29 September 2011

The Two Nature Orders

The drawing above attempts to describe the universe that humanity believes it "lives" and "dies" in. Unbelievable as it may appear, difficult as it may be to grasp, it is nonetheless the truth. Outside of the perception of most humans is another universe, an eternal, divine order of existence. Humanity currently lives in exile, cut off from the divine kingdom.

The following is posted as a service to all who seek.


Our nature order -- the world of 'duality'

The evidence of our senses tells us that everything which comes into existence in the world we see around us will someday turn into its opposite. This constant interchanging of opposites is the fundamental essence of our world. In our yearning for absolute values -- for lasting peace, love, and truth -- we often tend to overlook that inescapable fact. Nevertheless, logic alone is enough to tell us that everything which comes into existence is going to disappear someday; it is only transitory, never absolute.

Think about this for a moment. Nothing we are, nothing we do, nothing we can create is going to last; sooner or later, it will all decay and return to where it came from. We are transitory creatures of an ever changing world. We begin to age and decay even before we leave our mother's womb. Nothing is perfect in our world.Nothing can last in our world. Change and death are the only two laws we can absolutely rely upon. They surround us inexorably, like prison walls. This fact is confirmed by Lao Tzu, Buddha, and all the world's great religious teachers.

So hasn't it ever struck you as strange that, in spite of the inescapability of imperfection, change, and decay, we still yearn for a perfect life? Haven't you ever wondered how it is possible, in view of the facts of life, that human beings can even have any notion of absolute values? How did the idea of the absolute, of perfection, even enter our heads? Where did it come from? Certainly not from the world we see around us.

Look. Someday, every one of us is going to die, and yet we maintain a kind of conspiracy of silence, a shared fantasy, in which we live our lives as if death did not exist! And if you have ever experienced the loss of someone close to you, you may have observed that there is a part of you that will never accept that this person has gone, no matter what beliefs you may or may not have about an afterlife. Wherever do we get these passionate longings for the everlasting, for the absolute, when all the evidence of our senses tells us that they do not exist?

Well, the concept of the 'two nature orders' offers an answer to this question. … we often refer to the nature order in which we live as the world of 'duality.' We use the word 'duality' because our world is characterized by constantly interchanging opposites. This 'dualistic world' includes not only the material, visible world we see around us, but also the realm our subtle bodies inhabit when we are asleep, and even in the after-death state.

The original, divine nature order

Apart from, separate from this 'dualistic world,' but occupying the same space, is another, quite different nature order. This second nature order is characterised by perfection, absoluteness, eternity. [We] call this second nature order the 'immovable kingdom,' because in it, duality and the interchanging of opposites do not exist. There is only an eternal growth and development, from glory to glory, and from power to power.

So you see, the eternal values, the absolute truth, freedom and love we long for really do exist, but not in our world, not in the world we belong to, the dualistic world.

Why does the dualistic nature order exist?

To understand why this dualistic world exists, it helps to remember that there is a plan underlying creation. [It is known as] 'the divine plan.' You could imagine the divine plan flowing like a stream, with a certain direction, momentum, and destination. Every creation is free to move in and out of the stream at will, gathering experiences along the way. However, as long as the creation always returns to the stream and remains, overall, in harmony with it, it will be carried along by the current, and all will be well. But if, in free will, a creation wishes to maintain itself permanently in a state not in harmony with the stream of the divine idea, what happens then? Let us try to see the logical answer to that question.

We can imagine what happens if we continue with our analogy of a stream of flowing water. If a creation seeks to exclude itself from the flow of the divine current, because it wants to hold onto some aspect of it, and make it permanent rather than allowing it to flow, it can only do so by becoming crystallized, like a heavy stone in the water. Then, because it is crystallized, heavy, it can no longer experience the helping, carrying effects of the current, but will experience its flow as a series of buffetings, just as any obstruction does when placed in flowing water.

This is a much simplified image of how the two nature orders have come into existence: the divine nature order -- where the helping, carrying, continuously developing effects of the divine stream are experienced; and the dualistic nature order -- the world we know -- in which the correcting effects of the divine stream are experienced, so that nothing is allowed to last and everything is constantly brought back to its starting point.

The Fall

Now can you see that becoming subject to the second system of laws -- the correcting system -- effectively isolates the creature from the world in which the first system of laws -- the divine system -- operates? And can you see that such a creature, that has deviated from its underlying plan, will remain isolated from the order of nature to which it originally belonged until such time as it chooses to return to the divine plan?

The Universal Philosophy teaches that, in the distant past, a large group belonging to the human lifewave did indeed decide, in free will, to deviate from the plan underlying their existence. In this way, they isolated themselves from the divine nature order and became confined to the dualistic order of existence. The result was that, eventually, all the faculties they had been able to use while still subject to the first, divine system of laws, atrophied, and they fell into a dormant state, in which they could not die, because they were eternal, but in which they were inactive, asleep.

The Task of Humankind

If you have followed us so far, you will be able to see in your mind's eye the dormant sparks of fallen, divine humanity, like seeds, unable to live, but unable -- either – to die. What could be done to rescue these dormant creatures? To bring them back to a state of true life again?

Consciousness and will are needed for this task, but the fallen divine creatures no longer have any, in their dormant state. Where can that consciousness, that willingness, come from? Well, [we are taught] that the human race as we know it was created for precisely that one purpose -- to act, consciously and willingly, as servants, for the restoration of the original, divine creature. That is the task, the calling, of every human being, and if we succeed in it, we too will be able to share in the life of eternity.

We, mortals, are not that divine creature, but we bear it within us, as a dormant spark. And it is within our power to allow that dormant spark to come alive again, and to return from its state of exile to the divine world, its home, the 'House of the Father.'



26 September 2011

The Greatest Love

"THOUGH I SPEAK with the tongues of men and angels, and have not Love in my heart, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not Love in my heart, I am nothing.

And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not Love in my heart, I gain nothing.

Love is long-suffering and kind; Love does not envy; Love does not make a vain display of itself, and does not boast, does not behave itself unseemly, seeks not its own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil; rejoices not over iniquity, but rejoices in the Truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails; but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part and we prophecy in part. But when that which is Perfect is come, then that which is imperfect shall come to an end.

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

For now we see through a mirror, darkly; but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known.

And now abide faith, hope, Love, these three; but the greatest of these is Love".

1 Corinthians 13

The Love that Paul speaks of is not the earthly desire-emotion which we mistakenly call "love". It is The Christ, which is Love Itself, that he is referring to. It is this Love that we are to welcome into our hearts. It is this Love that will make transmutation and transfiguration possible. It is this Love that beckons us home.

~ g

10 September 2011

Spirit, Soul, Body, Harvest

Spirit -- that portion of us which is closest to The All, The Logos, God.
Soul  -- that portion of us which Spirit uses (or attempts to use) to communicate its aspirations to the Body
Body -- that portion of us which is farthest from The All, The Logos, God
Harvest -- a reaping of that which has been sown

Spirit is Divine. Soul and Body, in this dispensation are fallen, un-divine.

The purpose of this trinity is to bring Heaven into contact with Earth. Spirit works through the Soul to communicate its aspirations to the Body. The Body, as the final link in the chain, acts in accordance to the directives that the Soul has received from Spirit. If those directives are divine in nature, the actions of the physical man will be divine as well. If these directives are un-divine, well, you can fill in the blanks.

Many, many thousands of years ago, the Souls of Men were sufficiently pure to act as a proper channel, an intermediary, as it were, between Spirit and Matter. Tragically, Man slowly fell victim to the forces of Fear and Darkness, thereby clouding the contents of their Souls and effectively cutting off pure communication between Spirit and Matter. This disconnect resulted in Mankind's loss of contact with The All, The Creator. Having lost our knowledge of Oneness with The All, Fear became our master. The Souls of men were no longer pure enough to receive accurate directives from Spirit. What was passed on to the Body were distorted reflections of what was True. Man walked, and still walks, in delusion and darkness.

As long as the threefold body is cut off from the threefold Spirit due to the pollution of the threefold Soul, Man will continue to walk in darkness. If Man were left in this condition permanently, he would sink deeper and deeper into depravity, perversion, violence and hate. Eventually, tragic and permanent destruction of the Soul would take place. This is not desired by Creator.

In an attempt to save Souls and provide a means by which Souls could return to an eternal, divine existence, an emergency order was established here on Earth, a divine plan of salvation. This emergency order was to serve as a temporary haven for the wayward Souls of the human life-wave (that's us). It would allow these Souls the freedom to completely experience what was "not divine", in the hopes that eventually these Souls would begin to seek what was divine and form a desire to return to a divine state of being. To do this, a physical body was necessary.

The Soul would use the Body to "take a dip into matter" for a short period of time, living in the material sphere. At some point, the Body would be discarded and the Soul, with its accumulated karma, would retire to the other half of this dualistic emergency order, the reflection sphere, or "heaven-worlds". There, the Soul would assimilate its experiences and spend a period of time in review, re-education and recuperation before its karma impelled it to once again return to the physical plane.

Prior to a Soul's return to the material sphere (re-incarnation) situations, relationships and events would be set up as part of a plan designed to coerce the Soul, during physical life, to somehow re-establish its contact with Spirit. Every incarnation is set up with this Ultimate Goal in mind: To re-establish contact with Spirit so that Spirit can lead the Soul out of darkness and back to the Divine Kingdom.

This is the over-riding purpose of our repeated incarnations upon this planet. It is hoped that we will suffer so much from the consequences of our ignorant, self-focused, mis-directed earthly behavior, that we will someday look to the heavens and cry in despair: "What is the point of all this pain and suffering? What must be done to escape this misery for good? Where is the path home? Where does salvation lie???".

When the Soul of the Man has tired of The Game, when the human begins to actively and sincerely seek a way out, it is then that a cry is sent forth from the human, which resounds and reverberates throughout the fallen universe. This cry of Searching, this cry of Seeking, this cry of Despair and Longing is always answered.Within the Heart of every fallen human is a single divine atom. It is the only part of our fallen being that is made of divine material. Because like attracts like, it is the only part of us that can attract and respond to divine influences. When "The Cry" is heard, Divinity responds, and this sleeping, divine spark of the heart is struck.What happens next depends entirely upon the human.

All good things must come to an end, however. We have reached the end-point of this particular major cycle of time in this particular emergency order. It is now time to "round up" those Souls who are closest to being able to effect a return to the Divine Kingdom. This round-up is commonly called The Harvest, for just as we nurture and care for our gardens and plantings, the time comes when the fruit ripens and must be picked, otherwise it will spoil on the vine. This period of Harvest is here now. Suitability for harvest will be determined by the state and condition of each individual Soul.

Some Souls will merit a return to the Divine Kingdom, where they will re-unite with Spirit, regain full-consciousness and achieve immortality. This is the Greater Harvest. Other Souls, who have reached a minimum level of suitability for Harvest but are not yet ready for "liberation" will be taken aside and advanced to a higher plane of physical existence, where they can continue the work of achieving The One Goal in relative peace and unity, free of the dark, nefarious influences of mixed-vibration 3D existence. This is the Lesser Harvest. At some future point, these Souls will have to return to 3D existence in order to attempt to achieve final Liberation. This must be so because a human must be in possession of all of their vehicles, right down to the dense physical, in order to obtain Final Liberation from matter.

Both the Lesser and Greater Harvest represent a freeing from 3D existence. Those laggards who do not qualify for graduation will have their Souls purged completely. Memories of all past lives, past karma will be erased. These individual Souls will be emptied, effectively ceasing to exist. They will remain "asleep" for a long period of time, until a new Day of Manifestation dawns which will afford them the opportunity to begin, once again, the ages-long journey towards The One Goal.

That's about as simple as it can be explained. No Angry-Old-Man-with-a-Beard-and-Booming-Voice mercilessly "judging" us. Simply Creator's Divine Plan of Salvation working its way towards it's inevitable, unchangeable climax. Just another Cosmic Cycle of Time coming to a close and the Fruits of a long-ago planting being readied for Harvest.

The future of your Soul now rests indisputably in your own hands. The importance of that knowledge cannot be over-emphasized.

Prepare Ye.

All Love,

~ g

09 September 2011

The Biological Phenomenon

Man, for all his vaunted "achievements" is unable to recognize the following fact: that we are but one step removed from the animal kingdom. The thing that sets us apart from the animal kingdom is the gift of a mental body which allows us to reason. We are able to rationally compare things and make decisions based on those comparisons.

The problem is that man does not use this faculty properly. The mental faculty is abused or worse, it is led about through the nose by our desires. The heart controls the head. It is only when head and heart are first purified, then permanently joined together and united in their functioning that man will begin to see progress towards godhood.

Right now, we are little more than glorified animals, lost and out-of-control. We are supposed to be a Spirit-Soul-Body trinity. Unfortunately, Spirit has been separated from its two lower aspects. The Soul, the microcosm, the intermediary, must be cleansed completely in order for Spirit to take up Its home there. This would unify the three aspects and allow Creator to truly experience Its material Creation through a fully conscious humanity..

The body is an important link in this chain. It is the chemical laboratory which is instrumental in the physical Transformation of the human. It is a sad shame to see people wasting their incarnations by abusing their bodies. They have no idea that they are destroying their own ticket to liberation.

We are not a finished product. We are simply a biological phenomenon, a headless body, a potential bridge to the next phase of our evolution. We must work to make our Temples a fit place for Spirit to inhabit. Especially now, in this critical period, where many, through the Grace of an Age, will be given the opportunity, the boost, to make that Transformation.

Love and Serve your fellow man, in whatever small way you can. Don't poison the body or the mind with chemicals or intellectual filth. Turn off the television. Learn as much as you can about humanity, our Predicament and our Promise. Distance yourself from this world. Seek true Knowledge. Know Thyself. Prepare. So much awaits those who are able to see what is over the horizon.

~ g

06 September 2011

Get Over Yourself

Some may not react to well to what they are about to read. Let it be so. There comes a time when certain things need to be voiced aloud, the truth placed in the open so that Man can have an opportunity to breathe it in a little. Whether people react favorably or not is of little importance. What matters is that they will have been exposed to something that may not have been previously apparent. Where things go from there depends on the individual and their level of seeking.

This post is about you, or should we say, this post is about who you think you are.

Look in the mirror. What do you see? The reflection of a physical apparition. This physical apparition we call "I" or "me". Because our bodies are not transparent, we cannot see the internal organs. Because most of us are not clairvoyant, we cannot see the invisible ethers that are used to construct and animate our etheric, astral and mental bodies. Therefore, we gaze in the mirror, able to view only the outer shell, and classify what we see there as "I" or "Me".

We are seeing through a glass darkly. That physical apparition, your human body, is nothing more than the final and most dense vehicle of the four vehicles of consciousness that combine to form your personality. This word "personality" has been misused for so long by the common man that it has lost its true meaning. The root of the word "personality" is the Latin word "persona" which means "mask". Our integrated bodies are but a mask used by our Consciousness to perform certain acts in the four lower worlds (mental, astral, etheric, physical). All four vehicles have important roles to play. Due to ignorance, man is hopelessly in love with his physical vehicle and cognizant of no others. This is to his detriment.

The four-fold personality is, in turn, enclosed in concentric fields of magnetic activity. One can say that we are encircled by these fields. These magnetic fields, in conjunction with the four-fold personality comprise what is called a microcosm ('little cosmos'). The average microcosm is completely in tune with the dualistic powers, the archons and aeons that rule this fallen world. All impulses to action come to us by way of these rulers, powers and authorities. Humans are firmly linked to these influences. We dutifully perform in whatever way we are impelled by these aeonic masters, all the while mistakenly believing that the impulse to do so originates from our own so-called "free will".

The best analogy available would be that of a marionette. The marionette dances gaily on stage and appears to have a certain autonomy, a voice of its own, a will of its own. However, out of sight and hidden from view, are the hands of the puppeteer, deftly manipulating the strings that are attached to each part of the marionette. It is the will of the puppet master that the marionette executes, not its own.

We think, we feel, we act, but our thinking, feeling and acting is not inspired by Christ-consciousness. We were disconnected from this Consciousness ages ago. The consciousness that now inspires us is a fallen, "self"-consciousness. This fallen self-consciousness is linked strand-for-strand with the unholy rulers that firmly grip the lower portion of the invisible worlds.

You think you are free, but you are not. You are allowed to "live" only so that these rulers can gorge themselves on the ether-bleedings you emanate. Whenever you express any self-focused thought, desire or action of any kind, you give off (from your four vehicles of consciousness) vibrations that are invisible, yet very, very, tangible. Meanwhile, outside of your range of perception, there are a host of unseen entities who literally survive off of these emanations. The more selfish, hateful, greedy, lustful, vengeful, etc. thoughts and emotions we allow ourselves to entertain, the more of these pernicious emanations we produce. Now, just multiply this by 7 billion human beings behaving mindlessly, impulsively and recklessly for a prolonged period of time and it would have to occur to you that the "beasts" we are feeding must be quite large and quite powerful, indeed. Big, healthy babies, thanks to man's ignorant self-focus.

As these powers feed continuously, they grow stronger. They issue unending rounds of powerful influences and shower them liberally over mankind. Again, we mindlessly respond to these impulses, thereby generating fresh ether-bleedings, unwittingly keep the food-chain-of-the-gods going. When we are no longer able to radiate these low-vibrating ethers, or when we have completely abused the physical body to exhaustion due to our constant reacting to the aeonic influences, we shrivel up, wither and die. We discard the physical body and take our remaining vehicles to the heaven-worlds, the reflection sphere. There we exist for a spell, slowly disgarding our remaining vehicles one by one, until finally the personality, the you-that-was, ceases to exist. All that remains is the microcosm and the karma that it has accumulated from past incarnations over the ages. This is the "second death" referred to in the New Testament.

At some future point in "time", that microcosm will be impelled by its karma to return to physical life. It will pick up fresh mental, astral, etheric and physical vehicles. It will be born into this world as a new personality. The "you", the personality that lived (was lived, rather) during the late 20th century is no more. This new personality, possessing no memeory of its previous lives, will take up the accumulated karma of its microcosm and begin serving yet another sentence of pain and suffering on the prison planet Earth.

How do we escape this Treadmill of Misery? This ever-turning, never-ending wheel of Death and Rebirth? Returning again and again to the physical plane only to provide sustenance and strength for our Jailers? People ask rhetorically, "what is the purpose of Life?". They ask this question never expecting to get an answer of any kind, let alone one that makes sense. In light of the foregoing, now pay heed to the following:

The purpose of every fallen personality is to escape the control of the rulers - the archons and aeons, to restore the fallen microscosm to its former divine stature and to escape the fallen realms (including the Wheel of Death and Rebirth) forever. That has always been the purpose, the Goal. However, over untold billions of incarnations, only a very few have yet been able to fulfill that purpose. How then, can it be done? What can one who is exhausted and through with duality do to make good their escape

First, we must get over ourselves. The current "you", - Mr. Smith, Mrs. Jones - is simply a temporary manifestation, a biological phenomenon. A mask, a role. We have to stop seeing ourselves as "I" and "me", as separated, individual consciousnesses. The current "you" does have a purpose, but that purpose is not "to be rich", to be famous", "to be happy", "to be me", etc.

Second, we must consider our plight, consider our lives, consider our destinies and consciously decide if we are going to choose to continue to be "lived" in this way, or will we call out for the thread of Salvation that is being offered to mankind at this time? Are we truly through with duality and all that it has to offer, both "good" and "bad"?

Third, we must make a fundamental reversal in our way of living. We must completely reverse the way we think, feel and act. We must practice a negation of desire, cease responding to the impulses that bombard us from minute to minute.

Fourth, we must call out to the Christine radiations and open our hearts to receive It. It is this Power, this Grace, that will do the work within you, the work of clearing out the Temple so that contact with the archons and aeons can be severed, to be replaced by a new contact to be made with a divine consciousness - Christ Consciousness. It is this infinite Light, this all-encompassing cosmic power that can deliver those who sincerely seek its healing. It is this cosmic power that is being offered to all of mankind as this critical major world cycle comes to a close. With The Harvest now imminent, you have before you a golden  opportunity to be truly free. However, no one can (or will) force you to take the Outstretched Hand. The decision to take those first, firm steps towards Liberation is left up to each and every individual personality.

Just remember that for every step you take towards The Christ, He will take two steps towards you.

Get over yourself. See the bigger picture. Accept the Grace of an Age that is being offered during these final days. Seek to fulfill your true Purpose. Together, let us work to achieve the One Goal.

"For your conflict is not only with flesh and blood, but also with the angels, and with powers, with the rulers of this world of darkness, and with the evil spirits under the heavens" Ephesians 6:12
(Peshitta New Testament - Lamsa translation)

~ g

01 September 2011

The New Kingdom - Conclusion


Presently small glimpses of the approaching new reality may be had, as if through clear, bright windows or portals that occasionally appear. Those who are sensitive and intuitive are beginning to perceive with greater clarity and awe through the thinnest parts of the veil that surrounds the Earth plane, directly into the sphere of eternal Life itself. They are able to feel its holy breath, hear its call, respond to it and so prepare themselves for the greater Revelation and Grace to come. Such glimpses are generally brief and fleeting; most last only a few seconds or minutes of sudden epiphany; some may continue for hours, and in certain very special cases even days or weeks. Yet one single moment of that Grace from above is able to bestow such a profound blessing that all the concerns and tensions of this life are instantaneously dissolved, and so a glimpse is all that is required for the elated recipient to know and taste something of the coming glory and divine accomplishment. At such times one's faith and consecration may be strengthened a hundred-fold as one's life is positively transformed.

As the end of the cycle approaches, these glimpses will become more regular, tangible and real for a growing number of people, interspersed with stages of purification and integration. Gradually their duration will be extended, until finally the new world will become more real and true than the old, familiar world, which will be seen to be passing away. Perceptions will therefore be reversed, and it will be the old world that shall then be seen only in glimpses, as those who are able will cross over to the other side of the veil and emerge into the new and brighter reality. Ultimately, and should the natural process of cleansing and regeneration be allowed to complete its course, the renewed human race will find itself breathing and functioning from within the sphere of divine Light itself. It is at this time that those who have been blessed amongst mankind will come to fully know what it means to be in the world but not of the world, and will proceed to offer a hand up to all struggling life on Earth.

The effects that the dawning new reality will have on the manifest aspects of life on Earth will be dramatic, profoundly affecting all the kingdoms of this world, from the mineral right up to the human levels of consciousness. As the new and higher vibrational sphere penetrates the subtle planes of the planet it will purge the Earth of all unintegrated energies, thought forms and emotions. This process is already underway and is being experienced by many people as a kind of inner Armageddon, a growing tension between the incoming light of the new Kingdom of Souls and the outer material world.

This is also the time that planet Earth herself has long awaited: her birth into a higher expression of life, facilitated by the cosmic energies and forces released by way of the precise mathematical motion of the cosmic clockwork, the rotational procession of the sun, the planetary spheres and the zodiac. The Earth is soon to release all of the cumulative pressure that mankind has placed upon her over millennia of abuse and misuse of her resources for selfish ends. Soon all of her kingdoms will be restored to their former virginal state, the Edenic state of pristine wholeness and vibrant, health-promoting life. Once balance is restored to the Earth and so is brought back into harmony with cosmic law, it will again provide a stable and supportive matrix from which the new humanity can reach upwards towards greater light, access the higher spheres of life and so more readily attain the Goal of life. On the old Earth the door leading to the Divine has for ages been very obscured and closed to all but the most advanced souls due to mankind's widespread pollution of body, mind and soul, and the highly contagious atmosphere of selfishness, greed and fear that this has engendered worldwide. The New Earth, free of all grossness and impurity, will once more, like before, come into alignment with the divine Plan, functioning again as a graceful sphere for divine realisation; a world in which all inhabiting beings may pursue with greater ease the sole purpose of life via the process of holy Transfiguration.


Excerpted from "The New Kingdom"


The New Kingdom - Part I


JUST BEHIND THE FACE OF THIS WORLD AND ITS HUMANITY awaits a new reality, a reality of untainted beauty and light. It has been given many names but is known equally by all who can feel and recognise its purity. It is the Promised Land descending from the heavenly realms, the long-promised return to Earth of the Kingdom of Souls.

This new sphere of life is presently still subtle in the world but will, over time, become more and more tangibly apparent to all who have prepared themselves to receive its light by co-vibrating with its purpose. It will become more and more visible to those who, through their selfless consecration and divine yearning, have cultivated the inner vision with which to perceive it.

The new reality is not of this world and so is completely unaffected and untouched by the sufferings, the pains and the struggles of earthly life. It contains no duality in which to swing back and forth in endless polarity. It is free from the extremes of light and dark, right and wrong, good and bad, and all the other pairs of opposites that perpetually toss mankind's consciousness from left to right, and which have for ages bound the mass of humanity to the pendulum of restlessness and suffering.

This approaching sphere of light possesses ethers that are clean and bright, new and vital. It is catalyzing on Earth a higher level of consciousness that vibrates closer to the Universal Harmony. Like a divine Sun its sacred nature is inherent within each and every outgoing energy-stream that radiates forth from its heart, blessing, purifying, unifying and vitalizing all beings, liberating mankind from the trammels and struggles of mundane existence in merciful benediction. As this divine Light returns to Earth, extending its grace to all as was long ago promised, it gently invites humanity to enter into its healing, protective sphere, embracing souls in its warmth and love before again leaving this world with them for Freedom's shores. This reality is today shimmering forth just beyond the clouds of Earthly perceptions and preoccupations, preparing to lift those who are able to receive it upwards into ever greater experience and realisation of the Truth, which it so perfectly embodies.

As time passes and man and his planet approach the end of an age, this approaching Light is progressively penetrating the densities of our world, irresistibly permeating even the grossest, darkest corners of the Earth. Moving from the inner planes outwards, the new Kingdom of Light dispels the shadows of this world. The radiance of the leading periphery of this divine sphere is presently only to be experienced within the upper regions of human awareness: some of the higher levels of being that inform and sustain this world and its humanity. Those whose focus is primarily upon the material plane and their own needs and problems do not possess the inner faculty required to perceive the growing presence of the new reality in its earlier stages of manifestation. It therefore remains invisible to the unaware, yet it is affecting all life on Earth.

For millennia visionaries and spiritually aware people have anticipated the arrival of this new and higher order of life, but it is only today in these times that it is slowly but surely making its presence felt. We are emerging from a great planetary cycle and entering a new era, and the complete renewal of this world and human race is imminent. A new world is being born on both inner and outer levels of the Earth, the planetary phoenix is rising from the ashes of the old world. The advent of the new world is now close enough for sensitive hearts to feel something of its reality and proximity, to hear its pure tones, to sense its sweet cadences. It is a whispering promise of Home, and from beyond the general human perception, behind the appearances and illusions of this world, it calls to all mankind.


Excerpted from "The New Kingdom"