05 July 2011

The Fundamental Reversal

It is not easy to change habits that have taken thousands of years to forge. Millions of years ago, selfishness, self-focus and self-preservation were necessary human attributes. As the soul attempted to involve itself in its physical vehicle, it had to ensure that the physical vehicle would direct its focus towards itself. During this downward involutionary stage, it was critical that the physical vehicle perceive itself as a separated entity. This idea of separation had to be a component of physical incarnation in order for the human live-wave to be able to undertake certain experiences and develop certain qualities.

We have now reached the absolute nadir of the involutionary arc. Mankind has reached the limit of separative existence and is preparing to begin its upward, evolutionary climb. When a ball is bounced, it flattens at the point of impact, then springs upwards. We are at this point of "flattening" and are now poised for the rebound.

The evolutionary arc will not be about separation. At least not in the way we have come to know it. Humans will still retain their individuality, but will learn to live and think as one. This is called Unity Consciousness, or Group Consciousness. Some hastily summarize Group Consciousness as "the hive mind", and warn that we will all become automatons, with no ability to make choices of our own. Such thinking is ignorance on display. As stated earlier, each human will retain their individuality. But each individual will voluntarily think along the same lines. The group will voluntarily act in unison to do whatever is in the common good. As you may imagine, in order for such societies to exist, they must be composed of people who - in the very least - are like-minded, harmless, and consecrated to bringing the impressions of the Divine Will through to the physical plane.

Preparation for living in this New Age begins now. Here is where the difficulty arises. Everything we are currently about is the complete opposite of what was just described. All that we do, we do for ourselves first. How can we make the transition from our present mindset of "self above all others" to "others above myself"? We will have to c-h-a-n-g-e. We will have to make a complete, 180-degree reversal of thinking and acting. This, we call The Fundamental Reversal. Effecting this reversal of self-orientation is not easy. It can be likened to trying to pry open a door that has been rusted shut. Some effort will be required.

Pages could be written on this subject. Here is the condensed version:

Stop Being Selfish.

Before you have any Thought, before you indulge any Emotion, before you commit any Physical Act, ask yourself the following:

"Will what I am about to Think, Feel or Do serve the Common Good?"

If the answer is no, then either CANCEL the Thought, Emotion or Action, or MODIFY the Thought, Emotion or Action until it does fall in line with serving the Common Good. That's it in a nutshell. We must basically learn to think before we act, and perform only those actions which will benefit the spiritual growth of the human collective. This is the core of Right Thinking and Right Action.

For some, it will take years to begin living in this way - years that are a luxury we no longer have. Those who are able are strongly advised to "flip the switch" and make that Fundamental Reversal quickly. Instantly. Overnight, if possible.

Can't make it any simpler or plainer than that. Those who have ears to hear, will hear. Remember that Divine Energies will support your efforts. Those who choose to dismiss what they've just read, prove only that they are not yet quite ready to evolve towards Unity Consciousness. They will have to accept the consequent evolutionary delay, along with the continued suffering that will accompany it.

Anyone can change, at any time. Notwithstanding one's level of evolutionary development, the major requirements for making significant Life changes begin with having the Will and the Aspiration to do so.

Good Luck.

~ g


Nathan said...

I like the idea of enlightened self-interest and believe that what is best for the individual is also best for the group. In reality there is no separation, only through a fear based viewpoint does there appear to be.
It has taken me along time to come to this conclusion but now I am pretty sure it is true. One example is education. If education was free worldwide everyone would be able to get a good education inline with their aptitude. Today with only a fraction of the world's population getting that education, the possibility of abundance is clearly seen. How much more so apparent would that be if an efficient system of education were free because all of us were less worried about keeping or taking and more excited about giving.
If we as a species were suddenly more excited to give than we were worried about retaining it would become quickly apparent that the former results in a better outcome for both individuals and groups while the latter results in a worse outcome for both.
The truth is that separating individuals and groups is a artificial ideology that does not recognize that groups are composed of individuals and they are not separable, no matter how much it appears otherwise. The individual hunt for security, among other things, as a result of fear gives the illusory belief that this separation is true, ie. me vs them or individual vs group, but the belief and actions, resultant from fear greed etc.., is the actual cause of the outcomes which are then used by individuals to validate those very beliefs. This is almost a form of circular reasoning where the outcome is given all the blame and the cause(s) leading up to the result is/are completely ignored with all sense of responsibility, in most cases, pawned off to one outside force or another. That is my personal view on the apparent conundrum of the individual vs the group.

BrotherGee said...

Hello, Nathan.

Your assertion that what is good for the individual is good for the group will not stand up to scrutiny when we speak of living in a duality. It is actually the reverse that is true:

What is good for the group is good for the indivdual.

When 6.5 billion individuals all choose to think and act differently, the group organism is bound to suffer, as if being ravaged by runaway, cancerous cells.

Only when a collective of individuals unite in like-minded thinking can a certain harmony be achieved which will serve to benefit the group. This is the mode of thinking that The New Race will learn to master. "Individuality" (illusory as that idea is) will be retained. However, the collective thinking of those individuals will be united, lending a multiplied force to all actions undertaken by the group.

Thanks for offering your views on the subject!

all love,

~ g

Nathan said...

That is where enlightened self interest comes into play:


Nathan said...

An example of the opposite of enlightened self interest would be a system that led to an extremely unequal distribution of wealth. The eventual "ends" of that system, if it were to continue unabated, leads to the "wealthy" having to live behind guarded walls in their mansions, or from a different perspective prisons, but they are constantly afraid their children or loved ones will be taken ransom or they will be robbed. That is the result of greed not of enlightened self interest.
A milder example of a result of an unequal distribution of wealth, a result of greed not enlightened self interest, would be the allocation of effort towards material items like Italian sports cars, for example, instead of furthering medical science or advancing education etc. These all have a myopic and self centered view in common and overlook the widespread benefits that a broader, human centered, viewpoint would have for everyone including the person in question. So I respectfully disagree that it is a necessity for the group to be over the individual and I am also not saying the individual should be over the group. I believe it is a false dichotomy especially when viewed from the vantage point that involves individuals who have realized that the well-being of the group impacts themselves and their well-being impacts the group. Part of this I believe is giving individuals the freedom to make any mistake, as long as they hurt no one else, so that they can learn and grow. The individual and group, in my opinion, are not neatly separable in reality though it may appear so from a viewpoint such as greed as exemplified above, one possible trait of many to do so. The vast majority do want what is best for all but it is easy to be deceived or seduced by self centered interests which come at the expense of what is best for all. Not that humans are generally very good at devising fair, balanced systems and if they do manage to do so it appears they generally reinterpret them in the worst possible way very shortly but with spiritual introspection and faith in oneself and others, avenues of enlightened self interest, I believe that also is a problem which can be solved.
A positive example of enlightened self interest would be the free education mentioned in my 1st comment.

BrotherGee said...


The term "enlightenment" is not understood on this plane. True enlightenment comes about as a result of contact with divine inspiration. When one becomes truly enlightened, one recognizes that the separated self does not exist. Without this recognition, one is still walking in spiritual darkness. Thus, in their truest sense, the concepts of "enlightenment" and "the self" are mutually exclusive and cannot co-exist.

The example of free education you gave is an example of group harmonics, as a single individual could not bring about and administer such a monumental under-taking. It would require the co-operation of many different sectors of society, from manufacturing to construction to teaching, etc., who would all have to voluntarily donate their time, efforts, materials and intellectual capital in order to help bring such a vision to light. This epitomizes what group-effort and Unity Consciousness is about.

To attempt to implement free education on the physical plane would be a waste of time, unless the curriculum could be changed. The "education" currently forced upon humanity is actually spiritually worthless. Its purpose is to train one to become a cooperative cog in the wheel of duality, sustaining the archons and aeons who feed upon our ether bleedings. The true education that humanity requires for its evolutionary advancement can only be administered when divine teachers are once again able to walk with man to teach him of his true origins, capabilities, latent abilities, future evolution and the Path to Liberation. This vision will not be realized until The New Earth is rebirthed and populated by those members of current humanity who will have qualified to become members of The New Race.

The intent behind your point-of-view is completely understood. However, the term "enlightened self-interest" would be more accurate if it were rendered as "enlightened group-interest". Unfortunately, on this plane, most philosophers and thinkers continue to view life from the perspective of "I" instead of "we".

Again, because each individual is an integral part of the group, when the group benefits, the individual benefits as well. This is always true (for those who vibrate in resonance with the group). Group first, individual second (but actually 'first' as well). Conversely, when the individual benefits selfishly for himself, the only group that can benefit from his actions are others who are similarly self-inclined. Selfishness, whether in the name of 'good' or 'bad' purposes, only serves to perpetuate the idea of separation, and separation always takes one in a direction that leads away from Divinity, not towards It.

all love,

~ g

Nathan said...

I agree with everything you wrote. The words archons and aeons are unfamiliar but the spirit of the words is understood. I usually try to interpret things in 2 ways; self centered and spirit centered, in order to hopefully relate them and get a better understanding of each. Maybe it is a little over-rational. In the above posts I was speaking about the latter spirit centered view which I view as the real reality, the one where human created, self perpetuating illusions are stripped away.
As far as education goes, I also agree. I believe the current systems we have are atrocious. A child's bright eyed wonder, amazing ability to and love of learning are in many cases crushed in the modern versions of schools, which have their roots in authoritarianism and discipline. I believe that an incorrect certainty about the lazy thriftlessness of human nature are the historic roots of the current system and that those views are most likely responsible for creating a greater chance of exactly what was feared, ie..laziness thriftlessness etc, while at the same time also instilling a learned lifelong aversion to learning. These consequences would not of occurred had humanity's natural wonder, love for and ability to learn been nourished in a manner that was not based on preconceptions about the perceived evil nature of humanity and was instead based on seeing the best in humanity and teaching to that.

Nathan said...

As an addition to earlier, enlightened self interest would be better qualified as Enlightened Self interest, the Self with a capital S signifying the totality of consciousness which some traditions differentiate self. If the latter case is combined with Enlightenment, with a capital E, interpreted as divine inspiration flowing from the Creator, then in that case Enlightened Self interest is not an oxymoron.
The biggest problem with communication between people is our inability to know how ones conceptions map onto the terrain. A big reason why religious works can be translated, interpreted and contorted in ways that cause mayhem in direct opposition to their intended purpose. This inability to see the spirit behind words definitely proves the need to rely on divine inspiration, as you said.