic requirements. The best one can do is to treat the physical and subtle bodies with care so that one does not fall victim to disease. It also helps to try to stay out of situations that could result in serious or fatal injury. In any event, unconsciousness or coma stand ready to assist one in making a relatively pain-free exit.

As for our loved ones, we will see our loved ones again - all things being equal - in a very short while, in fact. Forty or fifty years do not pass by as slowly in the inner worlds.

Finally, we do not cease to exist. There is no death. Consciousness is continuous. This is a revelation that is usually reserved for after-death realization, but it would behoove all to start realizing that right now.

We should not waste energy worrying about what man calls "death". We should spend more time making sure that we live proper lives because we shall ultimately reap what we sow. The focus should not be on the "after-death experience". The best thing one can do about that is to pay close attention to the "before-death experience" called life. With the Great Transition looming over the horizon, separation from the physical vehicle is a possibility that we all must face.

The foregoing scenarios are examples of what normally happens. Keep in mind, however, that these are special times, and that there are miracles waiting to happen. This post is an attempt to illustrate that we should not tremble in fear at the thought of such a possible separation. Our focus must be on the now, on the Service that we are here to provide and to the successful execution of the Mission that we came here to participate in.

Remember, separation from the physical vehicle does not equal "death". Remember also, that it is how we live this temporary, physical existence that counts, not how we leave it. Have the strength and the courage to Live Right, Love Unconditionally and Serve Selflessly. Everything else will fall into place.

~ g

12 July 2011


Much has been posted here recently regarding the occult side of life (the word "occult" does not mean "evil".  It is a Latin word meaning "hidden"). Although it is critically important that we intelligently Seek true Knowledge, what is equally important is that we do not forget the following:

Selfless service-to-others is the highest duty one can undertake.

Selfless service raises the vibration of the one who serves. It opens a channel for Divine Energies to infiltrate the physical plane. Each time we give, we do God's Will by serving as His representatives here on Earth. By way of analogy, we are reminded that the Sun, the physical vehicle of a Great Spirit, showers its life-giving rays on saint and sinner alike.

There's a crazy sort of alchemy that takes place when we give unselfishly and serve selflessly. Imperceptibly, the negative dross that has fogged and clouded our aura begins to dissolve. Perhaps better words for it are transmute or sublimate. The lower, gross vibrations that have been so much a part of us are sublimated and slowly transmuted to something higher, something finer.

Like attracts like. As we build finer substances into our aura, we will also begin to attract higher vibrations. The process is a gradual one, but one that increases exponentially, as in 2, 4, 16, 256 etc. This is known as the Law of Squares and is one of the natural benefits of working with, rather than against Divine Will. Not only do we attract these higher energies, thereby assisting in the purification of our vehicles but, in time, if we remain consecrated to selfless service, we will also begin to radiate these higher vibrations, as well. This radiation of higher energies can be beneficial to those  in our immediate proximity, if they can assimilate them. The phenomenon can be effected without either party being aware of the interaction.

But we're jumping the gun here. The first step is to re-focus our lives, to change our approach to others, no matter who they may appear to be (for we are all just "souls playing roles"). Instead of asking "what does this person want from me?", or "why is this person being mean to me?", or "I'm afraid of this person because the media says that I should be", ask instead "is there anything i can do in this moment that would be of service to this soul?". The answer could be something as simple as a smile, or giving up your place in line, or not responding to mean and hurtful words in kind, or providing comfort and support to a troubled soul. Although this is the tiniest of lists, all of the foregoing qualifies as significant forms of service. Here, the word "significant" is used because there is no such thing as an insignificant, or unimportant act of true, selfless service. 

True selfless service doesn't have to be something grandiose, like running off to the jungles of Peru to help the natives build a water fountain. Simple forms of service can be very powerful, as long as they are done without any hint of self-intent. Don't serve because it "makes me feel good". Don't serve because "I am trying to improve the quality of my aura". Serve because it is the right thing to do. Serve because it is the way things are done when Divinity takes a hand in the affairs of men. This is The Way of the New World that is now being born. Any side benefits will come about naturally as a result of our service, do not look for them. Upon receipt of any gifts bestowed upon us as a by-product of a life of service, we must be sure to remember to use whatever powers we are blessed with in order to better serve our brethren. Thus an unending cycle of Giving is established here on the physical plane.

These are special times. Those who are alert, intuitive, spiritually aware, emotionally calm and mentally clear can make sharp and significant strides in these Last Days. The point is to be prepared and to be in position when the cosmic clock strikes The Hour. If we have done all that we could have to assist in the success of The Divine Plan there will be nothing to fear. We will be ready for the next phase of our world service - the long-anticipated unification of dedicated and like-minded Servers whose global linkage will be used by the Divine to help usher in a new age of Unity on Earth.

There are those who will resist making this change. They will choose to turn their service inward, and continue to serve themselves. These immature unfortunates will have made their choice to spend countless future ages in ignorance, suffering and darkness.

Be advised that there is no middle ground. There is service-to-others and then there's service-to-self. Only one of these modes of living can lead man out of eons of darkness into the light of the divine kingdom.

The Choice is clear.


~ g

10 July 2011

Of Vehicles, Planes And Densities

Sometimes a picture is worth more than words. The above illustration is a crude attempt to depict the multi-dimensional existence of man. Many may remember making paper-doll chains as a child. When you folded them together, you'd see one figure. When you pulled each end, the one figure would expand into several identical figures.Keeping that image in mind, please read on.

From left to right, we have the physical body with its five physical senses, manifesting and experiencing on the dense Phsyical Plane of solids, liquids and gases. Then we have the etheric double, which manifests and experiences on the Etheric Plane. The Etheric Plane is a subtler sub-division of the Physical Plane. The etheric double is built from the substance of this plane.

From there, we move to the Astral Plane, the Desire World. This is the world of feelings and emotions which we navigate using an astral body. The astral body is built of astral matter and senses its surroundings with appropriate astral sense organs. The final subtle body (in this illustration) is the mental body, which is composed of the matter of the lower Mental Plane. The lower mental plane is the world of (concrete) Thought.

Each of these planes of matter (often called 'densities') are complete universes, separate and yet connected to one another. Every planet, sun and star has its counterpart on these planes. There are billions of stars, planets, solar systems that we cannot see because we do not have the "eyes" to see them. 

It is important to understand that all these bodies occupy the same space, and interpenetrate one another; just as all these worlds (physical, astral, mental, etc.) occupy the same space, and interpenetrate one another.

Back to the human vehicles of consciousness - the personality vehicles. At all times, these vehicles are active on their own plane. Most of us are not aware of this activity, because we are unable to effectively utilize the sense organs appropriate to each plane. However, just as the hands are joined in the illustration, symbolizing an unbroken link, so are we connected to all of our bodies, whether we are aware of it or not. For example, when the physical body sleeps, we remain active in the astral body. Because we do not have knowledge of the invisible worlds, we call this astral activity "dreaming". We are not dreaming. Dream activity is the soul working on the astral plane in the astral body. The confusion and the inability to recall dream experiences is due to our not having fully developed our astral sense organs.

Currently, the etheric double transmits and receives impulses to and from the higher subtle bodies to the physical body. It acts as a 'go-between' of sorts. The process of "thinking" starts with a sensed impact from the objective physical world. This impact is sensed as a vibration and is passed on via the nervous system to the etheric double, which in turn, passes it on to the astral body. The astral body colors the vibration with one of three aspects: attraction, repulsion, indifference. It then passes these vibrations (what we call "feelings") on to the mental body. The mental body processes the feeling and creates either a thought-from or thought-vibration in response. The process then reverse itself as the thought-vibration is picked up by the astral and forwarded to the etheric double. The etheric double transmits these vibrations to the nervous system which then prompts the physical body to perform (or not perform) some action. All of this happens in the space of time-fragments so tiny that it's not even worthwhile to speculate upon the duration. For now, let us accept that the mechanism of the thought process must approach the speed of light. 


Something is about to happen to this planet, solar system and galaxy. Let's just say that every sentient being is getting an opportunity to 'step up' at least one plane to a higher density. Some will ascend even higher, if they qualify. For humans, this means that some will be continuing their evolution on the etheric, astral or mental planes, depending upon their level of spiritual development. The lower physical plane (solids, liquids, gases) in which we currently focus our consciousness, is about to fade from conscious view. The etheric double promises to play a prominent role in whether souls are able to make this transition smoothly. This is why it is imperative that measures are taken now to purify this vehicle as much as possible. If there are significant blockages or miasmas of any kind present in the etheric double at the time of the Harvest, it may not be able to withstand the torrents of Cosmic Force that will be bathing the entire globe. Inability to successfully assimilate these Divine Energies will very likely result in transition for the human.

This post is but the feeblest attempt to describe things about which volumes have been written. More detailed information can be found by men and women much more versed on the subject, due to having achieved an ability to see into the inner worlds. Of these, Man and His Bodies is a suitable short primer on the subject.

The concepts described here may sound fantastic and difficult to believe. That is completely understandable, as we have been brought up in a world that mis-directs the mind to such trifling activities as "becoming famous", "getting rich", "being happy", "getting an education", etc. It is a fact that the vaunted education that we are fed on this planet is of very dubious value and is purposely designed to focus the Mind on the lower physical world. This focus has become so concentrated and myopic in scope that we have chosen to believe that this is the real world, that we have only one body and that we live only one life. This mindset binds our thinking to this fallen existence. We work ourselves to exhaustion trying to achieve the false goals spoken of above, and die just as ignorant and spiritually backwards as we were at birth.

You are now being presented with an opportunity to investigate - better yet - to know and apply the most ancient teachings of the ages. This information has been suppressed and hidden from Mankind because the dark forces know that once one understands the factual significance of these teachings, one can no longer be completely blind regarding the dynamics of physical existence, and may actually begin to seek out the answers to other hidden truths. When this happens, control over the human mind is threatened, and the dark does not like to lose control.

Consider what has been read today. Then take the time to ask yourself "could it be possible?". Just by asking such a question, one takes the first step on the journey towards enlightenment. That first step is To Question Everything. Then sally forth with an open mind and an open heart into the Forest of Hidden Things, picking the scented petals of Truths Long-Forgotten. Enjoy the journey.

Free Your Mind.

~ g 

08 July 2011

Unity Consciousness - Our Promised Future

"EARNEST and benevolent collaboration is today establishing a new and much needed spiritual foundation in the world - a living model of true fellowship - that will encourage humanity in the Aquarian age to tread the path together, helping one another toward the realisation of a life of balance, rapport and unity. The life-pattern and expression of communities in the new era may be analogously compared to healthy brain cells working symbiotically as one greater and singularly-focussed creative mind. Such communities will exemplify that union is harmony and strength, and that well-regulated and simultaneous efforts always produce wonders.

This has been the secret of all successful associations, communities and civilisations throughout history. The astonishing accomplishments achieved by ant and bee colonies may be regarded as an example of the very real possibilities that may be actualised by a one-pointed group mind. The question may arise, however: can we, or should we, really model our lives upon the crude examples given by insects!? Well, why not? "As above, so below", and, therefore, as below, so above! Ants and bees have been exemplifying a vital universal principle to mankind for millions of years, ever since the planetary Hierarchy first arrived upon Earth. Together with wheat, ants and bees were introduced to our world by these spiritual luminaries, and it may be prudent to consider that such enlightened beings would certainly act for definite reasons. Today it is time to take heed of those examples that were left for mankind ages ago.

The long-awaited moment of humanity's collective initiation into spiritual adulthood is nigh, and many human beings will soon become consciously aware of interstellar familial affiliations that predate the most ancient scriptures upon Earth today. In instigating a vital process of light-energy invocation for the world, selfless group alliance will serve to bridge the existing gulf between mankind and these civilisations, which constitute the greater part of its cosmic family. For the very first time since the original 'creator-gods' walked amongst men on Earth eons ago, the human race will know and claim its heritage as worthy members of a trans-galactic society spanning a multitude of worlds and densities throughout Infinity. This momentous reunification of long-separated celestial families will help bring about the initiation of Mother Gaia herself - anticipated for millions of years - as she fulfils a major part of her own spiritual destiny and becomes again universally recognised as the jewel of the solar system; one very small but nevertheless important globe amongst a vast network of stellar systems extending in all directions, pervading the Cosmos, and which have been actively functioning as intelligent, living satellites of the divine Will for long ages.

Humanity's destiny is already inscribed within the ancient pages of the Divine Plan, and thus it is known that all those servants of the race who are today working toward establishing a united awareness upon Earth will demonstrate how to live consciously as one creative intelligence, coalescing in accord with the universal Law of Unity. As precursors of the New World Consciousness, awakened Servers thus personify the forthcoming Divinity in manifestation upon Earth. Illuminating a clear path by venturing dauntlessly ahead, bearing the revealing light of unity consciousness like a polestar offering sure guidance forward, Servers blaze a safe passage through the shadowy realms of confusion and erroneous thinking, and so lead the way confidently in group formation from past selfishness, separation and misery into the liberating resplendence of the Golden Age of Aquarius."

The above is an excerpt from Servers Of The Divine Plan - "Unity Consciousness"

Many are working today in order to prepare humanity for what will be tomorrow's reality. For all those who've ever dreamed of living in a world composed of groups of people working selflessly and unselfishly for the good of the Earth and all her inhabitants, the dream is about to be fulfilled. We must continue to do our part here and now to ensure participation up to and beyond the coming Dawn of Light.

Tear down the old within yourself. Make way for the New. Live as a humble, yet Shining Example of what we are about to Become.

~ g

05 July 2011

The Fundamental Reversal

It is not easy to change habits that have taken thousands of years to forge. Millions of years ago, selfishness, self-focus and self-preservation were necessary human attributes. As the soul attempted to involve itself in its physical vehicle, it had to ensure that the physical vehicle would direct its focus towards itself. During this downward involutionary stage, it was critical that the physical vehicle perceive itself as a separated entity. This idea of separation had to be a component of physical incarnation in order for the human live-wave to be able to undertake certain experiences and develop certain qualities.

We have now reached the absolute nadir of the involutionary arc. Mankind has reached the limit of separative existence and is preparing to begin its upward, evolutionary climb. When a ball is bounced, it flattens at the point of impact, then springs upwards. We are at this point of "flattening" and are now poised for the rebound.

The evolutionary arc will not be about separation. At least not in the way we have come to know it. Humans will still retain their individuality, but will learn to live and think as one. This is called Unity Consciousness, or Group Consciousness. Some hastily summarize Group Consciousness as "the hive mind", and warn that we will all become automatons, with no ability to make choices of our own. Such thinking is ignorance on display. As stated earlier, each human will retain their individuality. But each individual will voluntarily think along the same lines. The group will voluntarily act in unison to do whatever is in the common good. As you may imagine, in order for such societies to exist, they must be composed of people who - in the very least - are like-minded, harmless, and consecrated to bringing the impressions of the Divine Will through to the physical plane.

Preparation for living in this New Age begins now. Here is where the difficulty arises. Everything we are currently about is the complete opposite of what was just described. All that we do, we do for ourselves first. How can we make the transition from our present mindset of "self above all others" to "others above myself"? We will have to c-h-a-n-g-e. We will have to make a complete, 180-degree reversal of thinking and acting. This, we call The Fundamental Reversal. Effecting this reversal of self-orientation is not easy. It can be likened to trying to pry open a door that has been rusted shut. Some effort will be required.

Pages could be written on this subject. Here is the condensed version:

Stop Being Selfish.

Before you have any Thought, before you indulge any Emotion, before you commit any Physical Act, ask yourself the following:

"Will what I am about to Think, Feel or Do serve the Common Good?"

If the answer is no, then either CANCEL the Thought, Emotion or Action, or MODIFY the Thought, Emotion or Action until it does fall in line with serving the Common Good. That's it in a nutshell. We must basically learn to think before we act, and perform only those actions which will benefit the spiritual growth of the human collective. This is the core of Right Thinking and Right Action.

For some, it will take years to begin living in this way - years that are a luxury we no longer have. Those who are able are strongly advised to "flip the switch" and make that Fundamental Reversal quickly. Instantly. Overnight, if possible.

Can't make it any simpler or plainer than that. Those who have ears to hear, will hear. Remember that Divine Energies will support your efforts. Those who choose to dismiss what they've just read, prove only that they are not yet quite ready to evolve towards Unity Consciousness. They will have to accept the consequent evolutionary delay, along with the continued suffering that will accompany it.

Anyone can change, at any time. Notwithstanding one's level of evolutionary development, the major requirements for making significant Life changes begin with having the Will and the Aspiration to do so.

Good Luck.

~ g

03 July 2011

Message To The Meek


 adjective, -er, -est.

1. humbly patient or docile, as under provocation from others.
2. overly submissive or compliant; spiritless; tame.
3. Obsolete . gentle; kind

"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth" - Matthew 5:5

The commonly accepted definition for meek implies that meekness is weakness. Society would have us believe that to exhibit the qualities of meekness is lame, something to be scorned and ridiculed. Nothing can be further from the truth.

What's wrong with being Patient? Gentle? Kind? What's wrong with not responding to the provocations of others? Nothing, that's what. What's wrong with being Docile? Docility does not imply weakness. To be docile means to be 'ready to learn, easy to teach'. This is a quality that all true aspirants should have. Goodness knows, there is so much we have yet to learn.

Mass media incessantly pounds into the collective psyche the idea that "might makes right", and that the use of force is a necessary evil. Governments go to war gassing and bombing innocent civilians while mumbling disingenuously about "collateral damage" and "the price of freedom". Lies, as usual. Lies born of ages of ignorance and supported by the current ignorant humanity (and this is said in the nicest possible way). Most have accepted this brainwashing and believe that anyone who walks away from a fight, or gives instead of takes, or thinks of others before themselves is a "punk" ... weak ... lame.

Well, the new paradigm is as follows: we are moving towards a new phase in the evolution of man, planet and solar system. There will be no room for the violent, the greedy, the cunning, the selfish. The time for indulging in self-aggrandizing behavior is coming to a close. If you wish to continue your evolution with the rest of your "class", you must live in a manner that supports your candidacy for the New Earth. 

Live Right. Think Right. Love Right. 

The greatest achievement is selflessness.
The greatest worth is self-mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest precept is continual awareness.
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.

Atisha (11th century Tibetan Buddhist master)

To do the things above, to move against the tide of human habit, requires one who is exceedingly strong in Spirit; weakness does not even enter the equation.

So, with apologies to the author of Matthew 5:5, we now take another look at that well-known (but poorly understood) beatitude:

"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the (New) Earth"

~ g

01 July 2011

The Earth's Etheric Body And YOU

JUST like Man, the Earth has an etheric double, or vital body. Earth's etheric vehicle is the energetic mold for this dense, physical Earth. It exists within the etheric plane of matter, which is invisible to the physical eye of most human beings. Yet, it permeates and inter-penetrates the dense, physical plane.

Above is a depiction of the various ley lines (energy pathways) that criss-cross the Earth as well as the major and minor vortexes that are created whenever two or more of these ley lines intersect. The major ley lines intersect to create powerful centres of force. These major force centres constitute the Earth's chakra system which are located in specific areas spanning the entire globe.

Energy is transmitted from one part of the Earth to another through the agency of these ley lines, just as Man's energy, or prana is transported throughout his etheric body by the energy pathways called nadis. Two points of note:

1. both Man and Planet receive their pranic energy from the same place: the Sun.
2. both Man and Planet share the same etheric body.

Of these two points, the second point is probably more important, as it is critical in helping us to understand the mechanisms which connect us with the Earth. Because both man and planet transport these energies along pathways constructed from the same etheric material, and because these pathways are all inter-connected, it is almost self-evident that anything which affects the Earth's etheric body will ultimately affect the human's, and vice-versa.

One may say, "but I'm not part of the Earth". Oh, but we are. All of our lower vehicles dense-physical, etheric-physical, astral and mental are built out of the physical, etheric, astral and mental substances provided by the Earth. She is our Mother. There is no separation. What you feel affects the Earth's astral (emotional) body. What you think, affects the Earth's mental body. The condition of man's etheric body also affects the etheric vehicle of the Earth. Conversely, the movement of Earth energies affects the etheric bodies of all entities on the planet, although most are unaware. The animal kingdom is more attuned to the planet's etheric communication network, which is one reason why they usually know beforehand when it is time to leave one area prior to catastrophes like earthquakes and the like. Some humans are also sensitive to the energies of the planet, but these gifted humans are currently in the minority.

The basic point that this post is trying to illustrate is this: The Earth and her humanity are connected on subtler levels than the physical. If something happens to change or modify any of the Earth's subtle bodies, it's going to happen to you, too.

At present, Earth is preparing for a great Initiation. This will require that she absorb and assimilate a tremendous influx of cosmic energy. She will be assisted in this effort by those humans whose etheric vehicles can withstand, absorb and distribute this onslaught of Christine Power that will be transmitted throughout the globe. Even now, the planet is being bathed in this energy. The flow will only increase in the weeks and months to come. When a certain light quotient is met, when a "critical mass" of humans who are capable of transmuting this energy has been reached, miraculous things are going to happen.

Those who cannot raise their vibration sufficiently to accommodate these energies, will have, let's say, a very difficult time of it.

If one wishes to assist the planet in her Re-birthing, the purification of the subtle vehicles - etheric, astral and mental - is of essential and primary importance. Remember, between the Earth and the Sun stands the Human. We are so much more than we have been taught to think we are. It is time for us - those of us who can remember - to fully awaken from our slumber, take up our positions across the globe and prepare for what is now almost here.

We have a Mission to accomplish, and a Destiny to fulfill. The Shift of the Ages draws nigh.

~ g