19 March 2012

Failure Of The Pure Idea

Religion. The word comes from the Latin 'religio' or 'religare' which essentially means "to bind, or link". This is accurate because the original purpose of the True World Religion was to 're-link' mankind with the Divine. As the ages passed and mankind sank deeper into matter, this pure religion became corrupted, then fragmented, until it is now a mere shell of what it once was.

Government. In the distant past, nations and nation-states were led by divine priest-kings who were literally descended from the divine realms. These were the times when "the gods walked among men". These priest-kings ruled with love and compassion, for their mission was to lift their people out of darkness and into the Light. As man sank deeper into matter, the people no longer listened. The divine rulers were forced to abandon the earth in order to allow humanity to experience the harsh lessons that would result from their corruption. Greedy kings and corrupt royal families took the place of the divine rulers. Eventually, revolutions overthrew the greedy kings and greedy civilians took their place. Today, the idea of benevolent rulership is a shell of what it once was, as the halls of government are now populated by the worst that humanity has to offer in the way of statesmen and women.

Banking. Banking was once a noble and honorable profession. Bankers provided a valuable service during a time when it was extremely dangerous to travel with large amounts of gold and silver coins jingling in one's purse. Because today's coins are made from worthless scrap metal, many have never heard the sound made by coins composed of precious metals. It is a distinctly metallic, jingly sound that the robbers and highwaymen of the day knew well.

The job of the banker was to safely store your money until you returned from your travels. For that, he charged a small fee. Eventually, that idea got corrupted as well, as greedy people gravitated towards the banking business. They invented the idea of "fractional reserve banking" where, if you deposited $10,000 with them and went away, they would keep say, $1,000 on hand and lend the remaining $9,000 out to other parties at interest. If you came back early from your trip and asked for your $10,000, all you might get was a sheepish grin and a shrug of the shoulders. But these greedy persons were also cunning and shrewd, and it was easy to show a trusting client a safe full of his $1,000 worth of gold (combined with the gold of others) and convince him that his money was "all there". So now, instead of just being a simple caretaker of other people's money, they became usurious lenders as well. i think we all know how that turned out.

So, what's your point? The point that is being made is that we can't base our attitude towards life on what we see around us. What we see around us is the degraded, defiled, desecrated remains of once-noble traditions. We can't denounce the idea of government just because man has tarnished the reality of it. We can't vilify the idea of banking, in its purest sense, simply because flawed humanity has corrupted the institution.

And it is complete folly to denounce the one reality of The Christ or His mission simply because the churches, temples and meeting halls are administered by vipers, have hidden or distorted the Holy Language and have cruelly shed the blood of millions of innocents over the past few thousand years. That would be akin to looking at the Great Pyramid of Giza and remarking "what an ugly, useless pile of rocks". The edifice that we see today is nowhere near what it was during the time of its former glory and usefulness.

All of these institutions were borne out of the noblest of ideas, the purest of intentions. Although the current reality is a now a sordid mess, a Pure Idea still rests behind each of these institutions. When The New World has completed its re-birthing, the Pure Ideas that once were shall return to mankind. The Divine Helpers will re-appear to once again assist humanity in 're-linking' with the Divine Realms. The Earth will be populated by the seeds of a New Race of humans who will understand what group-unity really means; who will live to serve, who will think of what's good for the group, before themselves. When a Pure Idea is placed before those with pure hearts, the product of that idea will also be pure.

To all who would turn away from what is True simply because you were "brought up" in a certain religion or are 'agnostic' or, worse yet, 'atheist'...the following warning applies: you are making the biggest mistake that you could ever make, all based upon the apparent 'failure' that you see around you. What you see is the result of the failure of men to maintain the purity of an Idea. It does not represent failure of the Pure Idea.

Seek. Find. Know.

~ g

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