21 March 2012

The 'Sent Ones'


First of all, we must define the radiation-field of the Universal Chain of Brotherhoods and, secondly, the power-field of the 'Sent Ones'.

The radiation-field of the Universal Chain of Brotherhoods is populated by entities who have attained a state of life on a higher level than the natural one. They have been liberated from matter. They form an order of increasingly pure, holy and divine beings, one great hierarchy of human spirits who are consciously able to impel the light of the Holy Spirit to activity. So we can call them direct members of the Body of Christ. They   become 'one of us', and for that purpose they bore a light-shaft between our natural state and the Kingdom which is not of this world.

That is how this Hierarchy of the Light manifests itself, and it draws around itself a circle of  'Sent Ones'. This circle is linked directly with the Divine Light that shines into this world of death in order to save what threatens to be lost.

Where do the  'Sent Ones' come from so suddenly? In them speaks not only what we call 'pre-remembrance', but at the same time a certain predisposition, a pre-destiny, even though they are still imprisoned in biological fetters.

From the Fama Fraternitas R.C. we learn that the Universal Doctrine descended with Adam, right from the very first moments of The Fall. This means that ever since the first second of The Fall, efforts have been made to save mankind and a circle of  'Sent Ones' has existed. Of course, in those early times, man's body was not so crystallized as it is now. His heavenly body had not yet died and his dualistic system was still in the process of development.

In that situation, a group of human beings arose from among all the others, in whom was imprinted something else in addition to pre-remembrance -  a certain sensitivity to the touch of the heavenly Hierarchy. As soon as the Hierarchy willed it, this faculty would begin to speak in the 'Sent One'. The ancient mystics called this pre-disposition 'the treasure of the wondrous jewel', thereby referring to a certain activity of the serpent-fire.

In every period of human development, a number of these pre-destined entities who are ennobled to it by their way of life and who, for whatever reason, have risen to such a mission, are used as Sent Ones. As we said, every Sent One bears within him the wondrous jewel; his serpent-fire is in that particular condition. The spirit-soul nucleus in the head has its foci in the heart, head and pelvis and as such, is the Holy Spirit in its effect.

There are many men who carry the jewel within them and yet are not eligible to work as Sent Ones. Why not? Because their jewel is too tightly locked  in dualistic fetters; because it is still too closely bound to matter and dualistic appetites. Eventually, once such a person has become 'burnt out' with respect to nature, once he has reached a dead end within himself, the jewel may perhaps begin to speak again.

You should understand the words 'burnt out with respect to nature' in the right way. There are those who are bound to the wheel of birth and death who come into the world with the firm decision, from youth on, to devote themselves to the soul and through it, serve others, come what may. Such persons can also be used as Sent Ones. All the others will first have to be healed of their self-inflicted wounds in the radiation-field of the Christ, before later being permitted to be Grail-bearers, with youthful and dedicated vitality.

All Sent Ones bear the same signature: they serve from their youth onwards; they dissociate themselves from dualistic lower life, and they work in a state which is as pure as possible. By all of these things, they show that they are burnt out with respect to nature. For them, dualistic life no longer offers any basis.

Well then, a bonafide Spiritual School is formed by a group of Sent Ones who are known to be reliable. There are various grades  of Sent Ones, but it is very difficult to describe them because they have such individual variations. However, with the help of others, every Sent One constructs a force-field, a magnetic field of work with which the Universal Chain of Brotherhoods links itself at the appropriate time.

Seen as an order, the Brotherhood of the Golden Rosycross  is a higher unity. For the rest, there is a wide diversity of brothers and sisters who are sent out to many different countries and who are quite independent as to their missions. All of them, however, have this in common:

- they are bound to one another by their mission;
- they are bound to the Christ by the jewel;
- they are bound to their task by their attitude to life;

By this threefold fellowship the brothers and sisters recognize each other.

The predisposed entity takes up his task relatively early in life. Around him, he spreads the light of the jewel he bears within him, and in that light he makes his first preparations. If these preparations find favor in the eyes of the Chain of Brotherhoods, the Hierarchy forms a link with the light of the jewel; with the light that the jewel produces, spreads and radiates.  In this way, the magnetic field is formed.

In the force-field of the Sent Ones there should be active, among other things: the merciful soul-power of the Christ, and the creative essence, which is the fire-ether emanating from and generated by the Holy Spirit. As a result of the activity of the reflecting- and light-ethers, as well as of higher astral substance, abstract thoughts develop in the magnetic field, so that the divine radiations can express themselves therein as the Universal Doctrine without being deformed in advance by any concrete thought.

Brothers and sisters, you are being called by such a magnetic field. As soon as you have made your personal decision, you will be admitted to such a force-field. Your conscious link with the Magnetic Body of the Spiritual School must be made on the basis of the three-fold fundamental law of the Christ-mysteries:

Unity - Freedom - Love. Amen.


From "The Light-Vesture Of The New Man" - J. van Rijckenborgh

The Call issues forth to all who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Your past does not matter. Your station in life does not matter. What matters is your present and future attitude to life. What shall you choose? The nature of death with all of its gaudy trinkets and its inevitable ending? Or the new life-field, the Bridge to a New World and life eternal?

The Ark is now boarding. The gangplank is preparing to be lifted.

Let come all who will.

~ g

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