31 May 2015


The Unknowable, Ineffable All creates but It also delegates the task of Creation to its creatures (see God, Inc.)

Logos: A Logos is the center of a system of creation. Its will is in harmony with The All and it faithfully carries out the Divine Plan of Evolution. There are Planetary, Solar, Galactic and Universal Logoi. There are probably ones that extend beyond those descriptions. A Solar Logos may have one or more planets subject to It. Most of the stars that one can see in the night sky are Solar Logoi. This means that they have at least one planet with sentient life orbiting it. That life may not be visible to the physical eye because that life may be manifesting in a different realm, or density, of matter (i.e., etheric, astral, etc.).

Cosmocreaters: These are beings who have the knowledge and ability to create life-forms. The ancient language refers to these beings as Elohim. These beings work in service of the Logos and create according to the requirements of the Divine Plan of Evolution. A sample of their work can be examined in a symbolic and summarized form in The Book of Genesis, where each of the Seven 'Days' actually encompasses many billions of years.

The following verses are excerpted from Genesis to illustrate two things:

1. how cunning is the work of those who secretly conspired to mutilate the Holy Language
2. how the defilement is so subtle as to go virtually unnoticed

In Genesis, Chapter 1, God creates the heavens, the earth, all creatures, then Man. Not the human image-bearer of today, but the true Original Divine Man.

"Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness - Gen 1:26".

The use of the plurals "us" and "our" is proof that, although in modern Bibles the singular spelling of 'God' is used in this verse, the original plural meaning still remains from the Hebrew translation, which used the word 'Elohim' instead. "In our image and likeness" indicates that the Divine Elohim created beings that were also Divine in nature.

The very next verse reads: "So God created man in his own image, male and female he created them Gen 1:27" Here, the translators return to the use of the 'God' in the singular but that is not what is important. What's important is the segment that states, "male and female he created them". This statement has been taken to mean that The All created men and women as separate beings. This is not the true case. It means that Original Man was created to include both polarities, male (positive) and female (negative). The result was a hermaphroditic, self-creating Divine being, one that did not require sexual intercourse with a mate of opposite polarity to re-generate. Again, clever sentence construction and the lack of true teachers to interpret the Holy Language has resulted in very serious errors in understanding.

Now for the final major deception embedded in the Book of Genesis. This writer refers to it as "the Second Creation" because in Genesis, Chapter 2, after the Elohim had completed the Seven 'Days' of Creation in Chapter 1, some other 'God' comes along and creates another heaven-earth along with a natural, aeonic race of men:

"And the Lord God formed Adam out of the soil of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being Gen 2:7".


Wait a minute. We just saw that the Elohim, in service of the Divine Plan of Evolution, had already created the hermaphroditic, self-creating, Divine, Original Man. Now we are presented with the exploits of a "Lord God". Please note: the creative entity in Genesis Chapter 2 is not the same as the entity in Genesis Chapter 1.

So, who is this "Lord God" and what did he create? Genesis Chapter 2 chronicles the creation of an un-divine human being, earthly man. A being created not in the pure, Divine image of the Elohim but from the clay of the earth and the "breath of life" (the vital prana obtained from the Sun and retained in the etheric double). This "Lord God" appears to be some other Cosmocreator (often referred to as "the demiurge") and this chapter records the creation of the physical human being as well as the separation of the sexes.

Biblical references aside, it must be made clear that the physical universe, the 7th Cosmic Domain, was intended to be a laboratory of sorts, a field of creation where Higher Beings, in service of the Divine Plan of Evolution, would work to create assorted life-forms in relative freedom and autonomy. These higher beings, these Cosmocreators, were to work with the substance of the material world while at the same time keeping themselves separate and apart from it. Think of it as standing over a large pool of water where you are allowed to put your hands in up to the elbow and build whatever you want under the water, but are forbidden to enter the pool itself.

Unfortunately, something happened during this process of Divine creation. Some of the Cosmocreators voluntarily entered the 'pool' in order to become one with their creations. Because of the strong magnetic pull of duality they were subsequently unable to extricate themselves and became trapped. This is what has been referred to since ancient times as 'the Fall of Man'. It is Original Man that is referred to here. A second group of their brothers, in an act of supreme mercy, followed shortly thereafter in order to do what was necessary to rescue them. This effort is referred to as the Divine Plan of Salvation of which the Universal Doctrines of Transfiguration and the Path of Return are significant components.

In closing, one should recognize that there are entities in this universe capable of creating human life-forms. This is a Divine responsibility entrusted to those who are linked with The All although there are entities who have managed to appropriate some of this knowledge in order to misuse it for their own selfish purposes.

~ g

25 May 2015

Earth Man, Heavenly Man


Our existence as earth-born beings is surrounded by a microcosmic Spirit-field. Just as the earth as a cosmos is embedded in the Spirit, so too is the microcosm surrounding us. Though the fourfold personality is entirely of the earth, there still exists the possibility for the earth-bound entity to become a New Man through the touch of the Spirit-field. There still exists the opportunity of another, new process of genesis, outside the human being, alongside him, even though connected with him. For the universal Gnosis is the central issue:

This alone is liberating, redeeming and healing for man: the Gnosis, the knowledge of and with God. It is the Path on which to climb Olympus. It is solely through Gnosis that the soul becomes truly good. Not at times good and then again evil, but good out of an inner need -- The Corpus Hermeticum, Twelfth Book of Hermes

Outside us, yet intimately connected with us, lies the possibility of a quite different creation, the genesis of an entirely New Man. It is not us, earth-born entities, who become new creatures, but a totally 'other' one. Alongside the earthly man is the Spirit-man. The one is of the earth, earthly; the other is of heaven, heavenly. Think in this context of the First Letter to the Corinthians (Chapter 15, verses 35 onwards). Then you will know, you will experience and see before you that Paul was drawing here on hermetic philosophy.

So it is not one that changes, but two. At any rate, there can be two: an earthly human being and a Heavenly Man in one and the same microcosm.

Now you will see to what extent the holy language handed down to us has often been mutilated and defiled. Because people did not understand all this, or did not want to do so. Because people lived under the great, self-made delusion of thinking that an earthly human-being could be made into a heavenly one. Earthly human-beings, serving and making an idol of the earth, clinging fast to the earth, sparing no effort for the earthly body, being willing to endure anything merely to keep the earthly body in existence, even, for instance, to undergo a therapy that involves the use of living cells -- and at the same time thinking one is of Divine lineage!

Do you understand now what Jesus Christ, who came to us as the Heavenly Man, as the wholly Other One, meant when he said: 'My Kingdom is not of this world'?

It would be out of the question for even one single earth-born entity to become a Heavenly Man; they are two distinct creations, two quite different creatures, sharply to be distinguished from one another.

So where do we stand with respect to the doctrine of transfiguration taught by the School of the Rosycross? Have you ever understood this doctrine properly? In essence, transfiguration means devoting oneself as an earthly, nature-born human being to the creation, the genesis of the Other One; to the vivification of 'the image with the dead eyes'.

Can we do that? Yes, we can. It is even our calling, our task. It is for that we have come into being. If we do nothing more than follow our natural urges as earthly beings, then, as we follow the road of dialectical experience, of rising, shining and fading, the time will come when death will take us. If, however, we take up our calling, we will see a Heavenly Man growing within our microcosm, who will stand before us as the wholly Other One. And through his devotion, his self-surrender to that Other One, the earthly man will one day die, merge and rise again in Him who is the Other One. This 'second death' then signifies the victory over death.

From "The Essential Mystery Of Man" The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. III - Jan van Rijckenborgh


We were born for only one purpose: to awaken the True Man that sleeps within our microcosm. The task is not a simple one, largely because of the following reasons:

1. We are born in forgetfulness, with the answer to the question "Why are we here?" buried so deep within our auric being as to be virtually undetectable.

2. We are under the control of a natural body, created from natural materials, living in and maintained by a natural world. This natural body hinders our ability to reconnect with the Divine Reality that is all around us.

3. We live in a world where the holy language that was left to guide us to the One Goal has been mutilated, falsified and defiled until the Secret Jewel that it contains is unrecognizable, even though it is staring us in the face.

4. Those whose responsibility it is to guide us to the Truth are, in reality, wolves in sheep's clothing. The priestly and kingly castes long ago abdicated their divine responsibilities, leaving us with only charlatans and chicanery.

Is it any wonder that man is lost, struggling under a delusion and afraid to take the necessary steps to escape from this cesspool he calls 'reality'?

Think of yourself as an egg, or a seed. Outwardly, you don't look like much, can't do much. But within every egg or seed is a mighty potential. It is no different with you. As above, so below. Your physical shell is but the outward casing of the egg. The Divine Seed sleeps within. If an egg is not properly incubated, it will remain an egg. If a seed is not properly cared for, it will remain a seed, to be eaten by the birds. If the human personality does not find the True Path and take steps to awaken his or her Divine Spark, that personality will meet death without having fulfilled its True Purpose, the One Goal of its incarnation.

Please note, however, that the Earthly Man cannot become the Heavenly Man, which is the doctrine of error that your churches and earthly philosophies teach. The process of transfiguration requires that the Earthly Man be left behind.

Like the egg, where the fluid within is transmuted and consumed to form the chick; or the seed, which is broken apart and discarded in order to allow the growth of the 'other one' within, so the human being must be willing to sacrifice his physical shell in order to free the Divine 'Other One' within. This is the 'death unto Life' that the Gnosis refers to.

If one cannot do this, if one cannot effect this tremendous act of self-surrender, then there is no way that one will be able to re-establish a link with the Divine Kingdom. When passing, the personality will head off to the reflection-sphere, the sham 'heaven' of the churches, where eventual and complete dissolution awaits.

The Gnosis is calling to you, it is calling to all of mankind. The Call is especially strident here at the end of this major world-cycle, as the sheep are being separated from the goats. Man faintly hears the Call and goes on a search, but due to the nature of his imprisonment (described previously), he invariably seeks in the wrong direction. Because the aeons of this nature have total control over man's physical environment (both material and reflection-spheres), the Seeker is in constant danger of choosing the wrong paths, following corrupted teachings and encountering countless spiritual dead-ends.

Something within you has managed to locate the Golden Thread of Truth. Although this is cause for great joy, do not stop here. Continue to gain insight about the nature of man's imprisonment and the blueprint for escape from same. Make the choice to follow The Path of the True Way in faith and humility. If you can do that, then all else will be added unto you.

~ g

17 May 2015

The Kingdom Within

"The Kingdom of God is within you".

Many read these words with little understanding as to their deep meaning. They may pretend to understand, but invariably, they do not. This post will attempt to make it clear. First, an excerpt from The Coming New Man, by Jan van Rijckenborgh.


Now an idea, as a creative energy, remains connected with its manifestation. This is a primal law. Thus the Divine Idea is constantly active in all Its manifestations. But as soon as the manifested being, the creature, no longer behaves in accordance with this Idea, a conflict, a rift occurs, impending doom threatens. First the Idea becomes latent in the creature and lapses into inactivity. If the creature continues on the fatal path of the counter-nature and becomes more and more split up, then the initially still latent Divine Idea gradually becomes weaker and finally disappears from the creature's system altogether.

In this manner a state of absolute perdition can be established by natural scientific method and so, too, it is understandable why 'all those who know' jubilate when, in any creature, the latent Divine Idea is re-awakened and takes the lead in his life again. Only to such a person it can be said: 'Verily I say unto you, the Kingdom of God is within you'.

Possibly, this requires some explanation. 'The Kingdom of God', in the sense as applied here, is the Spirit-spark atom already mentioned. Whoever possesses this Spirit-spark atom, whoever still possesses it, has the Kingdom of God within him; that is to say that God's Idea of the Immovable Kingdom has sunken into a state of latency within him. And the only purpose of the Universal Brotherhood is to awaken this Divine, primal atom out of its latent condition. If this process of salvation is successful in a pupil, a great primordial power is released within him and he is able to tread the Path to the Immovable Kingdom.

From "God - Archetype - Man", The Coming New Man - Jan van Rijckenborgh


People are constantly asking, "Where is God"? When told that God is within them, an element of disbelief surfaces. How can the Divine, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient One be found within the sinful ('sin' means error, not 'evil'), selfish, weak and sorrowful me? We struggle to figure out why, if God is within us, He does not show Himself to us. Perhaps the following analogy will help.

Imagine that there exists a glittering diamond of tremendous beauty. Wherever it is exposed to light, the light is reflected. Its facets gleam and sparkle in the manner we have come to know. Now imagine that the diamond is placed in a pit and several feet of soil is shoveled over it. The diamond is buried under the weight of the soil. It cannot receive light, it cannot reflect light. It still possesses these capabilities, but they cannot manifest themselves because of the soil that stands between it and the light. It's power of reflection sinks into latency.

We carry such a diamond within our microcosm. It is what we call the Spirit-spark atom. This single, tiny atom is the only part of us that is Divine. It is the portion of God that each of us carries within. It persists from one incarnation to the next, which is why it is also sometimes called the Permanent Atom. Our Divine Diamond, our Spirit-spark atom, has been buried under our cloak of matter. The more selfish and self-focused we are, the more "soil" we pile upon our Divine atom. The only way to free it from its prison and allow it to once again interact with the Divine Light, is to remove all of the "soil" we have heaped upon it over many thousands of lives.

To do this, we must focus away from ourselves and cease to live as if we were the center of the universe. Unselfishness, selfless service-to-others and gaining insight into the Transfiguristic process are the tasks we must take up in order to reawaken the Divine Spirit-spark atom within us. That single atom contains the Divine Archetype, the lines-of-force representing the Divine Idea. It contains everything we need to become Children of God once again. Once the Rosebud is awakened, it will slowly bloom into a Rose, a Rose with seven petals. Its Light will seek and find the Divine Light, because it has a natural affinity with the Divine Light. Our lost connection with The All will then be re-established, liberation from matter will be assured.

So, seek not without for That Which Lies Within.

~ g

10 May 2015

The Faithful, The Called And The Chosen


g: some italics have been added for emphasis

The work of calling by the Universal Brotherhood concerns a wondrous Radiation in our field of existence. It is a Radiation wherein, and we emphatically repeat this, all magnetic elements, all factors of compulsion are absent, and yet this Radiation does not leave any Spirit-spark entity at rest, because the Spirit-spark atom possesses a polarity with this Radiation. Therefore this action causes a continual stirring, a permanent feeling of being 'called', awakened.

Just as a radio set can be tuned to a certain wave-length and reproduces what is broadcast, so the Spirit-spark atom, by virtue of its nature, is continuously tuned to these cosmic vibrations of the Brotherhood and reproduces them within its own system. These vibrations are present everywhere in the nature of our isolation field, speaking a special language to everyone who is open to them. In every age, brothers and sisters have gone out to mankind to translate this language, to make it comprehensible, to explain the sense of the Calling Light and, thereby, concurrently to reinforce the effect of these Cosmic rays.

Thus you will be able to imagine that many millions of people in this world are 'called' in the full sense of the word; most of the pupils of the Spiritual School experience this call consciously. To be 'called', to know that one is 'called', to experience this in every fiber of one's being brings with it a great certainty, namely the certainty of being in possession of a Spirit-spark atom. However, there is at the same time a great danger in all this, the danger of developing a false mysticism and of the enormous delusion that can result thereof.

Suppose that you experience God's call and you talk about it, sing, write poems and otherwise give evidence of it, but for the rest remain exactly the same person as you were before. That is false mysticism! When you continuously say 'The Lord has called me', but take care to remain in the same old spot.

When a pupil speaks effusively about being 'called', or talks about the Brotherhood with a serene smile regarding what he feels in the heart, about the insight he receives but, at the same time does not show the slightest change in his mode of life, this is false mysticism! Just as a purring cat suddenly extends its claws in self-defense, viciously digging its nails into the victim's flesh, so many a person indulging in false mysticism will lash out and protest full of refusal and indignation when he or she is told that being 'called' presumes a going of the Path. The Gnosis demands your entire self, the forsaking of your entire attachment to nature. In response to its Call, it requires the offer of your I and the actual proofs thereof. False mysticism makes the grave error of imagining being 'called' as being the end of the process, but being 'called' is only an organic beginning, a kind of organic predisposition for the Cosmic rays concerned.

If, when 'called', one refuses to go the Path, one inevitably falls prey to the countless negative currents attempting to shackle mankind permanently to the Wheel* Every natural religion shows this characteristic and nourishes the ego-drive. Now you can grasp the words of the Christ when He spoke: 'Many are called, but few are chosen.'

* the 'Wheel of Death-and-Rebirth', upon which all humanity is currently trapped ~ g

Only when a 'called' person goes the Path consistently on the basis of his or her fundamental state-of-being, and when the Calling Light, as we said, becomes a lamp unto one's feet, does the moment come for the first contact by the electromagnetic field of the Cosmic Septenary. Only then does one begin to be drawn, seized, chosen (i.e., one enters a new metabolic process). This too is neither a compulsion, nor a danger, nor a premature birth in the New Life, but rather a fulfillment of the parable saying: 'And the father went out towards his son, and embraced him, and kissed him.' Then the prodigal son has returned home. He had to go the two Paths of the Rosycross: the Path of Dissolution and the Path of Resurrection. The precious Jewel in the Lotus radiates in the full brightness of a New Morning. The candidate is resurrected in the New Life. Every Spirit-spark entity is called to this resurrection.

In closing, a few words regarding Revelation 17*. There we read about the Cosmic Revolution, the agitation connected therewith and the victory of the Lamb. In the 14th verse we read that the victory will we shared by the faithful, those called and those chosen. The faithful are those who, although 'called', are not yet completely conscious of the fact but still react spontaneously by approaching the Spiritual School out of their innermost being. Those called are the ones who have become conscious of their state-of-being and, awakening, make the decision to Return. Those chosen are the ones who go the Way of the Cross with Roses and awaken reborn in the New Morning.

* They will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and those who are with him are called and chosen and faithful.” Rev 17:14

No matter on which of these three steps you stand at the present moment; if your motives are pure, your attitude in harmony with the demands, and your reaction accords with the Great Law, you will stand on the side of Freedom during the progressive division taking place in this world.

We pray that you may share in this Freedom that surpasses all understanding.

From "The Inevitability of the Way of the Cross" The Coming New Man - Jan van Rijckenborgh


We can't just talk about it, we have to be about it. Purified thoughts and purified emotions must be transmuted into deeds. It is our actions that will provide proof as to whether we are going the Path with all the dedication that we can muster or whether we are just posers, simply pretending to be one of the Faithful, Called or Chosen.

~ g

05 May 2015


Turn on a radio, any radio.

What happens? Sound comes out of it. But how? From where?

The 'how' is called radiation. Radiations, vibrations of a particular wavelength and amplitude are transmitted from some central point in a 360-degree radius. We cannot see these vibrations, we cannot feel them, we cannot even hear them...until we turn on the radio. Even then, we have to tune to a certain frequency in order to hear what we want, otherwise we will hear only static.

Now, take a look at the Divine Spark, the Spirit-Spark atom that is located in the center of our microcosm. It is akin to a two-way radio, because it both sends and receives vibrations. Not just any old vibrations. This single atom radiates a very subtle, Divine vibration and is set to receive vibrations of the same Divine frequency. How is this done?


If one's desires are earth-focused, the subtle radiations broadcast by the Spirit-Spark atom will be drowned out by the lower vibrations of our coarse desires. Conversely, it will not be able to detect or receive any of the finer Divine radiations that permeate the atmosphere around us, nearer than hands and feet.

In order to make it easier for the Rose of the Heart to hear The Call, we must purify the desire-life and the thought-life. We are the radio. Our desires turn the dial. Our actions reveal the station we are tuned in to.

The Divine radiations are always here. Although, like radio waves, these Divine vibrations are not seen, heard or felt, nevertheless they are still here, patiently waiting for us to tune in to the proper station and begin receiving.

Change the station. Turn the dial.

~ g