22 March 2015

The Prodigals

Those of mankind whose microcosms carry a Divine-Spark, a sleeping Rosebud represent the Prodigal Ones. Contrary to conventional belief, we were not placed on earth to gather "experience" and then, after one or thousands of lives, parlay that experience into some sort of "initiation" that will convert us from human-being to angel. All of that is a subtle distortion of the true situation.

Those who carry the Spark within were, in a time long-ago, already Divine Beings equipped with tremendous powers of Wisdom and Creativity. These Divine powers were used solely in the application and furtherance of plans of the Logos - the Divine Plan of Evolution. We had access to these powers because we were linked with the Logos, via Spirit. God's Will was our will! The All created Its works via the hands of Its creations!

But while working in a lower realm, a cosmic "laboratory", the etheric realm of the 7th Cosmic Domain, we encountered something that we had been warned about. The pull of Duality. The symbolic Tree of Good and Evil (not "Good or Evil, "Good and Evil", the two are linked. That is duality). The magnetic interplay of opposites that characterizes the etheric-physical realm. This magnetic attraction is what allowed us, as Divine Beings, to create within this lower realm, but we were to maintain a distance from those things that were being created.

Unfortunately, a portion of these Divine Beings did not heed this Warning. Whether via curiosity, insolence, arrogance, self-regard or self-indulgence, the net effect was that the microcosms of these Beings "fell" into the creation that they were working in and lost their God-given powers in the bargain. The link with Spirit was severed. We were estranged from God and have remained so for many millions of years.

Thus, we were stranded in the cosmic laboratory. We could not return to the Divine Kingdom (the 6th Cosmic Domain) for our microcosms had too greatly degenerated. We were microcosms without a home, steadily crystallizing into Matter and in danger of being permanently lost to Oblivion.

With great Mercy, The All commanded that a New Lower Realm be created for these "fallen" microcosms. A temporary, emergency-order of existence that would be in harmony with their new lower status. That realm is what we know as the Physical Universe. This includes not just the planet Earth, but every planet, solar system and galaxy in the 7th Cosmic Domain. All of what we see when we look up at the sky is fallen - neither divine, nor of the super-nature. There are countless beings on countless other planets laboring under the same delusions as we are.

This was the genesis of the plan to save the Prodigal Ones. The Divine Plan of Salvation. Because we, as microcosms, have forgotten the Way Home, Sent Ones are periodically inserted into our fallen realm to help show us the way. That "way' is what is known as The Path of Return. When properly taught and followed, it is the quickest, safest and most effective way for a microcosm to escape the 7th.

The "experience" that humans slowly gain in this lower realm all boils down to this:

- in duality, nothing is lasting. Everything eventually turns into its opposite
- there is no true happiness in the physical universe
- mankind's spiritual and social leadership is corrupt
- the souls of mankind are longing for Something but do not know what it is
- humans want to "go to heaven" but do not know where it is or how to get there
- no Truth can be found on Earth

All of this "experience" is designed to push humanity to a breaking-point, a Borderland. Life after life, humans take up the struggle anew, looking to obtain a "happiness" that does not exist, with predictable results. The "experience" gained is retained in the lipika of the microcosm and used to create a new personality with perhaps the right combination of attributes that will allow it to fight through the Haze of Delusion and begin to Seek the Path of the True Way.

After many ages of failure, you as a personality represent your microcosm's greatest chance of accomplishing the Return. Why can that be said? The fact that you show any interest at all in the Gnosis is proof-positive that you have reached the Borderland, that you want out, that you are through with the glamour of the Earth and wish to dissolve as a personality and liberate the Other One within.

This is a glorious start. You have located The Path. But the pull of Duality is still strong, so attention must be paid. You will be hounded and tempted every step of the way. The Jailer will not relinquish its Prisoner easily. But no matter what happens, continue to strive, continue to persevere! For a Rope has been let down from the Divine Kingdom with the intent of raising up as many as can hold onto it. The Rope will be lowered and hoisted continuously until the very Last Day, until the end of this Age.

We, as microcosms, have come very, very far. As a group, as a brotherhood, we are now this-close to successfully returning Home. With open arms, the Kingdom awaits its Prodigals. It is for this Coming Reunion alone that we live.

"Immerse yourselves in this Mixing Vessel, you souls who can; you who believe and trust that you will ascend to Him who sent down this Vessel; you who know for what purpose you were created".

~ g

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