23 July 2011

The Smog Of Evil

Yesterday, a Norwegian man allegedly set off a bomb in downtown Oslo and then went on a shooting spree at a nearby young person's retreat. Here, we are presented with two acts that in today's world send shivers down the spines of millions, while sending millions of others into fits of seething, helpless rage: bombings in public places and violence against the young.

We were warned that before the end of this cycle, evil would have its day. By the looks of things, this prophecy appears to be in the process of being fulfilled.

Why? Why the unexplainable, senseless, horrific attacks on child and man alike?

It helps if we try to remember that we live on a mixed-vibration planet. On a mixed-vibration world, a wide range of thoughts and emotions are allowed to co-exist. Allowed.

All souls vibrate at an overall frequency which is a combination of the all the different vibrations present in that soul's etheric, emotional and mental bodies. When, via the Law of Atttraction (like attracts like) a particular vibration encounters an equal or similar vibration, it will increase in strength and will become that much more able to respond to like vibrations in the future. Thus, if one has hatred in their heart and that flame of hatred is continually fed, then each time a vibration of hate comes within that one's aura, the fire will grow and the actions of that soul will reflect the intensity of that fire.

Due to mankind's consistent wrong thinking and wrong actions over many thousands of years, huge thought-clouds embodying negativity of every description have been created. These thought-clouds circulate in the subtle regions of earth's atmosphere, like an invisible smog of evil. They are known as aeons. You cannot see these aeons, but they are there. They surround us daily, pass through our etheric, emotional and mental bodies every second, always probing, always searching for that like vibration within us that will give it a home.

It is to these aeonic influences that mankind unwittingly and unceasingly responds to while incarnate here on Earth. You're depressed. Why are you depressed? Because something in your aura resonates to the vibrations of the Aeon of Depression. You feel anger. Why do you feel anger? Because something in your aura vibrates to the frequencies being emanated by the Aeons of Anger. You feel hatred for this, that or the other person, place or thing? It is because within your aura are the vibrations that match those of the man-made Aeon of Indiscriminate Hatred Of All Life.

It is said, and rightly so, that "man does not live, he is lived". Through the agency of these aeons, even more nefarious beings called archons siphon from man the low, coarse, dark energies that they need to survive. You were given a hint of how the process works in the highly allegorical movie "The Matrix (Part One)", where mankind is asleep, plugged into a false reality while their true selves are imprisoned and used for food by hideous non-human creatures. Most have no idea how dead-on correct this allegory is, nor do they comprehend the important (but veiled) message that this movie was cleverly designed to impart. You may want to rent that DVD again.

When senseless things happen such as what occurred in Norway yesterday, they are either

a. the result of a human responding to negative vibrations that have reached a breaking point

b. planned and executed by dark forces who work to provide to these aeons and archons the low-quality vibrations necessary for their very survival. Vibrations that result from the predictable grief, anger and fear radiated by clueless, ignorant humanity.

In either case, for the archons and the dark brotherhood, it is a "smorgasbord of fear" composed of all the negative tasties that they love, crave and literally require in order to maintain their existence.

The correct way to respond to atrocities such as the Norway situation - or to any act of evil - is to remain detached from the event. Does this mean that we lose our ability to empathize with humanity's suffering? NO! It means that we learn to view the happenings of the phenomenal world from a higher vantage point. We learn to not simply react blindly to everything that happens, but to try and recognize what lies beneath many of the negative events that are presented for us to process. We must try to remember that there is always something more going on than what meets the physical eye. All physical events are simply the visible effects of some inner, invisible cause(s).

By taking on an attitude of divine indifference we do two things:

1. prevent the contamination of our aura by negative vibrations looking for a home

2. cease to provide the archons and aeons with the substances they need to continue their existence

3. Purify our auric fields, thereby assisting in the purification of the Earth's auric fields as well, due to our inherent connectedness to the planet's etheric, emotional and mental bodies.

Scoff if you will, but perhaps .000005 percent of the entire world's population have an awareness of the things just written. The majority of humanity has no clue as to how this world really works and the unwitting role that we play as fuel for dark energies. Have you heard of the phrase "Food Of The Gods"? Do you know what that 'food' is? It is us. It is the negative thoughts, emotions and etheric emanations of humankind. We, the prisoners, feed and sustain our jailers. Can't make it any more plain than that.

To summarize: be aware that we are completely surrounded by and submerged in a putrid smog of evil. Practice an attitude of detached indifference to the stimuli that constantly bombard you. Develop the higher, finer vibrations in your own aura by living lives of intelligent Seeking, unconditional Love and selfless Service. If we successfully elevate our auric vibration by incorporating the higher spiritual energies, we will cease to vibrate to the lower ones and will essentially be able to move through life unfazed by their attempts to influence us. In addition, we will starve our controllers that much more by depriving them of yet another potential food source.

Take the most fantastic science fiction book or film you've ever come across and it will always pale miserably in comparison to what is taking place in the Reality that is currently hidden from our view. But Knowledge is indeed Power. We must learn all that we can about our adversary, because they damn sure know everything about us.

~ g

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