06 September 2011

Get Over Yourself

Some may not react to well to what they are about to read. Let it be so. There comes a time when certain things need to be voiced aloud, the truth placed in the open so that Man can have an opportunity to breathe it in a little. Whether people react favorably or not is of little importance. What matters is that they will have been exposed to something that may not have been previously apparent. Where things go from there depends on the individual and their level of seeking.

This post is about you, or should we say, this post is about who you think you are.

Look in the mirror. What do you see? The reflection of a physical apparition. This physical apparition we call "I" or "me". Because our bodies are not transparent, we cannot see the internal organs. Because most of us are not clairvoyant, we cannot see the invisible ethers that are used to construct and animate our etheric, astral and mental bodies. Therefore, we gaze in the mirror, able to view only the outer shell, and classify what we see there as "I" or "Me".

We are seeing through a glass darkly. That physical apparition, your human body, is nothing more than the final and most dense vehicle of the four vehicles of consciousness that combine to form your personality. This word "personality" has been misused for so long by the common man that it has lost its true meaning. The root of the word "personality" is the Latin word "persona" which means "mask". Our integrated bodies are but a mask used by our Consciousness to perform certain acts in the four lower worlds (mental, astral, etheric, physical). All four vehicles have important roles to play. Due to ignorance, man is hopelessly in love with his physical vehicle and cognizant of no others. This is to his detriment.

The four-fold personality is, in turn, enclosed in concentric fields of magnetic activity. One can say that we are encircled by these fields. These magnetic fields, in conjunction with the four-fold personality comprise what is called a microcosm ('little cosmos'). The average microcosm is completely in tune with the dualistic powers, the archons and aeons that rule this fallen world. All impulses to action come to us by way of these rulers, powers and authorities. Humans are firmly linked to these influences. We dutifully perform in whatever way we are impelled by these aeonic masters, all the while mistakenly believing that the impulse to do so originates from our own so-called "free will".

The best analogy available would be that of a marionette. The marionette dances gaily on stage and appears to have a certain autonomy, a voice of its own, a will of its own. However, out of sight and hidden from view, are the hands of the puppeteer, deftly manipulating the strings that are attached to each part of the marionette. It is the will of the puppet master that the marionette executes, not its own.

We think, we feel, we act, but our thinking, feeling and acting is not inspired by Christ-consciousness. We were disconnected from this Consciousness ages ago. The consciousness that now inspires us is a fallen, "self"-consciousness. This fallen self-consciousness is linked strand-for-strand with the unholy rulers that firmly grip the lower portion of the invisible worlds.

You think you are free, but you are not. You are allowed to "live" only so that these rulers can gorge themselves on the ether-bleedings you emanate. Whenever you express any self-focused thought, desire or action of any kind, you give off (from your four vehicles of consciousness) vibrations that are invisible, yet very, very, tangible. Meanwhile, outside of your range of perception, there are a host of unseen entities who literally survive off of these emanations. The more selfish, hateful, greedy, lustful, vengeful, etc. thoughts and emotions we allow ourselves to entertain, the more of these pernicious emanations we produce. Now, just multiply this by 7 billion human beings behaving mindlessly, impulsively and recklessly for a prolonged period of time and it would have to occur to you that the "beasts" we are feeding must be quite large and quite powerful, indeed. Big, healthy babies, thanks to man's ignorant self-focus.

As these powers feed continuously, they grow stronger. They issue unending rounds of powerful influences and shower them liberally over mankind. Again, we mindlessly respond to these impulses, thereby generating fresh ether-bleedings, unwittingly keep the food-chain-of-the-gods going. When we are no longer able to radiate these low-vibrating ethers, or when we have completely abused the physical body to exhaustion due to our constant reacting to the aeonic influences, we shrivel up, wither and die. We discard the physical body and take our remaining vehicles to the heaven-worlds, the reflection sphere. There we exist for a spell, slowly disgarding our remaining vehicles one by one, until finally the personality, the you-that-was, ceases to exist. All that remains is the microcosm and the karma that it has accumulated from past incarnations over the ages. This is the "second death" referred to in the New Testament.

At some future point in "time", that microcosm will be impelled by its karma to return to physical life. It will pick up fresh mental, astral, etheric and physical vehicles. It will be born into this world as a new personality. The "you", the personality that lived (was lived, rather) during the late 20th century is no more. This new personality, possessing no memeory of its previous lives, will take up the accumulated karma of its microcosm and begin serving yet another sentence of pain and suffering on the prison planet Earth.

How do we escape this Treadmill of Misery? This ever-turning, never-ending wheel of Death and Rebirth? Returning again and again to the physical plane only to provide sustenance and strength for our Jailers? People ask rhetorically, "what is the purpose of Life?". They ask this question never expecting to get an answer of any kind, let alone one that makes sense. In light of the foregoing, now pay heed to the following:

The purpose of every fallen personality is to escape the control of the rulers - the archons and aeons, to restore the fallen microscosm to its former divine stature and to escape the fallen realms (including the Wheel of Death and Rebirth) forever. That has always been the purpose, the Goal. However, over untold billions of incarnations, only a very few have yet been able to fulfill that purpose. How then, can it be done? What can one who is exhausted and through with duality do to make good their escape

First, we must get over ourselves. The current "you", - Mr. Smith, Mrs. Jones - is simply a temporary manifestation, a biological phenomenon. A mask, a role. We have to stop seeing ourselves as "I" and "me", as separated, individual consciousnesses. The current "you" does have a purpose, but that purpose is not "to be rich", to be famous", "to be happy", "to be me", etc.

Second, we must consider our plight, consider our lives, consider our destinies and consciously decide if we are going to choose to continue to be "lived" in this way, or will we call out for the thread of Salvation that is being offered to mankind at this time? Are we truly through with duality and all that it has to offer, both "good" and "bad"?

Third, we must make a fundamental reversal in our way of living. We must completely reverse the way we think, feel and act. We must practice a negation of desire, cease responding to the impulses that bombard us from minute to minute.

Fourth, we must call out to the Christine radiations and open our hearts to receive It. It is this Power, this Grace, that will do the work within you, the work of clearing out the Temple so that contact with the archons and aeons can be severed, to be replaced by a new contact to be made with a divine consciousness - Christ Consciousness. It is this infinite Light, this all-encompassing cosmic power that can deliver those who sincerely seek its healing. It is this cosmic power that is being offered to all of mankind as this critical major world cycle comes to a close. With The Harvest now imminent, you have before you a golden  opportunity to be truly free. However, no one can (or will) force you to take the Outstretched Hand. The decision to take those first, firm steps towards Liberation is left up to each and every individual personality.

Just remember that for every step you take towards The Christ, He will take two steps towards you.

Get over yourself. See the bigger picture. Accept the Grace of an Age that is being offered during these final days. Seek to fulfill your true Purpose. Together, let us work to achieve the One Goal.

"For your conflict is not only with flesh and blood, but also with the angels, and with powers, with the rulers of this world of darkness, and with the evil spirits under the heavens" Ephesians 6:12
(Peshitta New Testament - Lamsa translation)

~ g

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