20 March 2012

The Bridge In The Desert

We live in a fallen, un-divine universe. The One Goal of Humanity is to leave this un-divine universe and return to the Divine Universe from which we have fallen. This begs the question: how can we do that if everything about this universe is fallen? Where is our divine life-raft? Where is our divine rope?

It begins in our hearts. Located in the upper right ventricle of the heart is a single divine atom, composed of divine substance. Long ages ago, when humanity "fell" into matter, this primordial atom was the only part of our divine heritage that we were able to carry with us. This atom sits in the geometric center of our microcosm, a spot that corresponds with the previously mentioned ventricle in the heart. We call this divine atom the "spirit-spark", or, the "rosebud". Fully open, it is a rose with seven petals, but this Rose is closed for so many men and women. However, when the rose-atom is touched by the gnosis, the Rose of the Heart will start to bloom, its petals will begin to unfold. This unfolding attracts more divine light, and will continue to do so as long as the candidate maintains the link.With the establishment of this link, the process of transfiguration -  the transformation of the soul - will have begun.

"But wait a minute!", one might say. "How can we attract more of what is divine if we are engulfed on all sides by what is un-divine? Where is this 'divine light' coming from?". This is a very good question. It is absolutely true that the divine cannot partake in what is un-divine. For one thing, the divine vibration is so strong, so powerful, that if it were to fully manifest itself in our fallen universe, all would be incinerated. We would immediately cease to exist. So, in order to reach the hearts of humanity, this divine energy must be 'stepped down' to a frequency that humanity can handle and safely respond to.

For this purpose, a group of souls set out to provide this service for mankind. They were to supply a location within this un-divine universe where the divine radiations, the gnosis, could be kept in close proximity to humanity. They were to act as a 'transformer station', a 'bridge' of sorts, between fallen humanity and the Divine Kingdom.

It took many ages to build this location in time-space. Primarily because there were precious few humans who were of a pure enough nature to attract these divine energies. But, as is evidenced by what happened 2,000 years ago, a location was indeed built. It started with one very special human being, then twelve, then five hundred, and so on, until today all can be assured that this Bridge exists. It has been built and it is fully functional. From a specific location on earth, members of the Universal Brotherhood constantly project divine, Christine rays, showering the entire world with a power that is not of this world. Without ceasing, they put forth The Call and patiently awaiting man's response.

Our response.

Once we respond to the call of the gnosis, our Rose opens and we are immediately linked to this divine field of life. From that point, we have available to us all the attributes and capabilities of the divine realms, but we must maintain our link by staying on The Path. This link serves as an umbilical cord of sorts, where etheric and astral energies can be delivered to us as we begin the process of transfiguring our microcosms.

The special entities spoken of earlier were able to construct and maintain this divine fortress within these undivine confines due to a massive group effort. They have managed to form a 'vacuum' of sorts, where a stepped-down radiation of the Divine Light may dwell.

We call this vacuum "the Vacuum of Shamballa". It's location: the Gobi Desert.

Next: The Sent Ones

~ g


Anonymous said...

Hey there! Do you use Twitter? I'd like to follow you if that would be ok.
I'm undoubtedly enjoying your blog and look forward to
new updates.

BrotherGee said...

No, my friend. No tweets here!

all love,

~ g