19 July 2011


So, what happens after we die (transition)?

Nothing, that's what. Well, not exactly "nothing".

First off, this writer is not an expert on these matters. The following relates portions of that which has been heard...

You pretty much "wake up" on the other side of the veil, in the astral realms, in your astral body. The first thing you'll probably notice is that you're looking at your own lifeless dense, physical body. The second thing you'll notice is that no one can hear or see you. The third thing you'll notice is that no matter how painful your transition may have been, you feel perfectly healthy, never felt better.

You're no smarter or wiser, you don't sprout wings or head to the Fire Pit. You're the same as you were five minutes ago, except that you are now using your astral counterpart to get around in. You'll spend some time coming to grips with where you are. Usually, a spirit guide or helper is sent to help the newly-transitioned to get adjusted because it takes a while for most to figure out that they are indeed, "dead".

But you are not "dead", except to those looking at your abandoned physical vehicle in the physical world. You are most definitely still alive. Your consciousness is in the process of withdrawing its focus from the physical world. While the higher parts of your etheric vehicle are for the moment still vital, the lower ethers (chemical and life ethers) remain with the physical body as it begins the early stages of dispersal, or what man calls decay.

You will go through the process of life review (the phenomena of one's life "passing before one's eyes"). This usually takes about 72 hours of earth time, which is why we are advised to leave the body alone for at least this amount of time after death. This allows the soul to focus on the life review instead of on the medical examiner hacking up the body or the funeral director pumping formaldehyde into the lifeless physical vehicle. Although one may be free of the dense body, there is naturally still a bit of attachment to it, and such scenes may be a bit disturbing.

One of the purposes of the life review is to allow the soul to see for itself the causes that produced the experiences in the life just led. Because the review is run backwards, in reverse, one first sees the experience and is able to trace it back to its root cause. Very effective and very necessary for the evolution of the soul.

It is said that one is offered the option of eavesdropping on their own funeral. Serves to give one an idea of what others may have thought about a person during life, and the impact one's passing may have had upon others.

The astral world has many levels, much like the physical. They range from the coarse, dense lower regions to the higher, finer realms. Where one initially ends up depends upon one's level of vibration at the time of transition. The lower regions are not where one wants to be. As ever, like attracts like. Whatever you were in life, or whatever you (over-?)indulged in by way of habit or addiction will still be desired but will not be available to you in these lower regions. You will be with other souls with similar coarse cravings and desires but there will be no way to satisfy them. How can a drunkard drink when there is no physical body to taste the liquor, smell the alcohol, feel the "buzz"? How can one "get high" off of dope if there is no physical brain to get scrambled by the chemicals? How can one enjoy wanton, lusty sex if there is no physical genitalia with its network of nerves and bloodflow to give one that sense of pleasure?

To have strong desires without a means of satisfying them. That, my friends, is what hell is. A very personal, custom-made hell created by the way we lived our just-ended life. Those who are consigned to this fate must remain in this agitated state until they release their focus on these habits and desires. They can ascend no higher than the lower astral until they cease to resonate with such low, coarse vibrations.

This is where the concept of purgatory originates from. Although now grossly distorted to imply indefinite suffering and punishment, it is simply a necessary part of the after-life. One must be purged of all lower desires before one can begin the ascent to the higher astral realms and then, the heaven-worlds. The suffering and punishment are the effects of causes that we put into motion during the earth-life just lived.

When it comes to death, people are afraid of three things, mostly:

- the pain associated with transition
- never seeing their loved ones again
- permanent loss of consciousness, ceasing to exist

Pain is something one may or may not experience, depending upon their personal karmic requirements. The best one can do is to treat the physical and subtle bodies with care so that one does not fall victim to disease. It also helps to try to stay out of situations that could result in serious or fatal injury. In any event, unconsciousness or coma stand ready to assist one in making a relatively pain-free exit.

As for our loved ones, we will see our loved ones again - all things being equal - in a very short while, in fact. Forty or fifty years do not pass by as slowly in the inner worlds.

Finally, we do not cease to exist. There is no death. Consciousness is continuous. This is a revelation that is usually reserved for after-death realization, but it would behoove all to start realizing that right now.

We should not waste energy worrying about what man calls "death". We should spend more time making sure that we live proper lives because we shall ultimately reap what we sow. The focus should not be on the "after-death experience". The best thing one can do about that is to pay close attention to the "before-death experience" called life. With the Great Transition looming over the horizon, separation from the physical vehicle is a possibility that we all must face.

The foregoing scenarios are examples of what normally happens. Keep in mind, however, that these are special times, and that there are miracles waiting to happen. This post is an attempt to illustrate that we should not tremble in fear at the thought of such a possible separation. Our focus must be on the now, on the Service that we are here to provide and to the successful execution of the Mission that we came here to participate in.

Remember, separation from the physical vehicle does not equal "death". Remember also, that it is how we live this temporary, physical existence that counts, not how we leave it. Have the strength and the courage to Live Right, Love Unconditionally and Serve Selflessly. Everything else will fall into place.

~ g

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